Finding Out The Ugly Truth
When I found the videotape and the pictures I wasn't real sure about what I had here. I was in the garage and was cleaning out a bunch of boxes of just crap that had built up for a while. When I opened one box I dug down in it to check if there was anything worth saving, when I found the tape. I pulled it out and looked at it. It wasn't labeled, so I had no idea what it was. I took it inside and plugged it in. I got the shock of my life. It was my wife on a bed with a big black guy laying on top of her, and she was fucking him with all she had.
This part of her life hadn't come up in our conversations about things we had done before we married, that was for sure. Then She moved her hand down to squeeze his ass and there was the wedding rings I had bought for her, sparkling in the dim light of this mans bedroom. I have to admit that a lot of things were running through my mind at that point. Most of them concerning murder. My wife happened to be at the store shopping and was due home any time, so I popped the tape out and returned it to its box. While I was returning it I searched the box more carefully.
There were three pictures (35mm not Polaroid) of her in a club topless up on a stage. She was wearing a pair of black panties. I looked for the tell-tale ring again but her hand wasn't in any of the pictures. Then I recognized the big bull hanging behind the bar in one of the pictures. It was fuzzy but no doubt it was a strip bar across town that was only two years old. I had a lot of puzzles to put together and wasn't feeling in a great mood by the time she got home.
When someone is hiding something you can't always tell. I sure couldn't with my wife. She is a very pretty woman. Long blonde hair and a tight body with big d cup breasts. She's not model material, but can certainly turn heads. I decided not to tell her I knew about the tape or pictures. I certainly didn't have a plan when I made a trip to the topless bar I recognized after work the next day. I had called her and told I would be running a little late because I had to take a client out for drinks, but would be home for dinner. At the club I scoped out the bar and sure enough, this was the scene of my wifes exposure.
I had a drink and watched a few dancers while I scoped out the room. I saw that they had a "dance contest" on Thursday nights from 8:30am-10:00pm. Was that when this had happened. My wife is not a big drinker, and she certainly didn't look drunk in the pictures. But I just couldn't imagine a scenario where she could be persuaded to get up on stage at a topless bar. We had never even been to one as a couple. I decided to return on Thursday night and see what the amateur contest was like.
When Thursday rolled around I called her again and told her I would out to dinner with clients that night, and would see her when I got in. I got to the club at 8:30 on the nose and they started the contest about ten minutes late. There were a few good looking girls there but none that were that great when a dancer came on that I recognized! It was a friend of my wifes that I had met once or twice briefly. I remembered her though, cause she was very pretty. I didn't make myself too obvious and she wasn't looking around much. I really didn't want to talk to her, but I found it odd that she would be dancing. I was trying to figure out how all this tied together.
When she had gone around the stages they called all the girls on stage and chose the winner. My wifes friend won, and her prize was that she got to dance around the stages again and make more tip money. I had noticed her looking at some guys on the other side of the club from me and upon closer inspection I realized that one of the guys she was looking at was the guy in the video fucking my wife!
As Lewis Carroll said, this is getting interestinger and interestinger. When she made the trip to the next stage I decided to walk over to that side of the club and sit down close enough to eavesdrop if I could. There were 4 guys sitting there, all black. I sat down right next to the guy in the video and sure enough in a few minutes we nodded at each other and started a conversation.
I figured I had maybe 20 minutes before my wifes friend would be off the far stages so I went for it and asked him what he thought about the amateur night. He told me it was his favorite night to go the bar. I asked him why was that and he laughed and said he liked seeing married white women dancing topless. I asked him how he could tell they were married? He said that it was easy, he had brought a few of them here himself. And it wasn't that hard to talk them into dancing topless once he got them in here. I asked him if he ever got to fuck any of them later on. He laughed and told me that he was going to be fucking her over there with his buddies later that night, pointing to my wifes friend. I asked him how he could get a woman to do that and smiled and said he was very convincing. I laughed and asked him if he was blackmailing them. He said a little video camera will do wonders for your love life.
