Taking Care of the Black Caregiver PT 6
Hey Y'all!
So, I know what you're thinking:
"Hey Mandi...of course I read your 'Taking Care of the Black Caregiver" story
(found here: https://xhamster.com/posts/10308172)
but how is this PART SIX?!? Am I missing something here?!?"
And the answer is: yes! You absolutely ARE missing rounds 2, 3, 4, and 5 in which Deron and I engaged. :)
Back in late March when we last talked about this, I indicated that I wasn't sure whether to leave this as a one-time only event or wondered if the temptation of a having a discreet local hook-up would prove too tempting to me...?
Well, yall that know me already know or can easily guess the answer to that!
I landed somewhere in the middle, ultimately deciding that Deron would make a nice once-a-month (or so) chocolate-covered treat. In fact, I was still undecided about how to proceed until a few weeks after our first encounter...my cousins took my daddy out for a fishing trip, picking him up at the crack of dawn. I was up helping him get ready when the realization that I would have the house to myself all day hit me like a ton of bricks...and before the door had even closed good behind dear ol'dad, I was already messaging Deron, asking if he a) was at work? And b) getting off his shift in a couple hours? And c) wanted to stop by and "get some coffee" like the last time?
He: a) was, B) was, and C) YES!
So that day in April, I peeked out my window and opened the garage door remotely when he drove up, once again grateful that none of my neighbors were up early to see him. I messaged him that the entry door was open, to come on up to my room up the stairs.
Oh my, the sounds of doors opening and closing downstairs, heavy footsteps in the kitchen and then coming up the stairs. Finally my door creaking open and Deron peeking in to see...me laying on my bed in black lingerie and black thigh high stockings! Oh, and 2 cups of coffee on the nightstand. :)
No time limits on our fun that day, taking our time making out, exploring each others' bodies, even hopping in the shower together, rolling around on my sheets until lunch time!
So yeah, that was round 2...on my home turf like the first time.
But I knew that sneaking him into my family home was not going to be sustainable. And as much as I wanted to hook up with him monthly, I wasn't sure that was practical. He is single but lives with family (aunt + uncle and cousins) and has about as much privacy as I do (ie...not much)
He and I were messaging a bit and considering options, when I suddenly had an idea!
Long story short: on Sundays, I go to early church service and am out by 1130.
If you know anything about black churches in the south, you know that is the EARLIEST they start and usually run well past 2p.
It was when Deron said that he tried to go to church as much as he could, but if he worked a long shift on Saturday night, he will often sleep in while the rest of his family goes. Heh-heh :)
I knew that on this one particular Sunday about a month after our round 2, daddy was not feeling well and was not going to go to church...meaning I was flying solo that day. I messaged Deron and he confirmed that the rest of his family would be going to their church that day. So he gave me directions to where he lived and even suggested a parking spot the next street over directly behind his house.
So yeah...by 1145 I was cutting thru Deron's backyard in an older part of town. Nothing fancy, but neat and not the ghetto.
Since I was coming directly from church, I was wearing a floral print dress, heels, and sheer pale white stockings underneath (yes, I am old-fashioned and still wearing pantyhose/nylons to church!) You should have seen the look on his face when he saw me! Probably not too many classy blondes in church dresses cut thru his backyard...or step up to him to throw arms around his neck for a hello kiss...or suggest that we quickly head on back to his bedroom!
He had been napping and looked unkept in his T-shirt with the sleeves cut out, boxers, and bare feet...we were quite the contrast! And I certainly looked out of place in his small room, with its window AC unit rumbling and already struggling to keep up on this warm day. We were able to have a nice urgent sweaty session with plenty of time to spare before his family were close to coming home. And this encounter, aka ROUND 3, was so much fun, we hooked up just like this twice again in JUNE for rounds 4 + 5!
Which brings us up to date, this past Saturday...and I realized that we hadn't hooked up in JULY...and the month was almost over!
I had lots going on this month and it just hadn't been working out, schedule-wise....BUT, as soon as I heard there was going to be an activity for the senior men at our church the last Saturday in JULY, meaning daddy would be out of the house for a few hours? Well, I knew that was IT! I messaged Deron and he said that oh heck yes he would be available that morning!
So, I dropped daddy off at church around 8. They were having breakfast, Bible study, and then head to the shooting range (got to love churches in the south!). And then lunch...but daddy indicated he would probably ready to come home after the shooting range, which would still give me at least 3 hours for Deron to scratch my itch. :) Daddy can actually still drive himself pretty well, but since I have moved back home we have fallen into the habit of me driving him everywhere. So it was very natural that I drop him off and then go pick him up where he was ready.
And on my way back thru, I swung by to meet Deron. A big smile spread across his face when he saw me pull up...he has a very infectious smile and I quickly returned it. :) He is the type of jovial black guy you see who always smiles and tips his cap hello to you...the janitor who stops his mopping to tell you 'good morning!', the bus boy who opens the door of the restaurant for you, the hospice orderly who always tries to brighten your otherwise somber day. He is a legitimately good person, which makes it so much more rewarding to provide him with nasty carnal pleasure that "nice guys" like him never seem to get.
Instead of him driving his hoopty mobile thru my 'hood and the prying eyes of my neighbors, I waved for him to get in the passenger side of my vehicle. He did and there was a quick urge to give him a hello kiss, but instead I looked around nervously and started drivng off. I felt a little guilty when I told him that it would be best if he slid down in the seat so that no one could see him riding with me. Well, if I'm being honest...that was also a little HOT, reinforcing the taboo of what we were doing, how we were sneaking around. Isn't sex a little more fun when you have to sneak to do it? I certainly think so!
Of course he would have gladly ridden in the trunk if I'd asked or told him to! His eyes had flashed up and down me when he got in the car and I could see him inspecting me out of the corner of his eyes. Up to and during our first hook up, it was winter and I was almost always wearing jeans/sweaters/boots type apparel. And then as I mentioned, it was lingerie for round 2, and then church dress/hose/heels for 3/4/5. Now, he was getting his first glimpse of Summertime Mandi: sleeveless blouse, shorts, sandals with ankle bracelet/toe ring/summer pedicure. I WANTED him to see Summertime Mandi, especially now that I spent a little (careful!) time in the sun and was a nice golden tan. Of course since I had just come from dropping daddy off at church, I was dressed respectable and not like Daisy Duke (LOL)...BUT looking like a nice conservative southern blonde while still showing off plenty of bare arms, legs and feet was actually BETTER next to fat ugly black Deron....agree? :)
Anywho, we chatted a bit on the short drive to my house. As I think I've mentioned, he is very easy to talk to and we caught up on work and family stuff. As I was turning off onto the street that would eventually lead me to our own, I moved my right hand from the wheel and placed it on his thigh, about mid-way up. I felt him hitch slightly at this.
"So, Deron..." I purred while I gently squeezed his leg. "Have you...*thought* about me much since the last time we were together....?"
"Um-hm, sho have," he said in a low tone.
