Big Nate! (intro/backstory)
Hey Y'all!
Whew, I've been a pretty busy gal since my Derby Day adventure, which I'm sure you've read by now ;)
If not? Then go check it out:
In the last couple months, there has been: a trip back to Nashville, a motel pool adventure, a couple repeat performances from my local black caregiver Deron, some local college parties involving BIG black football players, a new potential female running buddy/protege (also college age), etc. More on some of that stuff later, but for now I want to tell you about something that's currently happening. As in: RIGHT NOW!
First of all, you will need some back story on a gent I call BIG NATE!
I had mentioned him briefly during my Derby Day encounter (part 3), but here is the full story:
I met him last winter. I had been out with some friends for a dinner event, so already made up and looking nice in LBD (Little Black Dress), black heels and black thigh high nylons...I was feeling a little frisky and in the mood for something new and fun. So instead of heading home, I swung by that lounge. You know, THAT lounge with the very urban music and clientele, where I first met Tyrone and most recently had my Derby Day fun. Yes, THAT lounge!
It was already late by the time I got to the lounge. Business looked to be a little slower than I expected but there were a few prospects. The loungue is split into the more crowded side with the dance floor and then a back side that's a little more low key, people having dinner and drinks. I went to the back side.
And that's when I spotted Big Nate.
My first reaction upon seeing him was that he was a guy I went to college with. Of course, that's probably just me being paranoid and my fear of getting recognized. He caught me looking at him trying to figure out if I knew him or not...of course he was looking at me for different reasons, I think LOL.
Anywho, even tho I realized he *wasn't* the guy I knew from college, I went with it and used that as an opening. "Hey...did you play football at _______?" Him shaking his head 'no'..."You're name isn't 'Vernon'...?" and him saying that no, his name was Nate. And then quickly adding that I could sit there with him and he would keep me company until 'Vernon' got there!
Ha-ha! OK, Nate got jokes!
I had to reward his wit by taking him up on his offer...right?
I noticed the empty plate in front of him and correctly guessed that he was not a local out for the night, but someone traveling on business...which appealed to me much more at the time. I'm so worried about running into locals here who know my family. Anywho, Big Nate (as he says everyone calls him) was from Pennsylvania but traveled thru here for work regularly, at least once a quarter or 6 weeks.
Big Nate let me know that he DID play college football, just not at the same school where Vernon did. Back in the day, I had classes with Vernon and he used to hit on me in a very sneaky and polite fashion, never in a perverted way, just letting me know that the offer was always on the table. Of course that was back when I would have NEVER done anything with a black guy...but now, luckily for Big Nate, that wasn't the case anymore, was it?
Big Nate was a big thick-bodied guy about my age and very dark skinned, which of course I liked. He was funny and easy to talk to, and I was having a very good feeling about this. It was c-c-c-c-cold outside, so I warmed up with an alcoholic coffee drink. Now, I don't drink much and would normally just nurse one in a situation like this. But I was so cold and the drinks were so yummy, I had downed a couple of them before I realized it!
This was of course loosening me up and making me even more flirty with Big Nate. Over the course of the next hour, I had crossed my legs in his direction and he was looking at them like they were a big bowl of banana pudding and he was ready for dessert! He asked if I wanted to dance, and I said no thanks that these heels I wore weren't good for dancing...and that in fact, I'd rather be someplace where I could just take them off entirely.
Now Big Nate had this look like: "Is this really happening to me?" on his face, ever since I sat down. He clearly got the hint about taking my shoes off, but looked nervous about pulling the trigger. He ordered a shot of Hennessy and offered me one as well. After he downed it, he took a deep breath and then let me know that I would be welcome to take my heels off in his room, if I wanted to....
"Why, Big Nate!" I said with my hand on his thigh and rubbing against him. "I thought you'd NEVER ask!"
He paid his tab and we headed towards the elevators....
I LOVE that feeling of letting myself get picked up in a bar by a strange black man, and that walk of anticipation and subsequent elevator ride in delightfully awkward silence. Watching him fumble with the door of his room to get it open…obviously anxious. I was too but playing it cooler, not letting see my hands were trembling also.
Entering the room, HIS personal space…taking the little tour and coyly sitting in the edge of his bed and crossing my legs. Dang, was that already sweat on his forehead…? LOL. Reaching for my shoes, but then instead lifting one leg towards him and asking him if he "would be a sweetie" and take my heels off for me? Sure I could’ve done it myself…but it was better watching him drop to one knee and reach for my ankle, my shoe looking like a Barbie prop in his HUGE black hands. Telling him I'd give him a dollar if he'd be a real gent and rub them for me.
Leaning back and purring as he gripped my feet and began massaging them. Looking down at the dazed and glazed expression on his face as he rubbed my feet and stared at my legs. At his angle he could see far enough up my dress to see the tops of my thigh highs. If his eyes kept moving up he might get a glimpse of my thong panties and the wet spot I could feel spreading in the middle of them. And if he kept on looking past that he probably saw my nipples stiff and poking at the front of my dress.
Anywho...I endured as much of his foot massage as I could...the tingling had spread from the soles of my feet up thru the rest of my body, especially strong in my extremities, nipps, and of course my pussy, which was beginning to absolutely THROB. My head was swimming, too...
Finally, I leaned forward and took his big pumpkin head between my hands and got closer until we were practically nose to nose. Scooting forward had caused my feet to slip out of his grip, but now his big gorilla hands slid up my legs and were now on my nylon-covered thighs at the top of my dress and my feet resting against his lap.
One thing I liked about Big Nate was how much of a regular guy he was. Well, except for size, but everything else he was just a regular middle-age black man, decent job, funny but not particularly out-going...his face was average to below-average, I guess...wide with jowls, receding hairline that he was trying to keep shaved off.
I know he went down to the lounge tonight to have dinner and a couple drinks, maybe check out the crowd and maybe, maybe 25% chance of talking to a woman...and probably less than 5% chance of getting more than talk. Never in his wildest fantasies would he have allowed himself to fantasize that a hot blonde would slip next to him, flirt with him, and come up to his room with him.
