A tale I wish could come true regarding my wife

001. Graham & Julie
I befriended Graham on Xhamster because his profile picture was of his impressive cock & I had instant excitement imagining it parting my sweet wifes bald pussy. I could see from his favourite videos that we had very similar tastes in porn so I was very pleased that he accepted my friendship request.

Over time we started chatting and sharing links to videos, and I eventually admitted to him that I fantasised about watching Julie with a stranger. We started sharing links that we pretended that he and Julie were the "Stars" in.

As good as Xhamster is for porn, it now no longer allows you to share pics in chat, so i had the advantage over Graham as I could see his cock in his profile picture and some horny videos he had post of him masturbating his throbbing schlong but he only had the fairly tame picture of Julie spilling out of a black dress in my profile. I wanted him to be able to see her so he could imagine her better in the videos & I think I wanted the added thrill of knowing that he really did fancy her and wanted to fill her with his seed.

With nervous excitement I gave Graham my Skype where we carried on our horny conversations with the added buzz of me showing pics of Julie but with her face blurred or scribbled over. These were just normal pictures as there was no way I could risk asking Julie to pose for the camera as she would find it uncomfortable and strange that I suddenly wanted "that" type of picture! But at least now Graham could imagine Julie a bit better in the vids and I have to say that it gave me an even greater feeling of horny-ness. He would video himself with a picture of Julie, masturbating and saying filthy things about her which really turned me on. There was one vid he made of Julie in her bikini while he was stroking his cock really hard and fast, his huge cock was really throbbing and his big dangling balls were bouncing all over as he jerked looking at my darling Julie. I was imagining those balls slapping against Julie as he ploughed her hard and deep and then he climaxed, a big spurt of man juice and as he did so he said her name..... I quickly followed, so excited imagining he had actually fucked my Julie and all that creamy spunk was deep inside her. I hadn't cum like that while jerking ever! It had felt so real, so horny. I thanked Graham and arranged for our next Skype session in which I decided I was going to show him Julie's face so that he could really see her.

..... to be continued

002 Graham & Julie ...2
So I'd been wanking with Graham on-line for awhile & got to know him quite well. I believed that, apart from being a perv like me, he was a decent guy. I'd started taking sneaky pics of Julie when she wasn't aware. Ones of her sunbathing, dressing & undressing and some really sneaky ones of her in the shower. Graham really enjoyed them & his cock would throb that little bit harder every time i revealed a bit more of Julie.

He really did want Julie which was a huge turn on. I'd been getting more & more infatuated with the idea of seeing Julie being taken. A plan was starting to form in the far recess' of my pervy mind.

I asked Graham what the chances were of a meet, he was a bit sceptical and said that he liked our friendship & what we get up to but he was a pussy only guy & that it was Julie and the stories we made up of what he got up to with her that got him aroused. I assured him that as hot as his cock was, my main aim was to see it breaching Julie's shaved bald pussy lips. Don't get me wrong, if in the heat of an orgy i found it swinging close to me I definately would have given it a suck!

I'd been gently trying to introduce more adventurous situations into my love making with Julie. She would still only entertain any kind of sexiness when her teenage terrors were all out of the house, and with there being 5 of them those oppourtunities were few and far inbetween, apart from the odd weekend when their dad would have them for the weekend. I'd tried to get her to buy sexy skimpy clothing but she would point out how impractical they were. I even suggested buying a realistic looking dildo but she was horrified at that and was paranoid that her bairns would find any toys and would go charging around the house using them as light sabres or Harry Potter wands when the vicar was here for tea!

The weekends that we did get free were an absolute frenzy of lovemaking. From 2 hours after they had been picked up (she wanted to be sure that they hadn't forgotten anything and wern't returning to pick it up!) to 4 hours before they were due to return (Everything had to be meticulously cleaned, Living room sofa's, chairs, kitchen table, washing machine... you get the gist) & liberal amounts of Febreeze sprayed to, in Julie's words,

"Hide the smell of sex"

I would go to work on Monday morning a broken, but happy man. Balls swinging alot higher & tighter. I was the luckiest man in the world, and felt guilty, I should be sharing this woman with other men.

