Part 2 - Pre-conditions

Pre Conditions

Before I could answer Mark he looked over to Jeanette and told her to explain the conditions of the arrangement. With that he left the room. I looked at Jeanette puzzled by what he meant. Jeanette explained that Mark insisted on a dress code when ever they engaged in BDSM activities. I was intrigued. He insists on me wearing suspenders, nylon seamed stockings, high heels, a short skirt and an open cup bra and silk blouse as a minimum. Panties are optional. I don’t wear any panties, Jeanette commented. I was a little take aback ….. I felt a little uncomfortable about all of it….. but why , He’d seen me in a bikini before what was the difference I reasoned….. well except for the open cup bra…I didn’t have an open bra. Why was my next question ….. because it pleases him was her reply and I like to please him,,,,,, and you should too if he’s providing a service for you. That was the trade off . A spanking in exchange for satisfying a fetish. With a gulp I agreed. With that Jeanette suggested we went upstairs to select some dress options. ‘What now?’ I exclaimed . With that we disappeared upstairs to a small dressing off one of the bedroom.
I should explain that Mark and Jeanette had a large Victorian house in its own grounds, I always assumed that Mark was well paid ….. it could have been because of Jeanette’s NHS salary. I had stayed with them regularly over the years but there were places in the house that I hadn’t been in….. the dressing room being one of them. It was surprisingly large and well fitted out with shelves, drawers and clothes rackets but not with your usual clothes. I waited for instructions…. I don’t know why. Strip to your bra and panties ….. almost as if I had an option…. I did just that.. Let’s start with the suspenders. Are you planning to leave you panties on? I hesitated before bravely answering without…… remembering the erotic feel of hand on bare skin from the previous night. Jeanette smile approvingly, I removed my panties. I had noticed earlier at Jeanette’s reveal she was completely hairless around her cunt. I was not. I did notice your hair last night Jeanette commented without judgement, Mark would prefer you bald. Perhaps that’s for another day. She selected a black suspender belt and handed it over to me. I looked a bit uncomfortable before admitting I had never worn one before. You’ve worn stockings before? She enquired . Only hold ups I replied . You’re going to love this experience she smiled. She showed me how to put on the four strap suspender belt and selected a pair of copper coloured seamed stockings. Once seated I was shown how to put the stockings on carefully so as not to ladder them. Also to straight the seams attached the clasps to the welt of the stockings. The final bit was carried out whilst I was standing. Jeanette was slightly taller than me, so her stockings with adjustment of the suspender straps pulled up under cheeks and well into my crouch. With that she passed me a short skirt and a pair of her heels. She studied me before giving her approval. …and now for your bra. As you will know with the size of these, pointing to her own breasts I have nothing that will fit you. Can I suggest you either take your tits out of your bra or take the bra off. With a little embarrassment I took my breasts out and ,left them to be supported by the bra. Before handing me and oversized blouse she suggested a makeup option which consisted of bright red lipstick, heavier eyeshadow than I would have used normally. Once applied and the selection of a blouse that was the best fit, made, Jeanette announced I was ready. One last thing, Muriel she said Mark will not touch you intimately unless requested …… except of course for your spanking, Mark is waiting for you in the sitting room…..I looked with alarm …. Don’t worry I will down when I’m dressed…. You don’t expected to have all the fun!
It seemed to a long walk to the sitting room, particularly in unfamiliar heels. I stopped at the door, and waited to be invited in. Mark had hear the click of heels. I hesitated outside, there was still time to change my mind. Mark instructed me to enter. I strong, firm voice in a tone I hadn’t experienced with him before. My whole body tensed as bewilderingly I obeyed. Pushing open the door I found Mark sat opposite. expressionless. I moved a little awkwardly into the room, conscious of my ‘uniform’ His face giving nothing away. He beckoned me. The only sound in the room was the nylons brushing between my inner thighs and my heart thumping. I wasn’t afraid and surprisingly drawn to the situation, He instructed me to stop, turn and walk away a little as he inspected me, my seams and short skirt. I wasn’t really exposing anything ….yet. I turned again to face him. My nipples pushing hard against the blouse. I moved toward him as he explained the position he want me to adopt over his knee. I obeyed, Stretched over his knees he took my arm, moving it behind my back to keep me firmly in position…. I stiffen This was different from the night before…. More controlled and measured. He ran his free hand over the skirt that still covered my bottom but I’m guessing exposing the beginnings of the stocking tops. He explained he would spank each cheek six times. It started with a light stroke of the bottom followed by a really hard smack reviberating through my legs and cheeks. Each smack as hard and as the painful as the first. I gritted my teeth, tensing my cheek before each strike….. making no sound. Soon it was over for the moment. How far could I push myself. He asked how I was . I muttered I was okay. Ready for more ? He was still holding my arm behind my back. My heart was saying no but my wet cunt and a deep yearning in my loin was saying something else. Of course …. I blurred out confidently…… also most defiantly. On your bare bottom? I don’t know why I surprised by that . After all why else was I dressed like this. I nodded my consent. He slide his hand over my skirt and lifted it, folding it back on the small of my back and exposing my silky white bottom with the copper brown stocking tops extending deep between my legs. He moved his hand over my bottom, careful avoided my cunt but toying with the stocking tops. Are you ready? Without waiting he delivered another six smacks as accurately and painfully as before. My bottom was on fire but I was loving the pain. He loosened his grip on my arm and released it as I waited for instructions.I didn’t have to wait long as he told me to stand ….. a little wobbly at first. Turn around, lifting my skirt, he inspect his handiwork. It hurt!