"Oh, yeah?" I said perkily, easing my hand up his thigh a bit. "How so? Good thoughts, I hope!" :)
"Oh, VERY good thoughts," he continued, his eyes cutting down to my hand. "Some mornin's I go out to my car and start thinkin' bout that first time you asked me to go 'get coffee'..."
"REALLY?" I said. I mean, wow...I *know* my lovers surely reminisce about me, heck I do that to them...but it sure is nice and unexpected to hear such a specific example.
"Oh yeah!" he assured me. "Sunday afternoons during church, too...."
"OH MY GOSH!" I said excitedly. "I think about you sometimes during those moments, too..."
"And..." I continued with a sly smile, dragging my nails across the lump in his scrubs. . "Sometimes when I'm in the shower in the mornings....or under the covers at night...."
His eyes got wide and my hand was now up near the bulge in his jeans. And I was only a couple blocks from home :)
"Do you jack off while you think about me?" I asked demurely, as I began massaging his hard-on.
"Hell yeah..." he grumbled as his eyes rolled back in his head. "All the damn time..."
"Well, good news:" I said as I released my grip on his lump long enough to press the remote control for the garage door. "You won't have to worry about doing it yourself today!"
I pulled the car in and OH MY GOSH, it seemed like it was taking that garage door FOREVER to close behind me! Haha, that was the longest 15 seconds of my life! But once if FINALLY closed, I practically launched myself over the console on top of Deron before he could even sit up. Nose to nose, lips melting together, holding onto his big bald black head, pressing my throbbing pussy against the lump in his scrubs. Slipping my feet out of my sandals as I straddled him in the passenger seat.
We had gone from zer0 to 60 in 5 seconds flat! HOT making out with tongues swirling and his big bear paw hands gripping my butt cheeks to grind me down on his hard-on. Passionate kisses all along each others' neck and ears, nibbling and nuzzling and tasting each other's skin and sweat. My lips were at his ear when I said:
"...wanna suck your n!99er dick...." in between chewing on his lobe and tongue-fucking his ear.
Oh, did I not mention that he and I had gotten into some pretty intense racial talk now?
Well, we have. It started out from the start, talking about his BIG BLACK DICK and my SWEET WHITE PUSSY...and escalated. Now, I never EVER drop a N-bomb without knowing the guy is OK with it and wants to hear it. I basically have to be invited to do it, and that's N!99-A, just less the hard -ER. But yeah, we had crossed that bridge during one of our after-church sweaty romps and now, here we were!
"Damn right..." he grunted pushing my head along as I began wiggling my way down and pulling his scrubs and boxers down with me. I yanked them down to his knees, and his big black dick suddenly sprang up very stiffly, and I caught it in my mouth on the 2nd bounce! The aroma of his musty crotch and strong male musk hit me square in the face and made my head spin. Sorry, no teasing this time, I immediately sucked it into my mouth and began head bobbing on it while sucking hard.
He was looking down at me while I was sucking him enthusiastically and I was making eye contact right back, one of his hands gripping my blonde hair as my head bobbed. I reached down to start undoing my shorts and pushing them down my legs, trying my best not to break suction while I did. This caused his eyebrows to arch in curosity. I kicked my lower legs and feet rapidly to get my shorts all the way off, and then sprang forward until I was straddling him again, gripping his black dick in my one hand while I positioned my dripping wet pussy right over it.
I bit my lip and arched my back, causing my pussy lips to spread all around the head of his dick. I let my own weight push my body down and him up into me. Oh my gosh, there is nothing like that sensation of being COMPLETELY FILLED like only a black dick can provide! FULL and pressing against my walls because he is SO BIG and I am SO TIGHT...but sliding in due to how massively wet I am! I don't think he expected that I would be riding him right there in my car in the garage just a few minutes after we'd been crusing down the street. Come to think of it, *I* hadn't expected it either! But i was so horny, I just HAD to have him inside me!
"Look at you, ridin that n!99er dick!" he grunted as I pivoted my hips up and down.
"Damn right..." I said back to him, drawing a chuckle. We were nose to nose again, mean-mugging each other while I dug my nails into his shoulder and he held onto my ass cheeks as I rode his dick.
We didn't actually spend much time like this, just a few minutes of intense riding. The point was that I just HAD to have him inside me, and now that that mission was accomplished, I began becoming aware of how cramped we were, now my knees and lower left leg were pressing uncomfortably against the seat and door. This had been the absolute right thing to do at the time, but I was ready to stretch out and really get nasty! :) I collapsed onto him and after a nice deep sexy kiss, said:
"Let's go inside!"
And with that, I opened the passenger door and began peeling myself off his lap and stepping out of the car. It had actually been a cool morning (mid-upper 60s, still only about 70) and the concrete garage floor felt AMAZING on my bare feet and I immediately felt my nipples get even stiffer (if that was possible). I grabbed my shorts and sandals and led him inside wearing absolutely nothing on my bottom half! He had pulled his scrubs and boxers up enough so he could walk easily.
We stepped thru the entry door from the garage into the kitchen, the area where visitors leave their shoes. I tossed my sandals AND my shorts there, while he stepped out of his sneakers, still holding onto his scrubs in one hand.
"Can I get you anything to eat or drink while we are in the kitchen?" I said with a laugh and he chuckled and shook his head "no".
Well, I meant it as a joke, but once the words cleared my mouth, I had a thought.
"Are you SURE about that?" I said grabbing his arm as I began backing up. "There's NOTHING here in this kitchen you want to EAT right now?"
And with that, I heaved myself up to sit on the edge of the counter, my left leg extended and toes gripping the edge of the kitchen island and spreading widely before him. Reaching to yank my sleeveless top off over my head and back to un-do my bra. Him staring betwen my obscenely-wide spread legs at my wet pussy that he'd already been inside of.
"Uh, yeah," he grumbled stepping forward to touch me. "I see somethin I wanna eat."
Me: "What's that?"
Him: "You."
"What part of me?" I said touching my clit. "Please be specific"
"ALL OF YOU..." he grunted while simultaneously pulling my right foot to his mouth while inserting 2 fat fingers inside my pussy.
OK, I really wanted and expected him to say "YO WHITE PUSSY!"...but this was good too! Those were definitely not complaints coming out of my mouth, but instead ragged cries as he began devouring my right foot while fingering me. This was one of my favorite things to have done to me, and Deron was very attentive and a good learner having picked up on this. Eventually he began kissing his way down my ankle and calf towards my center...and I was kneading my painfully stiff nipples in anticipation of his arrival there.
So, yeah...for your visual: I was now 100% buck naked (well, except for some jewelry :) ) and sitting on my familiy's kitchen counter, legs spread wide while this chubby ugly hippo of a black man was sucking my toes and eating my pussy. I felt like such a nasty slut and so...EXPOSED! I mean, I had gone around this morning in anticipation of this and closed the blinds most of the way. So while my neighbors across the street couldn't easily see in, anyone who walked right up to the window and peeked in would be "treated" to this lewd sight. The odds of this happening were slim, but not zer0...and this was causing me a little extra tingle.