Well, I had the answer. Two nights in a bar and I had uncovered what had happened to my wife. She fucked a guy, and got blackmailed. That still didn't make me glad to have figured it out though. Why she couldn't have come to me was a mystery. I asked him how many wives he had done this with and he got a smug look and said four. I asked him if he kept the video tapes. I would love to see a video tape like that. He assured me he did. I asked him if he had any gangbang tapes, as I might want to purchase a tape like that if had a good one with a hot blonde. He said he did but didn't know if he wanted to sell them. I said what does it hurt to sell me a copy? I told him I would pay 500 bucks for a tape of a hot blonde wife doing him and his friends. My wifes friend was getting off the stage so I told him I had to go and gave him my business card and told him to call me at work and we could discuss it further.
I hurried out of the club. When I got home my wife was in bed and wanted to fuck. I had a big boner but I have to admit it wasn't her I was thinking about, but all those black guys fucking her, and her acting like a slut and loving it. Monday morning our friend called me at work and wanted to talk about our conversation. I told him we needed to meet for lunch and discuss it. He said lets meet at my place and I'll show you some of the tapes. When I arrived he let me in and we went straight to the video machine. He had 4 tapes out and played the first one. It was the girl I saw the other night. We watched a few minutes of her then switched to the next tape. It was my wife. It was the same tape I had seen. He put on the other two, but it wasn't them I was interested in. I asked him if he had any multiple guy stuff with he blonde girl. He didn't. I asked him if he could get her to do one. He said he thought so. I told him I wanted at least 4 guys, all black. And I wanted them to do really nasty shit to her. Ass fuck her, come all over her face and hair. For a tape like that I was willing to pay $500. For a tape where they got really wild, like getting her to pierce her nipples, or get your initials tattooed on her pussy, and have her fuck a dog or something, I was will to pay $1000. I pulled out 5 100 dollar bills and tore them in half. I gave him half. and told him the other halfs were his and I would get him the other $500 if he could come through with the really raunchy tape.
The money really charged him up, and I could hear the wheels turning in his head. You might ask why I would pay someone all this money to do things to my wife, but I was still hell bent on revenge at this point. I was not pleased with her cheating on me, and she was going to pay. It was Thursday night when my wife told me she was going out with a friend. I told her that was fine as I would be running late. I stayed at the office till about 7 pm then drove by the guys apartment. Sure enough her car was there. I drove on home and sat on the porch and smoked a cigar. She came home about 11:30 and showered and came to bed. I pretended to be asleep. After an hour or so I could hear her snoring. I turned on the bathroom light and gently pulled the covers back. Her nipples weren't pierced but had been manhandled. I pulled the covers down some more and saw a bandade by her freshly trimmed pussy. She had a tattoo on her pussy! I wondered how she was going to explain that one.
I woke up early and dressed and got out of the house. I stopped at the ATM on the way to work and withdrew $500 more dollars. Sure enough, I got the call that morning. I told him I would meet him at his place over lunch. When I got there he had the tape cued up. It started at a tattoo parlour. With my wife getting initials tattooed on her pussy. She wasn't very happy, and he kept telling her to smile for the camera. From there it was two hours of her getting fucked by three guys, all black over and over in every hole. They never came in her pussy, they pulled out and came in her hair or face. It was incredible. At one point someone announced they only had 5 minutes of tape left. At that point they told her to get up and put her clothes on and get out. She wanted to take a shower but they refused. Just told her to leave now. They filmed her getting dressed and walking out the door. I had told work I wasn't feeling well, so I hadn't gone back in. I was drained watching this. I wanted to come so badly. I paid him the money I owed him, and he said if I wanted any more tapes to let him know.
I thought my revenge might be complete. I didn't know if she was paid back in my mind for what she had done to me. For women that might accuse me of being a misogynist, well fuck you, I didn't go out and have a one night stand! It's been a month now since that night and I haven't had sex with my wife yet. She was real secretive about her pussy but one night she got drunk and when she was passed out I took a good look at her tattoo. It's pretty tiny, but it says L.T.
My initials by the way. He took them off my business card. Thought it would be cool to personalize my tape by tattooing my initials on the wifes pussy.