........ to be continued.

003. Graham & Julie 3
The plan had been forming in my mind for awhile, I was running through the pro's & cons & i was getting more & more excited each time I went through it. I'm quite meticulous in anything I set my mind to.

I'd been researching female aphrodisiacs & found a "Spanish Fly" on-line that had very good reviews so I ordered it. It arrived about a week later, just in time for a weekend when Julie's ex was taking some parental responsibility, perfect.

Friday evening came and her ex turned up to whisk the tribe away to whatever delights he had planned for them, while we were waiting to ensure that they were definately gone I poured Julie a big glass of ice cold chardonnay with a sneaky drop of the Spanish Fly in it. I needed to know that it worked, and what effect it would have on her. We sat out on the patio, enjoying the late summer sun & another glass of wine. We were sat side by side, Julie had her head on my shoulder and an arm d****d across my lap with her hands gently resting on my knee. I was idly drawing shapes on her arm with my finger tips, barely touching her skin, tracing lazy cirles up & down her arm.

I noticed that her breathing had changed slightly, she was taking shallower, quicker breaths & i noticed the small whispy hairs on her arm were all standing upright and she was covered in goosebumps. She was also rubbing my knee & inner thigh harder and with a little more vigour. I turned to her to ask if she was ok and if she was cold, I noticed that her cheeks were slightly flushed & a sparkle to her eyes.

"No, I'm actually feeling a bit hot", she said. I could see that under her T-shirt and bra that her nipples were starting to protroude, standing out like 2 little thimbles. Having breast fed 5, Julies nipples, when aroused or cold, would become very hard and very prominant. So much so that she would wear "tit tape" over her nipples when going out to reduce the chance on her being embarrassed by a spontaneous nipple erections.

"Awww babes, you look cold" I said, reaching a hand out to her breast, placing my fore finger under her covered nipple and using my thumb to gently flick her nipple. Now this would have usually earned me a raised eyebrow and a slapped hand, this time i was rewarded by a small moan of pleasure and a little shudder from Julie. It seemed the elixir was working.

.....to be continued

004. Julie & Graham 4
Gaining courage from her moan I turned fully to face her, leant in closer and slid both my hands under her tshirt. As i started to kiss her, my tongue parting her lips to meet her flicking tongue, I pushed her bra upwards, freeing her gorgeous mummy boobs. My hands fondling each breast, her nipples were now like wheel nuts on a car. Kissing her open mouthed passionatly while rolling her nipples and giving them little mini pinches. She let out an even greater moan and was starting to quiver with excitement. Her hands hadn't been idle, she'd been rubbing them up & down my chest and sides, but now one hand was between my crotch, massaging my balls and siffening penis under my shorts.

I stood her up and while still kissing her and biting her neck & licking her ear lobe slid my right hand to the small of her back pushed her jogger bottoms and her panties down, & started to massage her bum cheek. I was fully expecting her to pull back & wag a finger at me & say that we should go inside, this would be Julie's normal response to any public acts of naughtyness on my part. She wasn't a prude just paranoid of being seen in any comprimising situation. But she didn't! she pushed her pelvis into mine & kissed me back more passionatly, her hands now fumbling for the belt of my shorts and not even bothering with the button & zipper, yanking them down. I worked my hand down further and parted her bum cheek and she grasped my now fully erect penis, pulling it as if she was trying to start a chain saw while the other hand was cupping my testicles. She did a little jig forcing her joggers even further down and got one leg out enabling her to open up so that my fingers could reach her lovely peach of a fanny. Oh my, she was wet, and hot. My index finger and middle finger slid straight in while my thumb put gentle pressure on her bum hole.