I looked down at the sight of Deron big pumpkin head now between my legs as he HUNGRILY licked my pussy while I grinded it against his face. His eyes were blood shot and his fat cheeks were glistening, resembling a rabid heavy jowled bull dog going down on me! My right foot, wet with his saliva, was now up on his shoulder and against his bald head as he ate me. Its funny I could feel a difference in the texture of his head: right after a long shift, it was stubbly...but when he was home and waiting on me, it would be freshly shaved and slick. There was some stubble today, scratchy against my tender soles.
Deron is a rock-solid pussy eater, and soon I am squirming and huffing and puffing thru my gritted teeth...doing all I can NOT to cry out in pleasure and alert the neighbors! I had a big messy O all over his face and he was beaming with pride at a job well done as he licked my inner thighs clean. He stood from his squatting postion, his scrubs and boxers sliding down as he did. His big black dick was peeking out from under his wide belly and he smacked the head of it against my still quivering pussy lips, causing me to flinch. He took a deep breath and eased forward, pressing it into me again.
We both gasped as he leaned forward on his knuckles and I dug my nails into his shoulders. We were now forehead to forehead, breathing the same air as he worked his hips in slow circles and grinding that dick inside me. We both savored this lazy blissful feeling for a bit, before I wrapped my legs around his thick waist and my arms around his neck.
"Let's go to the living room!" I suggested perkily. "Over to the couch!"
He leaned back and easily lifted me off the counter like I weighed nothing due to his thick "country strong" body. I held on tightly as he began staggering out of the kitchen. His scrubs and boxers were still around his ankles, and I had a sudden certain vision of him tripping at that moment and my dad coming home hours later to find us knocked-out and mostly naked on the kitchen floor, maybe dead. LOL. But Deron paused to step out of them one foot at a time, and then made his way across the house.
Once we got to the couch, I indicated that I wanted him to sit down with me still in his lap. He eased himself back and down, and to his credit his dick did not come unattched from my pussy the entire time. It was still buried inside me, feeling like I had sat down on a dark chocolate fire hydrant. This was basically the same position we had been in the passenger seat of the car in the garage, but much more comfortable and easier to grind in his lap. We had been kissing on our walk across the room but now that we were settled he was FINALLY able to worship my tender throbbing nipples with his fat purple lips and greedy mouth.
Ah, now THIS was the life! I had the tops of my feet resting on the tops of his thighs and we were settling in for a nice grinding ride while he sucked my tiddys!
While I pushed his head down to my boobs, I leaned forward to peek out the blinds. Ah, our retired neighbor across the street...lets just call him: Mr Gardenia...was already out and about tending to his lawn. Growing up, Mr Gardenia was always my best customer whenever I'd sell candy bars or tins of popcorn as school fundraisers. Heck he came to both mine and my brother's graduations and even my mom's funeral. I could only imagine the terror on Mr Gardenia's face if he heard a commotion and came over to peek in the window and saw sweet little Mandi Lou lusily riding a huge Negro dick like a common slutty porn star. He would no doubt shit his khakis and start to call the police, because surely I was being attacked, right? Hmmm...if he looked closer he would see that I was the one ridng Deron enthusiastically and moaning...definitely NOT a victim LOL.
Looking around, it was surreal in that this was the same spot on the couch where I'd often sit to watch Gunsmoke or Matlock with my family. And now Deron's fat ass and balls were sweating all over it as he fucked me like a ragdoll. Note to self: spray FEBREEZE all over the couch when this is over!
This had been delightful but I was ready to stetch my legs and do something else.
"Can you carry me up the stairs?" I said to him, nodding over my shoulder in the general direction of my room.
"Shit...I could carry yo ass to Indiana if I had to..." he grunted as he stood up with me holding onto him.
Once on his feet, he carried me to the stairs in his arms like a groom does to his bride over the threshold, or a fireman totes a damsel in distress out of a burning bulding. I held onto his neck and kicked my feet playfully..."MY HERO!" LOL. He did an admirable job, but I feel him becoming a bit labored as he made his way towards the landing at the top of the stairs. He may have been country strong, but he was also over-weight! Ha ha. As he neared the landing, I told him to put me down...and then I tapped my foot on the very top step, indicating he needed to have a seat right there.
He did as he was told and looked a little relieved to be resting ha ha. I stood before him and eased down a couple steps so we were nearly eye to eye...I then began kissing my way down his shouders, stopping to return the favor and suck on HIS big purple nipples and flabby man-boobs. Continuing to ease myself down a step at a time as I kissed and nibbled down his torso, spreading his legs WIDE with my hands. Now on my knees a couple steps below him, eye level with his big black dick pointing at me. Moving my lips to one knee and kissing my way up his thighs towards the center, just like he'd done me on the kitchen counter. Finally burying my face in the crease of his groin, licking the insides of his legs and his big tennis balls sized nuts, even down to his taint to his asscrack. My own pussy juices were coating his entire crotch and I eagerly lapped myself up off him.
So now your visual: this large sweaty black man sitting on the top step of the stairs in my family's house, legs spread wide with naked lil ol' ME on my knees between his legs...one hand tenderly on his knee to keep his legs open...while my blonde hair dipped and dived while I sucked on his huge hairy black tennis balls. Geez, imagine if Mr Gardenia peeked in the window NOW! He's see the soles of my feet upturned, my ass up in the air and my head bobbing over this huge Negro's lap while he threw his head back in a gap-toothed smile of PURE ECSTASY. He'd never buy a candy bar from me again. :)
The car BJ had been hungry and urgent, but this one on the staircase was...well, hungry and urgent, too...but with a sense of exploration and a smidge of teasing. Mostly just self-indulgence...I was treating Deron's thick chocolate body like a smorgesboard that I was enjoying very much. Sucking on his fat black dick with passion and affection, deep sucks interspersed with nibbles and licking. I think he thought I was probably going to finish him off at that moment, but no...I only wanted to give my pussy a bit of a rest before continuing :)
After awhile I lifted my head from his lap and kissed him deeply, and then...brushed past him. Confusion on his face as I nudged him slighlty out of the way so I could "walk" on all 4s past him onto the landing. I looked back over my shoulder at him and smiled sweetly, before reaching back and giving my ass cheek a nice right SMACK to let him know EXACTLY what I wanted next! That loud SMACK seemed to wake him up, and he quckly scrambled to get behind me. I was still walking on my hands and knees, moving forward and turning so that I was looking out thru the bannister of the railing while he hurried to get behind me.
I felt one hand on my waist while the other one was between my legs, speading them and opening my pussy lips. I felt the head of his dick, freshly sucked BY ME until it was engorged like a ripe plum press forward between the moist lips of my pussy and into the entrance of my opening. I arched my back towards him granting wide open access as I looked back over my shoulder at him.
"Fuck me" I snarled and with one sudden lunge, that's exactly what he was doing. This time I didn't bite my lip in time and DID cry out...hope I didn't startle Mr Gardenia!
