Wife gets used

Beth wasn't sure what to do with her hands. Her husband, Jay, held them firmly behind her back, but she couldn't help but feel she needed them to help her fend off the other two men peeling her bikini away from her body.

Only about an hour earlier she was returning to the hotel after an afternoon shopping at some of the Miami boutiques. Jay told her he was going to spend the day watching the football games at the hotel, but apparently he made some friends.

"Welcome back," Jay said when she opened the door. He sat on the couch, flanked on either side by two men she vaguely recognized from the pool the day before. The bottles on the coffee table in front of them told her they'd emptied a six pack and were now drinking liquor. They were all tanned, shirtless, and relaxed.

"Oh, hello. I'm Beth," Beth said. She shook their hands and dropped her bags in the bedroom.

"Get all your shopping done?" Jay asked from the living room.

"Yeah, I think so."

"Why don't you come show us what you bought?"

Beth froze. Jay should know damn well that Beth was out swimsuit shopping. The idea of trying on a bunch of bikinis with strangers in the other room made her a little uncomfortable. Even if they were attractive strangers. She wouldn't mind their stares at the pool, but it felt different in the confines of a hotel room. There were... implications.

"You know, I'm pretty tired. Maybe later," Beth said and sat down on the couch next to Jay.

"Ah, that's too bad, for you guys. She went bikini shopping," Jay said to the other guys. Beth felt a little flutter in her chest.

"It really is," one of the strangers said, "She's a great catch isn't she?"

"I like to think so," Jay said with a smile.

He was always doing that. Bragging on how attractive she was. Hyping her up. Making her feel sexy. Which coincidentally led to his other habit.

He also had a penchant for making ordinary situations sexually charged. And here they were. In what should be an ordinary situation, but Beth couldn't help but feel a tingle in her stomach and the heat in her cheeks. She reached for Jay's drink and took a long sip.

She tried to focus on the game, but she could hardly concentrate on the TV. The strangers were glancing over at her and eating her up with their eyes every time the play stopped. Beth wanted to say Jay was oblivious, but he surely wasn't. If she knew him, and she did, he was enjoying it. He loved knowing he had a wife that other men wanted.

"Boring game, huh," Jay said.

"It's a blowout alright," a stranger said.

"Guess we can go back to the pool. There's a little bit of sunlight left," Jay said, "Beth why don't you go slap on one of those new suits and we will all head down together?"

"Sure, just give me a second," Beth stood up to walk to the bedroom and Jay slapped her ass hard as she walked away. She rolled her eyes and sighed as the guys giggled.

Beth laid the new suits out on the bed in front of her and took a minute to think about her choices. They were all too flashy or too skimpy. She didn't need to do anything else to increase the sexual tension. Just on the other side of that door were three hungry wolves and she was fresh meat. The thought gave her a shiver.

"You ok in there? You're taking a long time," Jay called through the door, "You can always just wear your birthday suit."

"Oh, you'd like that, wouldn't you?" Beth rolled her eyes again.

"I think we all would," one of the strangers said and the guys laughed again.

She put the same suit on she wore the day before.

"Hey, that's what you wore yesterday," a stranger said.

"You can remember that?" Beth was shocked.

"You look great in it. No way I could forget," he said.

"What's the point of buying all these new bikinis if you aren't going to wear them!" the other stranger said.

"He's got a point," Jay said, "I'll go pick one out, come on."

Jay grabbed a handful of ass and pulled her to the bedroom. Beth felt a silly smile slip across her face as her husband flirted with her so aggressively in front of the strangers. It was totally inappropriate and she knew she should have smacked his hand away, but she didn't.

"Alright, how about this one?" Jay picked up a stringy black piece.

"No way, I got that one just for you and the hot tub! It's for your eyes only," Beth said.

"Ok, then how about this red one?" Jay picked out a red one piece with a window across the breasts and a thong-like cut on the groin.

"I guess that's ok."

"Well, let's get you changed," Jay began to strip her current bikini off.

"Wait, get out. You shouldn't be here. They're gonna think we're doing stuff."

"Maybe we should?" Jay ran his warm rough hands across her breasts and kissed her neck. His warm mouth forced her to close her eyes for a second.

"Stop," she said weakly. His hands snaked their way across her stomach and ribs and down to her bottoms.

"Know what I like?"

