Ebony Queen

It was on a hot Summer , that I decided to take a Sextrip to Ghana – Accra . My Lust for curvy and thick Women had no boundaries . Since I entered maturity , my Sexdrive got more intense . Every morning , I woke up horny . My Surfsessions went on for hours ! 50 Gigabyte of Ebony porn . But it didnt end there . A lot of USB - sticks followed . After admitting to myself , that I died to have Sex and porn wasnt enough for me anymore , I saved money for this special Trip . The Flight took almost 11 hours , since I live in Germany . It was tough to distract myself ,until the Plane arrived at the Terminal , late at night . At the Airport , I fought myself through a big crowd . Thankfully , I prepared myself with a brochure . It contained informations about Motels and Bars with Prositutes . Because I exactly knew what I wanted to wear during my short stay in Accra , I only had a Trolli with me . There were Cabs everywhere , so in just a few minutes , I entered one . “ Good afternonn , sir . “ I greeted respectfully the older Cabdriver . He reached out for a Handshake . “ Good evening , son . “ After shaking his hand , I showed him the Broschure . “ Please take me to the nearest Motel , where I can also see something about The Nightlife .” I told him . He didnt even take a closer Look at the Brochure . All he did was smiling . “ Dont worry , son with a little luck , you will meet your Queen . “ He tried to calm me down . “ With a little luck ? “ I asked him curiosly . “ Yes , because here Men chase Women like crazy ! “ We both started laughing out loud . “ No problem ! There´s always a solution ! “ I replied to him . My journey with the friendly mature Cabdriver ended in twenty minutes . We stopped in front of a modest Motel . It didnt really look glamorous , or outstandingly beautiful . “ Who cares , Im not here for the Architecure ! “ I thought smiling to myself , whil looking out of the Window from the Cab . “ Alright , son , Take care and stay save . “ The friendly Cabdriver sayed Goodbye to me . “ Thanks . I really enjoyed the ride . “ I complimented him on his professionalism with his Customers . Before he drove away , I quickly took my Trolli out of the Trunk . We waved each other Gooodbye for the last time , before we finally parted . “ So , lets see what I can find inside . “ With these words talking to myself , I opened the door to the Motel , pulling my Trolli behind me. In a very simple lobby , which consisted of a Counter , on which a small bell was standing . Beside the Counter were Steps , that followed to the upstair Levels of the house . Arrived at the Counter , I was greeted by a young Man . “ Good evening , sir . “ Directly I replied to him . “ Good evening . Mr . I need a Room , please . “ “ Rightaway , Sir . “ He said to me after turning around to a Wallboard , which had countless Keys hanging on them . Picked one and reached it to me . Of course , I had to pay first . The 2 days , I decided to stay didnt take much Cedis out of my Pocket . So , I decided to give the young Man a Tip . He smiled satisfyingly . “ Should there be anything you need , please let me know , sir . “ I nodded with my head , as a sign that I understood what he meant . “ Your room is the first door , after the stairs . “ The young man explained to me . I grabbed my Trolli and took the stairs . Which were leading me to a long Corridor of many Rooms . I stopped and looked at the ingraved number on my Keys . It said 69 . “ What a strange coincidence ! “ I was thinking smiling to myself . Knowing , that I intended to find myself a thick ebony Queen for a night full of nasty fullfillments . The Door to the Room 69 was right in Front of me . After inserting the Key into the Door lock , I entered my Private Place . Inside a found A bed standing under a small Window . Right beside the bed was an also small Fridge . “ Small , but cozy ! “ I mumbled to myself after I had a look around . I put my Trolli in Front of the bed and glimpsed a quick look into the Bathroom . It looked alright . A sink with a mirror on the Wall and a clean bathtub . Directly I closed the door and threw my Trolli on the bed . I had to change my Outfit into something slick . A few minutes later , I looked like a Playboy in my black Smoking . The Competition out there would be tough , So I had to stand out . Even if it would mean to be overdressed ! So , I took my time and entered the Bathroom again . A quick look into the Mirror gave me the Confidence , that I needed to start my Mission . On my way downstairs , I gave the young man a look at my Brochure . He started smiling . “ Yes , I would advise you to choose the Bar “ Surprise “ . You wont be dissapointed . You are dressed for it ! “ He seemed to like my Playboy Outfit . “ Thanks , but the Competition never sleeps ! “ I answered him with a big smile . So , I entered Ghana´s Nightlife . Without any complication I found the Bar . It was just right down the Street . A big Bouncer welcomed me friendly at the Entrance . “ Good evening , Sir . “ He greeted me . “ Good evening to you , too . “ I answered back . “ Have fun , but dont fall in love !” He tried to warn me . These Ghana Men knew how attractive their Women are . It was obvious to me , that Men came running to this Place in large Numbers . For a few seconds I felt unsure , if I had a Chance against the Competition . The Bouncer felt the hesitation in me . “ Come on , brother . Just do your