So NOW for your visual: up on the landing overlooking our open living room. On my hands and knees with my ass stuck up in the air like the literal bitch in heat. That huge ugly Negro now mounting me from behind doggy style, his wide belly resting on my backside while his thick fingers were digging into my waist, pulling my hair, and/or man-handling my hanging boobs. Did I say doggy? This was clearly more like being ravaged by a bull or a silverback gorilla....which is exactly what kind of grunting and snorting noises he was making. I can only imagine what our panting sounded like all thru out the rest of the house, the floorboards creaking, the wet slapping of our bodies.
And yeah, we do have bay windows up high that I was now (more or less) even with. So theoretically, anybody outside across the street or distant enough could see up into the window and see this happening. I mean to get the right angle, you'd have to be pretty far away, which would make it harder to make out details. You could see our Christmas decorations thru these windows when you drive by in December, so someone looking up at the right moment should be able to see me fucked by King Kong, right? Well, maybe, maybe not. I know the fact that it was bright outside and no lights on the house would make it harder. But still...there was that slight change I could be seen, letting this black man fuck me like an a n i m a l...and that was so hot to me!
In fact, at one point I actually saw the UPS man driving slowly down our street...and then stopping in front of our house!
My first thought was: "what the heck is UPS doing running at 9a on a Saturday?"...and then my 2nd thought was: "What the heck did daddy order now?....and then my 3rd thought was: "dang, can he see up in here?" I mean, if I could see HIM, then he could see ME...right? After a few beats I saw his shadow suddenly appear against the blinds by the front door! He was on our front porch! AND...if Deron and I had still been on the couch, the UPS guy would literally be just on the other side of those blinds less than a foot away from where I had been riding that black dick!
I was feeling a bit mischievous, and un-bit my lip long enough for a sharp gasp, followed by a long ragged groan of "FUUUUUUCKKK!" to escape me. I swear I saw his shadow freeze, as if heard it and was listening for more? I mean, if he was listening hard it wouldn't have been too difficult for him to hear the steady whap-whap-whap-whap of Deron's huge balls swinging and slapping my pussy on every one of his down strokes. Was the UPS man hearing all this? I like to think he did!
Anywho, after he left, I knew the time was drawing near. Deron had been putting in solid day's work pounding me all over my house, but I knew he had to be getting close. I had come twice and was getting a little fatigued and starting to think about how good a nice cold sip of water would be. I looked back at him, making eye contact with a nod and I felt him grab onto my hips to start pounding faster to trigger his nut. I was really really in the mood to feel him come all over my back and butt...however I had this vision of him squirting all over the landing, railing, stairs...off and into the living room, daddy's recliner, etc.
So I reached back to massage those big balls of his and told him to do it inside me...and OH HOW HE DID!
I was face down on the landing with pussy angled up at him and he absolutely painted my inside white with what felt like a MASSIVE load of Negro sperm. I could honestly feel it running down inside me like paint spilled on a wall....given the position I was in and the volume of his discharge, I knew without a doubt that if I wasn't on birth control pills (or heaven forbid, they don't work), will be pooping out Deron Jr in exactly 9 months. That was a baby-making BREEDING load of come he saturated my ovaries with.
Afterwards we collapsed right there on the landing and I was so glad there was a ceiling fan directly over us, the cool air felt AMAZING on our sweat-soaked bodies trembling in post-orgasmic bliss. The kind of sex so good that when we did finally stagger to our feet, we were wobbly and swaying, our eyes glazed. We actually high-fived! Twice! I glanced at the time and to my shock it was only 9a! I couldn't believe it, that felt like an absolute marathon session but I guess that was due to the intensity. I knew that those old timers at the church were probably still chewing on their bisquits and gravy and talking about whatever old guys talk about.
I told Deron to go on ahead to the bathroom in my bedroom. I then made a lap thru the house, gathering up all the clothes we'd left everywhere. When he emerged from the bathroom refreshed, there was coffee, bottled water, and donuts waiting for him on my nightstand. What service, right? He laid back on my bed, 100% naked, feet crossed at the ankles like a conquering king...and I, also 100% naked, soon joined him there, snuggled up against his thick body. After we chugged some water to rehydrate, we sipped our coffee and chatted. I'd like to say we had intelligent discussions about current world events...but we mostly just talked about how awesome that sex was that we just had :)
I used my phone to check in our our church's social media page to see how the event was progressing. Finally I texted one of the ladies I knew was there, "innocently" checking on daddy to see if he needed me to come get him? She told me that no, he was doing fine and have a good ol' time and yep, the breakfast was running long and it was no telling WHAT time there were even going to get to the shooting range. I told her "Oh no problem! Yall take AS LONG AS YOU WANT!" :)
I put my phone away and told Deron to finish his water and coffee and donuts...Why? Because he was going to need some fuel for this next part! LOL! He smiled like a possum as we turned our attention to each other again, pressing our bare bodies together and getting back into some nice slooooooow kissing. Gentle at first, slow motion like cold molasses, running the arch of my bare foot up and down his hairy black leg. Feeling my tender nipples begin stiffening again as we moved against each other. Exploring necks, ears, shoulders, sucking tongues, chewing lips...in no hurry :)
Eventually leading to deeeep lip locking smooching while I slowly jacked his dick and he fingered me. Licking each other ALL OVER, sucking each other's toes at the same time, having a passionate 6ixty9ine, fucking each other's mouths as we grinded all over each other's faces. Finally laying back so he could get on top of me missionary, me spreading my trembling legs around him. Feeling his thick dick fill me up completely again. No urgent humping like feral b**sts in self-indulgent postions...no, this was wrapping our arms and legs around each other as we kissed and made love like a couple on our honeymoon. No talk of n!99ers or white pussy, instead grunts and sighs and telling each other how amazing it felt.
And I mean LOTS of good ol'fastion missionary screwing! My heels hooked around his waist and then up on his shoulder, my sweaty feet all up in his face as he kissed my arches and soles as passionately as he did my lips. Rubbing my sensitive tingling soles all over his perspiring hippo face, twitching every time his fat tongue slid between my toes. Finally having another eye-rollling orgasm while he sucked on my toes, so intense I actually squrited a little.
Then, my aching pussy finally hitting the wall and tapping out. Telling him I was getting sore and could he PLEASE finish up on my face? I didn't want come all over the living room stairs, but I was more than happy to clean it off my headboard and pillows later! He staddled my chest and blew another impressive load on my chest and face, into my open mouth while I massaged his balls. Finally dipping his black dick into my mouth so I could drain him down to the last sweet drop.
OK, now THAT time did take longer! Time went as fast for that round as it seemed slow for the first one!
DEFINITLEY time to leave after that, and yes I made him lay down in the seat again as we left the house and yes, I did smile sweetly and wave at Mr Gardenia as I drove past him still tending his yard. And yes, Deron and I did promise to do it again soon. And yes, daddy did say that he had a marvelous time at the event and oh, by the way: did a package come from him?
"Darn right..." I said with a smirk remembering the UPS man on the porch.
