The Good Wife Training Academy!

Ann was both horrified and festinated when she saw her forty-something mother-in-law's ass when she bent over in a very short dress to serve her husband a drink. Obviously, she wasn't wearing any underwear and her bottom was dark red covered with purple streaks. Ann was a lovely twenty-something newlywed deeply in love with her husband, Tim. But she couldn't understand what his mother could've possibly done to deserve a bottom punished like that. She bit her tongue and pasted a smile on her face to get through the evening. However, her mother in-law smiled and joined in the conversation as though nothing had happened. On the trip home, Ann hesitantly asked Tim who spanked his mother. Tim casually replied that it was probably his dad. Ann turned to her husband and inquired what gave his father the right to treat his wife like that? Tim comely replied that was how things had been at home as long as he could remember. Ann was taken back, but soon asked why his mother stayed with her husband? Tim simply replied that his mother and father loved each other passionately. Ann thought for a moment and replied that indeed, they were a very affectionate couple, before turning to look out the window in salience.

When they got home, Tim asked Ann if she loved him as much as his mother loved his father. Ann replied that she loved him at least as much. Tim embraced his wife before he started to undress her. Ann assisted his efforts and soon her slender body with her pert breasts and well-rounded ass was available for her husband. Tim pushed her to her knees. Ann immediately reached to unzip his trousers and pull his member out. She stroked his shaft with her tongue before placing him in her mouth going down on him. Her head went up and down as she tried to consume him. Tim waited as long as he could before her exploded in her mouth. He looked down at her as she smiled back - pleased to make her husband happy. Tim pulled her up, reached down and started fingering her pussy. Ann started to moan as she masturbated against his hand. Ann began to shake as Tim brought his other hand down on her ass with moderate force. He hadn't done that before, but it hurt good and Ann's spasms increased in intensity as her orgasm swept her body. Her moans grew louder as she went from one orgasm to another as Tim continued to hand spank her. When her spasms subsided, she through her arms around her husband. Ann turned her head to look at her light red ass in the full-length mirror and smiled. Tim asked her if she would like to become the best wife possible? Ann replied that she'd do anything for him.

She and Tim climbed into bed together - Ann was certain of that. However, she awoke in a strange spartan furnished room. She was feeling groggy, but realized she was nude under only a sheet but she wasn't cold. Looking around she noticed some clothing hanging over a chair with a piece of paper on top. Climbing out of bed she read the note: " Welcome to the Good Wife Training Academy! Put on your training uniform and proceed left down the hall to the administration offices. Knock on the door and wait patiently. A toilet room is the first door on the right. WHAT THE FUCK !!? were the next words out of her mouth. Almost immediately, a computer-generated voice announced that she had just received 3 demerits for foul language. Ann looked up and saw the speaker mounted in the ceiling. Not knowing what the voice was talking about - but not wanting to risk hearing the voice again, she silently put on the only clothing in the room. The skirt was short and no underwear was included, but at least she was covered.

On a small desk was a bound manual with a hand written post-it note stating: read this BEFORE doing or saying ANYTHING. She sat down and opened the binder. It had an index, so she first looked up demerits and learned that each one earned a student 4 lashes with a strap on her bare ass. She was horrified that she had 12 coming. The subjects she'd be studying included: sex education, how to please your man; the importance of submission; gourmet cooking; managing a household and servants; Fitness and advanced makeup. A host of behavior requirements including offering yourself to any male that requests you, always placing your bare bottom on a seat, stool or bench; never speak unless spoken to and whenever possible, always answer: "yes sir". NEVER offer an opinion unless it is specifically requested. Ann suddenly realized that her mother-in-law must have attended this academy. She was saddened as she walked over to the window. It looked like a tropical landscape outside - she lived in New York City.

Ann relived herself in the toilet room before she walked down to the administration and opened the door. A middle-aged women looked at her sternly and told her she'll have to learn manners and knock and wait patiently like she was told to. The Matron added that 4 demerits should do the trick. Ann started to say something but caught herself and simply looked down. The Matron told her since she was in, she may as well take a seat. Ann replied: "yes, mam" and took a seat. The Matron remarked that she was to be addressed as "matron" and ask he why she was setting on her dress? Ann quickly pulled her skirt up and replied: "I'm sorry, I forgot matron". The Matron replied that three more demerits should help her memory.

