I couldn't do Porn! Unlimited consent?

"So, I found this," Kristy said. She showed me a flyer that looked like it had been outside all winter.

I squinted at it, trying to make sense of the faded text and grainy photos. "What is it?"

"The thing I was telling you about. The casting call. I couldn't find it online, but the flyer was still there on the dorm bulletin board. If you're still looking for a summer job, I mean."

"Yeah, for sure." I took the flyer from her and looked more closely. "Looking for young women 18-21..." Then something I couldn't read. "...reality show." The email address was clear. "A reality show?" I asked her. "I dunno."

"Could be fun. You can at least ask for more information. Look at the bottom, pays $1000 per episode, and a grand prize of $25,000. That would cover next semester's tuition!" Kristy grinned.

"So why don't you do it?" I asked. A reality show didn't exactly sound like my idea of fun. "Maybe I'll just go back to the temp agency."

"Please. Me?"

"Why not?"

"I don't think I have quite the body type they're looking for," she said. "I mean, a reality show? Probably bikini city."

"I don't know. I think you're pretty."

"Thanks, but somehow I think they'd want you over me. You're, you know, athletic."

"I guess. $25,000, though!"

"Email them!"

The idea was growing on me. An adventure. Something different. And a little money, too.

* * *

The casting people responded to my email with a questionnaire to fill out. They also said to send them a few photos, topless, in lingerie, and full nude. Nude?

"Why would they need nude photos for a TV show?" Kristy asked. "This sounds like a scam. I shouldn't have brought it up. I'm sorry."

"I'm not a complete idiot. I checked it out. The email address is from a legitimate website, a production company. I found the casting call on the website, too."

"I don't know, Jess."

"What do I have to lose? If I get it, it's easy money. If not, I'll get some other job."

Kristy shook her head. "You're nuts." She sighed. "All right, fine. If you're sure. Want me to take the pictures?"

I grinned. "Thanks, Kristy."

It was only a little awkward to strip in front of my best friend, but she took such beautiful photos. We picked out a few that best showed off my figure, my 34D breasts, and my ass.

"You have a great ass," Kristy commented. "You do look gorgeous in these. I hope this is for real, Jess. Otherwise you'll have nude pictures of yourself floating around out there."

"I have a good feeling about it," I said. "I guess I better answer their email."

"Good luck," she said. "Need help with the questionnaire?"


"Like, coming up with good answers."

I hadn't shown her all of the questions. Some of that stuff, I did not need my best friend to know about me. "No. I'll be fine."

* * *

I sent the photos before I lost my nerve and said I'd get the written stuff to them later. After dinner, I curled up on my bed with my laptop and took a deep breath. Maybe Kristy was right. Why would they need nude photos for a reality show? I almost typed out, "Never mind. I don't think this is for me," but then I thought about what I'd said earlier, that I wanted an adventure and to learn something about myself.

I started with the easy stuff. "Age 19, 5'6", 121 pounds. Auburn hair and brown eyes. Athletic but not muscular." I didn't play a sport, but I ran a few miles several days a week to clear my head and stay in shape. Those questions seemed reasonable for a TV show. They'd want beautiful people on camera.

The next set of questions is where things got a little sketchy. They wanted to know if I had any sexual experience, and if so, how much. I was embarrassed to say I'd never had sex, so I put that I'd had one partner and had intercourse once. What did it matter anyway? They also asked whether I would be willing to have casual sex, if I was comfortable being topless or nude in front of strange men, if I'd recently been tested for STDs, and if I was on birth control. The answer to all of the above was "no," or more precisely, "hell no," but maybe they wouldn't want me if I said that. So I lied. I said I was open to casual sex but had never done it before, that I wasn't bothered by being topless in public, and that I was clean but not on birth control. Well, the last bit was true. I didn't need birth control if I wasn't having sex, and I couldn't have an STD if I'd never been with someone.

Finally, they said I should get all of my body hair removed if I was invited for an in-person audition.

"You're nuts, Jess," I said to myself.

* * *

I showed up at the address they gave me, freshly waxed from armpits to ankles (that had been an experience in and of itself!), at 10:00 a.m. the following Saturday. The building was unassuming, very businesslike. They'd said to dress comfortably and that I didn't need to bring anything special. I'd expected there to be a bunch of girls there like me, but when I went in, the lobby was empty except for the receptionist. She sent me on through to a room that could have fit just as easily in any office building in the city. A black leather couch faced a wooden desk in the windowless office. I sat on the couch to wait.