So, I know what you're thinking:
"Hey Mandi...of course I read your 'Taking Care of the Black Caregiver" story
(found here: https://xhamster.com/posts/10308172)
but how is this PART SIX?!? Am I missing something here?!?"
And the answer is: yes! You absolutely ARE missing rounds 2, 3, 4, and 5 in which Deron and I engaged. :)
Back in late March when we last talked about this, I indicated that I wasn't sure whether to leave this as a one-time only event or wondered if the temptation of a having a discreet local hook-up would prove too tempting to me...?
Well, yall that know me already know or can easily guess the answer to that!
I landed somewhere in the middle, ultimately deciding that Deron would make a nice once-a-month (or so) chocolate-covered treat. In fact, I was still undecided about how to proceed until a few weeks after our first encounter...my cousins took my daddy out for a fishing trip, picking him up at the crack of dawn. I was up helping him get ready when the realization that I would have the house to myself all day hit me like a ton of bricks...and before the door had even closed good behind dear ol'dad, I was already messaging Deron, asking if he a) was at work? And b) getting off his shift in a couple hours? And c) wanted to stop by and "get some coffee" like the last time?
He: a) was, B) was, and C) YES!
So that day in April, I peeked out my window and opened the garage door remotely when he drove up, once again grateful that none of my neighbors were up early to see him. I messaged him that the entry door was open, to come on up to my room up the stairs.
Oh my, the sounds of doors opening and closing downstairs, heavy footsteps in the kitchen and then coming up the stairs. Finally my door creaking open and Deron peeking in to see...me laying on my bed in black lingerie and black thigh high stockings! Oh, and 2 cups of coffee on the nightstand. :)
No time limits on our fun that day, taking our time making out, exploring each others' bodies, even hopping in the shower together, rolling around on my sheets until lunch time!
So yeah, that was round 2...on my home turf like the first time.
But I knew that sneaking him into my family home was not going to be sustainable. And as much as I wanted to hook up with him monthly, I wasn't sure that was practical. He is single but lives with family (aunt + uncle and cousins) and has about as much privacy as I do (ie...not much)
He and I were messaging a bit and considering options, when I suddenly had an idea!
Long story short: on Sundays, I go to early church service and am out by 1130.
If you know anything about black churches in the south, you know that is the EARLIEST they start and usually run well past 2p.
It was when Deron said that he tried to go to church as much as he could, but if he worked a long shift on Saturday night, he will often sleep in while the rest of his family goes. Heh-heh :)
I knew that on this one particular Sunday about a month after our round 2, daddy was not feeling well and was not going to go to church...meaning I was flying solo that day. I messaged Deron and he confirmed that the rest of his family would be going to their church that day. So he gave me directions to where he lived and even suggested a parking spot the next street over directly behind his house.
So yeah...by 1145 I was cutting thru Deron's backyard in an older part of town. Nothing fancy, but neat and not the ghetto.
Since I was coming directly from church, I was wearing a floral print dress, heels, and sheer pale white stockings underneath (yes, I am old-fashioned and still wearing pantyhose/nylons to church!) You should have seen the look on his face when he saw me! Probably not too many classy blondes in church dresses cut thru his backyard...or step up to him to throw arms around his neck for a hello kiss...or suggest that we quickly head on back to his bedroom!
He had been napping and looked unkept in his T-shirt with the sleeves cut out, boxers, and bare feet...we were quite the contrast! And I certainly looked out of place in his small room, with its window AC unit rumbling and already struggling to keep up on this warm day. We were able to have a nice urgent sweaty session with plenty of time to spare before his family were close to coming home. And this encounter, aka ROUND 3, was so much fun, we hooked up just like this twice again in JUNE for rounds 4 + 5!
Which brings us up to date, this past Saturday...and I realized that we hadn't hooked up in JULY...and the month was almost over!
I had lots going on this month and it just hadn't been working out, schedule-wise....BUT, as soon as I heard there was going to be an activity for the senior men at our church the last Saturday in JULY, meaning daddy would be out of the house for a few hours? Well, I knew that was IT! I messaged Deron and he said that oh heck yes he would be available that morning!
So, I dropped daddy off at church around 8. They were having breakfast, Bible study, and then head to the shooting range (got to love churches in the south!). And then lunch...but daddy indicated he would probably ready to come home after the shooting range, which would still give me at least 3 hours for Deron to scratch my itch. :) Daddy can actually still drive himself pretty well, but since I have moved back home we have fallen into the habit of me driving him everywhere. So it was very natural that I drop him off and then go pick him up where he was ready.
And on my way back thru, I swung by to meet Deron. A big smile spread across his face when he saw me pull up...he has a very infectious smile and I quickly returned it. :) He is the type of jovial black guy you see who always smiles and tips his cap hello to you...the janitor who stops his mopping to tell you 'good morning!', the bus boy who opens the door of the restaurant for you, the hospice orderly who always tries to brighten your otherwise somber day. He is a legitimately good person, which makes it so much more rewarding to provide him with nasty carnal pleasure that "nice guys" like him never seem to get.
Instead of him driving his hoopty mobile thru my 'hood and the prying eyes of my neighbors, I waved for him to get in the passenger side of my vehicle. He did and there was a quick urge to give him a hello kiss, but instead I looked around nervously and started drivng off. I felt a little guilty when I told him that it would be best if he slid down in the seat so that no one could see him riding with me. Well, if I'm being honest...that was also a little HOT, reinforcing the taboo of what we were doing, how we were sneaking around. Isn't sex a little more fun when you have to sneak to do it? I certainly think so!
Of course he would have gladly ridden in the trunk if I'd asked or told him to! His eyes had flashed up and down me when he got in the car and I could see him inspecting me out of the corner of his eyes. Up to and during our first hook up, it was winter and I was almost always wearing jeans/sweaters/boots type apparel. And then as I mentioned, it was lingerie for round 2, and then church dress/hose/heels for 3/4/5. Now, he was getting his first glimpse of Summertime Mandi: sleeveless blouse, shorts, sandals with ankle bracelet/toe ring/summer pedicure. I WANTED him to see Summertime Mandi, especially now that I spent a little (careful!) time in the sun and was a nice golden tan. Of course since I had just come from dropping daddy off at church, I was dressed respectable and not like Daisy Duke (LOL)...BUT looking like a nice conservative southern blonde while still showing off plenty of bare arms, legs and feet was actually BETTER next to fat ugly black Deron....agree? :)
Anywho, we chatted a bit on the short drive to my house. As I think I've mentioned, he is very easy to talk to and we caught up on work and family stuff. As I was turning off onto the street that would eventually lead me to our own, I moved my right hand from the wheel and placed it on his thigh, about mid-way up. I felt him hitch slightly at this.
"So, Deron..." I purred while I gently squeezed his leg. "Have you...*thought* about me much since the last time we were together....?"
"Um-hm, sho have," he said in a low tone.
"Oh, yeah?" I said perkily, easing my hand up his thigh a bit. "How so? Good thoughts, I hope!" :)
"Oh, VERY good thoughts," he continued, his eyes cutting down to my hand. "Some mornin's I go out to my car and start thinkin' bout that first time you asked me to go 'get coffee'..."