But there I was, defying those odds and sitting on the edge of his bed, his hands on my legs, and now my face an inch away from close our eyes were almost crossing and we were breathing the same air. He couldn't seem to think of anything clever to say at that point, and to be honest? Neither could I. I felt like all the air had gone out of the room and we both seemed to be panting a bit. I noticed how dry my lips suddenly were, and when my tongue slipped out to wet them, they wound up touching his fat purple lips, too...
and then it was on!
My tongue touching his fat lips was like a spark of electricity, causing us both to flinch...and immediately led to:
Passionate making out!
Hot sexy UNDERRATED making out!
I mean, lips slowly melting together until our faces are fusing and we share one mouth. Tongues slthering in and out, truly sucking face.
Gradually pulling him back with me onto the bed and partially on top of me, moaning and purring, lips smacking, the weight of his body on mine in a GOOD way...not smushing me, but giving me that feeling a man-sized MAN pressing down.
Holding onto his big pumpkin head while I used my mouth and lips to make love to his mouth. FEEELING how much he WANTED me, how much PASSION and pure DESIRE was burning in him for me. I could feel it in his touch and taste it on his lips, could hear it in his breathes and grunts. Could feel his heart POUNDING as he pressed against me and I guess he could feel mine, too.
Wrapping one stockinged leg around his wide waist, beginning to grind against him rhythmically...feeling him begin to grind the same rhythm back at me, making me smile and my body tingle even more. His big meaty hands all over me, squeezing my breasts and drifting down to my thighs.
One downside to my otherwise sexy little dress, is that it's one piece...he was unable to slip his hand up inside my top to get at my boobs. So...I grasped his wrist and directed it up my skirt and to that warm wet spot that I mentioned was spreading across the center of my panties. We *both* gasped when his fat fingers touched me down there...him, gapsing in surprise at how wet I, gasping because he grazed my clit.
After some rubbing on the outside of them, his fat sausage fingers slipping past my panties and into my warm wetness and OH MY! I arched my back and groaned like a real slut at this! He had BIG FAT BLACK FINGERS, probably bigger than many white guys' dicks (LOL) and it felt SO AMAZING to feel them sliding in. I used to think fingering was overrated (clit action being better), but now I'm starting to think that old-school fingering (esp while making out!) is HOT and takes me back.
He knew what he was doing down there, his fingers inside me while he thumb rested on my clit and flicked across it. OH MY! My pussy was beginning to twitch and spasm uncontrollably. His hand was so big and dominating my pussy while his thick body had me pinned down and his big pumpkin head was over my face and filling my view, kissing me and sticking his fat tongue in my ear and up and down my neck...
That quickly!?!?
It felt AMAZING, and soon I was clutching at his hand, begging him to please PLEASE just stop for a second, it felt almost TOO GOOD and I was afraid I was going to lose control and pee all over the bed! NOW I know how it feels for guys when I make them come with my mouth or hand or feet and they start spasming and jerking away from me! LOL.
I finally pulled his hand up to my mouth so I could taste me on his fingers. OH MY, AGAIN! The taste of my come on his ebony fingers was making my head spin and did I mention how BIG his fingers were? LOL. Filling my mouth up, and I was now pretty sure his fingers were DEF bigger than my white ex-'s little pink weenie. :)
I opened my eyes and was suddenly a little embarassed when I saw the shocked expression on his face. I guess I *had* been sucking on his fingers pretty intensely with my eyes closed and moaning, like some kind of sex-crazed white slut. (which I guess was a pretty good description of me!)
"Get it out," I panted to him while glancing down at his bulging crotch. "I want to suck it..."
Reaching down to help him unzip, asking: "You gonna let me suck that big black dick, aren't you?"
LOL, he may have been super-sized, but you should have seen how fast he moved ripping at his belt! I jumped up and helped, tearing his shoes off and his pants and boxers down. His dick popped out and bobbed in the air like a diving board. Nice, big glorious black dick I LOVE THEM! It was impressive and I could only imagine how much bigger it would've seemed if he didn't have that roll of fat around his mid-section...?
I'd love to say I took my time and teased him...but that wouldn't be true. He was still kicking his boxers the rest of the way off past his feet when my head dipped down to his crotch and buried my face down in his balls and the underside of his dick. OH MY OH MY OH MY! I *LOVE* that scent of a new black man I've never had before!
And don't get me wrong, he was a clean guy...had probably showered before going to dinner...but a man his size? He's gonna get sweaty quicker in places skinny guys don't. His crotch (and body) had a strong musky odor of pure African masculnity. Not in a gross way at all, but he had such a strong a****listic male scent about him that was turning me inside out. And this was AFTER I had already came!
I whipped my hair back so he could SEE me sucking his big black balls and working my thirsty mouth up the underside of his throbbing black shaft. Making horny gobbling noises as I LOUDLY smacked my way up his dick to the head. OMG, moaning SO LOUDLY as that first taste of that area under the foreskin...him throwing his head back in pleasure. But I made sure he was looking as I studied that glistening dab of pre-come on the tip of his dick. I wanted him to SEE me dip my tongue into his opening and pull that pre-come back into my mouth.
And I def wanted him to watch when I stretched my lips open W I D E to wrap them around his plum of a dick head and begin sucking on it. I was SO THIRSTY for his black dick and went to work on him like a vampire. His balls in my hand were so heavy as I massaged them to work that nut up...and I was sucking so deep and hard on him, like I was trying to suck his very soul up and out of his body...
Yeah, I knew this one was going to end up in my mouth...and that was more than OK with me I mean, things were so hot and urgent and he was very anxious, horny, and ready to pop. Maybe if I hadn't already come, I would've maybe slowed things down and we might've fucked insteads?
Oh well...too late for that and it didn't matter anyway! I was sucking furiously on him and he was panting and whimpering, and I knew he wanted to blow.
"Comenmamouth" I grunted at him in between sucks...I said it so fast it was half request ("Would you like to come in my mouth?") and half demand ("COME IN MY MOUTH NOW!").