Julie was a horny mess, she was panting and fidgeting, she couldn't contain herself. She was grinding on my fingers while i scooped up a breast to suck on her nipple. She was moaning and to be honest her horniness was making me even hornier too. With my fingers still inside her, I picked her up, she wrapped her legs around me & i turned to sit her on the patio table. She instantly lay back and pulled her legs up to her chest, i couldn't resist, i grabbed her ankles and placed her legs onto my shoulders and drove my cock into her shaved pussy. I couldn't contain myself what with the moans of pleasure coming from Julie showing me that she was close and the ache i had, i knew i wasnt going to last long. The fact that Julie was getting so much pleasure from this really turned me on. I rode her as if i was being chased out of Dodge city by an irate posse. I exploded deep inside her and she let out a stifled whimper as she climaxed at the same time. I could feel my cock pulsating inside her, that had been awesome. I lay on her with my head sucking on a nipple. Some sensibilty returned, Julie just said "Oh my God, WOW!" and kissed me passionately. I straightened up and Julie wrapped her arms around my neck. As i carriedher back into the house her wetness and mine dripping onto my legs.

That weekend we hardly ventured from the house. We made love countless times. Sometimes like rampant rabbits other times gently, slowly, exploring each others bodies. Sunday evening approached with the due return of the teenage Ghengis Khan horde I had the extra duty of hosing down the patio furniture! But it had been worth it! I now knew the Spanish Fly worked & my plan was close to fruitation. I only had to convince Graham of its validity.

And I failed to go to work on the Monday & phoned in sick! Told the boss I had twinged a muscle in my back gardening over the weekend.

......to be continued.

005. Julie & Graham 5
Sweating about the plan. If I could pull it off it would be the horniest night of my life, the culmination of one of my fantasies. If it failed it would mean the end of my marriage,and maybe even more! Graham was the all important lynch pin. Everything depended on his participation. I trusted him and he had the perfect cock that I wanted to watch pounding Julie's bald pussy.

During a skype wank session with Graham i started explaining my plan, while showing him sneaky pics of Julie in the shower. I could see that finally seeing Julie naked was really turning him on & telling him that he could be having the real thing finally swung it.He would have to travel down here with the possibility that it wouldn't happen as there would be a myriad of issues that could put a spanner in the works. Julie's ex having the brats was the main obstacle & since he wasn't the most reliable person in the world I decided it would have to happen on a Saturday. That way I could be sure that they were away from the house & that Julie wouldn't be distracted by any thoughts of them.

Saturday morning, I made an excuse to Julie that I had a couple of errands to run. Her ex-husband had picked the 5 teen terrors up Friday night & we had a relaxing evening knowing they were out of the house for the weekend. Graham had travelled down the night before and had stayed in the local Travel Lodge. I met him in the cafe for a coffee and a chat to make sure every thing was ok for tonights shenanigins. He was very excited and as i shook hands with him I had an electric buzz just imagining that in a few hours those hands were going to be exploring Julie's body.

I went over the plan again and gave Graham a spare key to the house. We jumped into the car and I drove to our house so that he wouuld know where it was. Explained about the sticking garden gate that he would have to give a hard shove to as it gave the impression of being locked when you pushed down the handle.

Everything was in place, I'd given Graham a bottle of my aftershave & he was impressed with my degree of preparation. Julie & I spent the morning doing normal stuff, shopping & chores around the house. I suggested that evening that we have a meal in The Ship and Julie agreed saying it would be nice to do adult things. She had no idea what adult things I had in mind for her. I told her that I wanted to experiment tonight when we got back and that I'd like to go for a very early meal so we could have fun at home. She seemed keen & said that she hoped it was as exciting as the night on the patio, I told her I hoped it would be better.

I was keeping Graham up to date with the happenings as well as sending him covert pics of Julie by text. I decided that I couldn't wait anymore and suggested to Julie we go down to The Ship. Julie agreed, went for a shower & as usual shaved her pussy. I managed to get a sneaky pic of her doing so and sent it to Graham hoping that it was exciting him.

