What am I looking for? What am I here for??

What am I looking for? What am I here for?? Not To Have Sex With You!


I really shouldn't be surprised but... I am.

Every other day comes the same repeated question :/

"What are you here for?" or "What are you looking for?"

First thing to come from people who after just looking at a provocative photo of me or reading some sexy text I posted on my different media pages.

The Weird Part?

After telling them I'm just posting my photos and such to share me journey, I'm not looking for a sex partner, a one night stand or anything from them.

Then, people get offended like I was offering myself up to them and I've turned them down.

Like, me posting sexy photos and etc is not a free pass to me or a sign on my forehead to say "I want to have sex with you" lmao

Probably people get very confused upon the concept of submission I guess lol

I'm not angry as such, but just find it a lil frustrating and funny at the same time.

Note to self: Next entry be positive and fun entry!! ^.^
发布者 kiitykatt
2 年 前