Fourth of July Chapter 18


Chapter 18

I exit the shower and pick up a clean towel. A beautiful brown sandstone color with figures of birds in flight stitched in blue on each end. So thick and absorbent. Chan has such expensive taste! Walking naked, dripping wet, I pass the cuckoo clock in the front room.

Almost 9 am!

Before I took my shower, I borrowed, or rather, made Chan provide some of her clean clothes for my cool tomboy Sarah and her older sister Cassie to wear. And off they went back to their parent’s cabin.

Just in time for breakfast, I laugh to myself.

And my folks mentioned having brunch today. That means I have a good two hours to sneak back. Another laughter. Dirty thoughts. Chan, my naughty sub, is waiting patiently for me in the bedroom.

Well, she really can’t go anywhere.

Another soft chuckle as I enter the bedroom.

Chan looks up from the bed. She eyes my body. Wishing she could lick the shower water off it. Hmmm, not a bad idea.

“So, sub. What have you been doing since I went to get a shower?”

She sits up as her hands comb her long black hair. Her big round dark eyes resonant a warmth that matches her lips. A smart smile.

She shifts one leg, and we hear the metallic sound of the handcuffs I found in her suitcase of goodies. She let me handcuff her ankle to her bed.

She wants to be my slave. And I want to satisfy her wishes.

Then again, I originally came here to scold her for spying on me with Sarah in the sycamore grove. As we viewed the night sky. Stars. And. Hands. Holding. And. Lips. Kissing.

And this professor, Professor Zhou! Smoking her Gitanes and hiding behind the trees. Watching. Enjoying the show. The show of affection between two young girls. Me! AND Sarah!!

Naughty, Chan!

“I’ve been resting. Mistress, I am hungry.”

“You will eat after you dry me off,” I casually state.

I walk over and hand her the soft brown towel and turn around.

My slave lightly pats my shoulders and back. Next my buttocks and legs. I turn and raise each foot up on the bed as she wraps the towel around them, squeezing the towel as I feel its soft fibers tickle my toes.

I giggle.

“Do you like?” she asks for approval.

“Yes, my little slave. You are truly a wonder.”

I spin around.

“Do you like?” I ask.

“Yes, Mistress. You are very beautiful.”

Chan resumes drying my body, her hands press the elegant bath towel softly over my chest, arousing my nipples, then lower between my thighs patting my pubic mound before I extend my arms as she wraps the towel around them. I feel refreshed.

“Very good. I shall bring you something to eat. What would you like?”

“I have a Spring salad in the fridge.”

“Umm, that is both healthy and nutritious, splendid! And I’ll bring some wine too.”

I slowly walk out, showing her my practiced catwalk. Hips swaying making my little butt move side-to-side. I can feel her eyes follow my dark crack down to my sex. Meow.


I return with two bowls of salad and a bottle of wine.

“I found this. It’s Italian like your lingerie. Here read the label.”

I hold it out for my slave to read.

“Yes, Mistress. The label says, Fiorini Becco Rosso Lambrusco Grasparossa.”

Her Italian is impeccable.

She turns the bottle around and squints at the fine print.

“The fruit for this organically farmed wine comes from red clay soils in the heart of Castelvetro, and the bottle might make the perfect lunch wine. Fresh, fizzy and seriously easy to drink, the wine is dominated by flavors of purple fruits, violets, currants and sweet spice.”

“Ah, easy to drink and perfect for lunch. It’s about lunchtime!” I shout.

We both laugh.

I sit next to her, and we enjoy our salad. I sip my wine but make her gulp from the bottle.

I nibble on my spinach leaves and some tomato slices.

Chan stuffs her mouth with a large spinach leaf then follows with some mushrooms and shredded bacon.

I find some kiwi in my bowl and sip some more fizzy Lambrusco.

Chan takes another swig from the bottle. I make her take another one. A large one. And another.

She beings to speak in French.

“You’re drunk,” I say.

She shakes her head and almost falls off the bed.

“No, Mistress!” but her laughter betrays her.

Yep, she’s definitely drunk.

“You have the sweetest pussy in this campground,” she blurts out.

“I do. But we both knew that.”

We both laugh.

I watch my China girl chew some more dark green spinach leaves. I sip some more sweet red Lambrusco. It really is easy to drink.

“Meow,” my inner self speaks.

“You are a cat? I thought so.”

“We all are cats, Professor.”

“You would be a cheetah,” Chan declares.

“With my blonde curly hair,” I laugh.

