The girl next door

The Girl Next Door
By TKTrucker3

Her name was Honey Hardin. Penny Hardin, actually. That is her real name, Penny. But most people call her “Honey”. This is the story of that girl who lived next door. And my once in a lifetime moment. It's been many years ago, now, and I am way past the point of this ever happening again, but it is something that I will never, ever forget.
Oh, my name's Doug, by the way. And this is the story of this girl that grew up next door to me. I was about forty three years old when this story starts, and she had just turned eighteen. We had always had a great relationship as she grew up and I grew older. When she was real little, she would even sit on my lap and talk to me as if she were talking to her best friend. She grew up before my eyes, but I never kept quite close enough to notice how she would change over the years. The Penny I knew had grown up in spite of my not noticing. And all of a sudden, there I was, seeing the young adult that she had grown into.
The poor thing. There she sat on her back steps almost on the verge of crying. I had stepped out in the back yard, this one morning to get some fresh mid-morning air and soak in some refreshing rays of sunshine. The sun was warm, but the air was still slightly cool, as the day was just beginning.
I thought I heard a noise from next door, and turned my head. There she sat in her little summer outfit. Her long, tan legs was the first thing I noticed. She had grown so much from that little freckle-faced girl next door. And that flat little girl chest had blossomed into, I imagined, two of the finest, ripened perfect titties you've ever seen. Standing up all perky and unaided by bras and all that sort of bother. I was about to find out that she was a newly initiated member of The Order of the Broken Hearted. I stood there for a little while, seeing if she'd ever look up and spot me.
“Hi, Penny”, I smiled and raised my arm in a single wave across the yard.
“Hi”, she downheartedly uttered.
I stood there a few more moments wondering what in the world could be wrong? “Is something the matter? Are you okay?”
“I'm okay, I guess. It's just I dumped my boyfriend last night, that's all.” She rested her hands on her chin, elbows on her knees. “I'm just kinda bummed out wondering what I did wrong.”
I stood there for a long moment trying to decipher what she'd said. “What you did wrong?” That didn't make any sense. “You dumped him. What did he do wrong? What makes you think you did something wrong?”, I asked.
She shrugged her shoulders and looked over at me. I just figured it was my fault, that's all. I'm always doing something stupid.”
“Oh, you do not do stupid things. You're just who you are. What's wrong with that? “Did you guys have a fight or something?”
“No, not really a fight.” She thought a moment looking at the ground. “It was just kind of a misunderstanding, I guess.”
“It's none of my business or anything, but what was the misunderstanding about?”
She thought a long moment and decided on what to say. Looking around her, like she didn't want anybody to hear, she barely started to speak, then she stopped herself. Getting up, she sauntered over to me.
Jeez, she was looking more gorgeous every time I saw her. She most likely had no Idea how beautiful she was, I thought as she walked over. She hadn't been up for too long yet, and she wore no bra under her tee shirt. She had just taken her morning shower, and her hair was combed out, but still wet. Her wonderfully ripe titties jiggled hypnotically as she walked unsteadily across the bumpy lawn. They swayed slightly, but were just the perfect firmness. She wasn't concerned at all about how she might look to me. Her hips swayed in her own natural way as she walked. Five foot two of the most lovely curves you ever wanted to see. Her tan, muscular legs were perfectly toned and flawless from playing on different sports teams at school. She wore no makeup. She didn't need it. She was just naturally cute and needed no enhancement to her looks at all, in my opinion. Make-up was obviously not on her radar either, and that's a good thing. She honestly didn't need it.
Walking up close enough to be heard privately, she said in a low voice, “Can I talk to you for a minute?”
“Can I talk as plainly and as truthfully as I want? Something really personal?”
Looking a little askance, I said, “Well yeah, I guess so. What is it?”
She was always the kind of person who wasn't afraid to speak just what she was feeling. That's the way I'd always known her, and I liked her for that, and I figured that part of her personality would never change.
We'd always laughed and enjoyed good times with her and her family, and we'd always joked around about things with me. You know, k**ding around. She had a wonderful sense of humor.
Stepping up to me she wore a serious look on her face. “Look, I'm going to ask you something you might think is really weird, okay? And I don't even want anybody to know that we even spoke about this, alright?”
“Okay” I agreed, growing very curious why she wanted such secrecy.
“Do you...” she paused, trying to think of how to ask. Looking over to the side quickly, she breathed a gasping sigh and looked up at my face. She began speaking in an even lower tone, “Doug”, she said, almost under her breath, “you like getting blowjobs, don't you? I mean, Kelly does that for you, right?”
I smiled incredulously, shocked that she would even ask me a question like that. My eyes were wider than normal, I'm sure. I laughed and half stuttered at her, not knowing quite what to say. “What-uh, what do you mean?”
“You know. She does that, right? She sucks your dick for you.” She spoke very seriously, giving me a look.
“Well, I mean, you know”, I shrugged not wanting to admit to anything.
“Yeah, she does, right?” She looked for a moment at me, smiled, and then not believing what she was thinking suddenly, her face went back to serious. “She doesn’t do that?”
I looked down, shaking my head. “No. She doesn't like doing that.”
She looked incredulously at me like she was truly sorry to hear that. “Really? She's like the exact opposite of me! I love doing that. Ever since I first tried it.”
The look on my face must have been something to see. I knew my face was getting red, as this was a totally unexpected conversation. Seeing the look on my face, she consoled me.
“I'm sorry, Doug. I warned you It might be a really personal question, didn't I? I'm sorry.”
“Yes, you did warn me. I should have been ready. That's okay”, I said, trying to shake it off. “Go ahead with what you wanted to say, Honey.”
Re-grouping herself, she continued carefully, starting in again. She's so funny. “I'm really sorry to hear that, Doug. I'll bet you'd like having that done for you every now and then, wouldn't you?”
“Yeah, that'd be nice, but, whaddya do?” I really wanted her to drop the subject. I shrugged. “I've learned to deal with it. It's alright.”
“Sorry”, she said, finally dropping the subject. She seemed to really feel bad for me.
“It's okay, sweetie, now tell me about your disagreement with what's his name.”
“Brandon” she blurted, still half shocked by what she'd just learned about one of her favorite people.
“Brandon. Right. Brandon. Now what happened?”
Snapping to, suddenly, she started. “Well you know that park over on the east side, overlooking the bluff, with the great view of the river?”
“Mm hmm. Mounds Park.”
“Yeah, that's the place. We parked there last night after the movie, okay? And I just assumed that he would want me to give him a blowjob or something, you know? Like... I've never even sucked his dick or anything before, and I guess I assumed he was finally ready. I was sure ready. But... nothing. He just sat there like a big lump. No making out or anything. Just talking.”
I stood there listening, torn by listening to her troubles, and being astonished by the fact that little Penny next door was now giving her boyfriends blowjobs. My sweet little neighbor loves sucking cock!
“How long have you been dating him now?”, I asked.
“Couple of weeks, I guess”, she shrugged. “Anyway, long enough to wait before doing something!” My old boyfriend Pete, he always wanted blowjobs. And I always loved doing it. His dick would get so hard...”, she looked off to the side and smiled a little.
“Oh yeah?” Looking at her, I raised my eyebrows. “Did he have a big one?” I figured since we're talking honest here, I'd just go with the flow.
“It was pretty nice”, she nodded and smiled, sighing. Looking around quickly making sure that we were still unobserved, she spread her index fingers apart, trying to calculate the length from memory. “About like that.”
“So like... seven inches? Pretty nice one.”