"What?" Beth managed between quiet breaths.

"That those two guys out there would do anything to trade places with me right now."

Jay pulled the knot on her bottoms and let them fall to the ground. Beth stared at herself, naked, in the mirror above the dresser as her husband stood behind her and continued to play with her neck.

"We need to hurry," she said, "They'll get suspicious."

"I want them to be suspicious," Jay said, "Let them sit out there all alone while I touch my beautiful wife. I bet they'd love to feel your skin like this."

Jay pressed his bare chest against her back. She felt something stiff poke her in the behind.

"Jaaaay," she whined.

"Fine, fine. Just get on your knees real quick."

"What?! There's no way we have-"

"Just shut up and do it."

Jay put his weight into her shoulders and pushed her to her knees. She wanted to protest but instead found that she was helping free his cock from his shorts. He pulled her head towards his waist and Beth felt her mouth stretch. Beth couldn't help but notice he was already hard and the head of his cock was wet with precum.

"That's good," he moaned. He thrust one, two, three more times then pulled Beth to her feet and kissed her hard on the mouth.

"Do me a favor, put on a good show for us. Let loose a little," Jay said, "Just remember, that pussy belongs to me."

Beth's heart was pounding in her chest as he slipped out the door and left her naked and on her knees. She wiped the spit from the side of her mouth and pulled on the red one piece.

"Did we detect some extracurricular activities in there?" one of the men said when Beth stumbled into the room.

"W-wha-" Beth stammered.

"Would you blame me if I tried?" Jay said, "Isn't she something?"

"Not at all," the man said, "That red looks great on her."

"Thank you," Beth said and blushed. It was always nice to get compliments especially when they were from handsome strangers. Beth would never admit it, but being the center of attention in a room full of good looking men wasn't the worst thing that could happen to her.

"I wouldn't mind if my wife wore something like that," the man said, "She probably couldn't pull it off quite like that, though."

Beth's heart kept racing. Now she was being compared to other women and winning. The competitive spirit in her didn't hate it.

She thought about what Jay said. Put on a good show. Let loose. Maybe this would be a good chance to make him eat those words. He thought he could push her buttons all the time. It was time to push some buttons of her own.

"I won't tell your wife you said that, if you don't tell her I did this," Beth leaned forward and pecked the stranger on the cheek.

Much to Beth's enjoyment the guys all cheered. Including Jay.

"What do I have to do to get one of those?" the other stranger said with a smirk.

"Hmmm," Beth thought for a moment.

"I've got an idea," Jay said, "How about he helps you with your sunscreen?"

"I don't think there's enough sun out to need sunscreen, is there?" Beth said. She wanted to be taken back by the idea of the other man rubbing her body, but strangely she wasn't as revolted by the idea as she wished she was.

"It's important to wear sunscreen, babe. Be healthy," Jay said as he took the sunscreen from the bathroom. He tossed the lotion to the other guy and held onto the spray can.

"Uhh," Beth started, but she didn't move. The stranger walked up behind her, put some lotion into his hands and began to rub her shoulders. It was heavenly. She felt her knees wobble a little as the other two men watched her get rubbed down.

"Looks nice," the other stranger said.

"Don't forget the front," Jay said and pointed to the window of her breasts in the one piece.

Beth wanted to protest to this. This was too far for her. Wasn't it? But nothing came out.

Instead she felt for the first time in a long time a different man's hands caress her breasts. His hands pushed soft, then hard, then soft across her chest.

"Make sure not to leave any lines. Really get under the suit," Jay said.

Without acknowledging his words the hands just slipped into her suit and ran across her nipples. She shivered as the chills crept up her body.

"Here, I'll get the back," Jay said and squeezed some lotion onto his palms. Beth stood as still as a statue and did her best not to moan and to keep her eyes open as the two men now began to rub her thighs, chest, and shoulders.

"That's good. I think we can get you out in the sun now," Jay said.

"Well, uh oh," the stranger who had not rubbed sunscreen on Beth said, "The spray can is empty."

He tried to spray some sunscreen on but nothing came out.

"I might need some help rubbing my sunscreen in," the man continued.

"Well, that sounds like something Beth can help you with while we go get some ice for the drinks," Jay said and within a few beats he and the other stranger were out the door.

