My Black Surprise Blacken

As I walk up to the coffee shop, he chose for us to meet at, my heart was racing. I had met men from the internet before, but never this soon. I hardly knew him, but it seemed that things went faster with him than usual. I agreed to meet him wondering what exactly I was getting myself into. I had put an ad on the internet hoping to find an older married black man that would want to have sex with me for a little while. I wasn't after just sex; any woman can go to a bar and find that. I was looking for a man who knows the value of a good woman, and married men seem to have that covered. I was looking for someone to have an affair with, someone who is lonely on some level and looking for someone like me to fill that void. At this point in my life I'm tired, tired of trying, tired of wishing and wanting, tired of my own desire. I just wanted to find someone who enjoys my body and I would his and nothing more. Then when the desire and passion die, I can just walk away no worrying, no wishing, and no trying.

I received a few responses very quickly, and I nervously responded to his, his was the first I'd sent, and I wasn't sure what to say. I was nervous to post such a provocative ad in the first place. It was amazing how much e-mail my ad was generating, I received more than 100 responses to my ad in 24 hours, and the most amazing part was I didn't even send a picture! I deleted my posting, and I quickly sorted the ones I received already. I simply deleted the ones with nude pictures, although I wanted sex, I didn't request naked pictures. I read through the rest and deleted all the white men (I'm simply more attracted to black and dark skinned men). After all my sorting and e-mailing I decided to meet Tony, the first e-mail response I sent. He sent a two gorgeous picture of himself one in a suit, and one outside, but both showed a very handsome man with a casual confidence. His body language in both pictures showed a very comfortable man. Best of all, he was sexy as hell!!!

I didn't dress very carefully, as I didn't want to appear that I was trying too hard. I was wearing some plaid shorts, a Billabong tank top, and some make-up to accent my blue eyes. My blond hair is currently cut short, and I wore the top part in a barrette. I'm an average size woman (5'4" & 150 lbs), and I carry most of my extra weight in my hips, ass, and thighs.

As I walked up to the entrance of the coffee shop, he came to the door and held it for me. He knew who I was!! I'm sure it was hard to miss the blond carrying twins, but most people would question it any way. Saying something like, "your Kendra, right?" He just took one of the babies and walked to a table that would fit all of us. I was so impressed!! He was wearing slacks and a long sleeve dress shirt with the top button open. After we set the babies down he casually asked me what I wanted to drink, and went and got them. He was so freaking confident, and I felt so nervous. He told me about growing up in Africa, and his daughter, and I kept up with the conversation, but I found myself imagining his naked body. I tried to imagine his dark skin next to mine and what his face looked like when he came. Our meeting came to a close, as we both had somewhere to be. He looked me straight in the eye and said, "I know what I want, and I want you." My pussy started to throb, I wanted him too. I told him I would like to see him again, and he asked when and where, and I responded with unease. He looked me in the eye and asked, "Would you like me to take the lead on this? Do you trust me enough for that yet?" My heart thumped with the desire and speed of a racecar. After I determined he had no idea how much I wanted him to take the lead, we agreed to see each other soon.

He carried one of the babies to my car, and when I walked to the driver side of my car I could tell he wanted to touch me. I walked over to him and put my arms around his neck, and he pushed his body into mine. Again, such confidence, no question in his mind whether he should touch me. His lips brushed mine and we briefly kissed, but what I remember most was the way he touched my hips. I don't know that it was intentional, but he had one hand on the small of my back and the other gently moved across my abdomen in this sexy way. I'd never been touched like that. I left and couldn't stop thinking about that touch.

The next time we met at my apartment. He sat next to me on the couch for a couple of minutes before he started kissing and undressing me. It was wonderful how he communicated exactly what he wanted without asking, his body talked to mine. He undressed and laid his clothes carefully on the couch and kissed my entire body. He had a huge black cock, and it was very exciting. He had me stand in front of him, and he bent my over and pushed his big dick into my pussy from behind. It felt so good, it felt so passionate, I knew he thought I was sexy and wanted my pussy. After a few strokes, he pulled out and had me get on my knees over the seat of the couch. His big rod pushed deep inside me, as he pulled and pinched my nipples, making my pussy wet and eager to cum.

He received a phone call, and had to leave the room for a minute, but a few minutes later he wanted me to join him. He was on the phone with a woman and he was clearly making business arrangements but asked her to wait for a minute, he turned to me and asked me to suck his dick. I was happy to comply, as being a good dick sucker has always been my strong point. After I opened my mouth and took him into it, he simply resumed his phone call. I wasn't sure whether to be offended or impressed. I decided to take it as a challenge, I wanted to see if I could distract him, but I think he caught on because shortly after I made my mind up to distract him. He grabbed a hand full of hair and controlled the whole thing. He pushed my mouth down onto his cock with intent, but not force. He was very controlled and gentle. When his phone call ended we went back to the living room and he sat on the couch and wanted me to straddle him.

