My Long Journey

My Long Journey

Note: This is a story being written for a friend.

Hello, my name is Marvin, and this is as best possible a recounting of events that have so changed my life.

1998, shortly after meeting Deborah, the love of my life, became my wife and it didn't take long for the lust of my life to become the true love of my life. Of course, as a young man, seeing an amazing tall darkhaired beauty with a fabulous figure sets the fuze, that's paramount, but regardless of great the sex was, it wasn't long before her other qualities began to take first place in our relationship. Her ability to manage our finances as I had never been able to do well, coming home from work with problems, sitting with me, listening and then being able to give me good sound advice which did me well.

1999, we welcome our daughter Lucy into the world. Of course, my parents were hoping for a boy, but I'm pleased as shit that it's a little girl as this has made Deborah more than very happy.

2000, the New Century and how quickly dramatic changes will occure in our lives.

Working for an internation company has many perks that one doesn't think about. When I hired on, with my degree in Engineering, there was the challenge of being a new mid level worker, being exposed to new and different things, but, what mattered the most was the size of the company and the stability I felt it would afford my family in the long run.
One thing I didn't count on, was my portion of the company being located to Southern California, from England. After getting the news, so many things to think and talk about. Wife, baby daughter, extended family and of course, leaving our country. All this and more I was thinking about on the way home from work.

"Hey Deborah, Im home, have something important to go over with you."

I listened to her response as I grabbed a Guiness and sat down at the table waiting for her to show.

"What's that honey." Coming to sit next to me with little Lucy sitting happily on her lap.

"Well, there's no easy way to say this, but, my division is being relocated to Southern California. Now, on the plus side, they are offering me the same job with a raise, a relocation bonus, money when we get there for a down payment on a house when we find one." I stared blankly as she listened quietly, teasing Lucys hair, finally.

"Well, sounds like a very good opportunity, but, what about our parents and the friends we have here?"

"There is something else I forgot, as we are relocating from England, the company will give an additional 2 weeks paid vacation along with the regular 3 weeks I get so that we can go home once a year if we like."

The next month after several wet eyed good byes to our family and friends we boarded our 747 on our way to Los Angeles International. When we arrived, we were greeted by Bob, a company representative that told us the company had put us up in a Hotel for a month and that it was his job to get me adjusted to the area and settled in.

Wow, what a change in climate, as we're driving to the airport, it looks like London on it's busiest day only with bigger streets, and the weather was like the nicest a summer day could be in Britain. Checking into the hotel, we were both impressed at the size and quality of the establishment. After having a nice dinner, went to our rooms, turned on the Telly (I say TV now) and was disappointed that every channel had folks speaking with an odd accent. Giving up on that, Deborah and I retired to the bedroom and excitedly did our best to give Lucy a brother or sister.

After breakfast, Bob shows up. "Hey," he grins, "Ready to be shocked?"

Not knowing what to say, I follow him out to his car. secure in the knowledge that it will be easy to get a home, crap, not only have I saved up $10,000, but, the $40,000 I'm getting from the company should make this a snap.

"Hey Marvin," handing me over a bunch of Real Estate brocures, "Tell me what you think.

Culture Shock!! Crap, as I start looking at homes, of course very good homes, 2 million, 1.5 million, 1.25 million. This is just not going to do I'm thinking, yea, they gave me a raise up to $80,000 a year but doing some head math I clearly know I might end up in a mobile home park. Thumbing through them, I see a real nicely laid out ranch style for $850,000. Looking over I tell him the address and ask Bob if can go take a look. "You got it." is all he said.

When we arrived, my initial misgivings were that we had been driving 20 minutes without ever leaving a city, it was flat, no ocean nearby and the hills to the east were barely visible. However, the house was everything it was advertised and more, discovering an unmentioned shed in the back and a very large well goomed backyard.

The next day, I brought Deborah over who fell in love with it. And was as shocked at the price as I was. Looking firmly at me, "Marvin, take Lucy in the back and let me deal with the agent." Like I said, good qualities besides looks.
Before the ink was dry, Deborah had hammered out a deal where with our down payment, a variable loan with 4 years 0% and then after that more and more scary, I'm looking at a $3,500 house payment.

The first four years were the worst, new house, new car, new country and the nightmare of my mortgage after 4 years. Four years of going in early, staying late, getting as much overtime as possible and always appologizing to Deborah for ignoring her and Lucy, but she undestands as she's doing the finances, always explaining how she's paying. Almost the end of the 48th month, come home dragging.

"Honey, we did it!" She squealed as I opened the door and she gave me a big kiss and a hug.
"Did what." Still in a bit of shock.

"Well, with all the overtime you were doing, plus cashing out your vacation time, I paid as much as I could all this time and we only owe $620,000 on the house, I talked to an Agent that told me the value is now $925,000 and with our good credit are eligible for a new lower interest loan, so the payments will be less than I've been paying and you can start working less hours there, and put in more hours here." Dropping my briefcase as I enjoyed the kissing she was doing, my erection told me that it's time to start doing some overtime here at home.....starting now.
发布者 cadillacjoe
2 年 前
cadillacjoe 出版商 2 年 前
Yes, it's about his brother.