Robert and I Part 2
Sleeping with My brother Part 2
My brother and I awoke the next morning. As we were getting dressed I took the towels and other items from the last few nights and hide them. Luckily for us we are required to do our own laundry so it will make it easier to hide the cum covered towels and pajama’s. We both went downstairs and was going to have breakfast with our parents. While sitting at the table eating, Mom asked how we were getting along in one bed and if there any problems? I looked at Robert, them my Mom and said, “It seems to be working out for the most part.” My Mom Said, “That sounds good. It’s going to be a couple more weeks since the contractors ran into some issues remodeling Robert’s room.” “I hope that is not a problem with you 2. We both answered at the same time, “Not at all Mom.”
“Mom, Robert, and I wanted to go down to the lake today and walk around it. Is there anything that needs to be done before we head out?” “No everything is okay for now but might need some help tomorrow. Jen you are always so helpful with your Mother.” “I try as best as I could Mom. You and Dad are doing a lot with this renovation, and I just want to help you both.” “Thanks Jen but we are good for now. You and your brother go and have some fun at the lake.” My brother and I got in his car and drove up to the lake. It is really nice up there and has a walking path around the whole lake. It is about 4 miles around with many spots to look out around there.
It didn’t take us very long to get there and we parked in the main parking lot. I grabbed my backpack, and we were off on the walking path. As we were walking Robert took my hand ad held it. I found that odd at first and then I felt honored that he would do that. “Robert why did you grab my hand?” “Jen, This is where we need to start our conversation. Holding your hand will let you know that I am very serious about what we will discuss today.” “Jen you have asked me to be my girlfriend. We are very young and need guidance from our parents. This topic is against all norms with relationships. If Mom or dad ever found out what we are about to embark on, we would be thrown out of the house. It is a forbidden taboo that must not be undertaken.”
“I understand and even though I am younger than you, It just feels right for us to pursue this dream of mine and I hope yours as well.” “Having you in my bed and being able to feel you next to me makes me feel safe and comfortable. These last two nights have been extraordinary for me. We both know that we would both go out into the world and meet others to share our lives with. With that being said, I want to be that one that you start with. I want to be that girlfriend.” “Jen that is beautiful. You are older than I give you credit for. We must think this through. There are too many things that can go wrong. Are you willing to take that chance?” “Yes Absolutely. More than you know.”
Okay then we need to figure out how to proceed while keeping this just between us and hiding it from everyone. As we continued to walk around the lake, he left go of my hand and put his arm around me. As we talked, I turned and looked at him. Feeling a very special feeling though out my body. I knew right then that tis was the thing that we both needed to do. We were about halfway around the lake and there are many trails that go closer to the lake. Many are secluded. Robert grabbed my hand and turned to me and said, “Let’s take a walk down here. Nobody ever goes down here since it is very hilly but ends with a beautiful view.
We walked for about 20 minutes on this trail. Very hilly at times but he helped me when I needed help. Then we came upon this opening. It was an opening sitting above everything and such a beautiful view of the lake. As I was taking off my backpack, he spun me around and hugged me while kissing my lips. His tongue darting into my mouth. His arms pulling me next to him. I was melting in his arms. My eyes closed thinking of being his girlfriend and him being my boyfriend. As we stood there kissing I could feel that he was getting hard. “Will there ever be a time where I will not make your cock hard?” “I don’t know but I can not see that happening anytime soon. We have so much to learn from each other.” My hands dropping down to his shorts and feeling his manhood. Both hands rubbing it up and down. “Jen untie my shorts and let them fall to the ground.” I did what he asked. There he stood in his underwear. “Is there anything else?” “Yes Jen, please remove my underwear.” I did what he asked of me. I took his shorts and underwear and folded them and put them on my backpack.