Ann realized that she had about 40 lashes coming. She suddenly lost her nerve and decided that she'd had enough of this place. She stood and bolted for the door, turned down the hall and ran towards the exit at the end of the hall. The exit door was locked - that was i*****l in the United States - but where was she? Her heart sank as she turned to face the matron who followed her down the corridor. The matron grabbed her ear and twisted it pushing her down to her knees. The matron told her that the head of the administration will see her now, bent over his desk for a caning after the demerits she's earned are taken care of. Ann was at a loss and could only answer: "yes matron" . Ann was escorted by the matron back up the hall and into the head man's office. After a very brief introduction, the CEO was a very fit and distinguished middle aged mam. Ann was told to strip. After a moment of indecision on Ann's part, the matron remarked sternly: don't make me repeat myself" Ann quickly removed her garments.

The CEO's heavy oak desk looked just like the one in her father-in-law's study complete with the odd brass rings on the sides. The matron grasped her arms and placed restraints on her wrists. The matron handed her two more restraints and told her to place them on her ankles. Without a pause, Ann bent down to fit the leather cuffs around her ankles instinctively turning the hasps to the front. She was instructed to bend over the desk. When she did, cords were threaded through the hasps from the brass rings and pulled tight and knotted. Her legs were spared the width of the desk offering her ass and pussy in a very humiliating position.
The CEO picked up a heavy strap. He told her that she was going to receive 40 for her demerits. Then he brought that strap across both of her ass cheeks. Ann exhaled a muted groan as her eyes watered. The next one came from the other direction as she pulled against the restraints. The CEO transitioned to striking each cheek individually and continued alternating them with punishing lashes. The lower third of her red ass painfully transitioned to dark red with purple streaks. The sound of leather striking flesh filled the little room. Ann's muted groans had become whimpers of pain. He stopped after 20 punishing lashes. She was desperate for the endorphin rush that briefly followed. During the second set the strap landed on her sore ass with even greater pain. Ann whimpered loudly after each painful lash as she pulled on the restraints. The lower third of her pert little bottom turned purple as tears rolled down her cheeks.

