Yui's Arrival. Part 6 - Japanese Lesbian Four

It was the third time that Yui and Rika saw the other two girls at the local cafe that they both realized, despite (or because of) all their fantasizing, that they were indeed lovers. They came to this conclusion by watching them, checking the way they looked at each other, the way their hands would sometimes caress the others', and the way that it was always the taller girl who paid for their snacks.

On this fourth occasion that they found themselves seated near them, Yui was caught by the shorter of the two girls staring. She quickly looked away and must have looked like a guilty perve because when she finally glanced back, the girl gave her a knowing and courteous smile, and then whispered something to her friend.

"I think she saw me staring," whispered Yui to Rika.

"What's she doing," Rika whispered back.

"She's whispering to her friend," Yui replied.

Just when Rika was able to steal a glance in the direction of the two girls, they both looked over at Yui and her, smiled politely and for a brief second all four girls were caught looking at each other. It a little embarrassing.

"Well, that was awkward," said Yui in a low voice.

"But they are definitely a couple."

After a few minutes of not knowing if they had angered the two girls, the taller one got up as usual to pay, but instead of walking to the till, she walked over to Yui and Rika's table.

"Hello, I'm Sana, and I couldn't help noticing that you were looking at us. Is everything ok?" she said softly and sweetly.

"Oh, um, yes, no problem at all, sorry to scare you!" Rika stammered, with Yui backing her up. Yui decided to venture bravely.

"We were wondering if... well, if you two were a couple," she said shyly.

"Oh," replied Sana, a little taken aback. "Well, actually, we are. How did you know?"
At this, she beckoned her friend to come over.

"Oh I see! Well, we are too, and we thought you two looked a bit like us," whispered Yui, careful to not let any other patrons in on the conversation. Self introductions over, the atmosphere became very relaxed.

By now, the shorter girl had joined them. She introduced herself as Mana. Sana and Mana, just a coincidence.

Rika offered them to sit at their table, which they did. Sana's long legs brushed against Yui's making her blush slightly and apologize. They were both gorgeous, Sana's long straight black hair and cute bangs over her eyes and Mana's short bob were so cute. Yui didn't want to let this opportunity disappear, so she immediately began talking about their 'culture' as it were.

"What's your favorite bar in Ni-Chome?"

Sana looked at Mana, who blushed and said, "Les Gals".
Yui had heard about Les Gals before. It was a lesbian club specializing in 'gal' culture. Girls from the 1990s who had their hair dyed blonde, their skin very tanned, white lipstick and eye shadow, and outrageous and very revealing clothes. They were a sight to behold in the '90s, and this club featured a lot of girls who embraced this older style, but turned it into something very sexy and alluring.

"Oh, very sexy. I think those girls are quite hot," Yui heard herself saying. Meanwhile, Rika was stealing furtive glances at the cute Mana, sitting near her.

"We should go there together some time," Mana offered.

"We would love to," said Yui, and Rika nodded in agreement, still a little shy.

After a slight pause, Yui became very brazen.

"Would you like to come to our place for afternoon tea? It's just around the corner," she said in a low voice.

Rika's eyes caught Yui's, with messages darting between the two, messages like 'oh my god!' and 'wow, really?!'

Sana looked at Mana, who nodded her cute bob.

"Sure, that would be lovely, thanks."

By now it was getting close to 5pm, and relaxing on Rika's large sofa, Sana and Mana were offered a glass of red wine, which they both gladly accepted, and soon the new friends were all very relaxed and chatting excitedly about various lesbian bars, some mutual acquaintances, and of course it was Yui who steered the conversation onto more intimate topics.

"Do you two kiss a lot?" she teased.

Sana looked at Mana next to her on the sofa, and they both nodded and giggled, Mana's hands caressing her friend's thigh. This excited Rika greatly.

"Actually, we both watched your Self-Love series many times ... that's you isn't it?" asked Sana, a little tentatively.

This was the first time Yui had been recognized, and it took her aback at first.

"Ah ... yes, but, I ..."

"I knew it! Wow, we are so honored to have met you! We often watch that series together. We both really love how sensitively those videos are made, and the camerawork is so good too!" bubbled Mana.

Yui, blushing but enjoying the connection, gestured to Rika."

"Here's your sensitive camera person," she said, running her hand along Rika's thigh.

Sana and Mana were so excited at meeting both Yui and Rika, they giggled, and almost became too embarrassed to talk. Yui thought they were absolutely cute, and the thought of them watching her Self-Love series, where she is alone, loving herself of course, while they undoubtedly were loving each other, made her feel very naughty indeed.

"Can we watch you kiss? And you can watch us too," Rika said, moving closer to Yui on the floor at their friends' feet.

Sana looked Mana in the eyes, slightly embarrassed, a little shy, but with an intimacy that only two women in love can share. Mana raised herself slightly on the sofa, almost getting on her knees, to gaze back lovingly into Sana's eyes. Slowly they came closer together, their eyes exploring their lover's face, until their soft beautiful lips met. Sana's eyes closed momentarily to savour the deliciousness of Mana's lips, and then opened to watch her cute lover close up.

