Becoming a slut wife - Stasha
I shuffled through the pile of bills on the table and shook my head in dismay. Two months behind on the mortgage, two months behind on the truck payment, shut-off notices from the phone and electric companies and no way for me to come up with the money any time soon. Things were not looking good.
I'm a carpenter by trade and I've never had a problem finding work, but my problem was that I couldn't work. I had been siding houses for a developer and through my own stupidity I had fallen off of a scaffold and had broken my leg in two places. I'd been off work for two months and it would be at least another six weeks before I could go back. By then the truck would have been repossessed and the house foreclosed on. My wife Stasha works, but secretary's don't make all that much. What Stasha brings home keeps us in groceries and that's about it. Neither one of has a living relative that we could ask for help so we are pretty much screwed.
There was one ray of sunshine. Paul stopped by the house one night to see how I was doing. He brought a twelve pack of Bud with him and as we worked our way through it he brought me up to date on what was happening on the job site. He brought me a get well card signed by all the guys on the crew and then, a little on the embarrassed side, he took a wad of cash out of his pocket and handed it to me. "The guys took up a collection for you."
"Thanks. Tell them that it will come in handy. It will keep the lights on and the phone hooked up, at least until they kick us out."
"It's not that bad, is it?"
I told him what we were up against and he'd had enough beer in him to say, "You shouldn't have problems like that. Hell, Stasha is sitting on a gold mine. Christ guy, I'd pony up five hundred for a shot at her and I'm just one guy."
He was joking and I knew it and I didn't take offense because we talked like that all the time on the job. I told him I'd keep him in mind if Stasha ever decided to go into business. We had one more beer each and then he said he had to go. Later that evening I gave Stasha the cash Paul had given me and told her to take care of the phone and electric bills.
Just when things were really dark a little bit of luck came our way. Stasha came home one night and told me that her boss was going to expand the business and he wanted to know if she would be able to put in some overtime during the week and on Saturdays and Stasha naturally said yes. For the next month and a half Stasha put in four hours of overtime every night of the week at time and a half and eight hours on Saturday at double time and the extra money saved our ass. We caught up on all our bills and actually managed to put a little money in the savings account. The doctor cleared me to go back to work and that's when things really went to shit.
I'd been back to work a month and Stasha was still putting in overtime two or three days a week and every other Saturday and we were building up a nice cushion in the savings account against the next disaster. One night Marty, one of the guys I work with, couldn't get his car to start after work and he asked me if I could give him a ride into town. "I've got a date and I don't dare to be late because she won't wait."
"Where do you have to go?"
"The Best Western on Sixth."
"Don't you need to go home and change?"
"No, it's not that kind of a date. I can shower in the room before we take care of business."
"You telling me that a hooker won't wait for her customer?"
"Not this one. She's married and has to be home by a certain time."
I ran Marty into town and dropped him off at the front entrance of the motel. As I was pulling out of the circular drive something caught my eye. I stopped, backed up and looked again. It was Stasha's car. No doubt about it - I knew the plate number. She worked on the other side of town so why was her car here? Curiosity got the best of me and I drove over to where Stasha worked and there were only two cars on the parking lot. The front door was locked so I banged on it to get the attention of the security guard. He came over to see what I wanted and I told him I stopped by to see my wife. "She's working overtime tonight."
"Not here she isn't. Ain't nobody worked overtime here in the four years I been here."
I walked back to my truck and sat in it trying to make sense of what the guard told me. Stasha told me she had been working overtime for the last three months and the guard said no one had worked overtime in the last four years. I might not have an MBA, but I was smart enough to know that something did not compute.
I was sitting on the couch sipping a beer and watching the Red Wings skate against the Avalanche when Stasha got home.
"Rough day?"
"It was a bitch. I spent most of the time moving furniture and file cabinets and my feet are killing me. I'm going to go soak in the tub."
I watched her walk up the stairs and wondered just what the hell she was up to.