“Whoa yeah”, she smiled, fond memories came back to her, and showed on her face. And pretty thick, too.” She made a circle with her thumb and forefinger, trying to gauge it's thickness as she bit her lip.
“Hmmmm. Nice”, I nodded my head and winked. I bet that was fun one for you, huh?”
“Whoa yeah.” She smiled as she remembered. Then looking down to the ground, she sighed, saying, “Anyhow, his family moved out of town, and he had to go with them, so...”
“That's a shame. Sounds like you two were having a good time.”
“Yeah, that sucks. And we sure did. We had a a lot of fun. Hmmnh.” Letting the memories flood through her head again, she wore a half smile and nodded her head, then looked down sorrowfully.
“But anyway, Brandon, the new boyfriend, you know, he never wants to fool around or anything.”
“Really? Nothing at all?”
“Naw”, she shook her head. “Never.” A look of a disappointment was visible on her face.
Standing there silent for a moment, I offered “I'll bet I know what his problem is.”
“What?” She really didn't expect to hear a sensible answer.
“He thinks you're too pretty.”
“Pshhh. Shut up.” She turned from me, crossing her arms. She thought I was patronizing her.
“I'm totally serious”, I said, touching her shoulder. “I'm telling you. You're too cute and nice, and you don't even realize it. Brandon's doing the same thing I did once when I was about his age.
This girl I used to go to high school with, Roxy was her nickname. Really cute. We were in a guitar class together and just happened to be sitting next to each other. That's how we got to be friends. I got the nerve to ask her to a concert one day. I don't even know how I found the nerve to ask her. But she said yes, and we went to the concert together. We had fun, and then after that first time, we just hung out for a while. She even came up to my room once and we smoked some hash that I'd gotten a hold of.
Penny turned toward me again and listened, somewhat taken aback by what I was telling her.
“No waaay. You smoked weed and stuff way back then?” She smiled. She was really surprised.
“Sure. It was popular back then, too, you know.”
“Cooool”, she giggled, shaking her head. “You smoking weed. I can't picture that.”
“I still do, honestly, but it's way different from back then. Today's stuff blows the socks off that stuff we used to smoke, Honey. About two hits is plenty for me these days. Four hits puts me away for a few hours! I have a lot of fun with it.”
She bent forward laughing, she thought that was so funny. “Doug wasted. That's hilarious!” She belly laughed for a moment. “That's too much.”
“Do you smoke it?” I asked.
“I never have”, she said getting control of herself. “Got nothing against it, I just never tried it. Maybe some day. Weed's kind of spendy, you know, for us k**s.”
”Yeh”, I scoffed. “Tell me about it!” Boy, back when I was in school, you could buy a whole ounce... a lid, we called it... for about fifteen bucks. Can you still buy lids?”
“I don't know” she hummed, shrugging her bare shoulders.
I continued, “Anyway, this Roxie and I hung out for a while and I was always scared to make a move on her. Scared of rejection. You know. Eventually we just kind of drifted apart and she did her own thing and I did mine. Kind of a bummer when I think back on it.”
“You think if you had made a move on her and she went for it, would you have been into it?”
“Pffff”, I scoffed. “I probably would have gone ape shit on her. We'd have been having sex and everything, if I knew she was down with it. Absolutely.” I laughed. “I was still a virgin, and couldn't wait to try sex. You k**din'? Kinda scared, kind of excited, you know?” We both laughed at that one. “That's all that's wrong with Brandon, though, he's scared of rejection, that's all.”
“I don't know. Maybe”, she said. “I mean, he's cute enough, and everything, so what if I'd made a move?”
“He would have gone for it in a heartbeat, I'm sure. He must like you. He asked you out, didn't he? If you got back together, and you dropped the right hints, he might catch on. Maybe a little peek at one of those titties would do the trick, I'll bet.”
Feigning she was going to pull up her shirt, she giggled, then stopped herself, and said seriously, “Nahh, It's too late now. We're done and I'll just move along.”
“His loss. Think it over, though. It might be worth giving him a call and have an honest talk, just like this one we're having right now.”
“Yeah, whatever. I'll think about it, I guess. Still kind of a bummer, though.”
I hated leaving her in a sad state like that. It was just not how I liked to see her. “Listen, Honey, you do what you feel is best.” I made a sudden suggestion. “Listen. You wanna try smoking a little weed with me? It'll cheer you up, I guarantee. I can cheer you up. Whaddya think?”
She began to smile a little bit, and looked back at me. “Well... I don't know.”
“You have something going on you need to do today? That's alright. Maybe some other time.”
“No, I'm not doing anything today.” Thinking for a moment, she considered my offer. “That might be fun, though. Something to do to take my mind off things. Something new to try. And I always have a good time around you, Doug. You're already making me feel better.” she smiled, and hugged me.
Putting my hand around her curvy midriff, I hugged her back.
“Where should we do it?
“Where should we do what?”, I said seriously. She got the joke and punched my arm, laughing.
“I don't know, Kelly's still upstairs sleeping, I think”, nodding my head at the house. “She might think it's weird, coming downstairs and finding me smoking weed with the neighbor girl.”
“Yeah, right”, she agreed. Good point. “Mom and dad are out of town this weekend. They went up to the cabin. We could probably do it at my place.”
“Yeah, great. We could do that. I'll go get my stuff and be right over, okay?”
“Okay, see you in a couple minutes.”

Something felt a little odd, me going to get my stash to bring over to her house and get her high. It's okay, I reasoned with myself. She's just a neighbor, just the girl next door. She's grown up now, that's all. She is grown up now, right? I didn't even know her age exactly. I tried doing the math in my head as I walked, but I was too pre-occupied, and I didn't finish.
“Just don't do anything stupid”, I sternly warned myself as I walked up the back stoop.
Opening the back door a crack, I hollered “You here?”
“Yup, in the living room just cleaning up a little. I always let the place get kind of messy until mom and dad get back.”
“Don't worry about it, Honey, you're fine.” Walking through the arched doorway into the living room, I found her bent way over the back of the sofa to retrieve a pillow that had fallen behind it. Her gorgeous bubble butt was way up in the air, the morning light making it almost radiate. At first, It just looked like a set of legs and an ass were leaned up against the back of the couch. The top half of her body was bent over the back of the sofa.
“Careful! You're going to tip over and end up back there with the dust bunnies!”
“I know. I'm off balance holding this pillow. Can you pull me up?” Reaching her hand back behind her, she searched for a helping hand. I must admit, I did linger for a second, enjoying the sight of her delicious looking, half exposed perfect ass up in the air like that. She had just the right proportion of fat to muscle in her butt cheeks for her body size. My mind automatically flew to that dark vee of exposed skin that her shorts were stretched across. Her wispy crotch hair was visible at the spot where her shorts met her velvety taint, and I could see that she wore no undies. That thing has got to taste delicious, I groaned to my inner self.
“Here, I gotcha.” Grabbing her hand and wrist, I pulled. Up she came, clutching the pillow. It was nothing to pull her up. She was light as a feather.
“Whoa. Thanks. Don't know if I was going to make it there. Heh heh.”
“There ya go. Don't go to any more trouble, now. Seriously. You're fine.”

“What's that?” she asked. “Is that your stuff?” I was reaching on the end table for my little wooden box.
“Yeah, this is my little stash.”
“That's cute. Lemme see it”, she held out her hand. “Where'd ya get it?” she asked, fingering the smooth surface.
“Oh, I bought it down in Mexico probably ten years ago now.”
“It's really pretty.” Looking it over, she discovered the lid that had to be slid back. I watched her slender little fingers as she worked the mechanism. She opened it up and pulled out my little pipe and studied it. “This what you smoke it with?”