Beth couldn't help but shake a little as she squeezed the lotion into her palms. The man sat on the chair in front of her. She was glad that the stranger was fit, his muscles felt good under her hands. She ran her hands over his chest and admired it for a brief second before running her hands down his abs and ribs.

"I'm worried about my waist. These trunks are a little big so they sag some when they get wet. You might need to put some on below my waistline. Here I'll stand up. You'll see what I mean."

The man stood up off the couch and Beth gulped. He was taller than she remembered. He put her hands on his stomach above his trunks and a moment later Beth resumed rubbing. She dipped lower. Was this really ok? Did Jay really leave her here? What did he think was going to happen? The stranger's skin was smooth and warm and Beth found herself enjoying it more and more. The stranger was also enjoying it more and more as the front of his shorts began to tent and reveal his arousal.

Her hands sank lower and lower across his stomach until they were on the edge of his trunks. Without saying a word he lifted the waist and Beth's hands slipped down. She was nervous at first as she traced her fingertips across his body. Then it happened. She brushed ever so slightly against something smooth and hard. Then she brushed it again. And again. What was she doing? This was crazy.

"That feels nice," the man tilted his head back and closed his eyes. Beth went slower and slower until her hand stopped and let it rest touching the hardness in the stranger's shorts.

The stranger lifted his hips up and down. Running his shaft along her palm. She shouldn't be doing this, she thought. She should stop. The flirting was fun, but this wasn't flirting anymore. She should walk away, but instead she gripped tighter and her thumb pushed against his head as he pushed his hips against her.

He reached out and slipped one of his hands onto her breasts and used the other to pull her up against him.

"You're so hot," the man said, "I can't believe how lucky I am to have made such a good friend who would share his wife with me."

"Th-thanks," Beth stuttered, "But I'm not sure if-"

"Fuck," the man moaned and Beth felt the familiar pulse of an orgasm in her hand as the stranger pressed her body hard against his. Beth could feel the cum dripping down her hand and onto her swimsuit.

No sooner had the man collapsed into his chair with a sigh than the door opened and Jay and the other man walked back in with a large bucket of ice.

Beth just started at them doe eyed. A burning mix of arousal and guilt in her chest.

"Sorry that took so long," Jay said, "We had to try three different floors before we found this."

"Oh no," the stranger with Jay said, "It looks like you spilled some sunscreen on your swimsuit. You should throw that one in the wash and change into something else. It might stain."

"That's a good idea," Jay said, "She just bought that. It would be a shame to ruin it. Why don't you two help her pick out a new one and I'll run this down to the laundry room in the basement?"

"Sure, I'd be glad to," one stranger said and the other just nodded in agreement.

"I feel bad for you guys who don't have such a sweet sexy wife waiting for you at home." Jay said and pulled her lips towards him and kissed her hard. Beth was already teetering on the edge of no return. Her body melted into him. She couldn't deny that having three men lusting after her was taking a toll on her. On one hand she knew she should put a stop to whatever was happening, but on the other she couldn't say no. Jay just seemed to keep encouraging whatever was happening. Was he really so confident she couldn't make him jealous? Or did he just truly love showing her off like a trophy?

"Ok guys help her find a suit. Just gonna run this downstairs real quick. Don't do anything I wouldn't do," Jay said and left.

"Ok arms up, love," one of the strangers said and put his hands on the shoulder straps.

"What?" Beth managed. "Let me go into-"

"She must be stuck or something. Why don't you help her out?"

"Sure," the other stranger said and Beth felt the man's chest and body push hard against her as he forced her arms down to her side. His mouth was just barely grazing her ear on one side as the other man's rough hands ripped at the straps and pulled them down hard over her shoulders. She tried to reach up and grab her suit as it fell to cover her breasts but the man didn't let her arms budge. It was all she could take not to whimper.

"There we go," the man said, "That's much better, don't you think? Now we can see the beautiful canvas we are working with."

"And it is quite the canvas," the other man said. His hand ran down her ribs and grabbed her thigh. "Let's get you into that new suit."

They took her by the hand and Beth made her way on uneasy footing into the bedroom. Her head spinning. Her naked body on display to these men who would undoubtedly be upon her in moments. Her breath was short. Her pulse electric. A throb in her stomach.

"So, what are our options?" one of them asked politely enough. They stared at her naked body. Beth tried to put a hand up, but one of the man swatted it away.

