Marty stop with the crap

marty stop attacking me my family and friends i am seriouse this account is a private matter and you have to leave me alone and tell your little bitch friends to fuck off and stop using my face for fake accounts that i*****l and i will be contacting the fbi for commiting fraud agaisnt and i do have really good lawyers who would beat your fat ass all the way back to california
1 年 前
Greg-Brady 1 年 前
This account is a private matter ?= (Your Words) So you coming here to jerk off is a private way to vent at people you hate? Then you say your contacting the FBI after threatening some fake sock accounts on a porn site , LOL Yeah the Fed's are going to get a kick out of this idiotic BS, But seeing as They are protecting the Prez son at the moment I find it hard to believe they would sacrifice their time on Your online hate issues, Maybe you need a new hobby and a psychiatric evaluation .