After two months of neither me nor my wife instigating sex, I decided that she still wasn't done paying for her sins. I had finally approached her about the tattoo of my initials on her pussy lip but she told me that she did it for me as a surprise. Even that didn't end up with us in bed. I was still so pissed at her for doing all these things and not mentioning it to me that I resolved I would make her suffer some more. I placed a call to our "mutual friend" and told him I wanted to another tape made. I was willing to pay $500 to see the hot blond fucking a dog. He still had no idea she was my wife. He told me he had no idea where he could come up with a dog and I told him to go the pound and get the biggest mangiest dog he could find and have her get it excited and then have him fuck the hell out of her. I could tell he was dubious and not really into the idea. Why do you want her to do that kind of sick shit? he asked me?
I had a moment of truth and finally told him the whole story. How she was married to me and I had found the tape and the pictures , and I was making her pay. He was very quiet and actually apologized for sleeping with her. I told him I wasn't mad at him, that he had delivered on everything I had ever asked him to do, that it was her that hadn't done so. He asked me about what it was he wanted to get from my wife. I told him i wanted her humiliated in public. She had done that to me and now I wanted her to be shamed. We hatched a plan together not involving any large a****ls that satisfied my ego. He would make her dance at the amateur night, tell her she had to sleep with a businessman from out of town, and I would "show up" at the bar with a "client" that was wanting to get laid. I would act thoroughly shocked, but say nothing as my wife danced at the bar, then sit with the "client" then go back to his hotel with him. When she got back home that night I would not be there, but would stay at a hotel then go on to work the next day. I would refuse her phone calls at work, and not be in the office if she came there.
In the meantime our "mutual friend" would had gathered the evidence of her infidelity and threatened to send them to her mother and father if she didn't continue to do his bidding. I supplied him with the street address but not the city where they lived, in case she got a little too suspicious. The plan was for him to make her get a job dancing full time in the topless bar and giving him a generous cut of the money she made. She was also going to be used as an escort on her days off. He was going to pimp her out.
When Thursday night came around It went as planned. I told her I had a client in town who was wanting me to take him out for dinner and drinks somewhere, and that it was a huge account and I had to do whatever he wanted to make sure I got the business. In the meantime, James had called her and told her she was going to have to dance at the club that night and fuck a guy. James supplied the "client" he was a well dressed articulate Black man from Jamaica. We met at the hotel where it was all set up. We really did go out for dinner, and got to know each other. When we got to the club, we sat down next to James and two of his friends. Jenny was already dancing on the main stage and I did the proper shocked look. She didn't notice me at first, but when she did, I thought she was going to have a heart attack. She had no choice but to keep dancing though. When she danced at the stage by our table, I looked away, acting so hurt that I was unable to look her in the eye.
After she was done, she was called out on stage and the audience made their choice and she had won, so she had to dance around the club again. I once again, just snuck looks at her and didn't talk to the other guys much, just looked forlorn. When she finally got off stage she was called over by James, who sat her down on his lap. He introduced the "Client" and myself and said that he was an important businessman and that I had taken care of paying for her to be with him tonight. My wife didn't say much, just nodded and shortly, they caught a cab and went to his hotel. I went over to James apartment and had a few drinks with him, then went to my hotel. When morning came, I showered got dressed and went to work, confident in my plan to humiliate my wife further.
Sure enough when I got to work, there were three voice mails all from my wife, wanting me to call her. I left word with my secretary that I was not in if ANY female were to call for me, just to put them through to my voice mail. She called three more times before lunch. When I went out for lunch I peeked out the window and saw no sign of her, but she was smarter than I thought and waylaid me in the parking lot, saying we HAD to talk. I told her her I didn't know what we had to talk about, that it sounded like she had her career firmly under control. She burst into tears and was causing a scene in the parking lot, so I agreed to go to lunch with her. We went to a little drive in and had burgers and fries brought out to car and continued our talk.
She told me the whole story, and then told me that James had told her that he would send the tapes to her mom and dad if she didn't do what he wanted. I just kept eating my burger, and asked her why she didn't tell me about this before she got so deep into it. She was blubbering and sobbing and telling me how guilty she felt and how sorry she was. She told me that James wanted her to start dancing at the bar full time now. I asked her what she planned on doing. She told me that her mom and dad couldn't find out under any circumstances, and that she was going to have to dance there to keep him quiet. I asked her how she expected me to stay married to a girl that was being a slut and a whore as I started eating her hamburger. She was almost hysterical by this time and begged me to stay with her.