We strolled down to The Ship arm in arm & Julie looked so beautiful, the sea breeze was blowing her hair and making her flimsy dress cling to her gorgeous body. I sent Graham a text to say that the coast was clear for him to let himself into our home. I'd told him to make himself comforatble in my study and would let him know when we were on the way back.

We ordered our food and a bottle of Julie's favourite wine. While she went off to powder her nose i squeezed a couple of drops of the Spanish Fly into her glass hoping that it would have the required effect later. I could hardly concentrate on eating my food when it came but managed to get through it. I went up to the barr to settle the bill & ordered a night cap for us. Again i sneakily added a drop of the Elixir. I could see that it was already taking affect as Julie was constantly licking her lips and adjusting her dress. I could also see that her nipples were hard, seeing the bullet shaped mounds at her chest.

I sent Graham a text "ON OUR WAY". He now had 10 minutes to get into the bedroom next to ours, which was Julie's daughter Anna's bedroom, and prepare himself. Julie was in the mood, as we walked back I was fondling her bum cheek and she didn't protest. We stopped at the bottom of the road for a passionate open mouthed tongue flicking kiss and I groped her breats and her nipples were steel hard. I have to admit I was horny as hell knowing what was about to happen.
Even tho she was now in a haze of horniness I knew she would feel more comfortable in the bedroom. We shuffled up stairs with her clinging onto me as I stripped her as we kissed stumbling on the steps. We got to the bedroom doorway and I whispered
"I have a surprise for you"

..........To be continued.

006. Julie & Graham 6
I pointed to the bed where I'd tied silk scarves to the two posts of the headboard earlier, and twirled a blindfold in my fingers. Her face lit up, she was now only in her black lacy thong and her bare breast jiggling with the hard nipples pointing.
"Mmmm ok, seems like fun" She said.

I got Julie to lay down on the bed, gave her one passionate open mouthed kiss, placed the blindfold on her and tied her wrists to the dangling scarves on the headboard. I couldn't help but rub my hands down her body, gathering up one of her breasts and sucking on the rock hard nipple, she was gasping and writhing now.

"I have to pop downstairs to get something" I said to her teasingly.

"oh you bastard, stop teasing" she whispered.

I could tell that she was really horny. She was flapping her legs and grinding her thighs together as if trying to get at an itch she couldn't reach with her hands.

I quickly ran downstairs to pick up a tray i had left earlier on with lots of household goodies that could be used for fun. As i passed Anna's room I gave it a push open to gesture to Graham. He was standing there naked, with his semi hard cock dripping spunk and a pair of Anna's knickers in his hand.

"I was so horny waiting that I couldn't resist" he whispered to me,

"I had to rub one out otherwise i wouldn't last with Julie".

This hadn't been in the plan but it certainly added to the excitement. I knew from our wank sessions that Graham was more than capable of repeat cumming as I had seen on Skype.

I placed the tray on the blanket box at the end of the bed. Julie was still on the bed and was moving as if she was doing a slow dance, her hips slightly gyrating. I looked behind and Graham was just stood in the door staring at Julie. His eyes and mouth were wide open' His drooping cock was starting to twitch even tho it was still dripping with his spunk. He quickly wiped it with Anna's knickers and threw them on the floor. He slowly made his way to the side of the bed. reached out his hand so that his finger tips gently brushed against Julie's ankle, moving them up Julie's leg slowly, flickering inside and out, up the inside of her knee and inner thigh.

Julie was now panting and sighing, unaware that it wasn't me that was teasing her. Graham had carried on travelling up Julie's body until he reached her unencumbered breasts. He started circling her hard nipples, giving them a little flick which caused a moan of pleasure to escape from Julie. he put them between his fore finger and thumb to squeeze and pinch them. Julie was very close to climaxing she was so excited, and I know how sensitive her nipples are.