It was two days before Stasha told me that she was going to work overtime again. She normally got off work at five and I usually work until we lose the sun so I told the boss I needed to leave work a little early for a doctor's appointment to check out my leg. At four forty-five I was parked across the street from Stasha's work place. There was no rear entrance so she had to come out of the lot where I could see her. At ten after five Stasha came out of the lot and I gave her a couple of blocks head start and followed her. She drove to the Marriott on Coleman, parked and walked inside. I saw her walk into the lounge and I debated following her in, but then decided to park where I could keep an eye on the lobby.
It was almost half an hour before Stasha came out of the lounge and she wasn't alone - Paul was with her. The two of them turned toward the bank of elevators and I saw them get in one. I didn't need to be a rocket scientist to figure out what was going on, Stasha and Paul were having an affair. I headed on home, but while I was driving something occurred to me. It should have hit me the previous night, but I was so upset that I spaced it. Where was the so-called overtime money coming from if Stasha wasn't working overtime?
I sat at the kitchen table sipping a beer and wondering what the fuck had happened to my marriage. I loved Stasha and I had always thought that she loved me, but I guess I was wrong. If she was having an affair she obviously didn't care all that much for me. I wondered when it had started. Stasha loved sex and when I first broke my leg she had to go without any sex for almost a month and a half. Was that what it was all about? She got horny while I was laid up, she picked Paul for a fling, it blossomed and now it was a full-blown affair? That still didn't explain the money.
I was still sitting at the table drinking beer when Stasha got home. She came into the kitchen and kissed me on the cheek and told me that she was going to go up and soak in the tub.
"I don't think you should do that."
"Why not?"
"Because we need to talk."
"About what?"
"About the place where you work. About the fact, at least according to the watchman I talked to last night, that there hasn't been any overtime worked there in the last four years. And we need to talk about your car being parked at the Best Western last night and in passing I suppose we should touch on your meeting Paul at the Marriott tonight and taking an elevator upstairs. And finally we need to talk about all that money that came from all that overtime that you didn't work"
As I ticked off the points one by one Stasha's face went pale. "Get yourself a drink and sit down. This could be a long night."
It took me damn near a half hour to get Stasha talking and it was only when I told her I was walking if she didn't start that she told me the story. It had happened the night Paul had come over to give me the collection that the guys had taken up for me. Stasha had heard Paul when he said he would give $500 for a shot at her and she had gone out the back door and was waiting for him at his car when he left. She had asked him if he was joking or if he really meant it. Paul told her that he had been joking, but if he really had a shot he do it in a heartbeat. Then Stasha had surprised the hell out of him by telling him to pick a time and a place.
"We have too much invested in the house to just let them foreclose and take it away from us. When I found out Paul would pay me for what I love to do anyway I saw a way to save the house. I met him the next night, spent four hours with him, collected $500 and came home."
Paul asked her when he could see her again and she had told him that he could see her whenever he wanted as long as he understood that it was $500 each time. He saw her two more times and then he made her a proposition. He couldn't afford her for two or three nights a week so he said he would find other customers for her and in return for every three he brought her he would get a free night.
"That's what I was doing tonight - giving Paul his freebie."
"Paul is your pimp?"
"Yes, I guess it would be fair to say that."
"But all the bills have paid for months now. Why are you still doing it?"
"I would hope so."
"We need money in the bank because winter is coming and you don't work steady in the winter and I don't ever again want to be in a position where we might loose the house, but there is a second reason. I love it."
"You love being a hooker?"
"I love the sex. The moneys great, but I love the sex."
"You didn't care what my finding out would do to us?"
"I never thought you would find out. I made Paul promise me that he would never set me up with anyone who would know that I was your wife. That way no one could tell you about me. I never allowed for you accidentally finding out."
"Bottom line then is that you are a whore and you like it."
"I guess that pretty much sums it up."
