Some Stuff is just too hard to explain

1. What a blast from my past

On holiday with my family of three girls and one boy. Of course we had to visit the train museum, my son, like his father, was a train enthusiast, so we girls had to put up for the morning at least to let the men in our lives enjoy their little bit of holiday.
I must confess I was thinking coffee and cake, while the rest roamed through whatever they thought thrilled them, but when I entered the museum, I suddenly found my heart thumping like crazy under my breast, but more than that, my nipples were embarrassingly getting harder and extremely sensitive, my eyes inadvertently fell upon a carriage I remembered fro my youth, well at that moment not the exact one, but from the same stable as the livery indicated it came from my city in the North.
"I remember that", I blurted out, pointing towards it, as ten eyes turned and stared at me and my sudden outburst. The carriage was all spruced up and picture postcard perfect, it stood like a figment of my imagination from my past, but in reality it was a real tangible object I could walk into and realise all those vivid memories of my youth and a time long gone by.

Both my husband and son smiled at my sudden conversion to their hobby, they were obviously pleased I was starting to come around their little bit of railway itinerary and laughed out loud as I walked almost zombie like towards my point of interest.

It was 1964 all over again. Suddenly it was as real as it was on that day, all modern day sounds dissipating and I was standing on platform 12 again, the hissing of the engine way up to the front, even the smell was here, adding another dimension to the dreamlike quality I was in, the excitement of studies and travelling to the city from my home town to attend university. I did this commute on a regular basis, and I knew what I liked by then. I loved to travel alone on these carriages, seize an empty compartment and be the sole occupant for the entire journey, back then I had a girlish fetish, one I have always wondered if my own daughters had, I would strip naked and make the journey nude, standing at the door window pressing my breasts and hairy pubes against it, thrilling those men waiting for the next train, as my train sped past them. Back then men paid for magazines to see such a spectacle, a naked teenage girl smiling back and waving. The last fifteen minutes were spent relieving my experience with my fingers, daring myself right up into the final shunt and stop, before covering my intimates, and emerging as though butter would not melt in my mouth, a respectable teenage student, my fingers laden heavy with my intimate scent.

The 1960's were an age of liberation. Women and girls wore socks and stockings, nobody shaved down there and there was no pill to stop semen fertilizing you. Women were suppressed sexually because we carried all the risk of the after effects, falling pregnant and surrendering your body for the next nine months and beyond, the labeling of 'slut' and 'whore', were more apt titles than 'Scarlet Woman' but the whole point was women could not really relax and enjoy their youth sexually, so for me, masturbation was my only option and choosing my place and where to pleasure myself lay more in the figment of my imaginative realm. Getting naked in public such as on the train journey to the city, was one of them, and letting stuffy bowler hatted men see me against a plate glass window as naked as the day I was born, was my tease and in a way tell them I was a red blooded woman who wanted sex on my terms, I often wondered what those men who saw me pressing my naked body against the door window as the train sped by, pressing my fingers into my hairy mound, and pleasing myself, as the train sped off into the city beyond?

I stood outside on the small makeshift platform a mock-up of a station, where I would have stood as a girl, the third compartment on the carriage, just staring at a door I had reached for and opened without as much as a second thought, but now, after all these years and decades, my body was going through and my brain trying hard to register and reconnect with my past, it was surreal and overwhelming, I was actual yearning to reach out and make contact, to open that door and step back in time, to the tune of the number 1 in the charts back then, Cilla Black, and I almost cried.

My daughters surrounded me, my oldest was my age back then, that day I remember so well. I had just sat down and was mentally preparing myself for my ritual undressing as we left the station, the call for all aboard, the whistle and then the fucking door burst open and two fresh faced boys jumped in as the train lurched forward and one fell on top of me.

"What the fuck", I called out, still trying to access and take in what just happened. The shunting had continued as the train made its way across the multiple crossings on its way, leaving me pissed off and angry.
Both boys sat opposite me, they looked early teens and were ashen faced and ruddy at the same time. Both were staring at me, and as the train gathered speed, I realised they were staring at my breasts, which were covered by a cheesecloth shirt, all the rage and fashion back then. Then I realized they cold see through the cheesecloth material, my nipples and darker shaded areola, were visible to their youthful gaze. I watched fascinated at their transfixed stare, yes they were boys, but still, I was still a teenage girl myself, and this was an extra unscripted addition I had not bargained for, "You never seen tits before?"

I stood up and took off my jacket and stood over them letting them drink in my see through nudity, my nipples reacting to their new sensitivity as the thin cheesecloth material caressed their new found stimulus, making them even more pronounced and horny.

"Are you a model or something like that", one of the cute faced boys asked me? "Why do you think me to be a model", I retorted, beginning to warm to the attention, knowing the boys could see my breasts?

They looked at each other and then directly back to my tits, which by now I had puffed up and displayed them proudly, "You want to see them out in the open?"