"REALLY?" I said. I mean, wow...I *know* my lovers surely reminisce about me, heck I do that to them...but it sure is nice and unexpected to hear such a specific example.
"Oh yeah!" he assured me. "Sunday afternoons during church, too...."
"OH MY GOSH!" I said excitedly. "I think about you sometimes during those moments, too..."
"And..." I continued with a sly smile, dragging my nails across the lump in his scrubs. . "Sometimes when I'm in the shower in the mornings....or under the covers at night...."
His eyes got wide and my hand was now up near the bulge in his jeans. And I was only a couple blocks from home :)
"Do you jack off while you think about me?" I asked demurely, as I began massaging his hard-on.
"Hell yeah..." he grumbled as his eyes rolled back in his head. "All the damn time..."
"Well, good news:" I said as I released my grip on his lump long enough to press the remote control for the garage door. "You won't have to worry about doing it yourself today!"
I pulled the car in and OH MY GOSH, it seemed like it was taking that garage door FOREVER to close behind me! Haha, that was the longest 15 seconds of my life! But once if FINALLY closed, I practically launched myself over the console on top of Deron before he could even sit up. Nose to nose, lips melting together, holding onto his big bald black head, pressing my throbbing pussy against the lump in his scrubs. Slipping my feet out of my sandals as I straddled him in the passenger seat.
We had gone from zer0 to 60 in 5 seconds flat! HOT making out with tongues swirling and his big bear paw hands gripping my butt cheeks to grind me down on his hard-on. Passionate kisses all along each others' neck and ears, nibbling and nuzzling and tasting each other's skin and sweat. My lips were at his ear when I said:
"...wanna suck your n!99er dick...." in between chewing on his lobe and tongue-fucking his ear.
Oh, did I not mention that he and I had gotten into some pretty intense racial talk now?
Well, we have. It started out from the start, talking about his BIG BLACK DICK and my SWEET WHITE PUSSY...and escalated. Now, I never EVER drop a N-bomb without knowing the guy is OK with it and wants to hear it. I basically have to be invited to do it, and that's N!99-A, just less the hard -ER. But yeah, we had crossed that bridge during one of our after-church sweaty romps and now, here we were!
"Damn right..." he grunted pushing my head along as I began wiggling my way down and pulling his scrubs and boxers down with me. I yanked them down to his knees, and his big black dick suddenly sprang up very stiffly, and I caught it in my mouth on the 2nd bounce! The aroma of his musty crotch and strong male musk hit me square in the face and made my head spin. Sorry, no teasing this time, I immediately sucked it into my mouth and began head bobbing on it while sucking hard.
He was looking down at me while I was sucking him enthusiastically and I was making eye contact right back, one of his hands gripping my blonde hair as my head bobbed. I reached down to start undoing my shorts and pushing them down my legs, trying my best not to break suction while I did. This caused his eyebrows to arch in curosity. I kicked my lower legs and feet rapidly to get my shorts all the way off, and then sprang forward until I was straddling him again, gripping his black dick in my one hand while I positioned my dripping wet pussy right over it.
I bit my lip and arched my back, causing my pussy lips to spread all around the head of his dick. I let my own weight push my body down and him up into me. Oh my gosh, there is nothing like that sensation of being COMPLETELY FILLED like only a black dick can provide! FULL and pressing against my walls because he is SO BIG and I am SO TIGHT...but sliding in due to how massively wet I am! I don't think he expected that I would be riding him right there in my car in the garage just a few minutes after we'd been crusing down the street. Come to think of it, *I* hadn't expected it either! But i was so horny, I just HAD to have him inside me!
"Look at you, ridin that n!99er dick!" he grunted as I pivoted my hips up and down.
"Damn right..." I said back to him, drawing a chuckle. We were nose to nose again, mean-mugging each other while I dug my nails into his shoulder and he held onto my ass cheeks as I rode his dick.
We didn't actually spend much time like this, just a few minutes of intense riding. The point was that I just HAD to have him inside me, and now that that mission was accomplished, I began becoming aware of how cramped we were, now my knees and lower left leg were pressing uncomfortably against the seat and door. This had been the absolute right thing to do at the time, but I was ready to stretch out and really get nasty! :) I collapsed onto him and after a nice deep sexy kiss, said:
"Let's go inside!"
And with that, I opened the passenger door and began peeling myself off his lap and stepping out of the car. It had actually been a cool morning (mid-upper 60s, still only about 70) and the concrete garage floor felt AMAZING on my bare feet and I immediately felt my nipples get even stiffer (if that was possible). I grabbed my shorts and sandals and led him inside wearing absolutely nothing on my bottom half! He had pulled his scrubs and boxers up enough so he could walk easily.
We stepped thru the entry door from the garage into the kitchen, the area where visitors leave their shoes. I tossed my sandals AND my shorts there, while he stepped out of his sneakers, still holding onto his scrubs in one hand.
"Can I get you anything to eat or drink while we are in the kitchen?" I said with a laugh and he chuckled and shook his head "no".
Well, I meant it as a joke, but once the words cleared my mouth, I had a thought.
"Are you SURE about that?" I said grabbing his arm as I began backing up. "There's NOTHING here in this kitchen you want to EAT right now?"
And with that, I heaved myself up to sit on the edge of the counter, my left leg extended and toes gripping the edge of the kitchen island and spreading widely before him. Reaching to yank my sleeveless top off over my head and back to un-do my bra. Him staring betwen my obscenely-wide spread legs at my wet pussy that he'd already been inside of.
"Uh, yeah," he grumbled stepping forward to touch me. "I see somethin I wanna eat."
Me: "What's that?"
Him: "You."
"What part of me?" I said touching my clit. "Please be specific"
"ALL OF YOU..." he grunted while simultaneously pulling my right foot to his mouth while inserting 2 fat fingers inside my pussy.
OK, I really wanted and expected him to say "YO WHITE PUSSY!"...but this was good too! Those were definitely not complaints coming out of my mouth, but instead ragged cries as he began devouring my right foot while fingering me. This was one of my favorite things to have done to me, and Deron was very attentive and a good learner having picked up on this. Eventually he began kissing his way down my ankle and calf towards my center...and I was kneading my painfully stiff nipples in anticipation of his arrival there.
So, yeah...for your visual: I was now 100% buck naked (well, except for some jewelry :) ) and sitting on my familiy's kitchen counter, legs spread wide while this chubby ugly hippo of a black man was sucking my toes and eating my pussy. I felt like such a nasty slut and so...EXPOSED! I mean, I had gone around this morning in anticipation of this and closed the blinds most of the way. So while my neighbors across the street couldn't easily see in, anyone who walked right up to the window and peeked in would be "treated" to this lewd sight. The odds of this happening were slim, but not zer0...and this was causing me a little extra tingle.
