Derby Day, Re-deaux!

Howdy y'all!

It's been a minute since I've checked in here.

I'm still doin' my thing: living my life out in the open as a sweet conservative southern gal, taking care of my family and going to church, hittin the gym as much as I can to stay in shape, all that good stuff. But then also living my secret life behind the scenes as a total black dick addict! It's a little tougher since I've moved up here, but I've managed to build up a nice little DISCREET stable of black stallions at my disposal!

For those of you who have been reading my other posts, I am still taking care of the black caregiver from time to time...and I've made some friends at the local college, including a freshman gal that I've been "mentoring" in my lifestyle!

More on all that later, I wanted to check in with yall since it was the anniversary of my epic Derby Day adventure from last year, which can be found here:

WOW, that was QUITE a night, wasn't it?
How in the world could I possibly hope to top it in 2023?
Well, to be honest: I didn't even try.
One thing I've learned with having adventures like the ones I have is that trying to replicate fun or amazing events usually just leads to disappointment. You can spend too much time and energy trying to replicate things that your current moment passes you by! It's far better to let whatever is happening, happen...create new memories and don't try to re-live old ones! ol'buddy Deacon WAS coming to town again, so I knew I would have some fun no matter WHAT happened!

An update since Derby Day'22: I have seen Deacon a few times, including one time last fall when I introduced him to that freshman "protegee" I mentioned earlier! She had just turned 18 and had just gone on birth control pills...what a combination!
I didn't know for sure she would go for Deacon or not...her only previous dalliances with negroes had been strapping black football players her own age...but I had a hunch. And I was right! She and Deacon hit it right off and he quickly became her "Brown Sugar Daddy", spoiling her rotten with gifts and attention!

So she was participating in a school-sanctioned event for the race...and we made plans to visit Deacon at the hotel that night after the Derby was over. Earlier in the day I once again had a family and friends Derby Party, but unlike last year I learned my lesson and brought makeup/hair care products to fix up my "Derby Hat" hair! So my protege (let's call her "K") and I met up and went to the hotel and up to Deacon's room to change clothes and freshen up a bit.

Unfortunately Deacon did NOT hit the long shot win like he did last instead of the High Roller Suite, he just had a more regular room. I did NOT win big either...I put my $10 on "Cyclone Mischief". You see, I had sex during a wind-storm/tornado when storms rolled thru town about a month ago...I felt SURE it was a sign! However, Cyclone Mischief finished dead last. So...if it WAS a sign, I'm not sure what its saying LOL.

ANYWHO, once in his room, K and I changed. She out of her school mandated duds and into something cute Deacon had bought for her. I brought a LBD (litte black dress) with black thigh-high stockings and heels, which were items that Deacon SPECIFICALLY requested for me to wear this evening...but didn't tell me why. Hmmmm...

We wandered down to the lounge where Deacon was partying. K wasn't technically supposed to be in there (she's still only 18, not 21), so we kinda hung out on the perimeter and checked things out, did some mild mingling as best we could while avoiding the age-restricted area of the longue. Deacon spotted us and after a bit of socializing, he suggested we go on up to his room.

Just the 3 of us heading up in the elevator, quite a difference from last year when his room was party central with people coming and going all evening! I had no idea what he had in mind for us and to be honest: I wasn't worried about it. Deacon always put together fun and nasty events for us. He really seems to "get" me and understands that I am open to different kinds of adventures . He's never let me down yet!

He had a few bottles of champagne on ice and we popped one open for us. The hotel room was divided into a sitting area with a loveseat/chair/coffee-table and the bedroom. We were in the front area, me in the chair while Deacon sprawled on the loveseat with K beside him, her long colt-ish legs across his lap. He had his hand on her thigh at the base of her skirt and they were already quite cozy. Still no mention of whether others would be joining us or not. Hmmm...she and I had shared Deacon before and I was OK with doing that again, if that's what he had in mind for this evening.

I noticed Deacon checking his phone a couple times, and then he told me that he had a special friend who was going to stop by in a bit...and that he especially wanted ME to meet him.

AH! THERE it was!
Don't get me wrong: I legit consider Deacon a friend and am able to chit-chat with him easily...but the basis of our relationship is SEX! Specifically, sex between black men and white women! And that's really why K and I were there. Not to party or socialize or sip champagne, but to have discreet interracial sex! I'll be honest: I was horny and kinda glad that he was getting to it!

I told him that any friend of his was a friend of mine, haha.
Deacon laughed and reiterated that this guy was VERY SPECIAL and that he knew I would "treat him right".
OK, now I WAS intrigued and starting to get a little warm at what was transpiring here! And I felt my heart skip a beat when I heard a knock on the door!