I just sat there, looked at her, and tried to get my mind around the fact that my wife was a prostitute. Try as I might I just could not come to grips with it. I could understand her desperation to save the house and I suppose that I could possibly bring myself to forgive her for doing what she did to save it. But to do it and then tell me that she loved doing it, I don't think so. And then I started to laugh. Stasha looked at me and asked, "What's so funny?"
"I'm laughing about what happened last night. When Marty's car wouldn't start he asked me to drive him into town so he wouldn't be late to meet his date. I actually drove a man to where he could fuck my wife. Ain't that a kick in the ass? My wife is a whore and I'm delivering her customers to her. Un-fucking believable."
"You drove Marty to the Best Western?"
"Yes I did. I delivered him to you so you could cuckold me with him."
"Baby it doesn't mean anything. You are still the only man I love. I did it for us baby. I did it so we could keep our house and so you wouldn't loose your truck and so we could get out from under that mountain of bills. I didn't know that I was going to like doing it so much and that I did shouldn't matter because it is just sex baby. There isn't any love involved in it. I belong to you baby and only to you."
"No Stasha, you don't belong only to me. You belong to anyone who hauls out his cock and shows you the money."
We sat there looking at each other and saying nothing for quite a while and then Stasha said "What now?"
"I don't know Stasha, I just don't know." I got up from the table and headed up to bed.
I was a little surprised when Stasha followed me up to the bedroom and then got into bed with me acting as though nothing was out of the ordinary. She reached over and put her hand on my cock and I pushed it away.
"Don't be that way baby. I know you like making love to me and I love the way you make love so don't let your mad get in the way of that."
"I don't want another man's leftovers. No way I'm taking Paul's sloppy seconds."
"I would never do that to you baby. I always shower and douche before I come home. I'd never give you a sloppy pussy baby. It may be a little loose sometimes, but never, ever sloppy" and she reached for my cock again.
I pushed her hand away, "Stop it Stasha! Just leave me the fuck alone."
"I can't leave you alone baby, I never could. I want you."
"Well I don't want you. I can't bring myself to even think of touching you now that I know what you have been doing."
I rolled away from her and tried to go to sleep, but sleep was impossible. I lay there and tossed and turned and Stasha kept reaching over and touching. After about an hour I got up and went to the spare bedroom. It wasn't much better there, but I at least got away from being touched by Stasha. Finally, about three in the morning I managed to fall asleep.
I woke up at six in the morning and Stasha was in bed with me. She had my cock in her hand and was licking it like a Popsicle. I tried to pull away from her but she had a strong grip on my cock and wouldn't let go. She kept working on my dick, but it didn't respond.
"You're wasting your time Stasha. I've got no interest in fucking a whore."
"Why not baby? All Paul did last night was warm me up for you. He didn't ring my chimes like you do. None of them ever did. Come on baby, let me prove to you that you are the only man I love. Make me scream the way no other man ever has."
She reached for my cock again and I scooted backward to keep away from her. "Right, like I'm about to believe that. First you tell me you are a whore and that you like being one and now I'm supposed to believe that you never came when they fucked you?"
"No baby, I won't lie to you. They all made me cum, but no one has ever made me scream the way you do."
"It doesn't matter Stasha. You fucked other men behind my back and that bothers me more than you seem to realize. Just the thought of you with other men is a turn off."
"Why baby? I've seen you get hard looking at porno tapes. Just imagine your favorite porno and then imagine that I'm the actress. Imagine me doing what she did. She was paid to do it baby, just like I was, but she is only acting - I wasn't. My squeals were real baby, because I loved it. Just think about me fucking other guys like it was a porn movie baby."
I tried to imagine Stasha with another man, but I just couldn't. Besides, my favorite porno was a gangbang, but then Stasha knew that. Was she telling me that she did gangbangs? "What did you do? I mean, what did you do for the money?"
"I did it all baby. For five hundred they got four hours of whatever they wanted as long as no pain was involved."
"That's right baby, all three holes belonged to them for four hours."