Two men came in a few minutes later, both in business suits. One was portly and bald, with black-rimmed glasses, and the other was tall and handsome, with just a bit of scruff on his face and piercing green eyes that made my stomach flutter when he looked at me.

The portly one sat at the desk, and the handsome one leaned casually against the wall.

"Jess, right?" the bald one said.


"I'm Gene. This is Adrian. Thanks for coming in this morning. You seem like a good fit, and we wanted to meet you in person to see how you'll look on camera and interact with some of the other cast members."

"Sure. Nice to meet you." Could he tell that my palms were sweating and my stomach was doing flip-flops?

"First, I'll need you to sign this consent form and our standard employment contract. If you want to change your mind about this, now's the time."

"Consent for what?" He handed me the form. "By signing this form, talent gives unlimited consent to the following," I read. "Unlimited consent? What does that mean?"

"It means we don't have to ask you every time. We can just do it because you've already given us permission."

That seemed odd. How could I consent to anything in advance? "You know," I said, without reading further, "I'm getting a little nervous. I thought this was just a reality show."

"There's the door," Gene said with a gesture. "You don't have to stay."

The other man stared at me with those incredible eyes and my heart skipped a beat. I could at least read the list before making a decision.

"Talent's face may appear on screen. Any part of Talent's body may appear on screen, clothed or unclothed. Talent's breasts, nipples, pubic area, and bare buttocks may appear on screen, censored or uncensored," the form continued.

"Wait, wait, onscreen nudity? No one said anything about that," I exclaimed.

Gene shrugged and inclined his head toward the door again. "We pay well."

"I don't know," I said.

Those eyes again. My breath quickened. I could at least read to the end of the list.

"Talent's vulva and anus may appear on screen, censored or uncensored."

"This is porn," I said. "You're making porn."

Gene laughed. "I thought you'd already figured that out."

"Yeah, but I didn't think... I mean, like, close-ups of my genitals?" A tightening between my legs and a spurt of wetness surprised me. I was kind of turned on by the idea. But, no! I couldn't do porn! I'd never even seen a penis in person!

"You can sign or you can leave," Gene said. "Let's not waste each other's time."

I nodded and kept reading. "Other cast members may touch talent's body, including genitals and breasts. Other cast members may lick and kiss any part of talent's body, including genitals and breasts. Other cast members' genitals may come in contact with talent's genitals." Porn. I shivered, but I wasn't sure if it was fear or excitement.

It got even more explicit after that. "Talent will use her mouth on other cast members' genitals as needed." Oral sex. Right. I read on. "Talent's vagina and anus may be penetrated as needed by toys, fingers, and/or penises. Images of talent's vagina being penetrated may appear on screen. Images of talent's anus being penetrated may appear on screen."

"My anus?" I said.

"If it comes up," Gene said casually.

"But, why do I have to consent to that now? Can't you just ask me if it does come up?"

"It's much simpler this way."

"But what if something happens and I don't want to do it? What if I don't like it, or it hurts, and I want to stop?" I was starting to panic. I should just leave. This had been a ridiculous notion. "I've never had anal sex or anything. How can I consent to it?"

"Sign or leave," Gene said. "No one's forcing you to audition, but if you want to be in this production, these are the expectations."

"So this isn't a reality show at all! That was just a ruse to get me in here. Do I really get $25,000?"

"Potentially. First we need you to audition, and if that goes well, you may be chosen for a special engagement. That pays $25,000."

"Do I get paid for the audition?"

"$500 for the audition, if you allow us to film it and use the footage on the website. $1000 for each day of filming you participate in after that."

I'd come this far, and, truthfully, I was very curious. If I could really get $25,000... I nodded. "Do you have a pen?" I asked.

* * *

Gene and Adrian led me farther into the building, to another room very similar to the office we'd just left, except there was no wall behind the desk, and two cameras on tripods stood where the wall should be, filming the "office" from two different angles. Gene took his seat behind the desk. He would not be in the frame. "Sit," he said, gesturing to the couch.

I huddled on the edge of the couch, knees pressed together, hands folded in my lap. Seeing the cameras, being on an actual movie set, made me jittery and lightheaded. Adrian sat on the armrest of the couch, very casual. "Don't be so nervous," he said to me.