Deacon went to answer it and I heard a very deeeeeeep male bass voice that caused me a to quiver a bit! K and I were smling at each other and she looked as excited for me as I felt for myself! And then Deacon stepped aside to allow his guest in...and OH MY!

A giant...and I mean, a literal GIANT filled the doorway!
This guy was so tall he had to dip his head to walk thru the door!
Kelcie and I both GASPED at the sight of him. If you are not expectng to have someone THAT tall suddenly appear in front of you, it is shocking!
I assumed he was 7' tall, and even tho I found out later he wasn't quite that tall, he was still quite a sight!

Deacon introduced us to him, and his name seemed vaguely familiar. He had an air about him of being important, and even Deacon, who is usually the alpha male in any room, was treating him like royalty. I shook his hand and it was GIGANTIC, swallowed mine completely up!

OK, so I googled him later...actually when I went to the bathroom haha...and it turns out he IS pretty famous. Quite a basketball legend here locally, waaaay back in the day. Even played professionally. Would it be appropriate to get his autograph for my dad? Yeah, probably wouldn't do that.

Deacon was about the same age, and OBVIOUSLY trying to impress him by showing off these 2 pretty white girls here in his hotel room, and judging by the way this GIANT was looking looking us up and down, I'd say it was working!

I immediately asked if I could get him a drink and then hurried to serve him. Really putting on the act of a white woman EAGER to serve this big strong black man. The 4 of us settled into the chairs and love seat in the front area of the room. Casually chatting, Deacon and "Stretch" (what I will call him haha) obviously having known each other for years...Deacon getting Stretch to tell b-ball stories and such.

Mostly just them talking to each other, us white girls just there as decorations and to serve haha. Pretty good decorations, i'd say, given by the way Stretch's eyes would cut to my legs whenever I'd cross them...or when K would curl up very cutely near him.

I was aware of the body language and the "non-verbal" communication going on. I had no idea where this was headed, but Stretch did't seem like the type to want to hop in a naked pile and participate in an orgy like we've all done in the past. He seemed very reserved and I'd say "careful". He was making eye contact with Deacon, and at some point I saw him nod towards ME, very subtly, but I DID see it and it made my heart pound. Especially when Deacon cut his eyes over to me, smile and than back at him, and then return the nod!

Soon after, K was up and coming back from the bathroom, and instead of her returning to her seat near me, Deacon motioned her over and he pulled her onto his lap! She giggled and they were whispering to each other and he put his hand on her thigh, the 2 of them obviously coupling up.

Stretch looked over at me across from him with my legs crossed, his eyes traveling S L O W L Y from my feet in my strappy heels up my legs and to the tops of my thigh high stockings, which were now partially revealed. His eyes finally made it all the way up to my face, where he could see I was watching HIM look me over. Oops, BUSTED! Haha, he didn't seem to care. Just by the way he was looking me up and down, I think I understood why Deacon asked me to wear a LBD and stockings. Although he seemed like he might've been born in the ghetto, Stretch was now a man of means and taste. A "classy" blonde white woman like me would appeal to him.

Finally Deacon stood up, took K by the hand, and proceeded to head towards the bedroom...uh oh!
"We gonna be in here fo a bit," he said back to us from the doorway. "Y'all cool?"
"Yeah, we cool," Stretch said.
"Oh yes! We're cool!," I quickly jumped in. "I want to hear more of his stories!"
I said that in a very perky white girl voice, meant to pump up Stretch's ego...and I'd say it worked.

I had stood up as Deacon and K went past me, but instead of sitting back down in my seat I slipped over the loveseat where Stretch was sprawled.

"Mind if I sit here?" I purred, nodding towards the spot next to him.
"Go 'head," he said, so I did.

He obviously had LONG legs, so even tho this was technically a 2 person seat, I had to wiggle in very close and rub against him as I sat down. When I crossed my leg my foot rubbed his shin until I was able to slip it under his leg. I was half-turned towards him, my left breast mashed against him.

"Now..." I said to him in a whisper. "Where were we?"

I spent the next few minutes entertaining this older black man by listening to him talk, laughing at his jokes, generally being a charming Southern Belle...I was ooh'ing and ah'ing over our size differences (reminder that I am only 5'3)...holding our hands up to compare, slipping my heels off and reaching down to remove his dress shoes so we could compare my small feet next to his loooooong ones.