“Yeah, it's just a little one-hitter. That's all I need.”
Nodding, she pulled out the little brightly designed pouch. “This is the weed?”
“Yeah. It might seem a little small, but this goes a long way, lemme tell ya. It really doesn't take much”, I smiled.
Looking around, she thought. “We probably shouldn't do it down here. My mom has a nose like a bloodhound. Even after a couple days she might even smell it.”
“How long are they supposed to be gone?”
“They took an extra day, so probably won't be back til Monday evening. They really like it up there. Sometimes it gets a little boring up there for me, so I usually just stay home.”
“Yeah, I understand. You have totally different interests from your parents.”
“Yeah, I do, and I'm older now and everything, so I can stay by myself. Not a big deal.”
“Wow, you're really become a mature thinking young lady. How old are you now, anyway?”
“I'm eighteen.”
I had lost track of time, and already she was a young woman. I couldn't believe it. “You're eighteen now? Holy... you went and grew up while I wasn't looking!”
“Well mom and dad threw a birthday party for me last September. You should've come over and had a little fun”, she said, smiling.
“I know, I forgot. We had previous plans, though, I'm sorry.”
“It's okay. It was fun. I wish you could have been there.
“Yeah, me too. Next time you turn eighteen I come to that party. I promise.”
“You better”, she laughed, pointing her finger in my face.
“Well I guess the only place we can smoke this is up in my room”, she finally determined. “We can blow the smoke out the window. Mom never goes in there.”
I nodded my head and I followed her up the staircase. Walking ahead of me, I admired her plump little ass in a whole new way. I fantasized again, what it would be like to have my face right in a soft crotch crack like this. Then shaking my head, I shook that fantasy from my mind.
Topping the stairs, we took a quick right, and straight ahead down a short hallway was her bedroom. She shut the door behind us and hopped up on the bed and sat cross legged in the middle. I sat down on the edge and took my smoking paraphernalia out of the box and opened up the pouch.
“What's that smell like?” she asked, bending over for a sniff.
Her head was right next to my shoulder, and she startled me for a second. I held the pouch open and let her sniff. Her natural, fresh scent mixed with the buds smelled very nice, and her cheek was practically resting on my arm.
“Mmm. That doesn't smell too bad”, she said.
“No. It's just a blossom. Or a bud, I guess.”
Pinching off a small chunk, I tamped it down into the end of the one hitter. “Is that enough?” she asked, looking over my shoulder.
“It should be. If it ain't, I got more.”
I picked up the lighter and began to flick it.
“Hold it. Let's go over here.” Slipping off the bed, she stepped over to the window and opened it wide. “We better blow it out here, okay?” Dropping down to her haunches, her little shorts stretched to conform with the shape of her lower body.
I knelt down with her and nodded my head, “K. Just inhale it right into your lungs like this. Just a little bit at first so you don't have a coughing fit. Like this.” Flicking the lighter, I held it in my lips and drew the rich smoke into my lungs. Holding it for several seconds, I exhaled it out the window.
“Just like that. Start out small, and hold it in, even if you start to feel a burning your lungs a little.”
“Okay, I'll give it a try.” Holding it to her lips, I lit it and she inhaled, sucking the flame into the bud. It glowed red for a few seconds and she held the smoke in.
“There ya go”, I said. “Try to hold it in for at least five seconds.”
Unable to hold it very long, she coughed hard suddenly, and the smoke spread all around her head. Waving the smoke out the window, she choked “Shoot! I think I got too much.” Her face turned red as she coughed a few more times.
“Are you okay?” I gently slapped her back a couple times.
“Yeah, I'll be alright”, she wheezed. “It sure doesn't taste as good as it smells, does it?”
“No it doesn't at all, does it? Take a break for a minute. Let me get you something to drink.”
“I got something here.”
Taking a couple of big swallows from a glass that sat on her night stand, she cleared her throat as I took another hit.
“That's better”, she said, a little raspy. Then she coughed once more.
“You'll be okay. Takes a little getting used to, that's all.”
“I don't feel nothin' yet”, she looked around. “Did that one count?”
“You held it in a couple seconds”, I said reassuringly. “That was okay. It takes a few minutes to kick in, Maybe five minutes or so.”
She looked like she was anticipating something, but wasn't sure what. Meanwhile I lit up again a longer hit and held it in as long as I could, my mouth and airway still open. I noticed the outside noises. The birds chirping, the sound of c***dren playing down the street, then exhaled again out the window.
“Here, lemme try it again”, she said.
I stuffed a little more bud down the end of my pipe and tamped it down. She took it from me and held it to her lips.
“I know what to expect this time. I gotta keep up with you”, she chuckled. Then she nodded, signaling me to light it up. She drew in deeply. I was quite impressed at how long she was able to hold it in. She heaved, indicating that she needed to cough, but stayed in control.
“Jiust relax and hold it”, I said in a low, soothing voice.
She nodded and held it in a few more seconds before smoothly exhaling through the screen, her full lips puckering as she blew.
“Good one”, I said. “good solid hit there. Very good. That should do you, really. Let's see how you're doing in a few minutes.”
She got up and sat back on the edge of the bed, and sat quietly.“ I think I'm starting to feel something already”, she giggled, looking around the room.
Taking one last hit, to finish what was left in the pipe, it turned out to be another a pretty good hit. I was feeling it already, as well, and realized as I blew out the window, that it was maybe a little too much for me. But whatever.
“Let's make you comfortable”, I said, arranging a couple of pillows for her to lounge on in the bed. “You'll have a good experience if you're nice and comfy.”
“I'm sure you're right.” She lay somewhat propped up by the pillows and closed her eyes.
“Oh my gosh, this is sort of cool”, she lazily said.
“Yeah, you are feelin' it aren't you?”
“Whoa, this is like nothing I've ever felt before.” Half opening her eyes, she looked at my face, looking like she was studying all it's details. She looked at me for quite a while, a thoughtful look on her face. “You're really a very nice man, Doug.”
I laughed, saying “Yeah, you've had plenty, I think.”
“No, I really mean it. I really do.”
“Well, thank you, Penny. That's very nice of you to say, and I think you're a very wonderful person, too.”
We looked at each other silently both of us studying each other's facial features. Suddenly, she thoughtfully shook her head and spoke. “I still can't believe it.”
“What's that?”
“That Kelly never goes down on you. Like you told me earlier.”
“Oh, Honey, are you still thinking about that? Why would that be any concern of yours?”
“Because I'd always just assumed that wives suck their husband's dicks. Period, that's all.”
My ego being absent from me while I'm high, I just started speaking truth. “Well, she says it's just the way she was brought up. Her mother told her one day,” I rolled my eyes, mocking her mother's voice, screeching, “Never put that thing in your mouth! I figure she must have been forced to do it against her will when she was too young, maybe, and it affected her mentally. She never had the issue resolved in her mind. And she certainly didn't want her daughter to have such a revolting experience, either.”
“Wow, that's some heavy shit”, penny nodded seriously. “Don't you ever want it and just feel kind of hopeless?”
“Naaaaw.” I gave her a sly look and confided, “Now I want to let you in on a secret.” Leaning in a little closer, I said in a low voice, “I do get my dick sucked. Very well.” I raised my eyebrow and winked.
She drew back, gasping. “You cheat on Kelly? I can't believe that.”
“I know. I can't believe that I have to do that either, but Kelly knows about it and she's okay with it. As long as she doesn't have to do it, right? I just can't stand not getting my cock sucked. I have just got to have it. That's all there is to it.”
