To be Clear
Hi all as my friends list is explaining and I'm interacting with more and more of you , I feel I need to be clear as many don't read my bio , I am never ever sharing my pics online !! I don't care how well we get on etc etc it's not something I'm going to do and repeated asking only pisses me off.
The internet is full of pictures of far more attractive women than me , you don't need me to get your kicks if you do need my pics and only my pics can get you off then you need to get help.
I want to be anonymous here and other places we might chat believe it or not some women have kinks and fantasies ...I know right !! So like many other ppl I want to chat about things but not have it invade my life.
This will do for now. To all those I've not accepted as friends it's not personal I get a lot of requests and if I accepted them all my friends list would be full in a day. Xx
The internet is full of pictures of far more attractive women than me , you don't need me to get your kicks if you do need my pics and only my pics can get you off then you need to get help.
I want to be anonymous here and other places we might chat believe it or not some women have kinks and fantasies ...I know right !! So like many other ppl I want to chat about things but not have it invade my life.
This will do for now. To all those I've not accepted as friends it's not personal I get a lot of requests and if I accepted them all my friends list would be full in a day. Xx
1 年 前