"I've never been on camera before," I croaked. My throat was dry.

Three more men arrived. Two took up positions behind each of the stationary cameras, and the third had a handheld camera. I wondered what, exactly, this audition would entail, and if it was worth $500 to get naked in a room with five strange men.

I also wondered what would happen if I changed my mind now, having signed that contract. It was just a piece of paper. Could they sue me or something?

"We're rolling," one of the cameramen said.

"Okay, Jess." Gene leaned forward slightly. "Why don't you introduce yourself. Tell us your name, how old you are, and what you're here to do."

What was I here to do? I had no idea. "Okay. Uh, hi. I'm Jess. I'm 19. And I'm here to audition for, um, a porn movie?"

Gene chuckled. "Something like that. Good. First, we'd like to see how you'll look naked on camera, so if you'd just take off your clothes."

"Take off my clothes? Now?"


My eyes darted from one man to the next and settled on Adrian, still perched on the armrest beside me. Why? Why was he on camera? He met my gaze and smiled. Those green eyes though! I tried to pretend the other guys weren't there and focused on Adrian. I got to my feet. "Okay. Sure." And thus committed, I lifted my shirt over my head. Once in motion, it was easy to continue, much easier than I expected, and in moments, I was naked. Besides, I told myself, they'd already seen my pictures.

I stood with my hands at my sides and tried to smile. I hoped it wasn't obvious how furiously turned on I was. My heart pounded, and I was sure I felt moisture trickle down my leg. Heat rose in my face.

"Very nice," Gene said. "Turn around."

I turned around slowly, chest heaving liked I'd just run 10 miles.

"Thank you. I think you'll do very well. You have beautiful breasts. D?"

"D? Uh, yes. Thanks."

"Let's see you give a blow job."

I'd never actually given a blow job before, but maybe it was too late to admit that. "To who?"

In answer, Adrian took off his suit jacket and unbuckled his belt.

"Oh," I said. That's why he was here. I should have figured that out. He rose from the couch and moved in very close to me.

"Don't be so nervous," he said again. He cupped my breasts and my eyes widened. He smelled so good, I just wanted to bury my face in his chest. "Is this your first time?" he whispered.

"How -- how did you know?" I asked, momentarily forgetting there were four other men in the room.

"Just a hunch. Hang on." He glanced behind him at one of the cameramen and made a "cut" motion across his neck. He went over to Gene and spoke with him in a low voice.

"What the fuck?" Gene exclaimed. He looked at me over Adrian's shoulder. "You're a fucking virgin? Why didn't you tell us?"

My face burned with humiliation. Adrian had tried to be so discreet about it. "I didn't think it would matter."

"Oh, it matters. It matters a lot. Give me one second." He stomped out of the room. I couldn't tell if he was angry or excited.

"What's going on?" I asked Adrian. "Why does it matter?" Suddenly very self-conscious, I crossed my arms over my breasts and sat on the couch with my legs together.

"It changes the game a little," he said. I had no idea what that meant.

"Does this mean I don't get the job?"

"I think it means you get a different job," he said with a mysterious grin.

Gene returned with a broad smile. "Okay, we can't use you for this production, but we do have something else for you. All the same stuff you already signed applies."

"Do I still get the thousand bucks?"

"A thousand? Honey, you do this film and you'll get a lot more than that."

"What is it? What about the chance at twenty-five thousand?" That was my only motivation, really, and if he was going to take that away from me, I didn't want to be here.

"We're going to pop your cherry on camera. There's a huge market for true deflowerings. But, this isn't going to be any ordinary first-time movie. We're going to take you from virgin to slut in one day."


"I've got four other actors out there lined up and ready to go, plus Adrian. You get $3,000 for the first cock to go in your pussy, $5,000 for the first in your ass, and $1,000 for each cock you take after that."

"My ass?"

"You consented to anal."

"Yes. I know. But if I take all five, that's only -- what, eight thousand plus three more? $11,000?" Only $11,000! If he hadn't already mentioned $25,000, eleven would have sounded like a fortune for one day's work.


"But, you said 25 thousand." This whole conversation was completely surreal. I was negotiating the price of my virginity -- and my dignity it seemed. I wanted to do it. I was shocked that I wanted to, but I did. I couldn't think of a more exciting way to "pop my cherry," as he'd said, than with professional porn actors, and get paid for it besides. But I sensed I had leverage, since virgins probably didn't walk into their casting offices every day.