I knew this was my chance, so I quickly lowered my pussy onto his stiff cock. I slid my pussy over his big dick and felt my orgasm very close; his thick shaft touched a place deep inside my pussy that made my orgasm closer with each stroke. As I rocked my pelvis forward and buried his big cock with each thrust my orgasm started to pulse in my pussy and belly. I cried out to him, "I'm gonna cum." My orgasm tore through me like lightning ripping through a dark night. After almost an hour of stimulation my body released all it's tension in this magnificent orgasm, only seconds after the orgasm stopped he started to move, and I could tell I was going to have another orgasm regardless of what happened next. I just looked into his eyes and told him, "I'm gonna cum again." He smiled and started moving his hips and I rubbed my clit on his pelvis and my second orgasm hit with almost the same force as the first!

We both cleaned up, and he left. I knew I would have sex with this man again; I just had to figure out when. The next day he wanted me to come to his house, so while the babies napped, I slipped out to see him. We met at a big store and I left my car there and got into his car. We greeted each other and he drove towards his house. I chatted at him nervously, and he listened. As we approached the freeway, he turned his head slightly towards me and said, "I'm kinda dominant when it comes to sex." My heart started beating so hard it could hear it echo in my ears. I waited for him to say something else, but that was all he had to say about that. As he drove me to his house, he told me he wanted me to lean my seat back so his neighbors couldn't see me. I felt sorta funny lying down in the moving car, but he put his hand on my thigh. It was very comforting, and I think it was meant to be because he didn't rub or massage he just had it there as if to communicate, "it's okay, you're with me, and I'll take care of everything." I had such a hard time concentrating because my mind kept playing his words over and over in my mind. All I could think about was the possibility that he might know about the world of BDSM. I have always loved the fantasy world, and when I was old enough to know about sex, I just fantasized about sex. I imagined things about sex in my teen hood that I never heard of till I was in my twenties.

While I was in college, I learned that I loved to write stories about sex, and I met a few people online who also liked to write stories. One guy and I used to write stories together. They were stories of traditional kinky sex, and he introduced me to the website I have been visiting and reading stories from that website for the past ten years, I've read about bondage, spanking, torture, i****t, and a whole lot more. I'm the curious sort, and once I've started a story, no matter how offensive, I can't stop I've toyed with the idea of responding to an ad for a D/s relationship, but never could make myself go through with it. It just seemed too desperate and lame to me. All my favorite stories were of loving gentle men that trained submissive women to love their own body, and they truly wanted to bring their lover to new heights of ecstasy. The man of my fantasies would care about me, and think of me as beautiful and special. He would enjoy my body in ways no one ever dared to before, and he would teach me to enjoy it too. He would respect me and never judge my desire for sex, and my eagerness to please him would turn him on and excite him. He would recognize that over time, I would let him do anything he wanted with me. Most of all he would be black, for some reason I never thought it would ever happen. I always imagined the dominant men in the stories as white, but I always imagined a black man would dominate me.

After he delivered me back at my car, my head swam with the possibilities. I couldn't think straight, my mind just twirled and twirled with possibilities. It really felt like this could be my chance to experience something I had only dared to dream about. I thought about some of the stories I had read, and I had to know. Before I even returned home; I e-mailed him from my phone. I carefully worded my question, as I didn't want to scare him if he had no idea what I was talking about. I cautiously asked if he had ever played any sexual role playing games. I thought I would die of anticipation as I waited for him to respond, and when he finally did, I was so glad I asked. He said, he knew what I was talking about, and yes he had participated in that kind of play!! I could have came in my shorts. All of a sudden I was very afraid, what was he gonna do next time we saw each other? I dreaded all the ritualistic stuff I read about regarding ownership and collars and stuff, I sincerely hoped he didn't want me to do all that. I would if he wanted me to, but I wondered if that would be anything I would enjoy. I seriously doubted it. I secretly started hoping he would make a request so I could show him how eager I was to please him. I want to wear exciting sexy clothes for him; I want to go places with him with no panties. I think I want to have sex with him outside somewhere risky but safe. More than anything I want to do what was sexy and pleasing to him. I was open and waiting for his instruction.

I didn't have to wait long...
发布者 425olds
1 年 前
hotwiferoberta 1 年 前
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