“I do understand. Really, I do. Why did you ever even marry her in the first place then?”
We were young and too much in love, both still virgins and everything when we got married. We were probably too young, really. Not old enough to make a serious life changing decision such as marriage. We thought we knew what we were doing at the time. Shit. We never even discussed any aspects of sex before we got married. She really should have told be before hand, really, but for some reason... she just didn't. It finally came to the point that I told her that I was finding it very hard to be faithful, and I was afraid I would eventually give in to temptation. I still loved her, after all, and didn't want to deceive her. So we came to an agreement that I should go ahead and do what I have to do, and she just doesn't want to know about it. And that's how it works for us.”
“Whoa, well that's cool of her, but it's really sad when you think about it.”
“It's okay. It works for us.” I shrugged and nodded. “It's all good.”
“Sooo, how does this work? You have some lady you hook up with on the side, or you get hookers, or...”
“I have a lady friend.”
“I see. I guess she really knows what she's doing, huh? Is she your age? Is she married too?”
“Yes she is, as a matter of fact. By some weird chance, I learned by another person related with her very intimately, I discovered that her husband isn't really into getting blowjobs too much. She could barely even get him hard with her mouth. It was very frustrating for her, because she would love nothing more than for him to appreciate a nice cock sucking, but... he just isn't interested”, I shrugged.
“No k**ding I can't believe that she has the same situation as you, only...”
She stopped and stared, trying to reason everything out, “She's the opposite of you. Two negatives attracted.”
“Yes, I guess you could say that”, I smiled.
“I think I can totally relate how she must feel. Why, I've always loved sucking my boyfriends' cocks for them”, she stiffened proudly.
She stopped and thought for a few more moments. “What makes your lady friend's cock sucking so great?” she wondered.
“She's just very enthusiastic about it. Like she's getting pleasure as well as me just from sucking me.”
I think Penny felt a little twitch in her pussy at the thoughts of once again having a steady cock. ”Mmmm”, she grunted, “that's how I feel when I'm sucking a dick. Shit. I hate having gone without it for such a long time.”
“Well, you're young and you are around young men all day long at school. You'll meet another one pretty soon, I'm sure.”
“Yeah, I suppose. I just need to find out sooner whether or not a guy is going to, like, be into it or not, that's all.”
“That's right. Experience is the greatest teacher.”
We lay there, her head now in my lap, having shifted positions while we spoke. We both became quiet again, just looking at each other. Slowly her demeanor changed before my eyes. In a very quiet voice, she whispered “I wonder, though, if experience just made her better over time.”
My mind had wandered off somewhere. Who? Oh, you mean Gina? The other lady? Well that's possible, I suppose. Makes sense that could be.” I started to wonder, myself.
Pausing, she said, thoughtfully, “Where am I on that scale, I wonder?”
She must have rationalized that this would be the perfect way to gauge her skills. She could read in my eyes that I just might go for her next question. “Doug, would you do me a big favor?”
“What?”, I responded somewhat nervously.
“Would you let me try sucking your cock... and let me know how good I am?”
Even though my greatest fantasy would have been to have her say exactly what she had just said, I stopped, dumbfounded. Trying to sound just as casually as she talked to me, I stated in a voice that sounded as matter-of-factly as I could muster, “Yes, I suppose I could do that for you. Um-hmm”, I thought, stroking my chin. “Sure. I've got nothing going on for the next little while. Why not?” I got to my feet. “I'm going to umm, have to go freshen up a little bit first though, okay? I'm uncut.”
“Uncut?”, she quizzically looked at me.
“Oh. Wow. Really?”
“Yeah. They never got around to doing that when I was born, I guess. Back then people had it done to their baby boys almost automatically, but some parents like mine never saw any need to do anything like that to their son's penis.”
“I've seen pictures of them and stuff on the internet but never seen one in the flesh.”
“Are you okay with that?”
“Oh yeah. Absolutely. I'd love to check that out.”
“Well, I'll be right back, then.” Getting up to make my way to the bathroom, I took a left down the short hallway, then another immediate left, I stood before the bathroom mirror over the sink and turned on the hot water to let it warm up a little. I didn't need a vigorous scrubbing, having just had a shower the night before. Just a quick wash-up.
Drying my hands on a new washcloth, I walked slightly unsteadily back into the bedroom, not quite believing what was about to happen. Penny had scooted herself over to make room and patted the spot next to her where she wanted me to get comfortable. I was still wearing the light, baggy shorts I usually wear around the house on Saturday mornings, and I laid on my back, getting comfy. Grabbing a nice, fluffy pillow, she positioned it behind my back and neck.
“There. Nice and comfy?” Looking down at my shorts, she smiled. “Well look at you all shy all of a sudden”, she giggled.
“No. I don't know, I just... “
She just shook her head at me, a little smile on her face and reached for my fly. She had a little trouble unbuttoning it, so she sat up giving both of her hands access. I put my hand around her waist, enjoying the feel of her tight little body as she worked and watched her firm, perfect titties jiggling with her arms’ movements.
Finally unbuttoning everything, she reached into the front of my shorts while I adjusted them down a little bit lower. Her hand was immediately greeted by my thickening meat. Her eyes flew open wide. “Oh my gosh”, she gasped, her mouth open in delighted surprise. Grabbing one side of my fly with one hand, she hauled out my cock. It caught on the edge of the fabric and sprang half hard across her palm. Closing her little fingers around it half way down the shaft, she picked it up and looked at it, a very lustfully surprised look on her face. Her tongue almost having a will of it's own, ran across her lips, anticipating how this much larger than normal cock would feel in her mouth. She gawked incredulously at it.
“Oh my gosh”, she repeated, barely audibly. She looked over at me and smiled. “Wow, this is a real beauty you've got here, Doug. Definitely the biggest I've ever seen. By far. Do boys' dicks grow bigger like yours with age?”
“No, I don't think so. It's all a matter of what you were born with, I'd say,” I smiled.
Squeezing the spongy shaft, she began slowly stroking, watching it inflate.
“Well then, you're a very lucky guy, aren't you? I wish I'd known earlier what you were packing here. Holy moly!”
With every heart beat, more heated blood filled the pulsing flesh pole. The sight such a beautiful little hand, stroking my cock was having an immediate and profound effect. Then the realization that this hand was connected to such a beautiful creature made my heart skip a beat. It had been quite a while at this point since I'd been with Gina and had some fun. I was made very aware of that fact by the sexual itch of abstinence I was feeling in my loins as she stroked. It grew to full prick state as I watched her slowly massage it to it's full hardness.
“That feels really nice. And it looks , very nice the way you're stroking it, too. You have a very sexy stroke technique there.”
She looked over at me and smiled. “Thanks” she said, somewhat absent mindedly as she stared at my fully hard prick. “This is crazy. What an awesome looking dick you have!”
She studied it some more, her mouth open slightly, her tongue unknowingly licking her lips from side to side. “Let me know what kind of sucking feels nice for you, okay? Let me know how good it feels for you.” Getting into position, she added, “I'm like that when I'm sucking a guy's cock. I wanna know that I'm doing a good job.” She continued stroking looking it over admiringly. “Fucking gnarly blood veins. I love that”, she commented softly, glancing over at me. Her eyes were narrowed by whatever she was thinking. “What a fucking beautiful big prick you have, Doug.”
“I'm so glad you like it”, I croaked. I could barely wait to feel it in her wet little mouth.