"The 25 was for something else."

"Then I'll do that."

"No." He rested his chin in his hand and studied me. "Tell you what, we don't normally do this, but we'll give you a royalty. For every view your film gets on our website, you get ten cents. In perpetuity. A million views would be $100,000. Fair?"

"How many views do your videos usually get in, say, a year?"

"Fifty to a hundred thousand, typically. Yours would get more. Your movie will be the ultimate porn film. First time pussy, first time anal, gang bang, DP, airtight. If you do it all."

"What's a DP?"

He laughed. "You are adorable."

I did some quick math. That still didn't make $25,000 in the first year, but if I would keep getting checks for years down the line... I nodded. "Is it going to hurt?" Something I hadn't considered until just now.

"Very likely."

"A lot?"

"That depends on you. They'll be as gentle as they can."

I wasn't afraid of a little pain, exactly, but if it hurt too much and they wouldn't let me stop, what then? I told myself I could handle it. "Can I get the royalty thing in writing, please?"

"Of course."

"Okay." New adventures, new experiences, and I was about to learn a whole heck of a lot about myself.

* * *

Gene gave me a bathrobe and handed me off to a woman he called Aurora. She was very, very nice to me and then took me into a bathroom and gave me an enema, which was about the most horrible experience of my 19 short years, as far as I could remember. It was humiliating and uncomfortable, but she assured me it would be worth it for how clean my butt would be. "Nobody wants a poop incident," she said, like it was the most normal topic of conversation in the world.

"A poop...incident?"

"Sometimes if you stick something up your butt, you get a little more than you bargained for." She laughed.

"Have you done it? Anal?"


Somehow, knowing an actual person who had done it made it less intimidating. She took me to another room to do my hair and makeup. "Are you an actress?" I asked as we walked.

"I do a little of everything around here. Adrian is a sweetheart. He'll take good care of you." My nipples tingled, remembering how his hands had felt.

"He's gorgeous."

She grinned. "So, listen, if you want a little advice, try to relax and enjoy yourself. If you get really nervous and tense up, it'll hurt a lot more. 'kay?"

"Right." Easy for her to say.

"They're using the hotel room set. I'll take you over there, and then I'll see you after the shoot."


The hotel room set was exactly what it sounded like, with a big bed in the middle, a desk and a chair, and, like the office set, a missing wall where two cameras stood. The same three cameramen milled about. They were all obviously waiting for me to appear. Adrian and Gene were deep in conversation in one corner of the room. Four other guys stood in a little clump behind the two cameras. They were all well built and good-looking, and about as diverse a group I could imagine.

Five porn actors, three cameramen, and Gene, who I assumed was producer, director, and whatever else was needed. And me. Alone and almost naked in a room with nine men. I shivered and hugged myself.

Gene noticed me. "Come in Jess, I'll tell you what we're doing."

I intended to walk forward oozing confidence and sexuality, but instead my knees buckled and I nearly fell. Two of the actors saw me stumble, and each dashed over to catch an elbow. "Steady," the tall Black guy said. "You okay?"

"I'm a little nervous," I said. "A lot nervous." Until now, the reality of what I'd agreed to hadn't struck me. I was going to have sex with five strange men, in front of four others, on camera for thousands more to watch. And I'd never so much as seen a penis before. "What's your name?" I asked him.

"I'm Tariq," he said. "And over there's Chris and Ivan."

The guy who'd caught my other elbow, who looked Hispanic, introduced himself as Joey.

Gene strode over. "Relax. You'll be fine. So there's basic storyline just to tie things together. You're on a date with Adrian. We'll start out with just the two of you kissing, and then he'll go down on you, you'll cum, and then you'll give Adrian a blow job, just to keep the suspense building. Then he'll fuck you. Then the other four guys will come in, and it'll turn out he's tricked you into a gangbang. Surprise! From there it'll be fairly fluid. At the end, the other four will leave, and you'll be on the bed with just Adrian, and it won't be clear if it was just a fantasy or if it really happened, except we'll finish with a close-up of your breasts covered in cum. Okay?"

My breasts covered in cum. "I guess?"

"Great. Any preference for who's first to go in your ass?"

"Not Adrian, too?" I asked. I was more comfortable with him, since we'd already spent a little time together.

"No. More interesting if it's someone else. How about Joey?"

"Uh, okay. I guess." Joey patted my shoulder.