I looked down at the sight of Deron big pumpkin head now between my legs as he HUNGRILY licked my pussy while I grinded it against his face. His eyes were blood shot and his fat cheeks were glistening, resembling a rabid heavy jowled bull dog going down on me! My right foot, wet with his saliva, was now up on his shoulder and against his bald head as he ate me. Its funny I could feel a difference in the texture of his head: right after a long shift, it was stubbly...but when he was home and waiting on me, it would be freshly shaved and slick. There was some stubble today, scratchy against my tender soles.
Deron is a rock-solid pussy eater, and soon I am squirming and huffing and puffing thru my gritted teeth...doing all I can NOT to cry out in pleasure and alert the neighbors! I had a big messy O all over his face and he was beaming with pride at a job well done as he licked my inner thighs clean. He stood from his squatting postion, his scrubs and boxers sliding down as he did. His big black dick was peeking out from under his wide belly and he smacked the head of it against my still quivering pussy lips, causing me to flinch. He took a deep breath and eased forward, pressing it into me again.
We both gasped as he leaned forward on his knuckles and I dug my nails into his shoulders. We were now forehead to forehead, breathing the same air as he worked his hips in slow circles and grinding that dick inside me. We both savored this lazy blissful feeling for a bit, before I wrapped my legs around his thick waist and my arms around his neck.
"Let's go to the living room!" I suggested perkily. "Over to the couch!"
He leaned back and easily lifted me off the counter like I weighed nothing due to his thick "country strong" body. I held on tightly as he began staggering out of the kitchen. His scrubs and boxers were still around his ankles, and I had a sudden certain vision of him tripping at that moment and my dad coming home hours later to find us knocked-out and mostly naked on the kitchen floor, maybe dead. LOL. But Deron paused to step out of them one foot at a time, and then made his way across the house.
Once we got to the couch, I indicated that I wanted him to sit down with me still in his lap. He eased himself back and down, and to his credit his dick did not come unattched from my pussy the entire time. It was still buried inside me, feeling like I had sat down on a dark chocolate fire hydrant. This was basically the same position we had been in the passenger seat of the car in the garage, but much more comfortable and easier to grind in his lap. We had been kissing on our walk across the room but now that we were settled he was FINALLY able to worship my tender throbbing nipples with his fat purple lips and greedy mouth.
Ah, now THIS was the life! I had the tops of my feet resting on the tops of his thighs and we were settling in for a nice grinding ride while he sucked my tiddys!
While I pushed his head down to my boobs, I leaned forward to peek out the blinds. Ah, our retired neighbor across the street...lets just call him: Mr Gardenia...was already out and about tending to his lawn. Growing up, Mr Gardenia was always my best customer whenever I'd sell candy bars or tins of popcorn as school fundraisers. Heck he came to both mine and my brother's graduations and even my mom's funeral. I could only imagine the terror on Mr Gardenia's face if he heard a commotion and came over to peek in the window and saw sweet little Mandi Lou lusily riding a huge Negro dick like a common slutty porn star. He would no doubt shit his khakis and start to call the police, because surely I was being attacked, right? Hmmm...if he looked closer he would see that I was the one ridng Deron enthusiastically and moaning...definitely NOT a victim LOL.
Looking around, it was surreal in that this was the same spot on the couch where I'd often sit to watch Gunsmoke or Matlock with my family. And now Deron's fat ass and balls were sweating all over it as he fucked me like a ragdoll. Note to self: spray FEBREEZE all over the couch when this is over!
This had been delightful but I was ready to stetch my legs and do something else.
"Can you carry me up the stairs?" I said to him, nodding over my shoulder in the general direction of my room.
"Shit...I could carry yo ass to Indiana if I had to..." he grunted as he stood up with me holding onto him.
Once on his feet, he carried me to the stairs in his arms like a groom does to his bride over the threshold, or a fireman totes a damsel in distress out of a burning bulding. I held onto his neck and kicked my feet playfully..."MY HERO!" LOL. He did an admirable job, but I feel him becoming a bit labored as he made his way towards the landing at the top of the stairs. He may have been country strong, but he was also over-weight! Ha ha. As he neared the landing, I told him to put me down...and then I tapped my foot on the very top step, indicating he needed to have a seat right there.
He did as he was told and looked a little relieved to be resting ha ha. I stood before him and eased down a couple steps so we were nearly eye to eye...I then began kissing my way down his shouders, stopping to return the favor and suck on HIS big purple nipples and flabby man-boobs. Continuing to ease myself down a step at a time as I kissed and nibbled down his torso, spreading his legs WIDE with my hands. Now on my knees a couple steps below him, eye level with his big black dick pointing at me. Moving my lips to one knee and kissing my way up his thighs towards the center, just like he'd done me on the kitchen counter. Finally burying my face in the crease of his groin, licking the insides of his legs and his big tennis balls sized nuts, even down to his taint to his asscrack. My own pussy juices were coating his entire crotch and I eagerly lapped myself up off him.
So now your visual: this large sweaty black man sitting on the top step of the stairs in my family's house, legs spread wide with naked lil ol' ME on my knees between his legs...one hand tenderly on his knee to keep his legs open...while my blonde hair dipped and dived while I sucked on his huge hairy black tennis balls. Geez, imagine if Mr Gardenia peeked in the window NOW! He's see the soles of my feet upturned, my ass up in the air and my head bobbing over this huge Negro's lap while he threw his head back in a gap-toothed smile of PURE ECSTASY. He'd never buy a candy bar from me again. :)
The car BJ had been hungry and urgent, but this one on the staircase was...well, hungry and urgent, too...but with a sense of exploration and a smidge of teasing. Mostly just self-indulgence...I was treating Deron's thick chocolate body like a smorgesboard that I was enjoying very much. Sucking on his fat black dick with passion and affection, deep sucks interspersed with nibbles and licking. I think he thought I was probably going to finish him off at that moment, but no...I only wanted to give my pussy a bit of a rest before continuing :)
After awhile I lifted my head from his lap and kissed him deeply, and then...brushed past him. Confusion on his face as I nudged him slighlty out of the way so I could "walk" on all 4s past him onto the landing. I looked back over my shoulder at him and smiled sweetly, before reaching back and giving my ass cheek a nice right SMACK to let him know EXACTLY what I wanted next! That loud SMACK seemed to wake him up, and he quckly scrambled to get behind me. I was still walking on my hands and knees, moving forward and turning so that I was looking out thru the bannister of the railing while he hurried to get behind me.
I felt one hand on my waist while the other one was between my legs, speading them and opening my pussy lips. I felt the head of his dick, freshly sucked BY ME until it was engorged like a ripe plum press forward between the moist lips of my pussy and into the entrance of my opening. I arched my back towards him granting wide open access as I looked back over my shoulder at him.
"Fuck me" I snarled and with one sudden lunge, that's exactly what he was doing. This time I didn't bite my lip in time and DID cry out...hope I didn't startle Mr Gardenia!