Returning her gaze to the subject at hand, she made an observation. “So that's a foreskin, huh? Hmmmm” she watched it roll back and forth the over the swollen head. She cocked her head out of curiosity.
“Now pull it back all the way”, I instructed her. “As far as it will go.”
A concerned look came across her face.
“It won’t hurt me. In fact it feels good to have the head uncovered.”
She carefully peeled the skin back until it disappeared, blending in with the rest of my shaft. “Where did it go?”, she wondered out loud, smiling. Pulling it back up and stretching it down again, she commented. “It just sort of disappears and becomes part of the rest of your cock, huh? That’s pretty cool.”
“Mm hmm”, I answered, feeling the excitement rise in the very core of my being. Feeling the tickly feeling of some pre cum working it's way up my urethra, I flexed my fuck muscles and produced a shiny, clear drop of silky fuck juice from my piss hole. Wrapping her fist around the purple slab, she rubbed the slimy sample around the tip and tested it's texture.
“Oh my gosh, I think he's liking this”, she giggled, delighted at the effect she was having on me.
“I think so”, I said, not believing what I was seeing.
“So nice and juicy. I love that.”
She was leaning over thus far, gazing down my dilated piss hole as another silvery droplet appeared. Kiss-licking the weeping meat slab, she drew it onto her tongue and tasted it before releasing it back onto my cock head, accompanied by a slimy dollop of her own saliva to use as lubricant. “Yummy. Sucking dick makes my mouth water.” She looked at me and hummed excitedly onto my prick head as she spread the slippery mixture along the length of my anticipating prick.
Reaching down, I held the base, keeping my skin stretched tight. Immediately picking up on the idea, and slid her well lubricated hand up and down the sinewy shaft. Then removing my hand, she whispered: ”Let me do that.”
“That's right, take control”, I encouraged her. “This is your job and you love doing it, don't you?”
“Fuckin' right I do”, she whispered. Wrapping her free hand around the base, keeping my foreskin pulled back tight, she stroked the slippery length of my towering prick with her well lubricated right hand. Lowering her head, she wrapped her lips around the shiny wet knob and sucked the bubbling mushroom as she stroked. A wet mixture of drooling spit and pre cum bubbles formed around her lips as she noisily slurped.
Getting a feeling that I probably wouldn’t be able to last very long, I said softly, “You're a natural at this, sweetie. That's just perfect.”
Her eyes arched and smiled at the compliment. Placing her outstretched tongue against the underside of my glistening prick head, she pulled my foreskin over it, encasing her entire tongue inside the fleshy pouch.
“Hooka- a.” 'Look at that', she was unsuccessfully trying to say. She was amazed at this new feeling of having her tongue swallowed up by a sack of tightened flesh. Swirling her tongue all around it's circumfrence, her wriggling lapper was being being held close to it by the elastic prick wrap that enveloped it. Closing her pouty lips around the first third of my prick, she pulled the foreskin back tight, slowly revealing the feel of my bulging meat apple between her cheeks. When it was fully retracted, she began sucking the fully ripened fruit in and out of her slurping mouth, resuming her stroking as she did so. The outline of my mushroom head was visible rippling inside her tight cheeks as she sucked.
“Whoa”, I breathlessly said. “Whoa that's good. You’re making my cock feel really good, doing what you’re doing.”
Sliding her lips slowly down, her tongue whipped my hard meat pole as she sucked. Then beginning a very sexy rhythm, she gently mouth fucked me.
“Whoa, that's even better”, I gulped.
“Ummmm, This is so hot”, she gasped, then sniffed. “Your big dick feels so nice in my mouth. And tastes really sexy.”
“Fuck, honey, I think this is some of the best head I’ve ever had! How did you get to be so good at sucking cock?”
Without even realizing it, my hand had slipped inside her sleeveless top and was massaging her amazingly firm tittie, and her nipple began to get hard as she continued sucking. I rolled it gently between my first and second fingers, and pulled it up away from her body, which she seemed to enjoy, judging by the way it made her shiver with excitement. Bringing her free hand up to mine, she pulled my hand a little tighter around her plump breast.
Applying her natural cock sucking talent on me for several more deep strokes, I couldn't help but release a generous dollop of cock slime into her mouth. It was apparent by the way she moaned that I knew she had received it. Her eyes opened and rolled back into her head momentarily. She spread it back and forth on her tongue, extracting all of it's musky taste before she sucked the generous offering to the back of her throat and swallowed.
“You just got some pre cum, didn't you?”
“Yes I did,” she breathlessly gulped again, coming up a moment for air. “That shit's so fucking sexy”, she whispered breathlessly, smacking her lips. “Your juice tastes so good. And there's a lot of it, too!”
“I'm glad you like it”, I said, gawking at the sight before my eyes.
“I also like what you're doing to my titty. None of my boyfriends have ever done that to me while I'm sucking their dicks. I'm going to have to remember to let them do that.”
“I'm so sorry, Honey, I didn't even realize I was doing it!”
“Oh, don't stop. That feels really nice.”
Once again wrapping her full lips around my prick, she moaned softly as she continued mouth fucking me deeply and passionately.
“Well I guess that proves you're a very good cock sucker then, with natural expert skills! You may stop now if you wish.” I began to try to force my raging prick back into my shorts, and she grabbed my hand, just like I knew she would.
“Ho ho ho no you don't”, she smiled, warning me. “I'm not through having fun yet. I'm getting some very tasty treats, and I want some more. We better take these shorts off before we get them soaking wet.”
So far, my prick had been standing in the hole my fly made. It was surrounded by fabric, and she was right for suggesting that I remove them. As I stood up, she had a good hold of my shorts and pulled them down in one fluid motion and removed them from me. When they cleared my entire prick, it sprang up and smacked her right under her chin as she was kneeling, then recoiled, slapping across her smooth cheek.
“Oof”, she huffed, a pleasantly surprised look on her face. “This thing's got a mind of it's own, doesn't it? I swear!” Still on one knee, and no longer worried about my clothing, she really got down to business.
Holding my foreskin at the root, she once again exposed my entire cock head to her oral caresses. Flexing my tightened cock muscles, I made it bounce up and down in front of her face. Smiling very mischievously, she winked at me before continuing. Producing a huge gob of her stringy, slippery spit, she drooled it along top of my cock, rubbed it in, and then wetly slipping me deeply into her mouth.
She displayed all the natural talents of an expert cock sucker. I just came naturally to her. Assuming the attitude that she was in charge here, she had me lean against the edge of the mattress as she assumed the position on her knees. They were padded by the soft carpet of a younger girl's room.
Stroking my straining hard on, she looked up at me, saying very seriously, “I want you to fuck your cock deep... deep into my throat.” Emphasizing the word “deep”. “I mean deep.” She raised her eyebrows as she spoke it. I observed that she had taken on the a****l spirit of a true, natural cock sucking goddess, and she told me exactly what she wanted me to do. “I want you to feed it to me. Feed it to me”, she ordered me.
Aiming it straight into her mouth, I slowly lunged my hips forward as she simultaneously moved her head forward, her hungry lips again engulfed me, and she took me almost completely down her throat until the thick intruder made her usually cooperative throat muscles stretch past the point to which they were accustomed. She involuntarily gagged, and quickly popped the thick intruder from her throat, coughing.
“This fuckin' cock is too thick to swallow very easy, but by damn, I'm gonna try”, she determined, breathing heavily. “C'mon”, she motioned me to try to fuck her throat again.
Fucking my hips forward, this time she easily took my entire length down her slippery gullet, and she mouth fucked me for several strokes before taking another breather. Strings of spit swung between her lips and my prick, as she looked sideways at it, fascinated by it's girth once more. Sticky strands of throat juice criss crossed the separation.