Next, the CEO reached for a rattan cane while the matron placed a leather bit in Ann's mouth. The CEO told her that this was for trying to run away. A moment later, the cane struck the center of her ass. She clamped down on the bit hard responding to the stinging pain. The second one landed just below the first. Welts rose up from each stroke marking the path of the cane as it marched down her ass. The harsh pain of that demonic rod striking her bottom caused her to cry out through the bit with each stroke. Tears again formed in her eyes. The CEO paused after a dozen strokes. The welcome break brought her some temperately relief, but the resumption of the punishment returned her to enduring excruciating pain. The assault on her ass continued with the dowel ripping into her flesh. Her eyes remained watery and her arms were becoming fatigued from pulling at the restraints. The CEO continued his work while Ann's cries echoed through the room. She was producing a study stream of tears at the conclusion. She was left restrained bent over the stand relishing the little relief her endorphins could manage for a few minutes. Her red ass had 24 evenly spaced deep dark purple welts. Ann was in incredible pain - easily the worst experience of her 25 years. The CEO told her that this should teach her to obey and respect them. She meekly responded with the broken speech of a quivering lower lip: "yes sir". Without any warning, she felt a vibrator touch her clit. Ann shamelessly embraced it thinking of her last night with her husband. Her respiration quickened as her body started to spasm. The vibrator was pulled away and applied again and again propelling her into a world of absolute pleasure. Her body spammed pulling against the restraints as the waves of multiple orgasms swept over her. The most painful experience of her life was coupled with the best orgasm of her life. Suddenly, her mother in-law's life choices made perfect sense and now she realized that she longed for her husband to discipline and make love to her.
发布者 spanker_eric3
2 年 前
spanker_eric3 出版商 2 年 前
spankingjenny2 : a wet and wanton women can get a sore bottom with ease, but a red ass with cum dripping down you legs demonstrates that you are truly "a good wife"
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spankingjenny2 2 年 前
spanker_eric3 : Oh sweetheart, more than wet.
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spanker_eric3 出版商 2 年 前
spankingjenny2 : thank you - hopefully, reading it made you wet
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spankingjenny2 2 年 前
Oh my oh my, you do write excellent arousing stories and the content is perfect.
spanker_eric3 出版商 2 年 前
johnmdh : Yes, one all young married women should attend!
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johnmdh 2 年 前
A very enlightened institution that combines sexual gratification with severe punishment!
spanker_eric3 出版商 2 年 前
Thank you! indeed, a well shaved body would be one of the requirements for the wives attending this institution and you'd fit right in 
spanker_eric3 出版商 2 年 前
tamina44 : Danke, Ann ist ihren Schwiegereltern jetzt tatsächlich viel näher und ihr Ehemann Tim kann jetzt problemlos seine Rolle als nächster Familienpatriarch übernehmen. Ann ist in dieser Einrichtung, um zu lernen, wie sie ihre Rolle in ihrer Familie am besten erfüllt und vor allem, Schmerz mit Freude zu verbinden. Dies wird von den vorherigen Generationen weitergegeben. Sie ist jedoch keine Sklavin. Aber die Frau eines wohlhabenden Mannes, die viele Rollen in der Gesellschaft übernehmen wird. Die Akademie wird ihr so unterschiedliche Dinge beibringen wie: wie man elegant ein 5-Gänge-Menü mit frischen Striemen isst, den eigenen Nachwuchs diszipliniert, das Personal führt und als Herrin der Art Ihr Zuhause führt, während sie ihren Ehemann sexuell befriedigt.
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tamina44 2 年 前
spanker_eric3 : Du hast in deiner Antwort, für die ich mich herzlich bedanke, etwas Wichtiges angesprochen. Ich bin sicher, dass es den Zusammenhalt in einer Familie enorm fördert, wenn Familientraditionen von Generation zu Generation weitergeführt und gepflegt werden. Das gilt besonders für sexuelle Familientraditionen, weil sie sehr intim und körperbetont sind und dadurch die Liebe unter den Familienmitgliedern fördert. Egal, ob die Traditionen aus erotischem Spanking, regelmässigem Geschlechtsverkehr unter allen Familienmitgliedern oder einer andern Art von gemeinsamem sexuellem Vergnügen besteht, am Schluss steht immer die körperliche Befriedigung und das damit verbundene Glücksgefühl. Was will man mehr? Übrigens finde ich deinen Ausdruck «sinnliche Prügelstrafe» eine geniale Formulierung.
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spanker_eric3 出版商 2 年 前
tamina44 : Danke mein Freund! Tatsächlich setzt sich die Leidenschaft zwischen Tims Eltern zu Beginn der Geschichte zusammen mit einem Blick auf den gut versohlten Arsch seiner Mutter in Anns Gedanken fest – was sie auf ihre erste sinnliche Prügelstrafe an diesem Abend vorbereitet. Als sie dieses Wissen zur Akademie bringt, erkennt sie, dass sie an einer der Familientraditionen ihres Mannes teilnimmt, was ihr hilft, die Tortur anzunehmen, der sie ausgesetzt war
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spanker_eric3 出版商 2 年 前
brvhrt99 : Indeed! I'm pleased that you like my writing :wink:
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tamina44 2 年 前
Ich finde es eine sehr gute Idee, jungen Ehefrauen, die als junge Mädchen nicht in den Genuss einer erotischen Spanking-Ausbildung gekommen sind, eine solche Ausbildung nach der Heirat in einer speziellen Trainings-Akademie zu ermöglichen. Dort sollen sie lernen, dass jegliche Fehler zwar unmittelbar durch körperliche Züchtigung sanktioniert werden, die Frauen aber - und das ist das Spezielle am erotischen Spanking - am Schluss immer einen Orgasmus erleben dürfen, entweder indem sie masturbiert werden, sich selber masturbieren dürfen oder im fortgeschrittenen Ausbildungsstand vom Meister ins Arschloch gefickt werden. Das Gute daran ist, dass nach einem kräftigen Spanking auf die Arschbacken die Orgasmen unübertrefflich intensiv sind, weil durch die Schläge auf den Arsch sich im Bereich des Beckens viel Blut ansammelt, was die Orgasmusfähigkeit enorm steigert.
Besonders wenn der Ehemann - wie in diesem Bericht - aus einer Familie stammt, in der erotisches Spanking üblich war, wird er das regelmässige Training und die Bestrafung seiner Frau nach deren Ausbildung gerne übernehmen. Denn bei den kräftigen Schlägen auf den Arsch seiner Frau zu erleben, wie sich ihre Arschbacken von rot bis violett verfärben, sie dabei wimmert und schluchzt und Tränen vergiesst, ist für ihn ein grosses Vergnügen, das zudem seinen Schwanz steinhart anschwellen lässt und für guten Sex in der Ehe garantiert. Wichtig ist die Ausbildung in der Akademie auch, damit die Frau Demut vor dem Mann lernt und bereit ist, sich ihm in jeder Beziehung und jederzeit unterzuordnen. Sie soll aber auch lernen, ihre Markierungen auf dem Arsch mit Stolz zu tragen und sie - wie die Mutter des Ehemannes -, wenn gewünscht, jederzeit zu präsentieren, was durch einen völligen Verzicht von Unterwäsche erreicht wird.
brvhrt99 2 年 前
Mmmm yes