Both Yui and Rika became very attentive now, getting onto their knees to get a good view of these two gorgeous girls kissing. Their tongues danced, their half-closed eyes devoured, their hands gently caressed each other. For a while it seemed they were oblivious to their audience.

"Oh my goodness," breathed Mana, as they separated, her face now blushing and flushed with desire, her full lips red and pouting even more than before.

"Wow, that was so beautiful," gasped Rika. She was now wet and her braless nipples were very hard under her T-shirt. She began to run her fingers over them as Sana and Mana watched. This made them more relaxed as they kissed again, with more lust than before, occasionally glancing at the lovely Rika as she became more and more involved in her own self love.

Yui moved behind Rika, cradling her between her legs so she could watch Sana and Mana. She slowly lifted Rika's T-shirt up, over her tight stomach. She knew Rika loved it when she took her time with this. And Yui loved the slow reveal of Rika's delicious little body, but this time she was doing it also for the benefit of their new friends.

Sana broke away from Mana's lips to watch Yui slowly lifting Rika's T-shirt. She was immediately aroused enormously by this, as Mana continued kissing her lovely neck and unbuttoning her blouse.

Yui slowly brought Rika's shirt up over her ribs, Rika arched her back, becoming lost in the desire of having these beautiful girls watching Yui love her. Up came the shirt slowly revealing more lovely ribs until one and then the other of Rika's sexy dark nipples, hard and erect, appeared. She instinctively reached up to caress herself, flicking her fingers over their hardness, gently pinching them, and then caressing her ribs down over stomach and back up again.

Sana and Mana were mesmerised by this display of delicious self love.

"Do you mind if we take off our clothes?" asked Sana. Yui begged them to do so, and within a few seconds, she could drink in the delicious sight of Sana's long, slender naked legs, her lovely flat tummy, and her large breasts with amazing dark nipples with quite large areolae. Mana was soon naked too, and her gorgeous cute little body looked like it was made for sex. Her waist was narrow, her bottom was a beautiful heart shape, her breasts were small, but pert with hard erect nipples, almost pink in contrast with her lover's.

Mana, kneeling on the sofa, turned her back to Rika and Yui, giving them a beautiful view of her delicious little heart shaped bottom. She knew the effect it had on Sana, who quickly ran her tongue over Mana's neck. down her arms, lifting her arms so she could lick Mana's smooth armpits, moving down her back and sides, making Mana's cute body wet with her love and her saliva.

Finally, Sana came to that hot little bottom, and moved back to admire it.

"Such a gorgeous little bottom," whispered Rika and Yui almost together.

Slowly, Sana's tongue circled around Mana's gorgeous little bottom, sometimes she would suck in the smooth, soft, white skin, sometimes she would kiss gently and retreat to admire this beautiful aspect of her girlfriend.

Finally, she honed in on Mana's cute little brown anus that seemingly begged to be licked. Meanwhile, Mana was eagerly rubbing her soaked pussy, pulling on her lips, sliding her fingers in and out and around her slippery sex.

Yui and Rika, still in the same position, with Yui's hands exploring Rika's tight little body, and Rika now very eagerly masturbating, watched with deep lust as Sana began circling her long tongue around that cute little brown button, gradually flicking over it, and finally pushing the tip of her tongue gently in. Mana let out a long low moan.

For what seemed like ages, Yui and Rika watched Sana making love to Mana's little anus while Mana masturbated with growing intensity. Likewise, Rika was working at her aching little clitty at the same time as fucking herself with two fingers. Yui knew that soon Rika would explode in a squirting orgasm that would surprise their new friends.

"Mmmm, oh my god, your tongue feels so fucking good there, Sana," moaned Mana, just before furiously flicking her clitty to a shuddering orgasm. The fact that they were being watched by two other girls made her orgasm even more intense. She held her position with her bottom up in the air for some time while Sana gently caressed and kissed her bottom and back.

"I'm going to come," whispered Rika through clenched teeth as her self-fucking grew in intensity.

As she put her head back on Yui's shoulder, small streams of her juice started to squirt out onto her thighs. Sana immediately got down between her legs in order to be showered with Rika's juices. She was not disappointed. Rika, glancing down at this gorgeous naked girl between her legs while Yui pulled and pinched her aching nipples, felt an explosive orgasm rock her little body, sending streams of her warm juice all over Sana's beautiful face. She was soon joined by Mana, who managed to receive one warm stream of juice on her chest.

Mana quickly began kissing and licking Sana, drinking in Rika's juice, and sharing it with her lover. Yui watched with lustful desire as Rika's small body finally relaxed against her.

"Do you have any plans for tonight?" she asked as all four became silent and still.

"No, did you have something in mind?" asked Sana.

"Oh yes, I have a lot in mind," whispered Yui.
发布者 Abby_Lu
2 年 前
Naughtynev69 2 年 前
Abby_Lu 出版商 2 年 前
Rabbyrob69 : Wow, thanks!
回答 原始评论
Rabbyrob69 2 年 前
Heavenly way to bring us back to your sensual imagination and onwards into the desires created from the ether..
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