"You always told me you worked eight hours on Saturday. What did you do, have several tricks?"
I saw Stasha's face change a little and she said, "I guess you might as well know the worst. On Saturdays I did multiple partners."
"As in more than one at a time?"
"There are a lot of guys willing to pay a lot to be a part of a gangbang and after all, that's why I got into it - for the money. On some Saturdays I made as much as three thousand dollars."
"Gangbangs? Jesus Stasha, how many did you do?"
"Usually around five or six, but I did as many as ten sometimes. Oh, look at this. The thought of me with a lot of cocks to play with seems to excite you."
I glanced down at myself and sure enough, my cock was rising fast. Stasha reached over and took it in her hand and this time I didn't push her away. "Is that it baby? Are gangbangs your thing? Are you seeing me with a cock in every hole and more men waiting for their turn? God baby, you feel like an iron bar" and she swung over me and lowered herself down on my cock.
"Just lie there baby and let me do the work. Oh god baby, you feel so good in me. It's where you belong baby. Think about me in a room with lots of men, all wanting to get in one of my holes. Imagine me on the bed baby with a cock in my mouth, a cock in my pussy and a hard dick working in my ass. See me cum baby? See me working those cocks while I shake like a leaf on a windy day? See the spent cocks drop out of me and hear me beg for another hard cock to hurry up and get in me? Think about it baby, think about a roomful of men with hard cocks just waiting for their turn to fuck your wife."
Her talking and the images she provoked were driving me crazy. I grabbed her hips and I thrust up into her as hard as I could.
"That's it baby, that's it. Fuck your gangbang loving whore, fuck your dirty little cum loving slut."
"You fucking bitch" I screamed as I shot my load into her cunt.
She laughed, "You like the idea, don't you baby? You like the idea that your wife is a cock-loving whore who has gangbangs. You can't hide it from me baby - I know your secret now. I've found your secret button. You like the idea of me fucking groups of men. How many baby? How many do you imagine me fucking? Ten? Thirty? Pick a number baby and I'll do that many for you. You want to be there baby? You want to watch me be a total slut for a bunch of guys? You want to see me take cock after cock after cock and beg for more? You want to fuck me while I'm still full of their cum?"
A funny thing happened to me. I had just cum in her and my cock had started going soft, but as she talked my dick stopped going down and started back up.
"Oh goody" she squealed as she felt my cock grow in her, "You do want to fuck me when I'm full of cum. I give good sloppy seconds baby, some of my customers pay big money to fuck me when I'm full, but you will get it for free baby, you will get all you want for free. Or maybe you would rather I sit on your face when I'm full. Would you like that sweetie? Want to drink your fill from me? I've got a guy who pays me three hundred to stop by his house on my way home from a bang just so he can suck on my full, wet pussy. You can have it free baby. All you can drink for as long as you want. Would you like that?"
I screamed as I came in her for the second time.
Paul doesn't get free pussy anymore. Stasha told him that she has enough repeat customers now and she doesn't need him to pimp for her any more. That's only partly true. Every once in a while she gets tired of servicing just her "regulars" and that's when I go into pimp mode and go and find her some fresh cock. Of course the real reason he doesn't get a free ride any more is that I don't want Stasha fucking him unless he pays. The asshole was supposed to be my friend and I didn't take kindly to his fucking Stasha to begin with, let alone becoming her pimp.
Stasha does a gangbang almost every other weekend and I'm there to watch and participate. She was right when she said she had found my secret button. None of the others at the gangbang know that I'm her husband and so far none have seemed to notice the rapt expression on my face as Stasha is getting the shit fucked out of her. It's weird that gangbangs turn me on so much. I've been in the closet a time or two when Stasha took on a customer, but it didn't do a thing for me. But following a Saturday gangbang my cock stays hard all weekend.