Keeping my shoeless nylon feet on top of his, letting them drift up his pants leg to play "footsie" with him as we chatted and sipped champagne. Getting up to refill his glass and letting him pull me into his lap when I returned, just like Deacon had done to K just a little while earlier. Letting him put his gigantic hand on my nylon-covered knee. Pressing my left breast against his arm as we got closer and closer, our faces inches away. Unbuttoning his dress shirt so he would be more comfortable, slipping my hand inside to rest on his chest. His voice so deep I could feel it rumbling in his chest when he spoke.

Not protesting as his hand slipped gradually up my leg and inside the opening of my dress. Noticing that he's dribbled his last sip of champagne a little and pointing out that he had some on his lips. Reaching up to wipe it off his lips, and then bringing my fingers back to my own lips to taste it. Making a "yummm" soumd and saying that the champagne was even BETTER after it had been on his lips. Wiping some off my own lips and offering my fingers for him to taste so he could see what I was saying.

Taking turns licking it off each other's fingers and soon going right to the source and licking it off each other's chin and lips. Lips grazing each other, teasing, until finally lingering for a nice sexy kiss. Me sucking on his big fat purple bottom lip, slipping my tongue in his mouth. Holding onto his big head and pressing my boobs against him, opening my legs for his hand to slide between them. Lots of lip-smacking sounds, some moaning, me feeling him rumble thru to my own body.

Still using the champagne as a foreplay device, taking sips between passionate kisses, licking it off each other's lips and slopping it back and forth into each other's mouths. Sucking on his tongue in a very deliberate way that got his attention, making very knowing eye contact. Dipping my fingers into my glass and then into his mouth. Him doing the same and me sucking very deeply on his big fingers, looking up at him and smiling as I did.

Taking his thumb out of my mouth long enough to tell him that it is as big as my husband's white dick.
Seeing the effect those words had on him...first eyebrows raised in shock. And was that a brief flash of concern?
All of that soon melting to a knowing smirk. And a low chuckle.
"Just another horny unsatisfied white wife trolling for some powerful black dick...." his eyes seeemd to say.
Then putting his thumb back in my mouth to suck deeply on it and smile mischieviously up at him. Saying that it tasted BETTER than my huband's little white dick, however.

His eyes glazing over at those words.
Letting him rub my pussy thru my panties while we kissed and sucked fingers and slowly tongue-fucked each other's mouths.

Whispering in his ear to "un-zip me" and guiding his big gorilla paw around my back. Feeling air on my back as my dress opened enough to let it slide forward, allowing my breasts to spring free. Shifting myself up onto my knees on the couch to straddle him and let him lick champagne down my cleavage and off my nipples. Arching my back and moaning at the sensation. grinding the front of my panties against the lump in the front of his pants. Humping it while he wrapped those fat purple lips around my nipples and sucked on them NOISILY.

Reaching down begin undoing his belt and the front of his pants.
Hopping off his lap long enough to let my dress slide off to the floor so that I was in my black bra + panties and black thigh highs in front of him. My boobs were mostly out of my bra so I quickly reached behind me to undo it and let it fly.

And then pulling his pants and boxers down to his ankles.

He had a very "proportionate" sized dick to his frame. Given his age and his long body, I expected him to have some "blood flow" issues. And to that point, he was maybe about 80% hard. I still ooh'd and ahh'd over it like it was the most glorious thing I'd ever seen...which isn't difficult for me to do, because it WAS pretty glorious! I can't help it, but everytime I see a new black dick up close and in person, I still get all gooey inside and my heart races! It was EASY to get into the fantasy that I was a horny frustrated white wife cheating on her lame white husband with a big black fat-dicked local celebrity at a Derby party!

"Oh my..." I whispered in awe as I got down on my knees between his long out-stretched legs. I scooped up his manhood in my hand and it felt like it weighed 5 lbs! I petted and stroked it lovingly like it was a dozing puppy in my hand. And then reached underneath to cup his GIGANTIC hanging avacado sized testicles. Using both hands on his impressive manhood, inspecting it with awe.

Looking up at his face and realizng that 1) I'd been staring at his junk like it was the 10th Wonder of The World, and 2) he was watching me stare at it with a very bemused look on his face.

"Look good to ya?" he grumbled and I could feel his bass resonate thru his body into the balls I was holding!

"Oh yessir!" I said in a very perky caucausion voice. I had been leanin closer and closer to it, so that I could now feel the heat from it on my face and knew he could feel my warm breath upon it. My lips were suddenly very dry and when I licked them, my tongue grazed the head of his black dick. I opened my mouth and leaned forward even more, but suddenly stopped and asked him:

"May I, sir?" I said in a very demure and servile tone to him, my lips paused open on either side of the head of his black dick.