"Great. Don't worry, we'll prep you first. This isn't torture porn."


"For anal. And Jess, some of this might be hard for you, which is kind of the point because that makes it exciting for the viewers, you know? So be willing to try stuff. You've already consented to everything, I'll remind you."

Something felt off about this, but I wasn't sure what. It almost sounded like they were going to force me to do things. "Yeah, but if it really hurts, or I need a break or something, I can stop, right?"

"It's better if you keep going. Push yourself. It'll be worth it."

Worth it for who? I wondered. "I guess. Um, anything else I should know?"

"I don't think so. Ready?"

"I don't know."

"Good enough. Roll cameras!" he called. "Jess, stand there and look nervous. That shouldn't be hard."

That actually made me laugh. I still couldn't believe I was doing this. Tariq and Joey let go of my arms and backed out of the frame. Adrian was on the set but behind the mobile cameraman. The cameraman came up to me. "I'll be in there trying to get some good shots. Just ignore me. Oh, I'm Paul, by the way."

"Paul. Nice to meet you. Um, ignore you?"


"Right." Sure, no problem, ignore the man with the camera taking close-ups of my virgin pussy. I took a deep breath and walked over the middle of the room, where Gene had indicated.

"Action!" Gene called.

Was I supposed to do something? I bit my lower lip and shifted my weight from one foot to the other. Adrian came forward.

"Hey, babe, you ready?" he asked.

"Ready for what?" Were we starting, or was he just making conversation?

"You said you'd have sex with me tonight. You didn't change your mind, did you?" I realized he was ad-libbing according to the story Gene had described.

"No, I didn't change my mind," I said.

"I know it's your first time, and I want to make it special for you." And apparently that was enough dialog for porn movie purposes. He took off his shirt, revealing a smooth, muscled chest and tattooed biceps, put one hand behind my head and the other at my waist, and kissed me quite thoroughly. This, I could do! I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and kissed him back.

"Let's lie down," he suggested. He took my hands and led me over to the bed and helped me lie back against the pillows. Then he straddled me, with his knees to either side of my hips. I felt simultaneously trapped and protected. Butterflies beat madly in my stomach.

He kissed me on the lips, then the side of my neck, pulled the robe off my shoulder and flicked his tongue against my collarbone. At first, I was too busy being aware of all these people watching me, Paul with his camera, the knowledge of what was coming, and I couldn't feel anything Adrian did. But when I felt cool air on my nipple and then Adrian's warm tongue, the foreign sensation broke through my nerves and I refocused my attention on him.

My nipple hardened, and he closed his mouth around it and sucked. A corresponding tightening between my legs brought a gasp. He untied the sash of my robe while he continued to suck.

I didn't know what to do with my hands. I touched his shoulder, and he took my wrist gently in his hand and guided my arm up behind my head. He repeated the motion with my other hand, and at the same time switched to licking my other nipple. With my robe open and my arms stretched up behind me, he had unrestricted access to my body. My breath quickened and my heart beat in my ears.

He moved backward, caressed my breasts and pinched my nipples just enough to bring up another gasp, kissed my navel, and then adjusted his position so that his knees were between my thighs. He ran his fingers up my inner thigh and coaxed my legs open wider. I saw Paul at the foot of the bed trying to get a good angle and made myself ignore him.

Adrian stroked my clitoris with one finger, and I instinctively bent my knees. I had thought his finger would feel similar to mine when I masturbated, but it wasn't the same at all. He rubbed faster. A quiver started in my pelvis, and I moaned.

He stopped and used both hands to stretch the lips of my vagina open. Paul brought the camera in close. "What are you doing?" I asked, wishing for him to go back to stroking my clit.

"Just want to make sure you were telling the truth when you said you're a virgin," Adrian said.

Maybe they needed proof for the viewers? I would have liked to have been warned they were going to do that, but then I didn't care anymore because Adrian's tongue grazed the hood of my clit and sent a jolt through my pussy. He flicked his tongue across my clit again, then licked more firmly. I grabbed at the pillows and bucked my hips, and he sucked hard. A tremor ran through me, my thighs tightened, my toes curled. He went back to licking, the tip of his tongue sliding along my clit, dipping into my vagina, faster and faster.

He sucked hard again and slid a finger a short way into my pussy. I moaned, louder, and convulsed, pussy throbbing and clit pulsing, breathing hard and a little stunned.