"We need to study, there's no need for modesty. So where are the swimsuits?"

"On the bed there," Beth pointed.

"Hmmm," one of the strangers said, "These are nice, but none of them really say 'Saturday night' to me."

"How about this one?" the other said and held up the tiniest string bikini of the group.

"That looks nice. Black would like great on you," the stranger said to Beth.

"Any color looks good on her," the other stranger said.

"Yeah, but black would really bring out her figure, don't you think?" the stranger said and then put his hands on her hips. "It's very slimming and will make her hips pop."

"That's true. It would make her tattoos stand out too."

"Yeah it could also really help with her muscle definition. She's got a strong back and arms, doesn't she?" the other stranger ran his hands down her shoulders and traced small circles with his fingertips.

"On second thought, I'm not sure. Black is kind of the color of sluts isn't it? What do you think Beth? Are you a slut?"

Beth tried not to shiver as she felt the man's strong hands take grip around her.

She had to act fast. It was now or never. If she didn't put a stop to this she would be bent over on the bed taking cock from both ends in the blink of an eye.

"Well if you step out I'll try it on for you and let you decide," Beth said, "But I don't think Jay would approve of me wearing anything this skimpy."

"Aw, come on, what's the point of buying it if you're never going to wear it?"

"Yeah, you at least ought to let us see it for a minute before you make any decisions."

"Ok, just step out and I'll try it on," Beth said again.

The strangers didn't move.

"There's no point in us leaving. It's not gonna take you that long to put it on, is it?"

"Yeah, just turn and face the other way if you are nervous. I mean if we are going to see you in a bikini it's not that big of a difference."

"I don't think Jay would approve of this," Beth said.

"Are you sure?" the stranger with his hands on her hips said, "He talked all day about how hot you are and how proud he is of you. I think he would be happy for you to show off a little."

"Yeah, Jay is a reasonable guy. He would understand you were just paying us back for helping you pick out what swimsuits to keep."

"I know what it is, she's nervous because she's the only one naked. Why don't we take off our trunks until she gets dressed to make it fair?"

"Good thinking."

Before Beth could turn around she caught a glimpse of the fit and handsome strangers pulling down their bottoms. A flash of cock for each of them. Maybe she saw it happen because she couldn't turn around fast enough. Maybe she saw it happen because she wanted to. She was tempted. And they weren't wrong. It wasn't fair. And Jay probably wouldn't mind her showing off just her backside. After all, it's just some cheek isn't it? If anything, she was just grateful her husband had made friends with decent looking guys. But she knew she shouldn't be thinking like that. She was just going to show them the skimpy bikini, they'd hoot and holler for a minute, then she'd put a different suit on and they'd go out and have some drinks at the pool.

Beth spread her legs to pull the string bikini up and heard one of the men whistle.

"She's got a great figure. Jay is a lucky guy."

"No wonder he's always slapping her ass. Look how thick that is."

"Can I touch it?" one of the strangers asked. She couldn't tell which.

"No way," she said trying to untangle the bikini bottoms to pull on, but her hands were shaking with nerves and she couldn't make heads or tails of it. "That's definitely against the rules."

"Well, Jay just said not to do anything he wouldn't do. And I'm pretty sure he would touch it, right?" the other stranger egged the other on.

"That's true. Maybe I won't touch it then. Maybe I'll just smack it?"

"No, don't smack it! I hate it when he does that," Beth said, "You can touch it, but only for a second. Don't be a perv."

"Sure," the man said and placed a hand on her skin. He let it sit for a moment before squeezing hard. Beth swallowed hard.

"Me too?" the other stranger asked. Beth just nodded. The other man took a handful of her ass and squeezed. The two men took turns playing with her. Groping her. Pushing her. Before she knew what happened Beth found she was leaning against the wall with her arms pressed against it and her ass out at an angle.

"This is more than a second," Beth managed to squeak out.

"We can stop whenever you want. Just say the word," one of the strangers said.

Beth said nothing.

"Let us help you get dressed. It looks like you are having a hard time," one of the men said and took the bikini top from the bed and reached around her. He gripped her chest firmly with one hand and flipped her hair over her shoulder with the other. Beth squeezed her breath into her stomach and her legs tight. She could feel the man pressing his cock into her back and his mouth onto her neck.

"Hey," she said, "Don't take it too far."