All I know is as soon as I said it, I could feel the relief in him. He groaned "aw shit"and his hand moved from my butt (I was on my hands and knees beside him on the bed) down to my head and I could feel his hips start to buck up.
Big Nate released a Big Nut that blasted the back of my throat and I could help but gasp in delight. One of the first questions that entered my mind when I saw him in the lounge was what his black dick and nut would taste like, and now I was finding out!
I drained every drop of his black dick dry until he was telling me to stop, just like had happened to me earlier when he fingered me. Finally I sat back and smiled at him as I wiped the corners of my mouth and said:
"Thank you for that!"
And his eyes bugged out.
"Thank ME?!?!? Shiiiiiiiit...I was thinkin about how I need to thank VERNON!"
And I just laughed and said that it was a TEAM effort ha-ha. HE then cracked me up by high-fiving me and saying "well....GO TEAM!"
We chilled on the bed and chatted a bit, both of us now alot more relaxed. Talking about how AWESOME what just happened was ha-ha.
Eventually me asking him about what he said earlier about the fact he comes thru here fairly regular? And he said yeah, at least once a quarter sometimes more often.
And then I said "cool" and maybe we could do this again next time he's thru? And as expected, he was like: OH.HELL.YES! And then he added: "maybe even do MORE next time?"
Obviously referring to I said:
"Yeah...about that..."
And he was like: "uh-oh..." LOLOL
And I said that I HATED condoms. Which made his eyebrows arch. And then I said that if he got tested before his next trip here and brought me the paperwork as proof, I wouldn't make him wear one.
You should've seen his eyes bulge at that! I don't think that's what he thought I was going to say! But then he started blubbering "yeah! OK! I can do that!"
So we were making plans and chilling there in his room, both of us relexed, post-orgasm. We were kicked back on his bed, sipping water to get re-hydrated while we chatted. I hadn't gotten around to taking my stockings or dress off, it had only gotten pushed up while he was fingering me and then rubbing my ass while I had been next to him sucking him.
He asked if Vernon had been my boyfriend, and I told him the truth that: no, and in fact never dated black guys in high school or college, or anytime really. That Vernon had been a buddy who did flirt with me, but I just didn't consider him that way at all. He pointed out that my attitude towards black men had changed at some point and that I should look up "ol'Vern". And I actually agreed that was a great idea and yes, I absolutely should do that!
He still had his T-shirt on, but was naked from the waist-down. I couldn't stop looking at his black dick, now deflated and looking like a big fat slug laying on his thigh LOL. I rarely see black dicks when they aren't hard, and because of that, they tend to fascinate me ha ha. I had eased one stockinged foot over his direction and was running it lazily up and down his large black leg while pursing my lips around my water bottle. This had gotten Nate's attention.
I felt that old familiar tingling start up in my body, and suddenly told myself that I needed to make sure Big Nate wasn't disappointed we weren't going to fuck this time AND give him something to look forward to next time. And selfishly? I wanted to play with his soft black dick and make it get hard again.
So I quickly jumped up and shifted myself around so that my back was towards him.
"Unzip me?" I asked sweetly over my shoulder, and then felt his big fingers fumbling the tiny zipper on the back of my little black dress.
I slithered out of it and stood beside the bed next to him in just my black bra + panties + stockings. I put one foot up on the bed between his legs and rolled my stocking down and off...and then repeated for the other leg. The air in the room felt amazing on my bare legs and feet, which had been confined for so long in that nylon. I wiggled my toes in glorious freedom and he ran his big meaty paw down my calf to my foot tenderly, causing my body to shiver.
I then reached back with one hand to un-do my bra, letting my boobs FINALLY free, my nipples immediately stiff when the cool air hit them. I kneaded them in my hands watching his eyes glaze over with lust as he stared at them. I reached to pull his T-shirt off so that he was completely naked, and then leaned forward to get my right boob close to his face and that nipple quickly disapeared between his fat purple lips, making me melt.
I could've sat there with my hands wrapped around his big head letting him suck my tittes for alot longer, but I wanted to put his dick in my mouth before it got hard again. So I leaned down and laid a sexy kiss on his mouth while I scooped his soft heavy dick gently in my palm and then moved my lips to his ear to ask:
"Would you mind if I sucked on this some more?"
You can guess his answer
I kissed a quick line down his wide shoulders, big chest and bellly, before quickly putting his (mostly) soft dick in my mouth. I was using my tongue to roll it around in my mouth, and sucking on it, pulling it deep in my mouth via suction power, and then letting go and letting it fall back out. Really just playing with it and examining it up close.
As expected, blood began filling it up and it eventually got harder and harder. Younger guys go from semi-soft to lead pipe at the snap of your fingers...but older guys can take a little longer, which is just fine with me. His dick was gradually getting fuller and fuller and warmer and I was sucking on an African water ballon that someone was filling up with water LOL.
His hand slid down my back towards my ass...I felt his fingers at the waistband of my panties and I wiggled my bootie to help him slide them off. His big meaty hands were moving back and forth between my boobies and buttcheeks whilie I explored his black dick and balls with my tongue.
Round 1 had been urgent, but round 2 was nice and laid-back and NASTY, just like I like to do it!
Things got very "fluid" as we reclined on the bed and began rolling around, touching each other all over and putting different parts of each other into our mouths. Me rubbing my feet all over his chest and shoulders while I sucked his balls and jacked his dick. Him pulling me up onto his face so that we could 69. He was a very good pussy eater! Him getting between my legs so he eat my pussy...and then to tongue and finger my butthole, too.
Taking a break for oral sex to engage in some sexy kissing, us running tongues up and down ears and necks, taking turns licking and sucking on each other's nipples. Me looking him dead in the eye while jacking his fat dick and whispering: "I LOVE BLACK DICK SO MUCH!" before dipping my head to suck on it some more. Him muttering "Yeah, I kinda noticed" which was pretty funny.
More 69ing, this time on our sides, basically fucking each others' mouths. Me wrapping my legs around his big pumpkin head and humping his face with my pussy and having another big old orgasm. Lots and lots more sucking and mouth-fucking, finally me looking up and asking him if he's like to "COME ALL OVER MY FACE?!?"