My right hand pulls on my curls as I pet my blonde fur patch with my left hand. I notice the professor looking down between my legs.

“And what about my black spots?” I ask seeing myself as the cheetah.

“My kisses. All over you,” Chan answers.

“Not red ones?”

“True. My kisses leave red marks, but I paint them over in black.”

“Hmm… I’m ticklish. And you would have to hold me down.”

“Maybe I tie you down?” Chan suggests.

“Yes, I would let you.”

We eat some more Spring salad.

I finish my glass of wine and set it on the bedstand.

“I have two hours before I need to return to my cabin. I don’t want my parents to see me in a teenager’s school uniform.”

“I have some casual outfits in the chest. Nothing fancy or very, very expensive,” Chan laughs at her remark.

As her Mistress, anything she owns is mine as well, and I’ve found out she has very, very expensive tastes.

I walk over to the chest and sort through her clothes. I find a nice light green and white striped shirt and a pair of bright yellow shorts. What else? Hmm, oh yes!

“Do you have a sports bra?”

“Yes, Mistress! That drawer,” she points the second one down as she finishes off the bottle of sweet, fizzy wine and suppresses a burp.

I open it and select a black one and pull it over my head and down over my breasts. Looking down at my chest I see small red dots over my nipples.

“This is a funny design?” I look over to my sex slave.

“Ah, it is… sometimes I use it with a new student. To encourage her to tease my nipples!”

“You have unusual tastes and techniques. I bet you’ve had multiple students torture you at the same time!”

“I do, Mistress! Sometimes they show up with their girlfriend and I find myself giving pleasure to two young women. Like you and Cassie.”

“Cassie is not my girlfriend, she’s Sarah’s older sister, but she’s only sixteen! And you shouldn’t have tied her down and… played with her!”

“But she enjoyed it! You spied on us, so you know it’s true!” my pet slave sounding very anxious.

“Maybe, but I think I still need to punish you. As an adult, you should control yourself!”

“Yes, Mistress, please punish me!”

I find a nice black thong and step into it. The design is so narrow my light blonde fur shows on both sides. I examine myself in the desk mirror and confirm my butt cheeks are on display as well. Meow.

I grab another item from her naughty suitcase and walk over wearing her black sports bra and thong. Chan’s dark brown eyes are filled with lust and desire. I give her wicked smile as I blindfold her.

“No, Mistress! Please, I want to see you!”

“Be quiet!”

I unlock the cuff on her ankle and instruct her to get on her knees facing the ornate headboard depicting a forest scene of trees, deer, rabbits and buxom nymphs kissing. I use one of the red ribbons she tied Cassie with and bind her wrists together then weave the other end around the intricately carved wooden design.

“Is this wood the same as the desk?”

“Yes, American Black Cherry, dark rich color and very, very…”

“Expensive!!!” I interject with an added hand to her bare ass.


“Uhhh!!!!” Chan squeals as her body jumps from the unexpected impact.

My wicked laugh reverberates across the bedroom.

“No fair! I cannot see you!”

“See who??!!??” I slap her for not addressing me properly.


“Ahhhh!!! My Mistress, sorry!”

“Spread your legs, I want to see your hairy pussy!” I order my bound slave.

Chan moves her knees over the mattress, her feet touch each side of the bed. Such a sight to see Professor Zhou blindfolded, tied, and not just waiting, but wanting my punishment to commence.

I select another item from her suitcase of goodies and jump up on the bed.

Chan gasps at the surprise movement and then holds her breath.

I count to thirty enjoying the building tension in the silence. Knowing the emotions in Chan are developing expectations. Fear? Arousal? Both? Yes!


“Owww!!!” Chan screams with delight.

The whip has nine black and red leather tails and a nice leather diamond pattern handle with a wrist loop so it doesn’t slip from my grip. Meow.


“Owww! Owww!! OWWWW!!!”

I’m getting good at this! My wicked laugh tells my sub that I am in control.


One for each tail, hah, hah!!

Chan remains still turning her head back as if she can see me thru her blindfold.

“Please, more Mistress!”



I lose count. Until my sub whimpers. No, whispers. Whispers what?

“What did you say?!??”

“Sarah,” her voice lost among her soft sobs.

“And what about her?”

“Our… safe… word, Mistress,” she finally gasps.

“Oh, yes! Sorry,” I confess I had forgotten the safe word we agreed to the day before.