"Sorry I just need to be able to see what I'm doing you know? It's an awkward angle. Here, is this better?" The man moved his hands under her breasts and his lips pressed against one of the piercings on her upper ear. Beth did her best to stifle a moan, but she wasn't sure it worked because the man pressed and squeezed harder against her body. After what felt like ages his hands pulled away and clasped the bikini behind her.

"There we go," he said and stepped away. Beth found herself missing the warmth of his body instantly. She closed her eyes hard and tried to fight the guilt and pleasure that throbbed through her body.

"I'll do the bottoms then," the other man said, "Just stand very still. I'm a little clumsy."

Beth bit her lip and squeezed her stomach tight as the man slipped his hands around her waist and stomach to line up the bikini bottoms.

"Hmm," he said, "Is this about right?"

His hands pulled the bikini bottoms tight and Beth felt the material wedge against her pussy.

"Looks a little tight to me," the other man said.

"What about this?"

The man slipped his fingers under the material and with one finger he pushed one finger up and down the length of her pussy. Beth tried to stifle the moan again. This time she knew she failed. There was little, if any, resistance from her body.

"I think she likes being the center of attention," the man said.

"I think I also like her being the center of attention," the other man said.

"Here, come feel," the man holding her hips said. He pulled her bikini bottoms to the side and the cold air rushed over her glistening skin giving her goosebumps.

The second stranger stepped up behind her and she felt his body press against hers. His hands were rougher. His grip stronger. His touch more forceful as he pushed her lips apart and ran his fingers in circles across her pussy. A needy moan crept out of Beth's throat.

Part of Beth wanted to run away, and part of her wanted to fall to her knees and let these men keep using her. She was nervous how far they would take it. But she wanted to keep going. Right now, judging by the two hard cocks pressing into her ass cheeks, they weren't planning on stopping anytime soon.

"Oh no," the man touching her said. "It's too wet. I can't get the bottoms back in place."

He fidgeted with the tiny triangle of material. Beth's head was spinning. She couldn't understand what he meant. It looked in place to her?

"Hmm," the other man said, "I've got an idea. I'll clean it up."

Beth blinked and the man was down on his knees in front of her.

"W-what are you-" Beth started, but she was too slow. He pulled the bikini bottoms to the side and ran his tongue across the top of her stomach. The butterflies in her stomach went wild and her body coursed with pleasure. Inch by inch he worked his tongue across her stomach sinking lower and lower. Beth quivered.

"I don't think this is a good-" she said, but she couldn't bring herself to finish. The stranger's tongue flicked across her slit once and only once.

"There we go," he said, "That should do it."

The bottoms hung loosely off her hips, and without a doubt she was wetter than before.

The door popped open in the other room and Jay dropped the ice bucket on the coffee table in the living room.

"Back with the ice," he said, "Y'all pick something out for her?"

"We'll be right out," Beth called with a shaky voice, "Put your shorts back on so I can turn around."

"We will in a minute. Let's go show Jay first," one of the strangers said.

With a push and some hands to her elbows they turned Beth away from the wall and she saw them naked for the first time. They didn't disappoint her. She swallowed hard as she looked at them. She wanted to be calm. To own the situation. Instead she walked on jittery legs with a dazed look on her face. This couldn't be happening. This was too much. Nothing in her wildest dreams made her think this would ever happen.

They pushed her out into the living room with a stumble and she stood in front of her husband. Nervous. Wet. And, yeah, a little turned on.

"Wow, you look fantastic," Jay said with a smile. He beckoned her over. She walked over to him and he greeted her with a kiss. He let his lips linger for a moment and then kissed her harder. Beth felt a twinge of relief. He wasn't suspicious of too much, thank God.

"I don't think we are gonna be able to go to the pool with our guests looking like that, though," Jay said. "It seems like you've put on a good show."

"We didn't do anything you wouldn't do," Beth said. Jay laughed.

"I don't know what you did," he said, "But I think you're going to have to do some more."

Beth froze. Was he serious? The little game had gone on far enough. Surely he was going to leave it as just some raunchy flirting and nothing more.

When Jay realized she wasn't going to move he took her wrists firmly in his grip and motioned to the strangers.

"Y'all don't mind if I show off my beautiful wife a little bit, do you?" he said.

"I think we would like that very much," one of the strangers said and began to pull at Beth's bikini top. If this was a fever dream, why did her body ache for it so badly?