I told her that I wasn't so sure I wanted to be married to the town slut. By this time I had to go back to work, so I drove her back to the lot. When we got there I parked in the back and told her to suck me off like she did those other guys. She hesitated for a minute, then unzipped me and gave me a professional blow job. I shot into her mouth and she swallowed all of it. This was the first sex I had had in months. It felt good. I told her I would think about how to get over her dilemma, and I would see her later. When I got home, she was gone already at work at the strip club. I didn't see much of her for two weeks, but James assured me she was making good money and he was taking half, and having her fuck customers too. I told James that I was about ready for our experiment to end and that I would let him have her for two more weeks, but he had to do one more thing. Get her another tattoo on her ass that said James' Slut.
I didn't see her at all for two weeks, as he had her busy whoring on the weekend days too. Then I called him and told him to send her home without any explanation and never call her again. He was sad to see her go, but was glad I had let him make so much money off her. When I got home from work, she was there and I told her I had found a very bad man to lean on James to convince him to leave you alone. I gave her all the tapes and pictures they had taken of her over the months. and we started a fire in the fireplace. We tossed it all in there and then retired to the bedroom. I told her to strip for me. She hesitated and I told her it was the LEAST she could do after I had saved her ass. She stripped naked. I told her to turn around. When I saw the tattoo that said James' Slut, she started crying. She said her life was ruined. I told her thats what happens when you fuck around baby. She said she wanted to get it removed. I told her why don't you leave it on for awhile as a reminder of what happens when you fuck around. She nodded through the tears. I asked her if she enjoyed being used as a whore. She started crying and said no, it was totally degrading. I asked her what did she think it was like for me, to sit there with a client and watch her go to a Hotel and fuck him? She promised she would never sleep with anyone again.
I laughed and said it was kind of late for that now isn't it? She said what do you mean? I told her that it cost me a lot to get her out of James control, and now I needed her to contribute towards building the family portfolio back up. She said meekly, what do you want me to do?
She's still dancing at a topless bar. A different one in a town 30 minutes away, but she is STILL dancing.
This part of her life hadn't come up in our conversations about things we had done before we married, that was for sure. Then She moved her hand down to squeeze his ass and there was the wedding rings I had bought for her, sparkling in the dim light of this mans bedroom. I have to admit that a lot of things were running through my mind at that point. Most of them concerning murder. My wife happened to be at the store shopping and was due home any time, so I popped the tape out and returned it to its box. While I was returning it I searched the box more carefully.
There were three pictures (35mm not Polaroid) of her in a club topless up on a stage. She was wearing a pair of black panties. I looked for the tell-tale ring again but her hand wasn't in any of the pictures. Then I recognized the big bull hanging behind the bar in one of the pictures. It was fuzzy but no doubt it was a strip bar across town that was only two years old. I had a lot of puzzles to put together and wasn't feeling in a great mood by the time she got home.
When someone is hiding something you can't always tell. I sure couldn't with my wife. She is a very pretty woman. Long blonde hair and a tight body with big d cup breasts. She's not model material, but can certainly turn heads. I decided not to tell her I knew about the tape or pictures. I certainly didn't have a plan when I made a trip to the topless bar I recognized after work the next day. I had called her and told I would be running a little late because I had to take a client out for drinks, but would be home for dinner. At the club I scoped out the bar and sure enough, this was the scene of my wifes exposure.
I had a drink and watched a few dancers while I scoped out the room. I saw that they had a "dance contest" on Thursday nights from 8:30am-10:00pm. Was that when this had happened. My wife is not a big drinker, and she certainly didn't look drunk in the pictures. But I just couldn't imagine a scenario where she could be persuaded to get up on stage at a topless bar. We had never even been to one as a couple. I decided to return on Thursday night and see what the amateur contest was like.