He crawled up the bed toward me and put his finger in my mouth. I tasted myself, a little sour, musky. He fixed those green eyes on me, smiled, and put his arm behind my shoulders and helped me sit up. He slipped my robe off my arms, kissed me, and then lay back. I tried to remember what Gene had said I was supposed to do next. Oh, right, blow job.

I licked my lips. Adrian undid his fly and pushed his pants down far enough to free his penis. I wasn't sure if it was completely erect, but it was long and thick, much bigger than I'd imagined. I didn't see how it could possibly fit!

He reached for my hand and wrapped my fingers around his cock. My turn. I moved my hand up and down hesitantly. "Harder," he said. I firmed up my grip and stroked with more confidence. He sat up partway and pushed my head down toward his lap. The head of his cock bumped against my cheek. I turned my head and poked my tongue out, curiosity overtaking uncertainty.

The shaft didn't taste like much of anything, warm and smooth. I licked along the whole length and then, emboldened, sealed my lips over the head. There was a peculiar flavor here, a little salty, a little sweet. I moved down as far as I could, until I almost gagged, then pulled back up. He gathered my hair away from my face and used my hair as a handle to guide my head up and down. He felt my breasts, then took my hand again and had me cup his balls. I was getting the hang of this. It was kind of fun, and I was encouraged by his appreciative groans.

He let me continue for a few minutes, then released my hair and sat up all the way. I looked up at him. He cradled the back of my head and lay me back tenderly, kissed me, and then wiggled out of his pants.

He positioned himself between my legs and pushed my thighs up and out. He teased my clit with the pad of his thumb and eased one finger into my pussy. "You're so wet," he said. "Excited?"

I nodded, unable to form words. Excited, scared, not quite sure this was a good idea, but intrigued, too. His finger moved in and out a few times, and then he sat back on his knees and aligned the head of his cock with my pussy. He hooked his arms around my thighs and pulled me toward him, lifting my hips off the bed. I whimpered, betraying some of my fear.

Some part of me was aware of Paul with his camera finding the perfect angle, and of Gene somewhere supervising the action, and of the two other cameramen zooming in on my naughty bits or my face or whatever else they might want a shot of, and of the four other guys who were going to rush in, but most of my brain was busy trying to do the math of how this thing the size of a medium cucumber could fit in a hole the size of a small carrot.

At some silent signal, Adrian pushed just the tip of his cock into me, enough that I could feel the stretching. I tensed. His thumb stroked my clit, and he moved out then in again, a little farther this time.

"Ooooh God," I whispered. I had no words for the new sensations, but I relaxed as little bursts of pleasure coursed through me. And then Adrian drove his hips forward. A sharp pain that took my breath away was followed by a dull ache. He held tight to my thighs as I fought him, trying to back away. "Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow," I gasped. "Oh fuck." When the initial panic faded and I realized it didn't hurt as much as I thought, I stopped struggling.

He pulled out, which was both a relief and a disappointment. He let my thighs go and straightened up enough to show me the blood on his cock. He grinned. "Cherry popped," he said. "Turn over."

The dull ache was still there, and a mild sting where the skin had torn a little. He'd gone in so fast! I wondered if they'd planned it like that all along or if he'd meant to go slower. I rolled over.

"On your knees," he instructed.

I pulled my knees in and put my ass in the air. I felt his hands on my hips, and then his cock again, slipping in more easily this time, now that the path was forged. The new angle let him go deeper but also stretched me in new directions.

He began to thrust, slowly at first, until I involuntarily pushed back toward him, and then he picked up speed. "Close your eyes," he murmured. That sounded like a good idea. Shutting out the sight of the cameras and the other men watching let me focus on the pounding of Adrian's cock. A few more strokes, and he pulled out. The bed dipped, and I opened my eyes. I noticed that the four guys were no longer standing behind the cameramen just in time to feel a cock enter me again, wider than Adrian's, but not as long.

"What's going on?" I screamed.

"Fuck, you're so tiiight, woman," said a voice behind me. I lifted my head and peered behind me to see that Tariq's hands were on my ass, and presumably his cock was inside me.

"What's happening?" My confusion was genuine, but Adrian apparently thought I was acting. He appeared in my line of sight, rubbing his cock.

"I thought a few of my friends might enjoy your nice, tight pussy," he said.