Stasha a pretty healthy savings account now and she asked me if I wanted her to quit. I told her she could stop taking customers during the week if she wanted to, but not on the weekends. "You're my gangbang whore on the weekends sweetie and I'm never going to let you stop."
I'm a carpenter by trade and I've never had a problem finding work, but my problem was that I couldn't work. I had been siding houses for a developer and through my own stupidity I had fallen off of a scaffold and had broken my leg in two places. I'd been off work for two months and it would be at least another six weeks before I could go back. By then the truck would have been repossessed and the house foreclosed on. My wife Stasha works, but secretary's don't make all that much. What Stasha brings home keeps us in groceries and that's about it. Neither one of has a living relative that we could ask for help so we are pretty much screwed.
There was one ray of sunshine. Paul stopped by the house one night to see how I was doing. He brought a twelve pack of Bud with him and as we worked our way through it he brought me up to date on what was happening on the job site. He brought me a get well card signed by all the guys on the crew and then, a little on the embarrassed side, he took a wad of cash out of his pocket and handed it to me. "The guys took up a collection for you."
"Thanks. Tell them that it will come in handy. It will keep the lights on and the phone hooked up, at least until they kick us out."
"It's not that bad, is it?"
I told him what we were up against and he'd had enough beer in him to say, "You shouldn't have problems like that. Hell, Stasha is sitting on a gold mine. Christ guy, I'd pony up five hundred for a shot at her and I'm just one guy."
He was joking and I knew it and I didn't take offense because we talked like that all the time on the job. I told him I'd keep him in mind if Stasha ever decided to go into business. We had one more beer each and then he said he had to go. Later that evening I gave Stasha the cash Paul had given me and told her to take care of the phone and electric bills.
Just when things were really dark a little bit of luck came our way. Stasha came home one night and told me that her boss was going to expand the business and he wanted to know if she would be able to put in some overtime during the week and on Saturdays and Stasha naturally said yes. For the next month and a half Stasha put in four hours of overtime every night of the week at time and a half and eight hours on Saturday at double time and the extra money saved our ass. We caught up on all our bills and actually managed to put a little money in the savings account. The doctor cleared me to go back to work and that's when things really went to shit.
I'd been back to work a month and Stasha was still putting in overtime two or three days a week and every other Saturday and we were building up a nice cushion in the savings account against the next disaster. One night Marty, one of the guys I work with, couldn't get his car to start after work and he asked me if I could give him a ride into town. "I've got a date and I don't dare to be late because she won't wait."
"Where do you have to go?"
"The Best Western on Sixth."
"Don't you need to go home and change?"
"No, it's not that kind of a date. I can shower in the room before we take care of business."
"You telling me that a hooker won't wait for her customer?"
"Not this one. She's married and has to be home by a certain time."
I ran Marty into town and dropped him off at the front entrance of the motel. As I was pulling out of the circular drive something caught my eye. I stopped, backed up and looked again. It was Stasha's car. No doubt about it - I knew the plate number. She worked on the other side of town so why was her car here? Curiosity got the best of me and I drove over to where Stasha worked and there were only two cars on the parking lot. The front door was locked so I banged on it to get the attention of the security guard. He came over to see what I wanted and I told him I stopped by to see my wife. "She's working overtime tonight."
"Not here she isn't. Ain't nobody worked overtime here in the four years I been here."
I walked back to my truck and sat in it trying to make sense of what the guard told me. Stasha told me she had been working overtime for the last three months and the guard said no one had worked overtime in the last four years. I might not have an MBA, but I was smart enough to know that something did not compute.
I was sitting on the couch sipping a beer and watching the Red Wings skate against the Avalanche when Stasha got home.
"Rough day?"
"It was a bitch. I spent most of the time moving furniture and file cabinets and my feet are killing me. I'm going to go soak in the tub."
I watched her walk up the stairs and wondered just what the hell she was up to.