When Thursday rolled around I called her again and told her I would out to dinner with clients that night, and would see her when I got in. I got to the club at 8:30 on the nose and they started the contest about ten minutes late. There were a few good looking girls there but none that were that great when a dancer came on that I recognized! It was a friend of my wifes that I had met once or twice briefly. I remembered her though, cause she was very pretty. I didn't make myself too obvious and she wasn't looking around much. I really didn't want to talk to her, but I found it odd that she would be dancing. I was trying to figure out how all this tied together.
When she had gone around the stages they called all the girls on stage and chose the winner. My wifes friend won, and her prize was that she got to dance around the stages again and make more tip money. I had noticed her looking at some guys on the other side of the club from me and upon closer inspection I realized that one of the guys she was looking at was the guy in the video fucking my wife!
As Lewis Carroll said, this is getting interestinger and interestinger. When she made the trip to the next stage I decided to walk over to that side of the club and sit down close enough to eavesdrop if I could. There were 4 guys sitting there, all black. I sat down right next to the guy in the video and sure enough in a few minutes we nodded at each other and started a conversation.
I figured I had maybe 20 minutes before my wifes friend would be off the far stages so I went for it and asked him what he thought about the amateur night. He told me it was his favorite night to go the bar. I asked him why was that and he laughed and said he liked seeing married white women dancing topless. I asked him how he could tell they were married? He said that it was easy, he had brought a few of them here himself. And it wasn't that hard to talk them into dancing topless once he got them in here. I asked him if he ever got to fuck any of them later on. He laughed and told me that he was going to be fucking her over there with his buddies later that night, pointing to my wifes friend. I asked him how he could get a woman to do that and smiled and said he was very convincing. I laughed and asked him if he was blackmailing them. He said a little video camera will do wonders for your love life.
Well, I had the answer. Two nights in a bar and I had uncovered what had happened to my wife. She fucked a guy, and got blackmailed. That still didn't make me glad to have figured it out though. Why she couldn't have come to me was a mystery. I asked him how many wives he had done this with and he got a smug look and said four. I asked him if he kept the video tapes. I would love to see a video tape like that. He assured me he did. I asked him if he had any gangbang tapes, as I might want to purchase a tape like that if had a good one with a hot blonde. He said he did but didn't know if he wanted to sell them. I said what does it hurt to sell me a copy? I told him I would pay 500 bucks for a tape of a hot blonde wife doing him and his friends. My wifes friend was getting off the stage so I told him I had to go and gave him my business card and told him to call me at work and we could discuss it further.
I hurried out of the club. When I got home my wife was in bed and wanted to fuck. I had a big boner but I have to admit it wasn't her I was thinking about, but all those black guys fucking her, and her acting like a slut and loving it. Monday morning our friend called me at work and wanted to talk about our conversation. I told him we needed to meet for lunch and discuss it. He said lets meet at my place and I'll show you some of the tapes. When I arrived he let me in and we went straight to the video machine. He had 4 tapes out and played the first one. It was the girl I saw the other night. We watched a few minutes of her then switched to the next tape. It was my wife. It was the same tape I had seen. He put on the other two, but it wasn't them I was interested in. I asked him if he had any multiple guy stuff with he blonde girl. He didn't. I asked him if he could get her to do one. He said he thought so. I told him I wanted at least 4 guys, all black. And I wanted them to do really nasty shit to her. Ass fuck her, come all over her face and hair. For a tape like that I was willing to pay $500. For a tape where they got really wild, like getting her to pierce her nipples, or get your initials tattooed on her pussy, and have her fuck a dog or something, I was will to pay $1000. I pulled out 5 100 dollar bills and tore them in half. I gave him half. and told him the other halfs were his and I would get him the other $500 if he could come through with the really raunchy tape.
The money really charged him up, and I could hear the wheels turning in his head. You might ask why I would pay someone all this money to do things to my wife, but I was still hell bent on revenge at this point. I was not pleased with her cheating on me, and she was going to pay. It was Thursday night when my wife told me she was going out with a friend. I told her that was fine as I would be running late. I stayed at the office till about 7 pm then drove by the guys apartment. Sure enough her car was there. I drove on home and sat on the porch and smoked a cigar. She came home about 11:30 and showered and came to bed. I pretended to be asleep. After an hour or so I could hear her snoring. I turned on the bathroom light and gently pulled the covers back. Her nipples weren't pierced but had been manhandled. I pulled the covers down some more and saw a bandade by her freshly trimmed pussy. She had a tattoo on her pussy! I wondered how she was going to explain that one.