Somehow, I'd expected them to warn me before someone new fucked me. I was beginning to understand what Gene had meant by "going from virgin to slut." Fifteen minutes ago, I'd never had a cock in me, and now I'd had sex with two different men.

Tariq's cock was uncomfortably wide, and I hadn't completely recovered from Adrian's dramatic entrance. I bit back a wail and thought seriously about calling an end to this ridiculous notion. A few more thrusts, though, and he pulled out to make room for the next cock. I watched in a strange, detached way as Chris took his place.

"Lie on your side," Chris said.

I fell sideways, and Chris stretched out behind me. The head of his cock rubbed along my pussy lips and then sank into me. He was smaller than Adrian. He reached around to fondle my breast. "Never had a virgin before," he said. "Well, I guess I'm your third, really." He laughed at that. He stroked my nipple very lightly with his finger and fucked me with slow, even thrusts. "How's that feel?" he asked.

My nipple contracted, and each brush of his finger brought a corresponding tug in my clit. "Feels nice," I said.

Adrian hopped up on the bed in front of me and knelt by my face. He bent over to suck on my nipple, and his hand went between my legs to rub my clit, even as Chris continued to fuck me.

"Oh Gooooooood," I screamed, senses going into overload as an orgasm crashed over me.

Chris withdrew, and the two manhandled me into the next pose, on my back with my head hanging down off the edge of the bed.

Tariq was between my legs again, and his face hovered above mine. His cock stretched me, and the dull ache returned. I couldn't have known how hard this would be, what exactly I was agreeing to. And we still hadn't done the anal part, which I was now dreading, given how sore my pussy already was.

"I can't," I panted. "I can't. It hurts too much."

"Shhhh," Tariq said. "You're fine."

I wasn't fine, but I didn't have a chance to lodge a further protest, because Ivan's balls were dangling in front of my eyes, and he tapped his cock against my mouth. "Open up, pretty lady," he said. I opened my mouth, thinking to say no, but he pushed his cock between my teeth and almost down my throat. I thrashed, panicking, but Tariq had a tight grip on my thighs, and Ivan caught my hands and held them against my body while he fucked my face. I calmed when it became clear he wasn't going to suffocate me.

They both stopped after an eternity that was probably only a few minutes, and then Chris and Joey picked me up between them. Ivan sat in the chair, and the two men deposited me into his lap so that my pussy slid right onto his cock. He put his arms around me.

"Please, I need to stop," I said. Sitting on him like this drove his cock deeper into me, and his was almost as long as Adrian's, though narrower.

"We're already halfway done," Ivan said. "You're doing great."

Halfway? I could make it. Maybe. I mentally counted the money I'd earned, trying to take my mind off what was happening. Three thousand, plus three more cocks. Six thousand. If I hung on, I'd get another five. I leaned against Ivan's chest and snaked my arms around his shoulders.

Satisfied that I wasn't going anywhere, Ivan ran his hands down my back, caressed my ass, and then spread my ass cheeks wide. Something tickled my anus, which I quickly identified as Joey's finger, slick with lube.

Oh right. The $5,000 was for anal. That had slipped my mind momentarily.

The finger pressed against my asshole and slithered inside.

"Oh fuck, what's he doing?" I asked.

"Bear down a little, and try to relax," Joey said in my ear. "I'm getting your asshole ready for my cock."

"It feels weird," I said.

"You'll get used to it."

I put my head on Ivan's shoulder and tried to do what Joey had said. Ivan's cock in one hole and Joey's finger in the other had me overwhelmed. Too many new sensations at once.

"Good," Joey said. He moved his finger in and out a little, and Ivan began to thrust very gently at the same time. "Let's see if we can make you cum again," he said.

I arched my back, and Ivan took a nipple in his mouth. My eyes rolled back in my head and I surrendered to what they were doing. I heard a buzzing sound, and Joey's finger was gone, and something else was going in, something wider. Oh, that was the source of the buzzing. It was a vibrator.

"Oh my God oh my God oh my God," I cried, and, sure enough, another orgasm left me breathless and trembling.

Joey and Ivan took my momentary incoherence as an opportunity to carry me back over to the bed and helped me into the same position we'd used earlier, with my knees under me and my ass in the air. All five men surrounded me now, with Joey behind me this time. Ivan pulled my hands toward him and held them tightly. Someone started teasing my clit, and two other hands pinched and rolled my nipples. Joey put one finger and then two into my asshole again, rotating his hand and sliding in and out at the same time. The motion activated nerves I didn't even know I had, and I moaned again, enjoying the new experience.