"N-no, stop," she murmured, but stood completely still.

The other man ripped her bottoms off in one pull and she felt the air rush around her naked body. She closed her eyes and felt two pairs of rough hands wandering across her body. They cupped her breasts, spread her legs, and then eventually the hands slid up her shoulders and together pushed her to her knees.

"Me first," Jay said and she felt the warmth of Jay's cock press against her cheek. She took it into her mouth without a second thought.

"She looks good with a cock in her mouth," one of the strangers said.

"I've always thought so," Jay said.

"She's good at it too, isn't she?" the other one said.

"Just wait. You'll get a turn," Jay said.

Beth tried to shake her head no. Jay laughed. "They're getting what they deserve, Beth. And don't worry baby, you'll get what you deserve too."

"Grabbable tits, too, huh?" one of the men said and she felt a firm hand as he squeezed her chest.

"I'm getting pretty close. Using her like this is making me crazy. Get ready Beth," Jay said and within moments he stepped back and warm shots of his cum arced across her chest.

"Fuck, that was a good one," Jay said and collapsed on the couch.

Beth tried to rise to her feet and find a towel, but the hands pushed her firmly back to her knees.

"Where do you think you're going," he said, "Get to work."

"J-Jay, I think you're taking this too far. We didn't talk about this at all!" Beth stammered.

"That's the best part. We don't have to talk about it. I know what you want," Jay said and kissed her on the cheek. His lips had barely left her cheek before his hands grabbed the back of her head and pushed her face up against one of the stranger's cocks.

"I swear-" Beth tried, but to her surprise, she opened her mouth and let him inside. Jay pushed her head forward roughly and the other man thrusted hard against her face.

"Get me too," the other man said and took her free hand and wrapped it around his cock.

Jay sat back and took in the sight of his wife. Down on her knees in front of them. Serving them like a good wife. He smiled.

"That's my good girl," Jay said. Beth didn't respond. She was hard at work trying to satisfy the strangers as they groped her and moaned above her. Part of her thought that if she finished her work, quickly it'd be over and they would leave, but another part of her thought that maybe if she did a good job she'd get a reward of her own. Jay was cheering her on after all... and she didn't want to disappoint him. What kind of wife would she be if she let her husband down? What kind of woman would she be if she let these men down? Just a little bit more and then it'd be all over, right?

"Her pussy was so wet earlier you should have seen it," one of the guys said to Jay.

"Oh yeah?" Jay said, "Lay her over the coffee table. Let's see how wet she is now."

Beth felt herself being lifted to her feet, then her feet left the ground as they carried her across the room. The cold glass of the coffee table pressed into her back. Without being asked she spread her legs wide and felt her husband push his body between them.

"She's getting the hang of this," Jay said, "Keep those legs spread. I want them to get a good look."

Even if Beth had tried to break free or close her legs she wouldn't have had the strength. Their combined grip was too strong and the pleasure she was receiving was enough incentive not to test it.

"Wow, she's gorgeous. And she can really get wet too. Are you good at this or does she just really like showing her pussy to all of us?" one of the strangers asked.

"She's irresistible, I know. She just likes showing off. It's only right in my opinion that she puts out every now and then," Jay said.

"Can I have a try?" the other stranger said and nodded to between her legs.

"Sure," Jay said, "Knock yourself out. Is that alright with you, baby?"

Beth tried to form words, but her mouth wouldn't move. She couldn't even think the words. All that came out was a moan. Jay laughed.

"I wasn't asking permission, Beth," Jay said, "Just trying to be polite. You don't have to answer. You don't really have a choice."

Jay and the man swapped places and Beth was greeted by the strange sensation of a man other than her husband's tongue darting across her body's most sensuous area. She was acutely aware of every difference between Jay and this new man. His breath, his hands, his tongue, his lips. She could feel every millimeter of this new presence. The only thing that brought her out of this trance was a slippery poke at her lips.

"Come on," the other stranger said, "Don't leave me hanging."

He pushed his cock against her lips again. Beth looked to Jay for guidance, but he was too busy coaching the stranger licking her clit. So she just parted her lips and for the first time in almost a decade a man other than her husband was having his way with her. At first she simply let the man thrust in and out and across her tongue, but the next thing she knew she was pushing her head back letting him in deeper and adjusting her tongue to feel the ridge of his cock as he fucked her mouth.