I could see that Grahams cock was well recovered, it was throbbing like a steel bar. He takes a look at the tray and takes up the bottle of baby oil. He drizzles it over Julies upper half, and then starts to massage it all in. Julie is squirming in pleasure, inarticulate moans, whimpers and sighs escaping from her. He stradles her on the bed squashing her breasts together and sucking on each nipple, his tongue flickering and then sucking hard on it.

I motion to Graham to remove Julie's thong and he slides down her body. He puts a thumb in either side of her panties and starts to drag them down. Julie, still not realising that a total stranger is about to see her completely nude, lifts her bum off the bed making it easier for Graham to take them off, they join Anna's spunk stained panties on the floor. Graham stops for a second, admiring Julie's bald pussy. It looks like a fresh peach with a trickle of dew just slowly rolling down the sllit. He reaches out for the baby oil, even tho it's plain that she doesn't need to be lubed. Dribbles the oil all over her lower half and legs.

Im finding hard to breathe as the actual sight of another mans hands rubbing oil into my wife's private parts are turning me on so much. As hes sliding his hand up and down her vulva on the downward slide he slips a finger into Julie, removes it on the up, then slides two on the down, she is so wet. Her hips are shudering and her upraised legs are quivering.

Graham lays down between her legs using his thmbs to massage high up on her inner thigh then slides them up to push her knees up and outwards and lowers his head to her pussy. He places his mouth over the top of her bald soaking pussy and eats it like the peach it looks like. Parting her lips and his tongue lapping deep inside her. Julie is bucking like a woman possesed, she's going to cum and she does. She doesn't squirt but releases her female ejaculation like a gush and I can see Graham lapping it up with pleasure. I can see his throbbing thick long veiny cock is now dripping with precum.

Graham looks at me as if looking for permission and I nod enthusiastically. He shuffles up the bed so hes between her legs and starts to rub his engorged big cock up and down Julies pussy lips, I can see that he's really excited as his cock is drooling pre-cum.

..... To be continued.

Again Graham glances at me, I'm struggling not to grab my cock as I know the slightest touch will have me shooting my spunk everywhere. I nod to him enthusiastically......

This was the part I was most worried about but also what I wanted the most. Would Julie realise it wasn't my average sized cock but Grahams 8 inch throbbing missile? I didn't have to worry, Julie was in the throes of passion and she just wanted cock. With my nod Graham plunged his rock hard cock deep into Julie's hot, moist love peach, all the way up to his big bouncing balls, I could tell by the look on his face that he was in heaven as he reversed out of her to plunge in again, and again.....Each time he pulled out I could see his whole shaft was soaked in Julie's love juice. She was shuddering & moaning, thrashing about on the bed, she was in a world of ecstasy & pleasure. I was so tempted to rip off her blindfold but thought the risk was too great.

Graham was now pistoning into Julie, driving his throbbing weapon of a cock deep into her. Julie's breast were being bounced in all shapes, Graham raised one hand up and in rhythm massaged one of her breast, rolling the rock hard nipple, squeezing and pinching causing Julie to gyrate even more wildly. She started drawing in a breath and then let go a soundless scream that was so high pitched I'm sure every dog in the neighbour hood must have heard it.

I noticed Graham was starting to speed up as well and his balls were no longer bouncing against Julie's bum, they were starting to tighten up and I could see the look on his face. He was getting close. With that he pulled his cock out of Julie and an enormous spurt of thick man cream exploded out of his cock against the top of Julie's bald pussy then he plunged his cock back into her, i could see by the way his testes were jerking he was shooting even more cum deep inside her. Julie let out another moan of pleasure as she felt his lava hot seed explode inside her. He slowly withdrew his now satiated cock and shuffled off the bed. I looked down onto Julies gaping wet, spunk stained pussy, there was alot of spunk there. I was impressed since Graham had already put one load into Anna's knickers while waiting for us to return from the pub.