He looked like a k** in a candy store and grumbled that he was "gonna mess up yo make-up..." And that's how we ended round 2 with him jacking off all over my smiling face and in my open mouth while I played with his balls and buttcrack. We traded contact info and I told him I was looking forward to his next visit to our city!
His next time thru was late January...I dressed up for him in skirt/hose/heels again, but this time I bypassed the lounge and went right up to his room. He seemed very happy to see me when he greeted me at the door, and we followed much of the last script: kissing leading to a foot massage leading to making out and rubbing on each other. After awhile, he sheepishly admitted he didn't get a chance to get tested like I'd suggested.
I said it was no big deal, there was plenty other stuff we could do (sucking on one of his big gorilla fingers to make my point), but he kept apologizing and giving excuses why, saying he messed up and hoped I wasn't mad...
And I have NO IDEA where this came from, but suddenly I was like: yes, you were a very bad boy and need to be punished! And right away, he was like: yes ma'am, you're right, I sho do!
And I just kept going with it, saying: I ought to bend you over and spank your big black ass! And he was like: yes ma'am, you damn near ought to!
but sure enough, within a couple minutes I was sitting on the edge of his bed FULLY CLOTHED (except for my heels he had removed) with this TOTALLY NAKED 300++ black man across my lap while I spanked his jiggling jello pudding ass cheeks!
I would have never guessed he would be into something like that...but the way that he grinded his rock hard dick between my thighs while I spanked him, he def WAS into it!
I mean, he clearly just having fun with it all...and so was I.
The impression I got from him (via observation and a few comments he made) is that people tend to act a little scared of him because of his intimidating size and stoney facial expressions. So i think it was fun and different for him to switch roles from always being the big bad scary guy to let a tiny 5' tall white woman boss him around! I usually like being submissive to strong black men, but sometimes I like being bossy especially if there is a racial component to me dominating. And there almost always is, and it was definitely present this time.
Since his pants were already down for his spanking, I finished undressing him and can I tell you how odd it was to be almost fully dressed (only my shoes were off) with an ENORMOUS completely NAKED black giant? I made him stand there while I "inspected" him and it wouldn't be a stretch to imagine us back in the 1800s, him as a piece of property and me as a prospective buyer. I didn't know him well enough yet to fully go down this racist path with him too far, but we were definitely playing all around it. At the very least, I was examining him like a doctor would a patient...or a farmer about to buy a big black bull.
After awhile I had him get on the mattress on all fours. He reminded me of a bull again as I saw those big balls hanging low between his legs. I was cupping them as if measuring them as I moved to stand behind him. From there I kept on "inspecting" him and things got mad-kinky from there. Let's just say my examination of him was VERY thorough and involved my tongue, hands, and fingers! Fair to say this was checking off a lists of first for both of us. I'm pretty sure he'd never been in that doggy position before, getting licked back there from the bottoms of his feet up to his undercarriage and backdoor!
And pretty sure he'd never had a white girl sucking his black dick from behind and then from underneath. I'm not too proud to admit I stole the idea from a BLACKED video I saw here! That led to all sorts of oral and non-intercourse shenanigans. At some point he took my clothes off too and put ME on all fours and returned the favor by eating me all over from behind. I sat on his face and humped it, did all kinds of 69ing, mutual masturbating ourselves and each other, sucking each other toes, me jacking him while I rubbed my sweaty feet all over his face, etc.
And lots of shit-talking about how much I loved black dick and how much he loved white pussy. And how I loved sneaking around doing stuff like this and NONE of my cracker friends or family had a clue how addicted to black dick I was.
He returned in April and it was more of the same. Once again, no mention of getting tested so that we could fuck, or any attempt to use a condom to fuck me. I'm convinced at this point he is: 1.) married, and doesn't consider it cheating if we don't actually fuck...and/or 2) like me, is just enjoying all this nasty exploration we are getting into just using our hands, fingers, mouths, lips, tongues, FEET :), and dirty minds. I'm fine with either, but I prefer option "B" :)
Our April encounter was when we called up room service between rounds and I've already mentioned in Derby Day (part 3) is a quick re-cap:
I greeted the African room service waiter (CHUK!) wearing only Nate's shirt, which looked like a huge gown on me, going down to my knees! I left it "loosely" buttoned. I've done this for pizza deliveries a couple times over the years, but never for room service...and always for white delivery guys, never a very dark black guy like this! I *LOVED* the way he looked me up at down, taking his time, eyes moving from my smiling face down to the opening at my cleavage all the way down to my bare feet!
He handed me the slip to sign and of course I very easily put an "X" on it...but instead I very perkily bounced over to where Big Nate's big fat black ass was sprawled on the bed in his boxers, for HIM to sign! How very "servant" of me, right?
I saw Nate and the room service guy trade "Damn...nice one, Bro!" and "You got that right!" back from Nate. I felt like SUCH A PIECE OF WHITE SLUT SEX SLAVE PROPERTY as I took the slip back over to the waiter.
The part of me that does crazy slutty things was really wanting to kiss him or open the shirt all the way or even see if he could stay for a few minutes? BUT...I chickened out and just touched his hand a little longer than I had to and gave him an extra sweet smile and southern THANK YOU SO MUCH!
it made me REALLY HORNY the way this random black guy got to see me like that, naked under a shirt and obviously just having had sex, our scent no doubt filling the room....and obviously with a big black guy. So the waiter (Chuk!) now knows I'm a white slut. I mean, REALLY HORNY, which worked out nice for Big Nate after we finished our snacks and got on with round 2. You can probably imagine all the nasty talking we did after that, Nate asking me if liked showing off for and teasing "dat young ni99a?!?" and me answering affirmatively of course, usually thru a mouthful of his dick or balls.
Well, now you're caught up on Big Nate!
I met him in NOV'21 and have had interludes with him in Jan and Apr of this year...and now JULY!
Yes, he is here this very week and I've already been over to see him and am going back!