“Fucking hell”, she gasped. Quickly catching her breath, she immediately dove back down on me, my balls hitting her chin as she deeply sucked my cock in and out of her well lubricated throat.
“That's amazing, sweeetie”, I breathed, encouraging her. “You're some little cock sucker, honey, aren't you? Aren't you? You're a natural at this. You're going to make some lucky young man very happy if you suck him like you're sucking me, baby.” I spoke to her like she was a total cock slut, and the words only seemed to encourage her. I couldn't help myself. She was driving me crazy with that sweet mouth.
Grunting occasionally, she sucked contentedly on my turgid throat invader.
Holding me deep down for a few seconds, she stuck her tongue out and licked the skin at the base of my balls, then slowly slid back up to the tip. “Iungasaek”, she mumbled between strokes. I had no clue what she had just said, but I gathered that it was a positive message. She had already resumed her joyous task, so I let the statement go.
Her eyes widened. “Um hmff?”, she lightly hummed onto my fleshy shaft.
“Yeahhhh”, I breathed. “You just got another shot of pre cum, didn't you? I felt it come out.”
“Um hmh!” she answered. The silky treat seemed to give her special powers. Looking up at me, she swallowed, never missing a stroke, then closed her eyes again, anticipating her next taste of cock honey.
She continued her ravenous, sweet onslaught on my cock until I began to feel the rising feeling like I was going to cum. I was nowhere near the point of wanting this to end so soon. And to make things even hotter, she stopped sucking momentarily and began to tie her loose hair onto the back of her head, saying “This is about to get sloppy.” She sniffed, clearing her nose as she breathed heavily, struggling with the hair tie, moaning hungrily.
I knew I was in for the most delicious kind of pleasure as she slid her plump lips back over me. Luckily, I had managed to gain my composure somewhat while she was fiddling with her hair, so I was able again just to enjoy the pleasure of having my cock sucked some more by such a perfect, young angel.
Several more good, deep strokes, and she gracefully slid me from her throat, dragging with it, another surging mouth full of bubbling prick juice. Instead of gulping it down like she had been doing so far, she moaned, letting some of it mix with her stringy, silky spit and let it slide down as she sucked, dripping and swinging lazily from her chin, and onto the back of her stroking hand, and letting it run down her forearm.
“Oh my gaww, that's so good”, I moaned. “You suck cock like an angel!”
Grunting her gratitude in acknowledgement, she again took me deep, lapping her tongue against the base of my dick. Sensing, at the same time, that maybe I was getting a little too close to cumming, she thought she'd better check on me. After all, she was enjoying herself just as much as I was, and she didn't intend to let it end too soon, either!
She stopped sucking and simply carressed and squeezed my taught shaft, a thick band of spit/cum hanging from her chin, bridging the gap between her pretty bottom lip and my purple slab.
I enquired, “How’d you get to be such a good cocksucker, Honey?”
Looking me in the eyes, she blinked slowly and replied, “I’ve just loved it ever since I first tried it.”
Experimenting, she squeezed tightly and made the veins bulge out even further. Smiling contentedly, she interjected, “ “This is the best cock ever!” Continuing her erotic strokes, she added, “My very first boyfriend was the first boy I ever sucked off, and I had no idea what to expect. We were making out in his parents’ basement one night watching a movie, and things just really got hot. I could feel his dick through his shorts, and could feel it getting hard. When you cum, are you a dribbler or a shooter?”
Taking my prick from her, I slowly stroked it as she watched the skin twisting around my bloated head in awe. Grabbing the back of her slender neck, I pulled her head closer and she naturally stuck her tongue out, waggling it as if it were blindly searching for that big prick it had been enjoying so much.
Slapping it against her pliable lapper, I finally answered. “I figure today I'll be a shooter, for sure. It's been a while, so I should have a pretty good load saved up.”
“Oh I'd love that”, she smiled up at me, then began slurping the top third of my cock as I stroked it. “Anyway, like I was telling you, the first boyfriend I was telling you about, I just had to see what that thing looked like, so I made him pull down his shorts and show me. After that, the next thing I knew, his fuckin’ hot cock was in my mouth. I copied some moves that I’d seen on the internet, of women sucking cock, and it almost drove him crazy. He’d never had his cock sucked yet, either, and in no time, he started shooting this load really hard in my mouth. And I just started swallowing, but it was too much for me, and a lot of it ended up running down onto his mom’s couch cushion. It was wild! After a couple of minutes, he was begging me to do it again.”
“You must really love deepthroat, huh”, I asked.
Wanting her to resume her heavenly cock sucking, I asked “You must really like deep throating, don’t you?”
“Fuck yeah”, she proudly admitted. “Deepthroat's the best, man. It must feel the best too, doesn't it? My last boyfriend, Pete always loved it.”
“I gotta admit, there's something very special about the feeling of my cock being swallowed like that”, I smiled.
“Gimme more, she hissed. “I wammore.” Sliding me again fully into her throat, and displacing my hand, she gave me the sloppiest deep throat head anybody could ever imagine. “Thassimmore”, she spat against my purple cock head. She was inviting me to use her mouth as a soft, fleshy, slippery playground, and in my current state of mind, I was all too happy to accept her generous offer.
She sucked and slurped as she rubbed my helmeted lolly pop all around her mouth, dragging the thick suck juice all around her lips, cheeks, and nose before sliding my entire length back down.
Slowing her pace somewhat, I began to slowly and deeply fuck her throat at a more sensual pace. She immediately picked up on the rhythm, and let me fuck her skull at my own pace for a little while. My hips pumped slowly back and forth, feeling the incredible texture of her tight throat sliding along the length of my cock.
“I gesso wet feelinat slidowmmy throat”, she mumbled almost incoherently. Her voice was distorted by the thick coat of slime that covered her vocal cords. She had pulled her shorts down past her hips and was stroking herself while she sucked.
I once again let her enjoy her over-stuffed toy all by herself. Fucking her head no handed, I could see her throat expanding as it filled with cock, and again deflate as it slipped back out. She gargled unintelligible words at the top of each stroke. Catching my ridiculously hard prick on the upstroke at one point, I jacked it across her open lips and shot a huge dollop of prick syrup onto her bottom lip. It ran down and swung from her chin as I fist fucked myself.
She must have thought I was about ready to cum, and she excitedly lapped at the shining head as I stroked. It was a false alarm, but I felt that she was somewhat let down that she didn't get my full cum load just yet. I know we were both in no hurry for the grand finale', but her excitement at the moment of possibly getting to experience a nice thick cum load, made me also start to want to feed it to her. Looking down at her from above, I could tell she would like nothing more right now than for me to lose control and give her the prized ivory, hot yogurt that she considered the ultimate reward for giving such a nice blowjob.
Taking over the job again, she stroked my slippery prick as she sucked. My breathing began to get shorter, and she looked up at my face every few seconds to see what condition I was in.
“Awww, you're gonna get it”, I warned her as my long awaited orgasm began to flood the passageways of my shaft, making it's way up toward her sucking mouth. “You're gonna make me cum.”
“Mmm,” she gurgled, her mouth full of prick. Continuing at this pace, she was making my cock want to cum, and she knew this was the most efficient way of making that happen. Looking steadily now into my face, she waited for just the right moment.