I woke up early and dressed and got out of the house. I stopped at the ATM on the way to work and withdrew $500 more dollars. Sure enough, I got the call that morning. I told him I would meet him at his place over lunch. When I got there he had the tape cued up. It started at a tattoo parlour. With my wife getting initials tattooed on her pussy. She wasn't very happy, and he kept telling her to smile for the camera. From there it was two hours of her getting fucked by three guys, all black over and over in every hole. They never came in her pussy, they pulled out and came in her hair or face. It was incredible. At one point someone announced they only had 5 minutes of tape left. At that point they told her to get up and put her clothes on and get out. She wanted to take a shower but they refused. Just told her to leave now. They filmed her getting dressed and walking out the door. I had told work I wasn't feeling well, so I hadn't gone back in. I was drained watching this. I wanted to come so badly. I paid him the money I owed him, and he said if I wanted any more tapes to let him know.
I thought my revenge might be complete. I didn't know if she was paid back in my mind for what she had done to me. For women that might accuse me of being a misogynist, well fuck you, I didn't go out and have a one night stand! It's been a month now since that night and I haven't had sex with my wife yet. She was real secretive about her pussy but one night she got drunk and when she was passed out I took a good look at her tattoo. It's pretty tiny, but it says L.T.
My initials by the way. He took them off my business card. Thought it would be cool to personalize my tape by tattooing my initials on the wifes pussy.
After two months of neither me nor my wife instigating sex, I decided that she still wasn't done paying for her sins. I had finally approached her about the tattoo of my initials on her pussy lip but she told me that she did it for me as a surprise. Even that didn't end up with us in bed. I was still so pissed at her for doing all these things and not mentioning it to me that I resolved I would make her suffer some more. I placed a call to our "mutual friend" and told him I wanted to another tape made. I was willing to pay $500 to see the hot blond fucking a dog. He still had no idea she was my wife. He told me he had no idea where he could come up with a dog and I told him to go the pound and get the biggest mangiest dog he could find and have her get it excited and then have him fuck the hell out of her. I could tell he was dubious and not really into the idea. Why do you want her to do that kind of sick shit? he asked me?
I had a moment of truth and finally told him the whole story. How she was married to me and I had found the tape and the pictures , and I was making her pay. He was very quiet and actually apologized for sleeping with her. I told him I wasn't mad at him, that he had delivered on everything I had ever asked him to do, that it was her that hadn't done so. He asked me about what it was he wanted to get from my wife. I told him i wanted her humiliated in public. She had done that to me and now I wanted her to be shamed. We hatched a plan together not involving any large a****ls that satisfied my ego. He would make her dance at the amateur night, tell her she had to sleep with a businessman from out of town, and I would "show up" at the bar with a "client" that was wanting to get laid. I would act thoroughly shocked, but say nothing as my wife danced at the bar, then sit with the "client" then go back to his hotel with him. When she got back home that night I would not be there, but would stay at a hotel then go on to work the next day. I would refuse her phone calls at work, and not be in the office if she came there.
In the meantime our "mutual friend" would had gathered the evidence of her infidelity and threatened to send them to her mother and father if she didn't continue to do his bidding. I supplied him with the street address but not the city where they lived, in case she got a little too suspicious. The plan was for him to make her get a job dancing full time in the topless bar and giving him a generous cut of the money she made. She was also going to be used as an escort on her days off. He was going to pimp her out.
When Thursday night came around It went as planned. I told her I had a client in town who was wanting me to take him out for dinner and drinks somewhere, and that it was a huge account and I had to do whatever he wanted to make sure I got the business. In the meantime, James had called her and told her she was going to have to dance at the club that night and fuck a guy. James supplied the "client" he was a well dressed articulate Black man from Jamaica. We met at the hotel where it was all set up. We really did go out for dinner, and got to know each other. When we got to the club, we sat down next to James and two of his friends. Jenny was already dancing on the main stage and I did the proper shocked look. She didn't notice me at first, but when she did, I thought she was going to have a heart attack. She had no choice but to keep dancing though. When she danced at the stage by our table, I looked away, acting so hurt that I was unable to look her in the eye.