“Hey boyfriend what would you like for me to do now. Stand next to me and take my cock in your hand. I couldn’t get over there fast enough. I stood on his side and took his cock into my hand. His cock was very hard not like the last 2 nights. “Your cock is really hard.” “That is because of you. You do this to me, and I don’t want it to ever stop. “Now Jen please go slow and stroke my cock.” I looked down at it and stroked it up and down very slowly. “MMMM That feels so good Jen. We were made for each other. We must take it slow though. That’s it girl, your hand feels so good around my cock.” As I stroked it that fluid started coming out of his cock again. “What is this coming out of your cock?” “It’s called precum. It is used to lubricated other things which we will get into later down the road.” Every time my hand reached the head more would come out.
“Jen you can taste it. I think you will like it very much. So, I let my finger slid over the head and let the liquid onto my hand. It covered my fingers. “Go ahead lick it and tell me what you think.” I raised my fingers up to my mouth and licked them clean. Not very much of a flavor but made my mouth very slippery. “I like it. Will I ever be able to lick your cock?” “Yes but not so soon. Like I said we need to take this slow. Now go back and stroke my cock again.” I did what he asked me to do knowing that he is guiding me into womanhood and would never do anything to hurt me. I again wrapped my fingers around his shaft and began to stroke him again.
Up and down and letting my hand get his precum all over them. It became so easy to stroke his cock. The wetness and warmth were amazing. “Jen go a little faster now.” I quickened the pace of my stroking. I can hear his breathing getting heavier and louder. “Jen my love you are going to make me cum again. I love your hand on my cock and love knowing that you love it as well. Make me cum Baby girl. Make your brother cum for you.” Then his body was rocking back and forth. As I looked down at his cockhead, it exploded and his white creamy hot cum squirted out of his cock. Hitting the ground with every stroke. Over and over he kept on cumming. “OMG Jen you are fucking amazing.” His cock started to go limp but still was squirting hot cum out with every stroke.
“I never came like this before. It is all because you wanting to be my girlfriend and you want me as your boyfriend. We will be together for a long time my love. Whether if it is right or not, we can not turn back now. I will be forever yours and you will be forever mine. I love you so much Jen. Words can not express how much I love you. Still stroking his cock. Now the stream of cum is smaller and smaller. “Jen just stroke me a little longer please. “Yes Dear I will do as you ask of me. I am forever yours brother. I Love you” As I continued stroking his cock and feeling how soft and yet hard at the same time, wondering what is store for us both.
“Jen I need to get cleaned up now. I will use my underwear.” Laughing, “That’s your girlfriends job. Give me a minute.” “Jen you don’t have to do that for me.” “Yes Robert I don’t have to, but I want to do that for you.” I went over to my backpack and took out the baby wipes. I walked back over and started to clean his cock and balls. The soft baby wipes and scent was very refreshing. “Robert I need to get closer to make sure that I have done a good job.” “It’s okay Jen. I think that you did a very good job.” “You know me, I has to be perfect.” I took another baby wipe out and then got on my knees in front of him. Wiping his thighs and then back to his cock. I think he a very good idea why I wanted to do this. I wipes his ball and then concentrated on his cock. Wiping it up and down watching the cockhead peeking out from under the baby wipe. His cockhead again glistening from precum. I worked it so that there was plenty of precum oozing from his cock.
I looked up at him and smiled. As he gazed down at me, he must have known what I wanted to do. Before he said a word I lean my head down and licked the precum off the tip of his cock. I squeezed harder around his cock and as I stroked him more came out. I licked it all again. MMMMMMMM I could have stayed there all day. “Jen I know what you want but we must save this for another day. We will do this together. We need to get home, so Mom doesn’t ask any questions. Okay?” “Yes I understand but you have to promise me that what I wanted to do, will be allowed later.” “I promise.” I stood up and helped his put his clothing back on. I grabbed my backpack, and we headed back to the car.
He held my hand all the way back. Knowing that he loves me makes me feel so good inside. My Brother is my boyfriend, and I wouldn’t want it any other way. I tossed the baby wipes in the trash at the park before we left. By the time we got back to the house it was almost dinner time. We walked in and Mom told us to got get washed up for dinner. We did and then we all sat down at the dinner table. As we were eating Mom asked, “Did you both have a good time at the park?” We both said, “Yes we did Mom.” “I am glad to hear that. It is very nice to see that you 2 are getting along.” If Mom only knew.