Then in an expert move, she slipped me from her mouth exactly when my pounding cock released it's first big spurt. And with her tongue outstretched, a look of sheer joy on her face, the first thick, streaming spurt missed her open mouth completely, and shot up in front of her nose, leaving a sticky, ropey puddle, climbing up her face. As she cried out, it splashed against her right eyelid, and finally lost it's momentum, landing with a splat on her forehead. She looked divine with the thick stream of heavy cream lying across her face. She allowed two more cum spurts of equal size to criss-cross her face before she perfectly aimed my erupting prick head, and let two more jetting spurts splash to a halt deep in her throat opening. Then closing her mouth around my still firing sperm launcher, she made me finish cumming inside her mouth, letting it fill almost to the brim, as it fed wave after wave of hot spooge against her gag reflex. Her mouth was deluged, she expertly swallowed along with every spurt of my jism
Looking up at me as she swallowed every last oozement of cum from me, a satisfied smile on her face, she opened her sweet mouth wide and showed me what she had, and pushed it up onto her lips, almost letting it spill. She sucked the creamy pool back into her mouth, open up and showed me again. A stray cum goober escaped and ran down, hanging like a beautiful facial decoration from her chin as her still writhing tongue struggled, drowning in a pearly pool of jizm..
“Whoof” I huffed aloud. “What an awesome cock sucker you are.”
Taking me once more into her mouth, she searched for any stray dregs she may have missed, then swallowed the entire contents of her skilled mouth.
“Omygawd I had to swallow like three times”, she gasped laughing. “That was an awesome load!”
Taking me back into her mouth, she kept on sucking long after I had finished cumming, as if she expected me to give her another load just like the one I had just given her.
“You're gonna have to let me stop for a little bit, sweetie.”
“But you're still hard and I want more!”
“I know, but you gotta give us older guys a little break between cumming”, I explained, helping her to her feet by her wrists. She was obviously used to much younger pricks than mine.
“But I'm so fucking horny right now, Doug. You took my cock away right when I thought it was going to give me some more cum cream. It was sooo yummy!”
Realizing her condition, I needed to do something quickly. Pulling her shorts down, I directed her to kneel on the edge of the mattress, her perfect little ass waving around in the air. This is the chance that had secretly hoped for when I was following her up the stairs.
Holding both of her cheeks open, they felt so firm in my big hands.
“Awuhhhh”, she squealed, not knowing what I had in mind and was about to do.
Burying my nose and mouth into that sweet crevice between her stretched open ass pillows, I licked and sucked whatever feminine flesh happen to be in my path.
“Oohhhhh my gawwwwsh! Whoa fuuuuck. Ohh, Nobody's ever done this to me before”, she squealed hoarsely. Overcome by her first feeling of a mouth on her virgin little pussy, the new feeling made her wriggle and jerk. But she was beginning to get used to it.
I couldn't believe my ears! “Not one of your old boyfriends ever went for this sweet pussy?”
“Naww, we always did it in the car or something, you know? Not much room to move around.” Her voice was beginning to turn into a pant. “It's okay, though, I was just mostly interested in sucking dick.”
“Well lemme know how you like to have your pussy eaten, baby.” With that, I stuck my tongue in her dripping little pussy hole. My tongue was not able to go in very far. There was an obstruction. Her cherry! Once again, I couldn't believe it. This sexy little bombshell is still a virgin?? The fact that her cherry was still intact, didn't have any effect on her volume of pussy juice, however. Wallowing my tongue inside her perfect little cunt hole, I sucked the sweet nectar into my mouth. I savored the flavor with sweet relish before I swallowed in down.
She had reached down and was rubbing her clit while I was doing that. Removing her hand, I told her reassuringly, “Let me do that.”
Placing my lips around the silky flesh surrounding her stiff little clit, I licked. Little butterfly licks on the tip of her excited little sex button. My eyes were open, appreciating my surroundings, and I watched her pink ass hole pucker up at the feeling.
“ooooooooooooh”, she squealed. “Ho fuck.”
Feeling that her pussy was becoming more and more accustomed to this intensifying new feeling, she relaxed gradually until her hips were beginning to grind into my face. Using a good bit more force, I began to give her clit a full tongue licking.
Being on her back by this time, she drew her knees up over the back of her head, allowing full access to her juicing little hole.
Looking down between her legs, she studied the sight of her own sloppy-wet little pussy being licked up and down by a tongue, hard at work on her. So far, she seemed to be enjoying having her pussy eaten!
I used long, slow strokes, and felt her sweet little butt hole contractions on my chin with each tongue lashing.
She began moaning, and it gradually increased as I went. Not wishing to stop for anything now, I sucked her lengthened little clit shaft into my mouth and sucked it like a tiny cock.
“Oooooh my goodness, Doug. You're gonna make me cum if you keep doing that.”
That was exactly my intention. I kept a steady suck-stroke motion on her vibrating clit until I finally felt her body's entire mode switch to “CUM”. I felt her pussy hole and butt hole both begin to pulse with her cum-muscle's contractions as her body stiffened.
She let out an uncontrolled moan as she came, and uttered more incoherancies. Female fuck juice bubbled from deep inside her unused pussy hole, and it was sliding in my fortunate tongue's direction! Mixing perfectly to lubricate my hard at work tongue, she fed me a wonderfully musky, feminine flavored pussy orgasm.
I waited for her convulsions to end, and she began to flinch, as her humming clit it had suddenly become ultra-sensitive.
I drew back and made an indelibly printed image for my brain to return to from time to time. I would expect never to see a sight like this again.
My temporarily spent cock had jumped back to life the moment I tasted her fresh smorgasbord of sweetness, and by the incredible scene.
Humping her hips at me, she whined “you're not going to stop are you? That felt really good! I wish I could have your cock in my mouth while you're doing that!”
“Ohhhhh. A multiple cummer, too? You're going to keep me very happy for a little while, aren't you?”
Standing up straight from my kneeling position, she looked behind her and saw my big big prick once again at full staff, and vibrating like a tuning fork. She must've thought I'd gotten some crazy idea, like fucking her.
Whirling around, she sat on her butt with a concerned look on her face. “I don't want you to fuck me, Doug. I'm saving that for when I get married.”
“That's fine, Penny. I don't want to fuck you. This is purely oral. I admire you for doing that for your future husband, though.” Looking at her askance, I asked, “Do you know what sixty nine is?”
“No. What's that?”
“Let me show you. I think you'll like it.”
Lying on my back in the center of the bed, I motioned for her to straddle me. “That's it, the other way around. Like a horse.”
She smiled as she picked up on the idea. “This is going to be awesome!”, she giggled.
“Now, just lower your pussy onto my mouth, see?”
Getting into perfect position, I was again faced with her beautiful, soaking wet ass and pussy.
I was more than ready, once again, to suck on her some more, to feel her velvet, virgin pussy flesh in my mouth for a second time.
She dove immediately onto my cock again like she was having a passionate reunion with a favorite love. She quickly drew me entirely into her throat, and stroked me no handed deep down her gullet, then slid slowly back up, observing her suck toy's full length.
“This makes it so much easier to swallow a cock!” she observed, coming up for another breath. “Oh my gosh this is so cool!”
Becoming distracted by having her pussy eaten again, her eyes rolled back in her head as she slowly, automatically stroked the slippery pole under her chin with her slimy fist.
Suddenly realizing she could have a hot prick in her mouth again right now, she took me in and deeply, slurpily throat fucked me. Her clit being serviced at the same time she was sucking cock felt like heaven to the angel faced cock sucker, and it produced a very noticeable effect. Her moaning was being cut short every time my cock passed her vocal cords, and it caused a wet “gwuk gwuk gwuk” sound as she craned her neck up and down on it. Pausing at the very bottom of a particularly deep stroke, she let me marinade her gullet in flowing pre cum for a good half minute, then throat fucked me again. This time, just the squishy sound of a thick, meaty shaft fucking a young lady's ingestive tract filled the silence.