It was two days before Stasha told me that she was going to work overtime again. She normally got off work at five and I usually work until we lose the sun so I told the boss I needed to leave work a little early for a doctor's appointment to check out my leg. At four forty-five I was parked across the street from Stasha's work place. There was no rear entrance so she had to come out of the lot where I could see her. At ten after five Stasha came out of the lot and I gave her a couple of blocks head start and followed her. She drove to the Marriott on Coleman, parked and walked inside. I saw her walk into the lounge and I debated following her in, but then decided to park where I could keep an eye on the lobby.
It was almost half an hour before Stasha came out of the lounge and she wasn't alone - Paul was with her. The two of them turned toward the bank of elevators and I saw them get in one. I didn't need to be a rocket scientist to figure out what was going on, Stasha and Paul were having an affair. I headed on home, but while I was driving something occurred to me. It should have hit me the previous night, but I was so upset that I spaced it. Where was the so-called overtime money coming from if Stasha wasn't working overtime?
I sat at the kitchen table sipping a beer and wondering what the fuck had happened to my marriage. I loved Stasha and I had always thought that she loved me, but I guess I was wrong. If she was having an affair she obviously didn't care all that much for me. I wondered when it had started. Stasha loved sex and when I first broke my leg she had to go without any sex for almost a month and a half. Was that what it was all about? She got horny while I was laid up, she picked Paul for a fling, it blossomed and now it was a full-blown affair? That still didn't explain the money.
I was still sitting at the table drinking beer when Stasha got home. She came into the kitchen and kissed me on the cheek and told me that she was going to go up and soak in the tub.
"I don't think you should do that."
"Why not?"
"Because we need to talk."
"About what?"
"About the place where you work. About the fact, at least according to the watchman I talked to last night, that there hasn't been any overtime worked there in the last four years. And we need to talk about your car being parked at the Best Western last night and in passing I suppose we should touch on your meeting Paul at the Marriott tonight and taking an elevator upstairs. And finally we need to talk about all that money that came from all that overtime that you didn't work"
As I ticked off the points one by one Stasha's face went pale. "Get yourself a drink and sit down. This could be a long night."
It took me damn near a half hour to get Stasha talking and it was only when I told her I was walking if she didn't start that she told me the story. It had happened the night Paul had come over to give me the collection that the guys had taken up for me. Stasha had heard Paul when he said he would give $500 for a shot at her and she had gone out the back door and was waiting for him at his car when he left. She had asked him if he was joking or if he really meant it. Paul told her that he had been joking, but if he really had a shot he do it in a heartbeat. Then Stasha had surprised the hell out of him by telling him to pick a time and a place.
"We have too much invested in the house to just let them foreclose and take it away from us. When I found out Paul would pay me for what I love to do anyway I saw a way to save the house. I met him the next night, spent four hours with him, collected $500 and came home."
Paul asked her when he could see her again and she had told him that he could see her whenever he wanted as long as he understood that it was $500 each time. He saw her two more times and then he made her a proposition. He couldn't afford her for two or three nights a week so he said he would find other customers for her and in return for every three he brought her he would get a free night.
"That's what I was doing tonight - giving Paul his freebie."
"Paul is your pimp?"
"Yes, I guess it would be fair to say that."
"But all the bills have paid for months now. Why are you still doing it?"
"I would hope so."
"We need money in the bank because winter is coming and you don't work steady in the winter and I don't ever again want to be in a position where we might loose the house, but there is a second reason. I love it."
"You love being a hooker?"
"I love the sex. The moneys great, but I love the sex."
"You didn't care what my finding out would do to us?"
"I never thought you would find out. I made Paul promise me that he would never set me up with anyone who would know that I was your wife. That way no one could tell you about me. I never allowed for you accidentally finding out."
"Bottom line then is that you are a whore and you like it."
"I guess that pretty much sums it up."
I just sat there, looked at her, and tried to get my mind around the fact that my wife was a prostitute. Try as I might I just could not come to grips with it. I could understand her desperation to save the house and I suppose that I could possibly bring myself to forgive her for doing what she did to save it. But to do it and then tell me that she loved doing it, I don't think so. And then I started to laugh. Stasha looked at me and asked, "What's so funny?"