So NOW for your visual: up on the landing overlooking our open living room. On my hands and knees with my ass stuck up in the air like the literal bitch in heat. That huge ugly Negro now mounting me from behind doggy style, his wide belly resting on my backside while his thick fingers were digging into my waist, pulling my hair, and/or man-handling my hanging boobs. Did I say doggy? This was clearly more like being ravaged by a bull or a silverback gorilla....which is exactly what kind of grunting and snorting noises he was making. I can only imagine what our panting sounded like all thru out the rest of the house, the floorboards creaking, the wet slapping of our bodies.
And yeah, we do have bay windows up high that I was now (more or less) even with. So theoretically, anybody outside across the street or distant enough could see up into the window and see this happening. I mean to get the right angle, you'd have to be pretty far away, which would make it harder to make out details. You could see our Christmas decorations thru these windows when you drive by in December, so someone looking up at the right moment should be able to see me fucked by King Kong, right? Well, maybe, maybe not. I know the fact that it was bright outside and no lights on the house would make it harder. But still...there was that slight change I could be seen, letting this black man fuck me like an a n i m a l...and that was so hot to me!
In fact, at one point I actually saw the UPS man driving slowly down our street...and then stopping in front of our house!
My first thought was: "what the heck is UPS doing running at 9a on a Saturday?"...and then my 2nd thought was: "What the heck did daddy order now?....and then my 3rd thought was: "dang, can he see up in here?" I mean, if I could see HIM, then he could see ME...right? After a few beats I saw his shadow suddenly appear against the blinds by the front door! He was on our front porch! AND...if Deron and I had still been on the couch, the UPS guy would literally be just on the other side of those blinds less than a foot away from where I had been riding that black dick!
I was feeling a bit mischievous, and un-bit my lip long enough for a sharp gasp, followed by a long ragged groan of "FUUUUUUCKKK!" to escape me. I swear I saw his shadow freeze, as if heard it and was listening for more? I mean, if he was listening hard it wouldn't have been too difficult for him to hear the steady whap-whap-whap-whap of Deron's huge balls swinging and slapping my pussy on every one of his down strokes. Was the UPS man hearing all this? I like to think he did!
Anywho, after he left, I knew the time was drawing near. Deron had been putting in solid day's work pounding me all over my house, but I knew he had to be getting close. I had come twice and was getting a little fatigued and starting to think about how good a nice cold sip of water would be. I looked back at him, making eye contact with a nod and I felt him grab onto my hips to start pounding faster to trigger his nut. I was really really in the mood to feel him come all over my back and butt...however I had this vision of him squirting all over the landing, railing, stairs...off and into the living room, daddy's recliner, etc.
So I reached back to massage those big balls of his and told him to do it inside me...and OH HOW HE DID!
I was face down on the landing with pussy angled up at him and he absolutely painted my inside white with what felt like a MASSIVE load of Negro sperm. I could honestly feel it running down inside me like paint spilled on a wall....given the position I was in and the volume of his discharge, I knew without a doubt that if I wasn't on birth control pills (or heaven forbid, they don't work), will be pooping out Deron Jr in exactly 9 months. That was a baby-making BREEDING load of come he saturated my ovaries with.
Afterwards we collapsed right there on the landing and I was so glad there was a ceiling fan directly over us, the cool air felt AMAZING on our sweat-soaked bodies trembling in post-orgasmic bliss. The kind of sex so good that when we did finally stagger to our feet, we were wobbly and swaying, our eyes glazed. We actually high-fived! Twice! I glanced at the time and to my shock it was only 9a! I couldn't believe it, that felt like an absolute marathon session but I guess that was due to the intensity. I knew that those old timers at the church were probably still chewing on their bisquits and gravy and talking about whatever old guys talk about.
I told Deron to go on ahead to the bathroom in my bedroom. I then made a lap thru the house, gathering up all the clothes we'd left everywhere. When he emerged from the bathroom refreshed, there was coffee, bottled water, and donuts waiting for him on my nightstand. What service, right? He laid back on my bed, 100% naked, feet crossed at the ankles like a conquering king...and I, also 100% naked, soon joined him there, snuggled up against his thick body. After we chugged some water to rehydrate, we sipped our coffee and chatted. I'd like to say we had intelligent discussions about current world events...but we mostly just talked about how awesome that sex was that we just had :)
I used my phone to check in our our church's social media page to see how the event was progressing. Finally I texted one of the ladies I knew was there, "innocently" checking on daddy to see if he needed me to come get him? She told me that no, he was doing fine and have a good ol' time and yep, the breakfast was running long and it was no telling WHAT time there were even going to get to the shooting range. I told her "Oh no problem! Yall take AS LONG AS YOU WANT!" :)
I put my phone away and told Deron to finish his water and coffee and donuts...Why? Because he was going to need some fuel for this next part! LOL! He smiled like a possum as we turned our attention to each other again, pressing our bare bodies together and getting back into some nice slooooooow kissing. Gentle at first, slow motion like cold molasses, running the arch of my bare foot up and down his hairy black leg. Feeling my tender nipples begin stiffening again as we moved against each other. Exploring necks, ears, shoulders, sucking tongues, chewing lips...in no hurry :)
Eventually leading to deeeep lip locking smooching while I slowly jacked his dick and he fingered me. Licking each other ALL OVER, sucking each other's toes at the same time, having a passionate 6ixty9ine, fucking each other's mouths as we grinded all over each other's faces. Finally laying back so he could get on top of me missionary, me spreading my trembling legs around him. Feeling his thick dick fill me up completely again. No urgent humping like feral b**sts in self-indulgent postions...no, this was wrapping our arms and legs around each other as we kissed and made love like a couple on our honeymoon. No talk of n!99ers or white pussy, instead grunts and sighs and telling each other how amazing it felt.
And I mean LOTS of good ol'fastion missionary screwing! My heels hooked around his waist and then up on his shoulder, my sweaty feet all up in his face as he kissed my arches and soles as passionately as he did my lips. Rubbing my sensitive tingling soles all over his perspiring hippo face, twitching every time his fat tongue slid between my toes. Finally having another eye-rollling orgasm while he sucked on my toes, so intense I actually squrited a little.
Then, my aching pussy finally hitting the wall and tapping out. Telling him I was getting sore and could he PLEASE finish up on my face? I didn't want come all over the living room stairs, but I was more than happy to clean it off my headboard and pillows later! He staddled my chest and blew another impressive load on my chest and face, into my open mouth while I massaged his balls. Finally dipping his black dick into my mouth so I could drain him down to the last sweet drop.
OK, now THAT time did take longer! Time went as fast for that round as it seemed slow for the first one!
DEFINITLEY time to leave after that, and yes I made him lay down in the seat again as we left the house and yes, I did smile sweetly and wave at Mr Gardenia as I drove past him still tending his yard. And yes, Deron and I did promise to do it again soon. And yes, daddy did say that he had a marvelous time at the event and oh, by the way: did a package come from him?
"Darn right..." I said with a smirk remembering the UPS man on the porch.
2 年 前
Maybe from his truck, where he was elevated, pull out a pair of binoculars....
of course the downside of that? He is on a first name basis with my dad, so...