To be continued…..
My brother and I awoke the next morning. As we were getting dressed I took the towels and other items from the last few nights and hide them. Luckily for us we are required to do our own laundry so it will make it easier to hide the cum covered towels and pajama’s. We both went downstairs and was going to have breakfast with our parents. While sitting at the table eating, Mom asked how we were getting along in one bed and if there any problems? I looked at Robert, them my Mom and said, “It seems to be working out for the most part.” My Mom Said, “That sounds good. It’s going to be a couple more weeks since the contractors ran into some issues remodeling Robert’s room.” “I hope that is not a problem with you 2. We both answered at the same time, “Not at all Mom.”
“Mom, Robert, and I wanted to go down to the lake today and walk around it. Is there anything that needs to be done before we head out?” “No everything is okay for now but might need some help tomorrow. Jen you are always so helpful with your Mother.” “I try as best as I could Mom. You and Dad are doing a lot with this renovation, and I just want to help you both.” “Thanks Jen but we are good for now. You and your brother go and have some fun at the lake.” My brother and I got in his car and drove up to the lake. It is really nice up there and has a walking path around the whole lake. It is about 4 miles around with many spots to look out around there.
It didn’t take us very long to get there and we parked in the main parking lot. I grabbed my backpack, and we were off on the walking path. As we were walking Robert took my hand ad held it. I found that odd at first and then I felt honored that he would do that. “Robert why did you grab my hand?” “Jen, This is where we need to start our conversation. Holding your hand will let you know that I am very serious about what we will discuss today.” “Jen you have asked me to be my girlfriend. We are very young and need guidance from our parents. This topic is against all norms with relationships. If Mom or dad ever found out what we are about to embark on, we would be thrown out of the house. It is a forbidden taboo that must not be undertaken.”
“I understand and even though I am younger than you, It just feels right for us to pursue this dream of mine and I hope yours as well.” “Having you in my bed and being able to feel you next to me makes me feel safe and comfortable. These last two nights have been extraordinary for me. We both know that we would both go out into the world and meet others to share our lives with. With that being said, I want to be that one that you start with. I want to be that girlfriend.” “Jen that is beautiful. You are older than I give you credit for. We must think this through. There are too many things that can go wrong. Are you willing to take that chance?” “Yes Absolutely. More than you know.”
Okay then we need to figure out how to proceed while keeping this just between us and hiding it from everyone. As we continued to walk around the lake, he left go of my hand and put his arm around me. As we talked, I turned and looked at him. Feeling a very special feeling though out my body. I knew right then that tis was the thing that we both needed to do. We were about halfway around the lake and there are many trails that go closer to the lake. Many are secluded. Robert grabbed my hand and turned to me and said, “Let’s take a walk down here. Nobody ever goes down here since it is very hilly but ends with a beautiful view.
We walked for about 20 minutes on this trail. Very hilly at times but he helped me when I needed help. Then we came upon this opening. It was an opening sitting above everything and such a beautiful view of the lake. As I was taking off my backpack, he spun me around and hugged me while kissing my lips. His tongue darting into my mouth. His arms pulling me next to him. I was melting in his arms. My eyes closed thinking of being his girlfriend and him being my boyfriend. As we stood there kissing I could feel that he was getting hard. “Will there ever be a time where I will not make your cock hard?” “I don’t know but I can not see that happening anytime soon. We have so much to learn from each other.” My hands dropping down to his shorts and feeling his manhood. Both hands rubbing it up and down. “Jen untie my shorts and let them fall to the ground.” I did what he asked. There he stood in his underwear. “Is there anything else?” “Yes Jen, please remove my underwear.” I did what he asked of me. I took his shorts and underwear and folded them and put them on my backpack.
“Hey boyfriend what would you like for me to do now. Stand next to me and take my cock in your hand. I couldn’t get over there fast enough. I stood on his side and took his cock into my hand. His cock was very hard not like the last 2 nights. “Your cock is really hard.” “That is because of you. You do this to me, and I don’t want it to ever stop. “Now Jen please go slow and stroke my cock.” I looked down at it and stroked it up and down very slowly. “MMMM That feels so good Jen. We were made for each other. We must take it slow though. That’s it girl, your hand feels so good around my cock.” As I stroked it that fluid started coming out of his cock again. “What is this coming out of your cock?” “It’s called precum. It is used to lubricated other things which we will get into later down the road.” Every time my hand reached the head more would come out.