I got onto the bed, silently fist pumped Graham as he backed out the door to get his clothes from Anna's room. I noticed that as he left our bedroom he grabbed Anna's spunk soiled panties from earlier & bunched them into his fist, I just knew he was taking them as a momento.

I started to use my throbbing hard cock to scoop up Grahams spilt seed that was all over Julies pussy lips and her lower belly.
"Oh my god Julie, that was amazing", I said to her. " And I'm still hard babes!"
Graham was watching from the door way, now fully dressed, and I could see a little bit of red fabric poking out of his pocket, the same red shade as Anna's nix. I lowered myself down close to Julie's head and with my cock dripping with Grahams spunk I said-

"Suck me clean babes"

Julie didn't need another invitation, she loved the taste of spunk and always swallowed. She always preferd me to climax inside her as, in her words, "There's less mess!"

She wasn't holding back and wasn't in the mood to do the tease thing she normally did with her tongue up and down my shaft, she just took me whole in her mouth, sucking on my throbbing cock which was covered in Grahams creamy spunk. She loved it, she sucked on me as if it was her favourite lollipop, I was reaching back putting 3 fingers into her soaking wet pussy. Scooping out Grahams spunk and drizzling it over my penis so Julie could suck and swallow more of Grahams man juice.

I couldn't hold back any longer, Julie was sucking me hard and I could feel her tongue flicking over the head & shaft of my cock in her mouth. I started to spurt, Julie was swallowing and i was spurting more at the thought of all of Grahams spunk she had already swallowed and the amount that was still deep inside her vagina,

.I made sure that Graham was gone before untying Julie and removing the blindfold. It was amazing! The elixir had really changed Julie, she was no longer the mild mannered housewife & mother, she was a wild, erotic vixen. Between the stress of setting up this horny escapade & the actual feeling of seeing one of my fantasies come true I was shattered. My cock was purring with pleasure. Julie was still in a haze of erotic wantoness, she saw the tray that I'd brought up earlier with the items I hadn't had a chance to use & spotted the nice big, firm Asda cucember. She did something I'd never seen her do before & that was to pleasure herself infront of me. She grabbed the cucember off the tray & while rubbing herself with one hand & opening her pussy lips started to push the green phallus vegtable inside herself. She was fucking herself hard and deep with it, pausing now and again to pull it out and suck on it, I could see that it was covered in Grahams spunk & Julie lapped it all up.

We spent the rest of the night making love & fucking. In the morning we woke up entangled in each other & the bed sheets, which were stained with both our juices (and a lot of Grahams), squirty cream & chocolate sauce (They had been on the tray) and sweat. It truly was amazing, Julie was back to normal but was very satisfied and her memory was very fuzzy on what had actually happened, she didnt remember much after leaving The Ship, but she said that she'd never been pleasured so much.

Since the Spanish Fly seemed to have wiped Julies memory, this started me thinking about doing it again, even increasing the odds and get her gangbanged. A plan started to form, but I wondered who I could get to sign up for another of my fantasies for Julie!!

......... The End

..............For Now
发布者 SneakyHubby55
1 年 前
luvs2watchu 4 月 前
In a world..a perfect world..jsyk..I had 2 fav
SneakyHubby55 出版商 1 年 前
andytsmith : Thank you
回答 原始评论
andytsmith 1 年 前
Great story
riich78 1 年 前
SneakyHubby55 : I can see why you both did :wink:
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SneakyHubby55 出版商 1 年 前
riich78 : Gets me hard just imagining it!  Graham enjoyed it as well
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riich78 1 年 前
hot as hell, got me rock hard reading it :smile:
SneakyHubby55 出版商 1 年 前
Letmelookatu : glad you liked it
回答 原始评论
Letmelookatu 1 年 前
that was quite hot
SneakyHubby55 出版商 1 年 前
Thanks, I just wish it could come true
SneakyHubby55 出版商 1 年 前
purnlover : Thank you
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purnlover 1 年 前
Still a very hot story