Jay looked down at Beth and smiled as her jaw went to work on the man. Seeing her sexual exploration, or perhaps even exploitation, filled him with a dark lust and a primal sense of pride. His cock was hardening up again. It wouldn't be long now before he helped fulfill Beth's secret fantasy and then maybe a few of his own.

The stranger fucking Beth's mouth put his hands on her head to hold it steady as he pushed deeper and nearly choked her with his cock before finding just the right depth. Beth instinctively reached out her hands and placed them on his thighs to try to help her steady herself from the rocking motion.

"Look," the stranger laughed, "She's really getting into it now. Won't be long before she's begging us for it."

"She's a good slut once you break her a bit," Jay said, "Here, move over, I'm going to fuck her now. When I'm done you can do whatever you want with her."

Jay nudged the man between her legs to the side and Beth barely felt it until he was pushed all the way into her stomach. Her legs were wet and slick and she could feel how effortlessly he glided in and out of her like never before.

Beth moaned and curled her toes and with an absent mind she tried to reach down to put desperately needed pressure on her clit, but Jay slapped her hand away.

"This isn't for you," he said, "Not yet anyway."

"Damn, I'm so close already," the stranger from between her legs said, "Do you think you could help me out here?" He took Beth's other hand and placed it on him. She felt the precum dripping down his shaft already and knew as he throbbed between her fingers that just a few strokes could send him over the edge.

"Here," the stranger fucking her mouth said, "See if you can fit in next to me and we can cum in her mouth at the same time."

"That'd be a waste," Jay said, "Once I finish inside her you two can take a shot down here as well. It's fucking incredible. You have to try her pussy. Trust me."

Jay let out a few intense moans, "Ah, fuck here we go," and then Beth felt the familiar throb and pulse and heat release in her stomach as her husband came inside her harder than she could ever remember.

"Fuck me, that was a good one," Jay said and collapsed onto the couch, "Knock yourselves gentlemen, her pussy is all yours."

"Are you sure?" one stranger asked.

"Yeah, go on. She'll be plenty wet enough," Jay said.

"Awesome. I'll go first," one stranger walked up to her and she felt the head of an unfamiliar cock probe at her pussy. It was slick and slipped off.

"Hold still," he said.

"Wait," the stranger fucking her mouth said, "I want a go too."

"Why don't you both go at the same time?" Jay said, "Beth readjust so they can both fuck you at once."

Beth lifted her hips.

"No, you'll need to flip around," Jay said, "Get on all fours and mount him first and then he'll come stick it in from behind alongside him."

"I-I-" Beth stammered.

"Do it," Jay commanded, "Now."

Without saying another word Beth's hungry body found itself rotating and positioning to take both cocks.

"That's more like it," the first stranger said as she lowered her hot pussy down onto his cock, "Don't stop yet." He grabbed her hips and pulled her all the way down. Jay's cum had made her pussy soaked and without it she wouldn't have been able to take a second, larger, cock.

"Oh God," Beth little out a little gasp as she took it.

"My turn," the other stranger said and she felt something she couldn't possibly describe as the second cock pushed along the first and slipped into her pussy. She could barely breathe she was so full.

"Oh fuck, oh fuck," the stranger on the bottom said and started to thrust slowly, but softly. The stranger from behind tried to match his rhythm and Beth felt the two heads push in and out of her pussy. Her hand flew down towards her clit and with just a few quick brushes she was squeezing her legs together and screaming as she erupted.

"Ugh, fuck, she's gonna make me cum," one stranger said.

"Unh," was all the other stranger said as she felt them follow close behind with their own orgasms. They pulled out slowly and thanked Jay as they gathered their clothes.

"What a night that was, huh," one said.

"Well just wait for tomorrow morning," Jay said, "We will go down to the pool in one of those new bikinis and then do it all over again."
发布者 ppa77_01
2 年 前
colin51 2 年 前
very hot story ,Its great to share a good wife like that 
Kum4me2ff 2 年 前
Hot story
fdj 2 年 前
Love it.
Srcpl4fun 2 年 前
Fucking great story! Love making crystal feel a little slutty sometimes. Keep ‘em cumming.
Leomoore 2 年 前
Yes great story.  Hope there is more to cum.
Christian_who 2 年 前
That is a graet story