“Jen you can taste it. I think you will like it very much. So, I let my finger slid over the head and let the liquid onto my hand. It covered my fingers. “Go ahead lick it and tell me what you think.” I raised my fingers up to my mouth and licked them clean. Not very much of a flavor but made my mouth very slippery. “I like it. Will I ever be able to lick your cock?” “Yes but not so soon. Like I said we need to take this slow. Now go back and stroke my cock again.” I did what he asked me to do knowing that he is guiding me into womanhood and would never do anything to hurt me. I again wrapped my fingers around his shaft and began to stroke him again.
Up and down and letting my hand get his precum all over them. It became so easy to stroke his cock. The wetness and warmth were amazing. “Jen go a little faster now.” I quickened the pace of my stroking. I can hear his breathing getting heavier and louder. “Jen my love you are going to make me cum again. I love your hand on my cock and love knowing that you love it as well. Make me cum Baby girl. Make your brother cum for you.” Then his body was rocking back and forth. As I looked down at his cockhead, it exploded and his white creamy hot cum squirted out of his cock. Hitting the ground with every stroke. Over and over he kept on cumming. “OMG Jen you are fucking amazing.” His cock started to go limp but still was squirting hot cum out with every stroke.
“I never came like this before. It is all because you wanting to be my girlfriend and you want me as your boyfriend. We will be together for a long time my love. Whether if it is right or not, we can not turn back now. I will be forever yours and you will be forever mine. I love you so much Jen. Words can not express how much I love you. Still stroking his cock. Now the stream of cum is smaller and smaller. “Jen just stroke me a little longer please. “Yes Dear I will do as you ask of me. I am forever yours brother. I Love you” As I continued stroking his cock and feeling how soft and yet hard at the same time, wondering what is store for us both.
“Jen I need to get cleaned up now. I will use my underwear.” Laughing, “That’s your girlfriends job. Give me a minute.” “Jen you don’t have to do that for me.” “Yes Robert I don’t have to, but I want to do that for you.” I went over to my backpack and took out the baby wipes. I walked back over and started to clean his cock and balls. The soft baby wipes and scent was very refreshing. “Robert I need to get closer to make sure that I have done a good job.” “It’s okay Jen. I think that you did a very good job.” “You know me, I has to be perfect.” I took another baby wipe out and then got on my knees in front of him. Wiping his thighs and then back to his cock. I think he a very good idea why I wanted to do this. I wipes his ball and then concentrated on his cock. Wiping it up and down watching the cockhead peeking out from under the baby wipe. His cockhead again glistening from precum. I worked it so that there was plenty of precum oozing from his cock.
I looked up at him and smiled. As he gazed down at me, he must have known what I wanted to do. Before he said a word I lean my head down and licked the precum off the tip of his cock. I squeezed harder around his cock and as I stroked him more came out. I licked it all again. MMMMMMMM I could have stayed there all day. “Jen I know what you want but we must save this for another day. We will do this together. We need to get home, so Mom doesn’t ask any questions. Okay?” “Yes I understand but you have to promise me that what I wanted to do, will be allowed later.” “I promise.” I stood up and helped his put his clothing back on. I grabbed my backpack, and we headed back to the car.
He held my hand all the way back. Knowing that he loves me makes me feel so good inside. My Brother is my boyfriend, and I wouldn’t want it any other way. I tossed the baby wipes in the trash at the park before we left. By the time we got back to the house it was almost dinner time. We walked in and Mom told us to got get washed up for dinner. We did and then we all sat down at the dinner table. As we were eating Mom asked, “Did you both have a good time at the park?” We both said, “Yes we did Mom.” “I am glad to hear that. It is very nice to see that you 2 are getting along.” If Mom only knew.
To be continued…..
2 年 前