Let me know if you want to hear what transpires this time...or guess? :)
Heck, you can even post suggestions and if I see them before he leaves maybe we'll honor your idea!
later y'all,
Whew, I've been a pretty busy gal since my Derby Day adventure, which I'm sure you've read by now ;)
If not? Then go check it out:
In the last couple months, there has been: a trip back to Nashville, a motel pool adventure, a couple repeat performances from my local black caregiver Deron, some local college parties involving BIG black football players, a new potential female running buddy/protege (also college age), etc. More on some of that stuff later, but for now I want to tell you about something that's currently happening. As in: RIGHT NOW!
First of all, you will need some back story on a gent I call BIG NATE!
I had mentioned him briefly during my Derby Day encounter (part 3), but here is the full story:
I met him last winter. I had been out with some friends for a dinner event, so already made up and looking nice in LBD (Little Black Dress), black heels and black thigh high nylons...I was feeling a little frisky and in the mood for something new and fun. So instead of heading home, I swung by that lounge. You know, THAT lounge with the very urban music and clientele, where I first met Tyrone and most recently had my Derby Day fun. Yes, THAT lounge!
It was already late by the time I got to the lounge. Business looked to be a little slower than I expected but there were a few prospects. The loungue is split into the more crowded side with the dance floor and then a back side that's a little more low key, people having dinner and drinks. I went to the back side.
And that's when I spotted Big Nate.
My first reaction upon seeing him was that he was a guy I went to college with. Of course, that's probably just me being paranoid and my fear of getting recognized. He caught me looking at him trying to figure out if I knew him or not...of course he was looking at me for different reasons, I think LOL.
Anywho, even tho I realized he *wasn't* the guy I knew from college, I went with it and used that as an opening. "Hey...did you play football at _______?" Him shaking his head 'no'..."You're name isn't 'Vernon'...?" and him saying that no, his name was Nate. And then quickly adding that I could sit there with him and he would keep me company until 'Vernon' got there!
Ha-ha! OK, Nate got jokes!
I had to reward his wit by taking him up on his offer...right?
I noticed the empty plate in front of him and correctly guessed that he was not a local out for the night, but someone traveling on business...which appealed to me much more at the time. I'm so worried about running into locals here who know my family. Anywho, Big Nate (as he says everyone calls him) was from Pennsylvania but traveled thru here for work regularly, at least once a quarter or 6 weeks.
Big Nate let me know that he DID play college football, just not at the same school where Vernon did. Back in the day, I had classes with Vernon and he used to hit on me in a very sneaky and polite fashion, never in a perverted way, just letting me know that the offer was always on the table. Of course that was back when I would have NEVER done anything with a black guy...but now, luckily for Big Nate, that wasn't the case anymore, was it?
Big Nate was a big thick-bodied guy about my age and very dark skinned, which of course I liked. He was funny and easy to talk to, and I was having a very good feeling about this. It was c-c-c-c-cold outside, so I warmed up with an alcoholic coffee drink. Now, I don't drink much and would normally just nurse one in a situation like this. But I was so cold and the drinks were so yummy, I had downed a couple of them before I realized it!
This was of course loosening me up and making me even more flirty with Big Nate. Over the course of the next hour, I had crossed my legs in his direction and he was looking at them like they were a big bowl of banana pudding and he was ready for dessert! He asked if I wanted to dance, and I said no thanks that these heels I wore weren't good for dancing...and that in fact, I'd rather be someplace where I could just take them off entirely.
Now Big Nate had this look like: "Is this really happening to me?" on his face, ever since I sat down. He clearly got the hint about taking my shoes off, but looked nervous about pulling the trigger. He ordered a shot of Hennessy and offered me one as well. After he downed it, he took a deep breath and then let me know that I would be welcome to take my heels off in his room, if I wanted to....
"Why, Big Nate!" I said with my hand on his thigh and rubbing against him. "I thought you'd NEVER ask!"
He paid his tab and we headed towards the elevators....
I LOVE that feeling of letting myself get picked up in a bar by a strange black man, and that walk of anticipation and subsequent elevator ride in delightfully awkward silence. Watching him fumble with the door of his room to get it open…obviously anxious. I was too but playing it cooler, not letting see my hands were trembling also.
Entering the room, HIS personal space…taking the little tour and coyly sitting in the edge of his bed and crossing my legs. Dang, was that already sweat on his forehead…? LOL. Reaching for my shoes, but then instead lifting one leg towards him and asking him if he "would be a sweetie" and take my heels off for me? Sure I could’ve done it myself…but it was better watching him drop to one knee and reach for my ankle, my shoe looking like a Barbie prop in his HUGE black hands. Telling him I'd give him a dollar if he'd be a real gent and rub them for me.
Leaning back and purring as he gripped my feet and began massaging them. Looking down at the dazed and glazed expression on his face as he rubbed my feet and stared at my legs. At his angle he could see far enough up my dress to see the tops of my thigh highs. If his eyes kept moving up he might get a glimpse of my thong panties and the wet spot I could feel spreading in the middle of them. And if he kept on looking past that he probably saw my nipples stiff and poking at the front of my dress.
Anywho...I endured as much of his foot massage as I could...the tingling had spread from the soles of my feet up thru the rest of my body, especially strong in my extremities, nipps, and of course my pussy, which was beginning to absolutely THROB. My head was swimming, too...
Finally, I leaned forward and took his big pumpkin head between my hands and got closer until we were practically nose to nose. Scooting forward had caused my feet to slip out of his grip, but now his big gorilla hands slid up my legs and were now on my nylon-covered thighs at the top of my dress and my feet resting against his lap.
One thing I liked about Big Nate was how much of a regular guy he was. Well, except for size, but everything else he was just a regular middle-age black man, decent job, funny but not particularly out-going...his face was average to below-average, I guess...wide with jowls, receding hairline that he was trying to keep shaved off.
I know he went down to the lounge tonight to have dinner and a couple drinks, maybe check out the crowd and maybe, maybe 25% chance of talking to a woman...and probably less than 5% chance of getting more than talk. Never in his wildest fantasies would he have allowed himself to fantasize that a hot blonde would slip next to him, flirt with him, and come up to his room with him.