Thing !” We gave each other a high five and I entered the Bar . The Crowd was lively , but not too much . Loud hip hop music was playing . A few Couples enjoyed themselves on the Dancefloor . First I wanted to get myself a nice strong Beer . So I ended up at the Bar right next to the Dancefloor . Which gave me a perfect view . In a matter of seconds I was taking a big swallow of my ordered Beer . It was quite strong , because the blood rushed into my head like crazy . Of course , I still had on my Mind to find my Queen for the night . So , I turned my sight on the Dancefloor again . The DJ really turned the heat up for the dancing crowd . They started yelling out of enjoyment as they heard another famous Hip hop tune out of the big boxes . It was a Remix from 50 Cent . Everybody moved like crazy to the beat . In the meantime I had my third Beer , as I saw her . She had on a tight red dress , that made her curvy Body come out at the right Places . She knew how to move her Thickness to the Beat . Because two Guys were dancing next to her , to catch her attention . She didnt mind them . Instantly I knew , that it wont be easy to convince her to spend the night with me . In the meantime the DJ changed the Vibe on the Dancefloor with a slow jam from R. Kelly . She left the Dancefloor and walked straight to the Bar . The two Guys left frustrated and dissappeared into the Crowd . I stopped staring and turned my back on her . Luckily she sat herself right next to me . That was the moment , where I asked to put her choice of a drink on my tab . She didnt thank me ! She didnt even bother to look at my direction ! “ What an arrogant bitch ! “ I thought to myself . Alright then , time to for some Action ! I pulled my Seat in her direction and asked her , “ Do we know each other from somewhere ?” At last she looked at me with a big grin . With her drink in one hand , that thick Woman replied , “ You are not from around here ! No , I dont know you ! “ I was getting confused and frustrated . Confused , because I asked myself , how could she know , that I was the new Guy in Town . And frustrated , because she looked really hot with her curvy Body and big breasts . All my senses longed for her ! I couldnt even begin to imagine how sexy she would look naked . “ This is the most Popular Bar . Men are just crazy about it ! And Im very sure , that you were thinking , that Im a Prostitute . “ She enjoyed exposing me . I just started rolling my eyes in Front of her . “ You are no fun at all ! “ I confronted her bluntly . This time she laughed out loud . She was tipsy and I wanted to capitalize on that . “ Alright ! You got me ! “ I began my confession . I raised my Hand , to let the Barkeeper know , that I wanted two more drinks . But this time I ordered for us both a Glass of Redwine . That was my Plan B ! I sometimes fall flat on my Face , but I always get up again ! Only minutes later , I presented her the Glass of Wine , which the Barkeeper just prepared for us both . “ So , lets toast to my stupidity ! “ I continued talking to her from the Bottom of my heart . But this time , her smile was different . It seemed like she enjoyed , that I refused to give up . “ I like the fight in you , “ She started flirting with me , because she began playing with her long black hairs . “ So , does that mean , that you are going to tell me your name ? “ I tried to push my Luck . At last she dropped her Attitude and reached me her hand . “ Call me Grace . “ Of course I couldn´t resist and kissed her hand palm . She was giggling like a Teenager . “ Im Chris . Nice to meet you , Grace . “ Now , that I had her attention , I started showing interest on her Personality . Which was the start of a nice and open conversation . During the third Glass of Wine , it happened . I was sitting so closely to her , that I just leaned forward and our Lipps touched . She replied my advances and kissed me back . That was a hell of a kiss , because my dick started getting rockhard instantly ! I forgot when last I had intimacy with a Woman . I gently stopped the kiss . “ C´mon . Lets get outta here ! “ I proposed her honestly . “ You are lucky !” We both left the Bar , hand in hand . The Bouncer had a big grin on his Face . “ You two behave this night !” I just laughed at him and left with Grace to my Motel . A few minutes later , We entered the Motel . The young Clerk also gave me the Key to the Main door . At last we arrived in my cozy Room . Grace went straight to the Bathroom . “ I hope she is alright and didnt feel bad , because of all the drinking . I decided to free myself out of the Smoking . All that remained on my Body were my Shorts . Patiently , I was lying on the bed . As Grace came out of the Restroom again . She was only wearing black underwear . But her Body looked incredible sexy . I was hypnotized by her big hips , juicy thighs and big breasts . Slowly she joined me on the bed . She was lying next to me as her question hit me . “ So , where were we ? “ Our lipps touched again , but this time I used my hands . They caressed over her breasts , over to her hips and ended on her massive ass . Her big booty felt so soft . We both were highly aroused by the intense kissing . Grace put her hand straight under my Shorts and began caressing my hard dick . My hand was massaging agressively her big soft ass . Suddenly Grace stopped our intense kissin and petting . “ Let me see what you are carrying in