"WTF", I was asking myself? Everything I was doing was so wrong o so many levels, but my body was in overdrive to be naked in front of them, but the darker reason was their age, but I would be their first, they would remember me for ever, as my fingers nimbly undid the first few buttons of that cheesecloth shirt.

One was even wearing short pants, "How old are you", I asked him? His friend in denims answered, "Fifteen", and I stopped at third, hesitating, even feeling the rigidity of my nipple against my hand, "Prove it", I said to him, "let me see it", meaning his cock, I asked the boys to take their cocks out, my hand hovering over that third derisive button.

Both boys got up and did as I requested, dropping their pants and underpants, and pointing their six inches at me as I opened my shirt and took it off.
Biology had taught us girls cock sizes on average were all but final at eighteen, both these boys were large enough to please whatever hole I offered them for penetration. The oldest of the two was up me like a rat in a drainpipe, the minute he was between my thighs. Little did he know at the time, he had actually popped my cherry, he was my first penetrative cock, he claimed my virginity followed by he second and youngest boy, whom I suspected was thirteen or f******n, I was their first female, so I got two for the price of one.

We all got naked and fucked like a****ls, speeding through the stations unabashed and unashamed. The boys disembarked he station before me, and we waved goodbye and I continued knickerless, as one of them took my panties as a souvenir. It was just a twenty minute commute between our respective stations, but I carved my initials, FJ and added V with 1964 into the fake walnut paneling beside the seat on which I was humped into womanhood.

My youngest went in before me and sat down to get a feel for travel back then, "It's very comfortable" she remarked and I marveled at how my daughter was connecting with me in my time capsule, experiencing what I felt like back then.

We were about to get up and leave to join my husband and son at the front end of the train, as my other two daughters had left when my youngest keen eyed caught something and called me, "Look", she said, pointing to something in the fake walnut paneling. I swear my heart stopped as I stared at my own scribbling from that day, I reached out and made that connection, feeling an overwhelming rush as if the carriage was puling into my home station. I looked into my daughters inquiring eyes as she saw mine well up, and I just had to sit back down on the same cushion I lay naked upon and surrendered my girlhood to two boys, all those years ago and touch it lovingly. How many women can do that?

2. Confusing but erotic

My eldest daughter was nine months old and both myself and my husband were still celibate since her birth. I enjoyed my masturbation so I never questioned his celibacy, we just coexisted and bided our time.
His friend John stayed over from time to time and suspected things were not all as seemed, I have always known John carried a candle for me, and allowed him a few discrete liberties to relieve the boredom and fire a little spice into my fingering.

On one such night we three had been celebrating my husbands birthday, and I was fucking horny because i was ovulating. We had been drinking, for eight hours and I had been teasing John to distraction, as my husband had been drinking himself to oblivion. John too was drunk and as such had pushed his boat out sitting beside me and becoming amorous to the point of putting his hand up under my skirt and touching my panties, and the shape of my swollen cunt under them.

I sat with a glass of white wine watching John's animated effort in caressing lovingly between my open thighs, slide off the couch to between my open thighs, and try to pull my knickers down to insert his cock into my wet cunt.

I was enjoying the feeling of watching and daring myself when to stop him, the holy grail of actually getting his cock into my pussy and finally after all these years fucking and ejaculating his sperm into my pussy.
I did finally stop him as he managed to gut a finger in me, I leaned forward and covered his masturbating hand, whispering into his ear I was too ripe to let him cum in me, "I don't want you to father my next baby John", My fingers gripping his cock, "It's OK to finish on my panties", I whispered pressing his cock head against my clitoris and labia, "You can do it John" I cajoled him to cum, but at that point he turned from me and ejaculated onto the small table filled with empty glasses and cups, and my husband birthday cake.

I waited for some backlash from him, or an apology for what he just did. I saw the shame in his face or the disappointment, whatever, I reached forward and put my glass down on the table, reached and pulled he remnants of my husband birthday cake, where john had splattered his cum onto. I cut a small section of it off as John watched me closely, lifting it to my mouth with some of his cum running off it, and put it into my mouth and ate it before swallowing it, "There John your cum is now inside me, someday I ill let you put it in down there, and maybe have your baby".
发布者 Fridagirl
1 年 前
GimmeHead1 7 月 前
Very Nice
gambit5077 1 年 前
odetojoyce : would love to know your stories 
回答 原始评论
gambit5077 1 年 前
fuck that was so hot, and i have so many questions! 
odetojoyce 1 年 前
Yep, I too in those days fucked between stations on the semi-fast back home.  Thanks for evoking some more very pleasant memories.
Naughtynev69 1 年 前
tam55 1 年 前
Another good horny story xx
dmf399 1 年 前
If you don't remember your first, there's something wrong!  Nicely done and very erotic!  Thanks.
n2oral 1 年 前
We never forget our first… for me, it was Linda Porter, my best friend’s date when he passed out drunk…
loved it
AMBDS 1 年 前
Another great story Frida, keep them coming.....I love them.....
crzs 1 年 前
very erotic , and yes I to remember my first time , and looking back wonder if she knew that she was my first 