But there I was, defying those odds and sitting on the edge of his bed, his hands on my legs, and now my face an inch away from close our eyes were almost crossing and we were breathing the same air. He couldn't seem to think of anything clever to say at that point, and to be honest? Neither could I. I felt like all the air had gone out of the room and we both seemed to be panting a bit. I noticed how dry my lips suddenly were, and when my tongue slipped out to wet them, they wound up touching his fat purple lips, too...
and then it was on!
My tongue touching his fat lips was like a spark of electricity, causing us both to flinch...and immediately led to:
Passionate making out!
Hot sexy UNDERRATED making out!
I mean, lips slowly melting together until our faces are fusing and we share one mouth. Tongues slthering in and out, truly sucking face.
Gradually pulling him back with me onto the bed and partially on top of me, moaning and purring, lips smacking, the weight of his body on mine in a GOOD way...not smushing me, but giving me that feeling a man-sized MAN pressing down.
Holding onto his big pumpkin head while I used my mouth and lips to make love to his mouth. FEEELING how much he WANTED me, how much PASSION and pure DESIRE was burning in him for me. I could feel it in his touch and taste it on his lips, could hear it in his breathes and grunts. Could feel his heart POUNDING as he pressed against me and I guess he could feel mine, too.
Wrapping one stockinged leg around his wide waist, beginning to grind against him rhythmically...feeling him begin to grind the same rhythm back at me, making me smile and my body tingle even more. His big meaty hands all over me, squeezing my breasts and drifting down to my thighs.
One downside to my otherwise sexy little dress, is that it's one piece...he was unable to slip his hand up inside my top to get at my boobs. So...I grasped his wrist and directed it up my skirt and to that warm wet spot that I mentioned was spreading across the center of my panties. We *both* gasped when his fat fingers touched me down there...him, gapsing in surprise at how wet I, gasping because he grazed my clit.
After some rubbing on the outside of them, his fat sausage fingers slipping past my panties and into my warm wetness and OH MY! I arched my back and groaned like a real slut at this! He had BIG FAT BLACK FINGERS, probably bigger than many white guys' dicks (LOL) and it felt SO AMAZING to feel them sliding in. I used to think fingering was overrated (clit action being better), but now I'm starting to think that old-school fingering (esp while making out!) is HOT and takes me back.
He knew what he was doing down there, his fingers inside me while he thumb rested on my clit and flicked across it. OH MY! My pussy was beginning to twitch and spasm uncontrollably. His hand was so big and dominating my pussy while his thick body had me pinned down and his big pumpkin head was over my face and filling my view, kissing me and sticking his fat tongue in my ear and up and down my neck...
That quickly!?!?
It felt AMAZING, and soon I was clutching at his hand, begging him to please PLEASE just stop for a second, it felt almost TOO GOOD and I was afraid I was going to lose control and pee all over the bed! NOW I know how it feels for guys when I make them come with my mouth or hand or feet and they start spasming and jerking away from me! LOL.
I finally pulled his hand up to my mouth so I could taste me on his fingers. OH MY, AGAIN! The taste of my come on his ebony fingers was making my head spin and did I mention how BIG his fingers were? LOL. Filling my mouth up, and I was now pretty sure his fingers were DEF bigger than my white ex-'s little pink weenie. :)
I opened my eyes and was suddenly a little embarassed when I saw the shocked expression on his face. I guess I *had* been sucking on his fingers pretty intensely with my eyes closed and moaning, like some kind of sex-crazed white slut. (which I guess was a pretty good description of me!)
"Get it out," I panted to him while glancing down at his bulging crotch. "I want to suck it..."
Reaching down to help him unzip, asking: "You gonna let me suck that big black dick, aren't you?"
LOL, he may have been super-sized, but you should have seen how fast he moved ripping at his belt! I jumped up and helped, tearing his shoes off and his pants and boxers down. His dick popped out and bobbed in the air like a diving board. Nice, big glorious black dick I LOVE THEM! It was impressive and I could only imagine how much bigger it would've seemed if he didn't have that roll of fat around his mid-section...?
I'd love to say I took my time and teased him...but that wouldn't be true. He was still kicking his boxers the rest of the way off past his feet when my head dipped down to his crotch and buried my face down in his balls and the underside of his dick. OH MY OH MY OH MY! I *LOVE* that scent of a new black man I've never had before!
And don't get me wrong, he was a clean guy...had probably showered before going to dinner...but a man his size? He's gonna get sweaty quicker in places skinny guys don't. His crotch (and body) had a strong musky odor of pure African masculnity. Not in a gross way at all, but he had such a strong a****listic male scent about him that was turning me inside out. And this was AFTER I had already came!
I whipped my hair back so he could SEE me sucking his big black balls and working my thirsty mouth up the underside of his throbbing black shaft. Making horny gobbling noises as I LOUDLY smacked my way up his dick to the head. OMG, moaning SO LOUDLY as that first taste of that area under the foreskin...him throwing his head back in pleasure. But I made sure he was looking as I studied that glistening dab of pre-come on the tip of his dick. I wanted him to SEE me dip my tongue into his opening and pull that pre-come back into my mouth.
And I def wanted him to watch when I stretched my lips open W I D E to wrap them around his plum of a dick head and begin sucking on it. I was SO THIRSTY for his black dick and went to work on him like a vampire. His balls in my hand were so heavy as I massaged them to work that nut up...and I was sucking so deep and hard on him, like I was trying to suck his very soul up and out of his body...
Yeah, I knew this one was going to end up in my mouth...and that was more than OK with me I mean, things were so hot and urgent and he was very anxious, horny, and ready to pop. Maybe if I hadn't already come, I would've maybe slowed things down and we might've fucked insteads?
Oh well...too late for that and it didn't matter anyway! I was sucking furiously on him and he was panting and whimpering, and I knew he wanted to blow.
"Comenmamouth" I grunted at him in between sucks...I said it so fast it was half request ("Would you like to come in my mouth?") and half demand ("COME IN MY MOUTH NOW!").
All I know is as soon as I said it, I could feel the relief in him. He groaned "aw shit"and his hand moved from my butt (I was on my hands and knees beside him on the bed) down to my head and I could feel his hips start to buck up.