your Shorts . “ She said in anticipation . My Shorts were literally teared down off my Torso . The Red wine was still working like hell on that thick Woman . I could tell , that her hormones were raging . Quickly Grace took my already hard big Cock in one of her hands . Took her time and observed it well . “ Hmm , what we do have here ? A nice strong Cock . My Pussy is getting wet ! “ Slowly she bowed her head down to my Cock , who couldnt wait to be sucked real good . That Woman could tell , my impatience building up in me , because I grabbed her head and pushed it toward my Cock . “ Go to work ! “ Her mouth opened wide , to receive my dig . Then her lipss enclosed around my big cock . Her intense sucking Techniques made nasty noises . While She had fun with the Blowjob , I was ecstatic about the View on her massive ass . In a playful way , my hand slapped three times on her buttocks . She started shaking her fat ass . God damn , that looked so fucking sexy . Grace still sucked and licked all over my dig . I sensed , how my Cock even got harder ! My male Pride wanted me to stay cool . But as Her tongue started dancing around the Tipp of my Cock , and then slowly gliding back between her Lipps , I let out a loud moan . Grace loved to be in Control , because She continued her magic on me . Now her Tongue was licking over my hairy balls . Two times , one of my balls dissappeared in her mouth . I wanted more Action ! Her awesome Blowjob made me very horny . I couldnt wait to fuck her silly ! As she noticed , that I raised up , Grace instantly let my Penis out of her iron Grip . She looked at me . “ So , what´s on your mind ? “ She was sitting in Front of me with her legs slightly apart . One of her hands slided down between her legs . Caressing on top of her black Slip . “ Your such a bad Girl ! “ I tried to sound in Control , but She knew better . Looking at her , made me start to masturbate my Cock real slow . Grace layed down on the bed , on her back with her legs wide open . “ Fuck me ! “ She almost begged me . I intended to lick her Pussy , but fucking her , tempted me even more . I approached her . Out of control , I ripped her Pants apart . “ You dont need that shit anymore ! “ A little bit shocked , she looked at me . “ You are such an a****l ! “ Grace said to me . Obviously she loved it ! The thick and curvy Woman had a big smile on her Face . I let my Dick slide a few times over her Pussy , as the lipps of her Pussy parted . Grace´s hips started shivering . “ Put it in ! “ She yelled at me . In a rough way , my dick entered her already wet Vagina . I didnt care , if it would hurt her , I began hammering her like a wild and horny a****l ! It felt so damn good , how my big Cock pounded her tight wet Pussy . My Pelvis banged roughly between her Legs , which Grace opened up even more . “ You are making my Pussy so wet ! “ Her hairs laid wildly around her beautiful Face . With lust in her eyes and loud moans coming out of her wide opened mouth , The curvy Woman craved my poundings . Under my hard thrusts her thick Body was trembling . Especially her big breasts , who looked out partly of her black bra . Grace´s hands were meanwhile placed on my ass , helping me to strengthen my thrusts even more . Its like she wanted me to fuck her deeper ! Which brought me to an even better idea . “ No , no ! Lets do it doggystyle !” I told her and stopped fucking her . Grace loved my Proposal . She immediately turned on her stomach and presented me her beautiful massive ass . That sight was straight out of a Ebony hardcore Porn movie ! Her big ass was right in yfront of me and waited to be fucked . With no hesitation , I grabbed her by the hips with one hand and inserted my hard dick insider her Pussy with my other Hand . She moaned satisfyingly . Her hands were grabbing the sheets , as I started my wild poundings on her big ass in doggystyle . Grace didnt mind , the roughness of my fucking . We both enjoyed our wild Sex . The whole time , I looked at Grace´s big ass bouncing under my rough Poundings . It looked very sexy , the way the waves were running on the soft skin of her big ass . Unfortunately , I couldnt hold my cum back . Immediately , I pulled out my cock and spread my cum all over her juicy big ass . Exhausted , I layed myself beside her . A moment of silence existed between us both . We just looked at each other . Instinctevly , I pulled her close to me . Grace rested her head on my chest . I felt strange , because I had something else on my mind . My Trip was supposed to be a Sextrip and not about love . I welcomed the sleep , that came over us . Tomorrow would wash those Feelings away . During the late Afternoon of the next day , I woke up . Alone ! And it bothered me ! The message She wanted me t get was very clear . Grace didnt want to be treatedas a hoe . She was a tough Woman , who had fun with me . She turned the tables on me ! A typical behavior of a Queen . A Queen is never Powerless , she adapts to the Situation and still gains Control in the End . Still I had this Question on my mind . “ Was I in love with her , or just the Sex ? ” As I looked into my Purse , I noticed , that there was enough money around for at least a couple of days . It was impossible for me to leave without seeing her again . But where should I look ? I was completely clueless and without a good Plan . Just what did I get myself into ?

( To be continued )
发布者 BBCfreak75
2 年 前