Cuckold fantasy relationship part 5

After much consideration I decided that to save me from losing the privilege of kissing my gorgeous girlfriend I would reluctantly agree to being pegged by her. on hearing this my girlfriend's eyes lit up in fact she had already ordered a strapon almost a year ago and couldn't wait to try it out. From then on my sex life consisted of spending most of my time downstairs with my now permanently soft penis locked up and being edged over and over by my girlfriends girl friends and the Councilor. I still got to go upstairs for short periods though to perform my clean up duty which now seemed like a weekend day every day with over a dozen loads to clean up daily, and now every night my girlfriend would peg me with her strapon which I didn't enjoy one bit till after a few weeks of not cumming I suddenly came from my girlfriend fucking me so professionally. my girlfriend seemed really happy to, telling me that she prefers this way of making me cum and that it doesn't matter that I can't get an erection anymore. we continued to have sex in this way for several more months but my girlfriend although really fit was getting really tired making all the cream pies all day and then having to peg me as well. It was at this point while our councillor popped in for one of my edging sessions that upon hearing our discussion suggested that we could either order a thrusting machine that would peg me while I was cleaning up her cream pies or give up on pegging and take the toilet option. I thought surly I would rather anything than taking the toilet option and quickly agreed. my girlfriend seemed really happy again and said she would still peg me herself but only weekly now. we tried this from then on, every time I was cleaning up cream pies my girlfriend would control the thrusting machine. But after a while she seemed upset that I was now cumming more times a day than she was and took me to the Councilor again for advice. the Councilor explained it was because of all the edging I was receiving and suggested that I needed to reduce my level of horny ness. she explained two ways we could do this either we go for the toilet option, or my girlfriend friends could dump a load of cum out of a used condom from their boyfriends into my mouth before they edge me. At this point I was absolutely disgusted and protested strongly even the toilet option didn't seem so bad now until my girlfriend explained to me that if we went with the toilet option, I would lose any contact with touching her including eating her cream pies because she would order a specially designed toilet that makes everything go into my mouth when I'm under it and she would be peeing out the cream pies for me instead. After hearing this I'm left with two disgusting choices do I become a condom cum dumpster as the Councilor suggested or the toilet one that my girlfriend apparently wants. My girlfriend said she didn't mind which one as long as she came more times than I am. with this in mind I made my decision.................... find out which one in part 6.
发布者 tedpanties
2 年 前