Chan lowers her head, her arms extended straight, wrists tied, legs still spread wide. Very, very, wide. Meow.

I listen to her deep breathing as my lips kiss her round butt. Her skin hot to the touch. Maybe I should get some ice cubes?

“Your butt is so red,” I blow on her ass cheeks.

“I have some aloe vera if you wish to comfort me, Mistress.”

“That’s for sunburn, Professor Zhou.”

“Yes, I have that. I got it from watching you underneath the sycamore trees, Mistress.”

“That was at night! Are you being silly?”

“No, Mistress. Well… maybe. I drank too much Lamb… Lamb…”

“Lambrusco! Ah, you are drunk!” I yell at my sub.

I lay down underneath her and look up.

“You have such a hairy pussy! Maybe I should shave it!”

“No, no, please, Mistress!”

My wicked laugh shakes my body as my hands slide over my sports bra and down between my thighs to play with my sexy black thong. I roll my navel piercing between my thumb and forefinger as my other hand presses the thong into my pussy. Wetness greets my fingertips, ummmm, as I scrutinize my older captive’s vagina.


I flatten my hand and begin tapping her vulva. Quick, light taps.

Tap, tap, tap, tap, tap…

“Uhhh!!! Please, no!” Chan complains.

Tap, tap, tap, tap, tap… tap, tap, tap…

“Please no, what??!!!?”

“Ahhhhh, ummmm… ooooooo….”

Chan is really drunk. She is finding it difficult to form words. She rolls her head from side to side. Her long dark hair moves over the pillow.

Tap… tap, tap, tap, tap, tap…

“Mmmm… mmm…”

Tap, Tap, Tap, TAP, TAP!

“Mistress! Ahhhh!!! I need to…”

Tap, Tap, TAP, TAP! TAP!!

“You need to what? You drunken whore!”

TAP TAP TAP TAP TAP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

“Ahhhh! FUCK!! I need to pee!!!!!! Mistressssssss…”

I am amazed how much teasing she can take. Especially with a full bladder. And I realize now Chan is highly trained in submissive behavior. I want her to be my sub forever!

“Hold it in!” I order my bound slave.

I get up and find my empty wine glass on the bedstand. Then I kneel behind my sub and hold the glass against her hairy sex.

Pause (very long)

Silence as my expert Chan waits till she is given the freedom to urinate.

I gather some strands of her long hair and wrap them around my hand.


“Now!” I order her, holding the glass tight against her mound and pulling her hair back.

Yellow liquid quickly fills up the wine glass!


Chan, my beautiful sub, does as she is told.

I lift myself off her bed without spilling the full (very full) glass and seconds later she hears me pour it into her toilet.

Moments pass

Her body slightly moves as I climb up on the bed again.

“Do you still need to go?”

“Yes… Mistress, please…”

“Shhh!” I calmly whisper in her ear and rest a hand on her ass cheek.


I press the glass up against her dripping hairy mound again.

Another (long) Pause

“Ok,” I softly whisper.

Chan releases another large amount stops just before filling the glass again.

“How did you know when to stop, you are blindfolded?” I ask perplexed.

“I can tell, Mistress. I listened the first time to the sound my urine makes as it fills up the glass. Plus, I know my bladder. Intimately.”

“Don’t say things that aren’t true! You’re a professor, educate me!”

“I am, Mistress!”

I leave to pour the contents of the wine glass into the toilet again and return.

Another Pause (Intimate?)

My righthand presses into her hairy mound putting pressure directly on her bladder.




“I know you still have some in there, you little whore!”

My lefthand on her butt cheek, my righthand applies pressure again to her bladder.


Finally! I get her to react.

“You’re good. Very good. How do you do it?” I ask beguiled.

Short Pause

“Meditation… Yoga exercises…”

I continue to push and release.

Push and release.

Push and release.

Push and release.

Each push triggers a beautiful mewl from my Asian Professor Zhou.

“And… many pelvic floor exercises, Mistress! Ahh!! Ahh!! Ahh!!”

“You must be close to peeing,” I whisper in her ear.

Push and release.

Push and release.

Push and release.

Push and release.

Push and release.

“Ahhhhhh!! Yes! Mistress!! Get the glass ready!”

I stop.

“Don’t tell me what to do!” and I reach under and twist her left nipple.


“Ahhhh!!! Fuck!!!”

“If you were Sarah, I would kiss you,” my wicked laugh fills the room.

Long Pause

Chan begins to swivel her head. Looking. Why? She is blindfolded, hah!