Joey's fingers vanished, and he pushed the head of his cock in. I jerked in surprise, and he slipped in a little more. His cock was much wider than the vibrator. I resisted, tried to pull away, afraid of the pain, but I couldn't go far with all of the other hands on me. Joey had a good grip on my hips as he continued his leisurely entry.

It was a different sort of ache than the one in my pussy, more of a stabbing pain and then a burning. Joey held very still for a moment, then withdrew a little ways and thrust again. "All in," he said.

I was shaking my head, trying to tell them I didn't want to do this anymore, but the only sound I could make was a low, guttural moan. Joey began to fuck me in earnest. At some point, I realized it didn't hurt anymore, and my groans of protest became high-pitched gasps. "You're doing so good," Joey murmured. "You like that?"

"Oh fuck," I whispered. The other guys backed off, and it was just me and Joey for a few minutes, giving me a chance to calm down a bit.

Adrian lay down next to me, and Joey pulled out. I collapsed forward onto my face. "Are we done?" I asked, breathing hard.

Adrian chuckled. "Almost."

It took three sets of hands to maneuver me this time. They lowered me onto Adrian's cock with my knees to either side of him, and he hugged me to his chest. Joey knelt behind me.

"What else is there?" I asked.

Joey's cock bumped against my asshole again. "This is a DP," he said. He entered me again, and with Adrian already in my pussy, I had to stretch in yet new directions.

"Oh no, no, no, I can't. Ow, fuck!" I screamed. The two men both began to thrust, in different rhythms, and I could only hold on for the ride. "Fuuuuck," I groaned. I adjusted after a moment, but I was so sore and tired, it was all I could do to keep from toppling over.

Tariq grabbed a handful of my hair and yanked my head up. My mouth dropped open, and before I understood what was happening, his cock intruded between my teeth. "And this," Tariq said, "makes you airtight."

I gurgled in response, eyes wide, ass and pussy full to bursting. Tariq fucked my mouth a few more times, then backed up and started jerking himself off. Soon, white spurts struck my cheek, my lips, my chin, and then Tariq released my hair.

Joey withdrew, and he and Adrian rolled me over. Adrian straddled my chest and aimed his cock at my face, jerking himself vigorously. "Open your mouth," he said. I did so without thinking, and he came straight onto my tongue. I coughed and sputtered. He got out of the way and sat behind my head.

More warm cum hit my breasts and my stomach as the other three finished themselves off. Then the four retreated as quickly as they'd appeared and Adrian pulled my head into his lap and stroked my hair tenderly.

"So how was your first time?" he asked.

I was overcome with a case of the giggles. "Special," I managed.

"Cut!" Gene yelled. "Magnificent!" he said. "Stunning! You'll be a star." Who was he talking to? I stared up at the stage lights, dazed, exhausted, sore, relaxing as Adrian's fingers massaged my scalp. The taste of his cum lingered in my mouth, and the others' was drying on me.

Gene threw a blanket over me. "Is it over?" I asked.

"It's over. How do you feel?"

"I don't know."

He laughed. "Rest for a few minutes. Aurora will be here soon to take you to shower."

"Okay. When do I get the $11,000?"

"I'll cut you a check right now. I'll tack on an extra thousand for the orgasms."

"Thanks. Can I see the movie when it's done?"

"Of course. I'll make sure you get a copy."

Adrian kissed my forehead and then extricated himself from under my head. "I'm gonna hit the shower, too. I had a good time," he said.

I watched him pull his pants on and saunter off the set. "Everything hurts," I said to Gene.

"You'll be fine. Take some Tylenol and get a good night's sleep." Gene patted my head and wandered away.

Aurora appeared after a few minutes. "Did you have fun?"

"Um, I'm not sure."

"Definitely an exciting way to lose your virginity," she said with a giggle. "Come on, I bet you want a shower more than anything in the world."

"Yeah. A shower." My thoughts meandered over the events of the day, trying to make sense of it all. "Do you think Gene would want me back for another movie?"

"Ask him. He's always looking for talent."

"I do need a summer job," I said.
发布者 425olds
2 年 前
Christian_who 2 年 前
What a beautiful first experience. 
cumluvr56 2 年 前
Fucking hot. I so wish I was her. 