He chuckled down at me and actually PAUSED, as if he was considering my request! That bastard LOL!

"Yes, you may proceed," he finally said with a smirk.

I would have LOVED to said something clever or paused to consider and tease him right back...but my horniness betrayed me and I immediately dipped my head to scoop his semi-hard dick into my eager mouth. Arggh! I'm so WEAK LOL! We BOTH moaned as I sucked deeeeeeply on his thick meat, feeling my cheeks hollow out from the suction. Finally releasing it with a loud SLURPing sound, letting it fall out of my mouth as I got busy licking it all over.

Doing my best to suck and lick that smug look off his face. Licking and sucking on each of those big tennis ball testicles of his, pullling them into my mouth one at a time to suck gently on them. Trying to wake up his sleeping tadpoles LOL.
Licking up and down the underside of his shaft...where his dick has been resting against his balls all evening and getting all sweaty? That's where the best flavor is, and I was lapping at it hungrily...even rubbing it all over my face and lips, inhaling deeply to get whiffs of his potent black male musk.

"I LOVE YOUR BIG BLACK DICK," I panted before applying my lips back to the head.

Sucking on his thick dick, first the head and then working deeper and deeper into my mouth. Mostly hands-free at this point, using my hands only to grip him by the base and/or massage his big balls. And yeah, at one point I slid one hand down even further to help with his, ahem, blood flow issue. Gently and VERY non-invasively (LOL) massaging his prostate. Soon his 80% inflation was 110%...!

So in my happy place, eagerly sucking on a NEW black dick for the evening! I would be sure to thank Deacon for this later! Lots of eye contact as I worshipped his big black dick and made love to it with my mouth. Letting him see me rubbing my nipples and my clit while I gave him this top shelf blow job, letting him know I was enjoying as much as he was. Well, almost, I guess... :)

He kept telling me how beautiful I was, and I kept telling him how good he tasted. Stopping every now and then to lean up and kiss him, letting him rub his dick all over my boobs, letting him stroke it in between my cleavage while I sucked his fingers and thumbs. Encouraging him to pull my blonde hair if he wanted to, begging him to fuck my pretty mouth.

As you might expect, it took awhile to let him finish, but I wasn't complaining. On the contrary, I LOVED performing this very "showy" and extended BJ on him. And I loved having him come in my mouth, swallowing every drop, and milking his old rich black balls dry. Kissing his lower belly and upper thighs as I pulled his boxers and pants back up for him. Very lovingly putting his shoes back on his big smelly feet for him.

THANKING HIM, when we were done. Yes, ME thanking HIM for giving me the HONOR of sucking his old black dick and the PRIVILEGE of him ejaculating his valuable sperm down my throat and into my belly.

I let him know I valued discretion, as did he. I also let him know that I enjoyed our encounter very much and would not be opposed to doing it again. He said that would be very nice.
I took a swig of champagne to wash down any lil swimmers left behind in my mouth, and then gave him one last deep and intense kiss, deep to my soul and very giving of myself to him, completely...what I like to call a "wedding night kiss".

We traded private contact info, and after an appropriate amount of time has passed I will let him know how much I enjoyed our time together...and even how I rubbed myself in the shower the next morning before church thinking about his big black body and his big black dick. Which would not be a lie....

later y'all
发布者 mandilou0303
1 年 前
Naughtynev69 1 年 前
black4porn 1 年 前
SO HOT, as your coquettish techniques play into his mind. Giving him delusions you're the Unsatisfied White Wife that NEEEDS BigBlackDick to feed your Desperate Hunger. Your StepByStep systematic and calculated actions draw him into an Uncompleted Web of Desire. You pretend to be a Pleasingly Sub / A Well Trained Slut that knows the Sensual Ways of Pleasure. Is there No Situation that you can't Handle? 
Gene04 1 年 前
Very hott.   "Sucking on his tongue in a very deliberate way that got his attention, making very knowing eye contact." - just to get things going.  LOL  And, "his manhood in my hand and it felt like it weighed 5 lbs!" - I had to giggle a bit.  But lets face it, that cock at full attention must have been quite the derby day winning ticket.   I can hardy wait to hear about the next meetup.
jj4wp 1 年 前
Love reading about your adventures Mandi! Love also knowing that you love us BLACK men so much, cause we sure do love WHITE women! :smile: --- Jamal
mandilou0303 出版商 1 年 前
1964easyrider : yessir!  
Quickly becoming a favorite day of mine! :smile:
回答 原始评论
1964easyrider 1 年 前
Sounds like another phenomenal derby day