"I'm laughing about what happened last night. When Marty's car wouldn't start he asked me to drive him into town so he wouldn't be late to meet his date. I actually drove a man to where he could fuck my wife. Ain't that a kick in the ass? My wife is a whore and I'm delivering her customers to her. Un-fucking believable."
"You drove Marty to the Best Western?"
"Yes I did. I delivered him to you so you could cuckold me with him."
"Baby it doesn't mean anything. You are still the only man I love. I did it for us baby. I did it so we could keep our house and so you wouldn't loose your truck and so we could get out from under that mountain of bills. I didn't know that I was going to like doing it so much and that I did shouldn't matter because it is just sex baby. There isn't any love involved in it. I belong to you baby and only to you."
"No Stasha, you don't belong only to me. You belong to anyone who hauls out his cock and shows you the money."
We sat there looking at each other and saying nothing for quite a while and then Stasha said "What now?"
"I don't know Stasha, I just don't know." I got up from the table and headed up to bed.
I was a little surprised when Stasha followed me up to the bedroom and then got into bed with me acting as though nothing was out of the ordinary. She reached over and put her hand on my cock and I pushed it away.
"Don't be that way baby. I know you like making love to me and I love the way you make love so don't let your mad get in the way of that."
"I don't want another man's leftovers. No way I'm taking Paul's sloppy seconds."
"I would never do that to you baby. I always shower and douche before I come home. I'd never give you a sloppy pussy baby. It may be a little loose sometimes, but never, ever sloppy" and she reached for my cock again.
I pushed her hand away, "Stop it Stasha! Just leave me the fuck alone."
"I can't leave you alone baby, I never could. I want you."
"Well I don't want you. I can't bring myself to even think of touching you now that I know what you have been doing."
I rolled away from her and tried to go to sleep, but sleep was impossible. I lay there and tossed and turned and Stasha kept reaching over and touching. After about an hour I got up and went to the spare bedroom. It wasn't much better there, but I at least got away from being touched by Stasha. Finally, about three in the morning I managed to fall asleep.
I woke up at six in the morning and Stasha was in bed with me. She had my cock in her hand and was licking it like a Popsicle. I tried to pull away from her but she had a strong grip on my cock and wouldn't let go. She kept working on my dick, but it didn't respond.
"You're wasting your time Stasha. I've got no interest in fucking a whore."
"Why not baby? All Paul did last night was warm me up for you. He didn't ring my chimes like you do. None of them ever did. Come on baby, let me prove to you that you are the only man I love. Make me scream the way no other man ever has."
She reached for my cock again and I scooted backward to keep away from her. "Right, like I'm about to believe that. First you tell me you are a whore and that you like being one and now I'm supposed to believe that you never came when they fucked you?"
"No baby, I won't lie to you. They all made me cum, but no one has ever made me scream the way you do."
"It doesn't matter Stasha. You fucked other men behind my back and that bothers me more than you seem to realize. Just the thought of you with other men is a turn off."
"Why baby? I've seen you get hard looking at porno tapes. Just imagine your favorite porno and then imagine that I'm the actress. Imagine me doing what she did. She was paid to do it baby, just like I was, but she is only acting - I wasn't. My squeals were real baby, because I loved it. Just think about me fucking other guys like it was a porn movie baby."
I tried to imagine Stasha with another man, but I just couldn't. Besides, my favorite porno was a gangbang, but then Stasha knew that. Was she telling me that she did gangbangs? "What did you do? I mean, what did you do for the money?"
"I did it all baby. For five hundred they got four hours of whatever they wanted as long as no pain was involved."
"That's right baby, all three holes belonged to them for four hours."
"You always told me you worked eight hours on Saturday. What did you do, have several tricks?"