She sucked no handed. Both her forearms were on the mattress. Bending from the neck, she throat fucked me in a most sensuous way.
Her pussy was soon as wet as it was before her first orgasm.
Continuing my assault on her hard. Hot clit, she likewise was still concentrated on sucking dick until my first shot of jizz down her throat. That’s when her entire pussy started to convulse again, and her body stiffened as she began cumming noiselessly. She had my entire pulsing cock deep down almost into her stomach as she endured another orgasm. Her body quivered, and the fine flesh of her delicious ass cheeks quivered as they tensed and relaxed in rhythm with her contractions. Finally having finished, she wetly popped my rock hard prick from her lips.
“Ohmygod”, she croaked, breathlessly. “Ohmygod.”
“You came good with a cock down your throat, didn't you?
“Ohmygod” she repeated yet again as she went back down for more of the same. Her clit was in full firing mode now, and she came several more times on my tongue this way. Her still flowing sweet pussy cum made my mouth it's willing catch basin.
Being treated to such an encounter with a perfect, beautiful young lady this way had made my supposedly spent balls work overtime to come up with yet another third batch of her favorite new flavor of hot throat yogurt. She never stopped sucking me as long as we'd been in this incredibly hot sex position.
“I'm gonna come again pretty soon, sweetie. Do you think you can cum at the same time as me again?”
Too dazed and overcome to answer audibly, she nodded her head enthusiastically at the thought.. She concentrated on a lovely, wet suck job on the first several inches of my unyielding prick. Her tongue visibly licked my shaft as it appeared again and again from between her gripping lips, slurping against the protruding veins and prominently displayed cock sinew, waiting for our mutual orgasms to swallow us whole, one last time.
I began pumping my hips up and down, fucking my cock in and out of her drooling mouth.
I couldn't see what was going on, as I was still sucking her clit, trying to pull her orgasm up so as to merge with my own. I was feeling every move of her mouth on me, and she was soon to receive her third creamy treat.
I felt the entire length of her tongue slip-sliding all along my shaft as she sucked until I realized that it was making me fall over the edge, and I was going to begin shooting my second load momentarily.
Becoming suddenly brain-foggy, I announced against her soaking clit, “Gonna cum!”
Wanting first to feel the excitement of my spurting prick flooding her mouth again, she kept doing exactly what she had been doing. She huffed against my spit-smeared shaft, cooling it momentarily as my first rushing jizz shots ricocheted around between her cheeks.
“Mmm-mmm!” she squealed, abruptly cutting off her sounds as she dove down in one smooth deep throat stroke, committing the remainder of my fresh jizm to be pumped straight into her tummy. Throat fucking the last inch, the spasming of my cum muscles pulsed in her throat. That was all that appeared as she massaged her tongue in and out of her mouth while my surging cum spurted far past her awareness of taste and feel.
The realization of what was happening deep in her throat, the feel of my pulsing prick in her throat set off her own final, intense cum cascade against my wriggling tongue. She melted into a deep, soul bending orgasm.
The new sensation was like that of an even more intensity in cumming.

After an unknown amount of time had elapsed, we both lay still. She sprawled out still on top of me. Her head lay in an area of dry skin on my hip.
“DAMN, Doug!” she exclaimed. “I wish I would have known the truth about you and your dick a long time ago. Not to mention your tongue!”
I silently wished the same, but knowing that not so long ago, this would have been considered statutory ****!
Still trying to catch my breath after such an intense cum high, I answered “Sweetie, that was a once in a lifetime experience.”
Raising her head, she looked at me. “Once in a lifetime? We're going to do this again, aren't we?”
I was quite surprised at her reaction. “You actually would do this again? I figured you were just wanting some cock out of desperation.” (I could hardly believe my ears!)
“Fuck yeah I want some more of that dick! Your dick rocks! There's a lot to be said for an experienced man, I guess.”
“Ohhh, you're just high.”
“I mean it, Doug. Now I feel like I'll wanna suck your dick all the time. At least until I get a new boyfriend.”
Knowing that if we ever got found out, there'd be hell to pay, I just couldn't pass up an offer such as this!
“I must have rocks in my head, but I would really like that”, I smiled. “But we gotta keep it under wraps, you know?”
“Of course”. She nodded.
“If anyone found out, It would not be good, if you know what I mean.”
“Oh no doubt”, she rolled her eyes at the thoughts of her parents or somebody finding out. “Believe me, this will be just our little secret.”
I was glad she understood.

So we did manage to get together a couple of times after that, and it was always good, but nothing can beat that first time.
It always seemed so difficult to arrange. Things just meshed perfectly that first time.
Oh, and by the way, she did end up getting back together with Brandon, eventually. He called her and talked things out with her, and like I told her at the beginning, he just thought she was too pretty and too good, and he couldn't bring himself to make the first move.
I asked Penny when we had a private moment once, and she told me that she'd found out from him that night that they'd talked, that they should most definitely get back together for another try, and that he would most definitely like to get it on with her!
Well after that, there was no stopping him, and he, too, just like the old boyfriend, Pete, loved getting his dick sucked as well. Probably even more, she told me, giggling delightedly. And his dick was very comparable to mine, she said. Her parents liked him, and thought he was a fine young man, and everyone was getting along just fine. Eventually, they decided to marry.
It stung just a little when I learned this news, because this meant that it was the final blow to our sexual relationship. Bucking up, I told her that was great news, and I wished her the best of luck with him.
Then she thanked me for the fun times we got to have with each other, and we both agreed that it was a lot of fun while it was happening, but would never happen again. That day had to eventually come, but I secretly wished, not so soon.
Then, their relationship grew into pure love, and they have been married now for quite some time. Probably twenty years at least. They seem to be very happy. I think they are both genuinely happy. I imagine he is really happy about the very personal side of her that I had the privilege of knowing for a short while. He has never even hinted that he knows anything about Honey's and my little “thing” we had.
Even though Honey and I never did fuck, there was still an intimacy between two people that develops over things like this, and she has even admitted to me that there will always be a place in her heart for me. That is the beautiful part of what happened. She too, holds a big place in my heart as well, and we will both always, in our own time, secretly remember those very special memories.
I carried on with my marriage, and resumed my regular meetings with Gina. I told her about what had happened, and I didn't know how she would react, but she actually found it to be quite a turn on, and she liked to try to imitate what Honey did to me when she was sucking me, It was a great effort, and the excitement of her thoughts of a young lady sucking this very cock, made her even more turned on. She even kind of got the hang of deep throating me. I guess the thoughts of that made her want to try harder, and to be honest, Gina’s cock sucking skills eventually surpassed those of Honey, eventually, so that was a definite win for me!
I still love the feeling of getting my cock sucked better than just about anything, as long as the sucker truly is into sucking the suck-ee!
发布者 TKTrucker3
2 年 前
tubehead8 2 月 前
My cock is leaking so much pre-cum GREAT story :smile:
TKTrucker3 出版商 1 年 前
black4porn : That would be the holy grail.  Good luck on your search.
回答 原始评论
black4porn 1 年 前
A Most Excellent Story. Quite frankly, IF I could find a woman that can REALLY suck-dick, I'D LOVE to have THAT than to fuck. I LOVE for my BlackNutt to be deep throated and digested in her stomach/belly---Haven't found her yet though.
I want to suck your cock 
TITLOVER13 1 年 前
great story !