Big Nate released a Big Nut that blasted the back of my throat and I could help but gasp in delight. One of the first questions that entered my mind when I saw him in the lounge was what his black dick and nut would taste like, and now I was finding out!
I drained every drop of his black dick dry until he was telling me to stop, just like had happened to me earlier when he fingered me. Finally I sat back and smiled at him as I wiped the corners of my mouth and said:
"Thank you for that!"
And his eyes bugged out.
"Thank ME?!?!? Shiiiiiiiit...I was thinkin about how I need to thank VERNON!"
And I just laughed and said that it was a TEAM effort ha-ha. HE then cracked me up by high-fiving me and saying "well....GO TEAM!"
We chilled on the bed and chatted a bit, both of us now alot more relaxed. Talking about how AWESOME what just happened was ha-ha.
Eventually me asking him about what he said earlier about the fact he comes thru here fairly regular? And he said yeah, at least once a quarter sometimes more often.
And then I said "cool" and maybe we could do this again next time he's thru? And as expected, he was like: OH.HELL.YES! And then he added: "maybe even do MORE next time?"
Obviously referring to I said:
"Yeah...about that..."
And he was like: "uh-oh..." LOLOL
And I said that I HATED condoms. Which made his eyebrows arch. And then I said that if he got tested before his next trip here and brought me the paperwork as proof, I wouldn't make him wear one.
You should've seen his eyes bulge at that! I don't think that's what he thought I was going to say! But then he started blubbering "yeah! OK! I can do that!"
So we were making plans and chilling there in his room, both of us relexed, post-orgasm. We were kicked back on his bed, sipping water to get re-hydrated while we chatted. I hadn't gotten around to taking my stockings or dress off, it had only gotten pushed up while he was fingering me and then rubbing my ass while I had been next to him sucking him.
He asked if Vernon had been my boyfriend, and I told him the truth that: no, and in fact never dated black guys in high school or college, or anytime really. That Vernon had been a buddy who did flirt with me, but I just didn't consider him that way at all. He pointed out that my attitude towards black men had changed at some point and that I should look up "ol'Vern". And I actually agreed that was a great idea and yes, I absolutely should do that!
He still had his T-shirt on, but was naked from the waist-down. I couldn't stop looking at his black dick, now deflated and looking like a big fat slug laying on his thigh LOL. I rarely see black dicks when they aren't hard, and because of that, they tend to fascinate me ha ha. I had eased one stockinged foot over his direction and was running it lazily up and down his large black leg while pursing my lips around my water bottle. This had gotten Nate's attention.
I felt that old familiar tingling start up in my body, and suddenly told myself that I needed to make sure Big Nate wasn't disappointed we weren't going to fuck this time AND give him something to look forward to next time. And selfishly? I wanted to play with his soft black dick and make it get hard again.
So I quickly jumped up and shifted myself around so that my back was towards him.
"Unzip me?" I asked sweetly over my shoulder, and then felt his big fingers fumbling the tiny zipper on the back of my little black dress.
I slithered out of it and stood beside the bed next to him in just my black bra + panties + stockings. I put one foot up on the bed between his legs and rolled my stocking down and off...and then repeated for the other leg. The air in the room felt amazing on my bare legs and feet, which had been confined for so long in that nylon. I wiggled my toes in glorious freedom and he ran his big meaty paw down my calf to my foot tenderly, causing my body to shiver.
I then reached back with one hand to un-do my bra, letting my boobs FINALLY free, my nipples immediately stiff when the cool air hit them. I kneaded them in my hands watching his eyes glaze over with lust as he stared at them. I reached to pull his T-shirt off so that he was completely naked, and then leaned forward to get my right boob close to his face and that nipple quickly disapeared between his fat purple lips, making me melt.
I could've sat there with my hands wrapped around his big head letting him suck my tittes for alot longer, but I wanted to put his dick in my mouth before it got hard again. So I leaned down and laid a sexy kiss on his mouth while I scooped his soft heavy dick gently in my palm and then moved my lips to his ear to ask:
"Would you mind if I sucked on this some more?"
You can guess his answer
I kissed a quick line down his wide shoulders, big chest and bellly, before quickly putting his (mostly) soft dick in my mouth. I was using my tongue to roll it around in my mouth, and sucking on it, pulling it deep in my mouth via suction power, and then letting go and letting it fall back out. Really just playing with it and examining it up close.
As expected, blood began filling it up and it eventually got harder and harder. Younger guys go from semi-soft to lead pipe at the snap of your fingers...but older guys can take a little longer, which is just fine with me. His dick was gradually getting fuller and fuller and warmer and I was sucking on an African water ballon that someone was filling up with water LOL.
His hand slid down my back towards my ass...I felt his fingers at the waistband of my panties and I wiggled my bootie to help him slide them off. His big meaty hands were moving back and forth between my boobies and buttcheeks whilie I explored his black dick and balls with my tongue.
Round 1 had been urgent, but round 2 was nice and laid-back and NASTY, just like I like to do it!
Things got very "fluid" as we reclined on the bed and began rolling around, touching each other all over and putting different parts of each other into our mouths. Me rubbing my feet all over his chest and shoulders while I sucked his balls and jacked his dick. Him pulling me up onto his face so that we could 69. He was a very good pussy eater! Him getting between my legs so he eat my pussy...and then to tongue and finger my butthole, too.
Taking a break for oral sex to engage in some sexy kissing, us running tongues up and down ears and necks, taking turns licking and sucking on each other's nipples. Me looking him dead in the eye while jacking his fat dick and whispering: "I LOVE BLACK DICK SO MUCH!" before dipping my head to suck on it some more. Him muttering "Yeah, I kinda noticed" which was pretty funny.
More 69ing, this time on our sides, basically fucking each others' mouths. Me wrapping my legs around his big pumpkin head and humping his face with my pussy and having another big old orgasm. Lots and lots more sucking and mouth-fucking, finally me looking up and asking him if he's like to "COME ALL OVER MY FACE?!?"