I saw Stasha's face change a little and she said, "I guess you might as well know the worst. On Saturdays I did multiple partners."
"As in more than one at a time?"
"There are a lot of guys willing to pay a lot to be a part of a gangbang and after all, that's why I got into it - for the money. On some Saturdays I made as much as three thousand dollars."
"Gangbangs? Jesus Stasha, how many did you do?"
"Usually around five or six, but I did as many as ten sometimes. Oh, look at this. The thought of me with a lot of cocks to play with seems to excite you."
I glanced down at myself and sure enough, my cock was rising fast. Stasha reached over and took it in her hand and this time I didn't push her away. "Is that it baby? Are gangbangs your thing? Are you seeing me with a cock in every hole and more men waiting for their turn? God baby, you feel like an iron bar" and she swung over me and lowered herself down on my cock.
"Just lie there baby and let me do the work. Oh god baby, you feel so good in me. It's where you belong baby. Think about me in a room with lots of men, all wanting to get in one of my holes. Imagine me on the bed baby with a cock in my mouth, a cock in my pussy and a hard dick working in my ass. See me cum baby? See me working those cocks while I shake like a leaf on a windy day? See the spent cocks drop out of me and hear me beg for another hard cock to hurry up and get in me? Think about it baby, think about a roomful of men with hard cocks just waiting for their turn to fuck your wife."
Her talking and the images she provoked were driving me crazy. I grabbed her hips and I thrust up into her as hard as I could.
"That's it baby, that's it. Fuck your gangbang loving whore, fuck your dirty little cum loving slut."
"You fucking bitch" I screamed as I shot my load into her cunt.
She laughed, "You like the idea, don't you baby? You like the idea that your wife is a cock-loving whore who has gangbangs. You can't hide it from me baby - I know your secret now. I've found your secret button. You like the idea of me fucking groups of men. How many baby? How many do you imagine me fucking? Ten? Thirty? Pick a number baby and I'll do that many for you. You want to be there baby? You want to watch me be a total slut for a bunch of guys? You want to see me take cock after cock after cock and beg for more? You want to fuck me while I'm still full of their cum?"
A funny thing happened to me. I had just cum in her and my cock had started going soft, but as she talked my dick stopped going down and started back up.
"Oh goody" she squealed as she felt my cock grow in her, "You do want to fuck me when I'm full of cum. I give good sloppy seconds baby, some of my customers pay big money to fuck me when I'm full, but you will get it for free baby, you will get all you want for free. Or maybe you would rather I sit on your face when I'm full. Would you like that sweetie? Want to drink your fill from me? I've got a guy who pays me three hundred to stop by his house on my way home from a bang just so he can suck on my full, wet pussy. You can have it free baby. All you can drink for as long as you want. Would you like that?"
I screamed as I came in her for the second time.
Paul doesn't get free pussy anymore. Stasha told him that she has enough repeat customers now and she doesn't need him to pimp for her any more. That's only partly true. Every once in a while she gets tired of servicing just her "regulars" and that's when I go into pimp mode and go and find her some fresh cock. Of course the real reason he doesn't get a free ride any more is that I don't want Stasha fucking him unless he pays. The asshole was supposed to be my friend and I didn't take kindly to his fucking Stasha to begin with, let alone becoming her pimp.
Stasha does a gangbang almost every other weekend and I'm there to watch and participate. She was right when she said she had found my secret button. None of the others at the gangbang know that I'm her husband and so far none have seemed to notice the rapt expression on my face as Stasha is getting the shit fucked out of her. It's weird that gangbangs turn me on so much. I've been in the closet a time or two when Stasha took on a customer, but it didn't do a thing for me. But following a Saturday gangbang my cock stays hard all weekend.
Stasha a pretty healthy savings account now and she asked me if I wanted her to quit. I told her she could stop taking customers during the week if she wanted to, but not on the weekends. "You're my gangbang whore on the weekends sweetie and I'm never going to let you stop."
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