Looking. Left. Then. Right.

And again.

Left. Then. Right.

“What are you looking for?” I ask my sub.

“You! Mistress! Don’t leave me!”

“I won’t! Tell me Professor, what are pelvic floor exercises?”

“They help strengthen your bladder muscles, firm your butt, and even help with vaginal orgasms.”


“Yes, Mistress, I could show you sometime!”

“Hmm, I would like that. Maybe when I enroll in your class this Fall.”

I grab her long black hair and wrap it around my free hand till its tight.

“You drank too much wine!”

“The Italian wine was so sweet and expensive. I liked the taste, Mistress!”

“Just like your expensive Italian lingerie! I must take a few with me when I go back home after our vacation is over.”

“Yes, what is mine is yours, Mistress.”

I pull on her hair.


“Maybe I send you some pics of myself wearing them in my bed!”

“I would welcome that, Mistress!”

Another pull.


“Are you ready to empty your bladder?”

“Yes, please, Mistress!”

“Go ahead, pee!” and I pull on her hair.


Chan with great composure doesn’t complain or whimper.

The beautiful sound of urination fills the room.


My sub sighs in relief for finishing her task.

I release her hair and dip a finger into the glass.


Rub it along her lips.

“This is for drinking all the Lambrusco!” I admonish my sub.

I watch Chan dutifully lick her lips, tasting her urine. Then I get up and pour the rest in the toilet and flush it.

I untie her wrists and walk over to her desk. And open the drawer where she keeps her stash. I select an item and find a lighter.


I turn and light the rolled paper the size of a cigar. Chan is sitting against the ornate headboard, a pillow behind her back.

“You must remove the bamboo stick first,” she instructs me.

I do, then take a nice long drag.

As I blow out the smoke, we watch each other across the room.

Another drag.

I start to feel it.

“This Thai stick is some good shit!”

She giggles.

I giggle.

And walk over and offer Professor Zhou a hit.


Exhale. Then another hit.

Longer pause

Then she reaches over for her phone and opens the app to play her meditative tunes.

Moments pass

The cuckoo clock in her front room chimes: 11 am!

“Shit! I gotta go, Professor.”

I hand her the Thai stick. She takes a good drag. And pulls me close for a….

发布者 Catwomanmeows
1 年 前
foundnemo04 1 年 前
welcome back! and how....xoxoxo
laurent7891 1 年 前
Catwomanmeows : You're welcome... in the cellar or elsewhere.... for a tasting and in addition, I love cats ... especially when they purr :wink:
回答 原始评论
laurent7891 1 年 前
:smile: :smile: :smile:
Catwomanmeows : A warm hug and a meow is the best welcome I could have received, thank you
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Catwomanmeows 出版商 1 年 前
##deleted_40915516 : I accept your warm hugs, my long-lost cat lover.  meow
回答 原始评论
Catwomanmeows 出版商 1 年 前
laurent7891 : I would love to be your sexy cat purring on your rug.  Of course, I may sneak into your wine cellar for some late-night consumption.  Kisses!!
回答 原始评论
Catwomanmeows 出版商 1 年 前
Rabbyrob69 : Thank you, my dear friend.  Pauses, and moments of silence, the elements of delayed satisfaction.  All to be enjoyed with fine wine, meow.
回答 原始评论
Catwomanmeows 出版商 1 年 前
It's no secret who Prof Zhou is !!!  lol 😉
laurent7891 1 年 前
What an immense pleasure to read you again, dearest Sarah.....
The patience linked to waiting is largely rewarded, by the pleasure of following again your sexual and sapphic adventures where our friend Chan takes her place.
Excellent choice than the Lambrusco! I love this sparkling wine that I often drink very fresh and natural, but also in cocktail (the famous Venetian Spritz)
I love him all the more because he reminds me that my family has, in part, Italian origins.
Thank you for this very, very erotic text... and see you soon I hope for a sequel or a new story. :wink: :smile:
laurent7891 1 年 前
Vous l'êtes un peu..voire beaucoup ....non ?
Always so intelligent and descriptive, what a pleasure to read you again. I send you an affectionate greeting.
Rabbyrob69 1 年 前
How we have missed your sumptuous style, with artful spaces to feel out pulses soak in the tension of your finely chosen phrases, blended with such fine elixirs of joy...
SeaStories1983 1 年 前
Huzzah! We return to the golden days of yesteryear, and the sweet sounds and smells and sensations of summer in woods. . . 