After she was done, she was called out on stage and the audience made their choice and she had won, so she had to dance around the club again. I once again, just snuck looks at her and didn't talk to the other guys much, just looked forlorn. When she finally got off stage she was called over by James, who sat her down on his lap. He introduced the "Client" and myself and said that he was an important businessman and that I had taken care of paying for her to be with him tonight. My wife didn't say much, just nodded and shortly, they caught a cab and went to his hotel. I went over to James apartment and had a few drinks with him, then went to my hotel. When morning came, I showered got dressed and went to work, confident in my plan to humiliate my wife further.
Sure enough when I got to work, there were three voice mails all from my wife, wanting me to call her. I left word with my secretary that I was not in if ANY female were to call for me, just to put them through to my voice mail. She called three more times before lunch. When I went out for lunch I peeked out the window and saw no sign of her, but she was smarter than I thought and waylaid me in the parking lot, saying we HAD to talk. I told her her I didn't know what we had to talk about, that it sounded like she had her career firmly under control. She burst into tears and was causing a scene in the parking lot, so I agreed to go to lunch with her. We went to a little drive in and had burgers and fries brought out to car and continued our talk.
She told me the whole story, and then told me that James had told her that he would send the tapes to her mom and dad if she didn't do what he wanted. I just kept eating my burger, and asked her why she didn't tell me about this before she got so deep into it. She was blubbering and sobbing and telling me how guilty she felt and how sorry she was. She told me that James wanted her to start dancing at the bar full time now. I asked her what she planned on doing. She told me that her mom and dad couldn't find out under any circumstances, and that she was going to have to dance there to keep him quiet. I asked her how she expected me to stay married to a girl that was being a slut and a whore as I started eating her hamburger. She was almost hysterical by this time and begged me to stay with her.
I told her that I wasn't so sure I wanted to be married to the town slut. By this time I had to go back to work, so I drove her back to the lot. When we got there I parked in the back and told her to suck me off like she did those other guys. She hesitated for a minute, then unzipped me and gave me a professional blow job. I shot into her mouth and she swallowed all of it. This was the first sex I had had in months. It felt good. I told her I would think about how to get over her dilemma, and I would see her later. When I got home, she was gone already at work at the strip club. I didn't see much of her for two weeks, but James assured me she was making good money and he was taking half, and having her fuck customers too. I told James that I was about ready for our experiment to end and that I would let him have her for two more weeks, but he had to do one more thing. Get her another tattoo on her ass that said James' Slut.
I didn't see her at all for two weeks, as he had her busy whoring on the weekend days too. Then I called him and told him to send her home without any explanation and never call her again. He was sad to see her go, but was glad I had let him make so much money off her. When I got home from work, she was there and I told her I had found a very bad man to lean on James to convince him to leave you alone. I gave her all the tapes and pictures they had taken of her over the months. and we started a fire in the fireplace. We tossed it all in there and then retired to the bedroom. I told her to strip for me. She hesitated and I told her it was the LEAST she could do after I had saved her ass. She stripped naked. I told her to turn around. When I saw the tattoo that said James' Slut, she started crying. She said her life was ruined. I told her thats what happens when you fuck around baby. She said she wanted to get it removed. I told her why don't you leave it on for awhile as a reminder of what happens when you fuck around. She nodded through the tears. I asked her if she enjoyed being used as a whore. She started crying and said no, it was totally degrading. I asked her what did she think it was like for me, to sit there with a client and watch her go to a Hotel and fuck him? She promised she would never sleep with anyone again.
I laughed and said it was kind of late for that now isn't it? She said what do you mean? I told her that it cost me a lot to get her out of James control, and now I needed her to contribute towards building the family portfolio back up. She said meekly, what do you want me to do?
She's still dancing at a topless bar. A different one in a town 30 minutes away, but she is STILL dancing.
1 年 前