He looked like a k** in a candy store and grumbled that he was "gonna mess up yo make-up..." And that's how we ended round 2 with him jacking off all over my smiling face and in my open mouth while I played with his balls and buttcrack. We traded contact info and I told him I was looking forward to his next visit to our city!
His next time thru was late January...I dressed up for him in skirt/hose/heels again, but this time I bypassed the lounge and went right up to his room. He seemed very happy to see me when he greeted me at the door, and we followed much of the last script: kissing leading to a foot massage leading to making out and rubbing on each other. After awhile, he sheepishly admitted he didn't get a chance to get tested like I'd suggested.
I said it was no big deal, there was plenty other stuff we could do (sucking on one of his big gorilla fingers to make my point), but he kept apologizing and giving excuses why, saying he messed up and hoped I wasn't mad...
And I have NO IDEA where this came from, but suddenly I was like: yes, you were a very bad boy and need to be punished! And right away, he was like: yes ma'am, you're right, I sho do!
And I just kept going with it, saying: I ought to bend you over and spank your big black ass! And he was like: yes ma'am, you damn near ought to!
but sure enough, within a couple minutes I was sitting on the edge of his bed FULLY CLOTHED (except for my heels he had removed) with this TOTALLY NAKED 300++ black man across my lap while I spanked his jiggling jello pudding ass cheeks!
I would have never guessed he would be into something like that...but the way that he grinded his rock hard dick between my thighs while I spanked him, he def WAS into it!
I mean, he clearly just having fun with it all...and so was I.
The impression I got from him (via observation and a few comments he made) is that people tend to act a little scared of him because of his intimidating size and stoney facial expressions. So i think it was fun and different for him to switch roles from always being the big bad scary guy to let a tiny 5' tall white woman boss him around! I usually like being submissive to strong black men, but sometimes I like being bossy especially if there is a racial component to me dominating. And there almost always is, and it was definitely present this time.
Since his pants were already down for his spanking, I finished undressing him and can I tell you how odd it was to be almost fully dressed (only my shoes were off) with an ENORMOUS completely NAKED black giant? I made him stand there while I "inspected" him and it wouldn't be a stretch to imagine us back in the 1800s, him as a piece of property and me as a prospective buyer. I didn't know him well enough yet to fully go down this racist path with him too far, but we were definitely playing all around it. At the very least, I was examining him like a doctor would a patient...or a farmer about to buy a big black bull.
After awhile I had him get on the mattress on all fours. He reminded me of a bull again as I saw those big balls hanging low between his legs. I was cupping them as if measuring them as I moved to stand behind him. From there I kept on "inspecting" him and things got mad-kinky from there. Let's just say my examination of him was VERY thorough and involved my tongue, hands, and fingers! Fair to say this was checking off a lists of first for both of us. I'm pretty sure he'd never been in that doggy position before, getting licked back there from the bottoms of his feet up to his undercarriage and backdoor!
And pretty sure he'd never had a white girl sucking his black dick from behind and then from underneath. I'm not too proud to admit I stole the idea from a BLACKED video I saw here! That led to all sorts of oral and non-intercourse shenanigans. At some point he took my clothes off too and put ME on all fours and returned the favor by eating me all over from behind. I sat on his face and humped it, did all kinds of 69ing, mutual masturbating ourselves and each other, sucking each other toes, me jacking him while I rubbed my sweaty feet all over his face, etc.
And lots of shit-talking about how much I loved black dick and how much he loved white pussy. And how I loved sneaking around doing stuff like this and NONE of my cracker friends or family had a clue how addicted to black dick I was.
He returned in April and it was more of the same. Once again, no mention of getting tested so that we could fuck, or any attempt to use a condom to fuck me. I'm convinced at this point he is: 1.) married, and doesn't consider it cheating if we don't actually fuck...and/or 2) like me, is just enjoying all this nasty exploration we are getting into just using our hands, fingers, mouths, lips, tongues, FEET :), and dirty minds. I'm fine with either, but I prefer option "B" :)
Our April encounter was when we called up room service between rounds and I've already mentioned in Derby Day (part 3) is a quick re-cap:
I greeted the African room service waiter (CHUK!) wearing only Nate's shirt, which looked like a huge gown on me, going down to my knees! I left it "loosely" buttoned. I've done this for pizza deliveries a couple times over the years, but never for room service...and always for white delivery guys, never a very dark black guy like this! I *LOVED* the way he looked me up at down, taking his time, eyes moving from my smiling face down to the opening at my cleavage all the way down to my bare feet!
He handed me the slip to sign and of course I very easily put an "X" on it...but instead I very perkily bounced over to where Big Nate's big fat black ass was sprawled on the bed in his boxers, for HIM to sign! How very "servant" of me, right?
I saw Nate and the room service guy trade "Damn...nice one, Bro!" and "You got that right!" back from Nate. I felt like SUCH A PIECE OF WHITE SLUT SEX SLAVE PROPERTY as I took the slip back over to the waiter.
The part of me that does crazy slutty things was really wanting to kiss him or open the shirt all the way or even see if he could stay for a few minutes? BUT...I chickened out and just touched his hand a little longer than I had to and gave him an extra sweet smile and southern THANK YOU SO MUCH!
it made me REALLY HORNY the way this random black guy got to see me like that, naked under a shirt and obviously just having had sex, our scent no doubt filling the room....and obviously with a big black guy. So the waiter (Chuk!) now knows I'm a white slut. I mean, REALLY HORNY, which worked out nice for Big Nate after we finished our snacks and got on with round 2. You can probably imagine all the nasty talking we did after that, Nate asking me if liked showing off for and teasing "dat young ni99a?!?" and me answering affirmatively of course, usually thru a mouthful of his dick or balls.
Well, now you're caught up on Big Nate!
I met him in NOV'21 and have had interludes with him in Jan and Apr of this year...and now JULY!
Yes, he is here this very week and I've already been over to see him and am going back!
Let me know if you want to hear what transpires this time...or guess? :)
Heck, you can even post suggestions and if I see them before he leaves maybe we'll honor your idea!
later y'all,
2 年 前