Working in the Wrong Place

Regarding this clip, which I was sent by a good friend here recently. 'Der Sadisten Zirkel' -- 'The Sadists' Circle'.

Fast Forward to around 19:30, where the two dudes hoist up the lovely lass in the purple leggings. Most of the 'action' prior to that point is inconsequential (other than that harsh vaginal vacuum pump, which the second woman endures with surprising equanimity...).

This excellent young woman with the dyed blonde pixie haircut has a gorgeous body. The way her backside hangs at her coccyx in that prone upside down position is very alluring, especially the little cellulite ripples. She appears to be a regular 'model' for this production outfit. She pops up in a bunch of other algorythmic thumbnail suggestions. I can't speak for those because I have not seen them, but in this clip she wasn't 'touched' in the manner she deserved.

First off, it has to be said, fuck, that's a difficult position. Especially the amount of time she was held in it. I really admire anyone's athleticism and endurance to sustain that. I would very quickly pass out in that position, or vomit. She is actually amazing. But the dude, ugh, the dude... he is a personality vacuum as usual (his gormless fucking grin...). But she is really brilliant. So feminine and so very strong in her physicality and her mental attitude. Her protests at around 34 mins are really affecting. But the dude's attitude is just wrong. He so consistently strikes the wrong note. His 'psyche' simply bounces off hers.

Until...The bit of tenderness he gives her right at the end, as they let her down: there, finally, he gets through to her. At 37:00. That moment shows he was working in the wrong place. Tenderness and brutality, intermixed. That was the way to go with this extraordinary young woman. He maintained a kind of mock amusement at her plight all the way through. It just felt like bad acting, made him look like a sham: that act actively denuded him of any power. That misreading of what was needed ensured their separation. Nothing bridged the gap between them until that moment at the end. And it was thrown away.

This encounter could have been so much more powerful. Sadly the producers of this material so often just regard their feminine charges as worthless fuckmeat and thereby miss the point of the very dominance they seek to achieve. Yes, they get to restrict movement and impose considerable discomfort. However, mere physicality is only part of the story. The real work is at a human-to-human level. The requisite degree of sensitivity to fully exploit that is clearly far beyond the psychological reach of most so-called 'Doms'. As a result (in my admittedly fairly limited exposure to the genre so far) it seems to me that in the majority of these kinds of Dom male/Sub woman encounters, the really dominant presences are in fact the females, for all the apparent 'control' being in the hands of the males.
发布者 ErosUndaunted
1 年 前