Having inspected his handiwork. He asked me if I wished to continue. I looked a little puzzled . He explained that I clearly had the capacity for more and wasn’t I curious to know what that might look like? For example nipples are sensitive and some females liked that sensitivity to be explored.
I was still feeling the discomfort of my spanking but also feeling pretty horny by now. Was I up for it? did I want Mark fiddling around with my breasts. It is obvious that I really didn’t know my best friend and her husband that well in terms of their private life. Was I getting drawn into their murky world. Was that what I wanted. I needed something in my life. A little nervously I agreed. You do realise that I’m overstepping the boundary that I self imposed on you. Are you ready to do that? I nodded and I knew that life would never be the same again.
Mark stood in front of me and motioned for me to remove the oversized blouse. I did as I was told. For the first time but not the last, Mark had sight of my now very hard nipples. He gently brushed his fingers over their tips. Took hold of each breast as if to weigh them in his hand but before squeezing them tightly making me wince. He stroked and manipulating them before taking each nipple separately and twisted them. I stood obediently letting him do as he wished. He reached into his pocket and retrieved two cloth pegs. Without ceremony they were placed on each nipple. A strange sensation and with a little discomfort associated with it. Leaving the pegs in place his hand oved over my belly before stopping over my skirt , searching between the fabric and my crouch but being careful not to touch bare skin. I moved away instinctively but realising that that this was something I wanted. I moved closer, pushing my groin towards him and letting him rub his fingers further into the skirt….. and my obvious wetness. He teased but never over stepping what he was permitted to do. I was instructed to step out of my skirt. I slide the skirt down over my nylon clad legs and step out of it. The faint odour of sex prevailed. I so wanted his fingers but none came. He placed six more pegs on each breast forming an arc shape on each. I was told to straighten my stocking seams; I walked over to a full length mirror on the other side of the room. My tits wobbling with the weight of the pegs which added to the pain. I adjusted my suspender straps and took the opportunity to look at my now red bottom. Rubbing my hand over each cheek in an attempt to sooth the ache. I admired my new uniform and new status. What was that? Did he have plans for more?
Jeanette certainly knows how to making an entrance . Stood in the open door was Jeanette in her version of the ’uniform’. Revealing all and making little effort to hid anything. I stared in astonishment and admiration . Mark glanced over to her approvingly. She stood there wearing a black fabric waspie that stopped below her very large pendulous breasts. Her black seamed stocking were held in place by six suspender straps on each leg which in turn were attached to the waspie. She worn a microskirt that made no effort to hid her cunt and piercings . In fact there was an additional ornamentation … a little bell that hung down from a clit piercing by a little chain and tinkled as she moved. Her breasts were supported by a black lace open cup bra that had a special platform built in to support them and offering them up for use. She also worn a black leather collar that had chains hanging down and attached to her nipples piercings. The look was completed with the same heavy makeup I was wearing and extremely high red heels . She walked towards Mark and acknowledged me. I step to one side as she snuggled up to Mark. With a smile on her face she asked him whether she could, on this occasion, thank him for the service he had provided for me. He nodded. She explained it was expected that having provided a spanking service he expected a blow job. Wow I didn’t see that coming! Getting down on her knees she positioned herself before him, Unzipped his trousers and delved in and took out his large thin black cock. She took it lovingly in her mouth , sucked it and caress it. She grasped his tool in her hands and used her bright red lips expertly until it was hard. She wanked him until he came over her face and tits. She stood back up and made no attempt to remove the cum covering her face, neck and breasts. He reached down between her legs and buried his fingers deep within her twat causing her to shudder a little. He walked around her . admiring her and stroking her bottom and tits. She made no attempt to stop him. Take your position he commanded. Dutifully she did so. Walking over to the settee, she knelt on the cushion, rested her arms on the back of it and settled into a well-rehearsed pose. Her legs were apart and exposing her cunt, piercings and anal plug. she arched her back which had the effect of pushing her bottom up and opening her very excited cunt, This is the position I want you to adopt in a little while Muriel he said looking over to me.
Jeanette prepared herself. Walking over to drawer in a near by cupboard he brought out a range of canes and paddles. Selecting a broad paddle and he whacked it down on the arm of the settee. A glance from Jeanette showed approval and excitement. Standing to one side of her he rubbed his free hand over her bottom delving into her pussy. She moaned. Then he positioned himself to deliver the first of six whacks of the paddle. Slow and deliberate. Each blow causing a ripple across her ample bum. She whimpered but defiantly didn’t cry or show any other emotion. Her silky white bottom glowed red. She was allowed to stand and face him. She reached back and rubbed her bottom before putting her hands behind her head. He replaced the paddle for a large multi stringed flogger. He unclipped the chains attached to her nipples and released her breasts from the bra and took it off. Her breasts were free. He took one of her breasts and slapped it several times before moving on to her other and repeating. He took her small dimple nipple and squeezing it between his fingers making her wince and pulling on her nipple ring. Finally, taking the flogger he turned her around. With her back and bottom now exposed he swung the flogger in a circle of eight whipped her back and bottom several times between instructing her to spread her legs. He propelled the flogger between her legs. Lashed her cunt and ringing her bell. Turning her again to face me he lashed her breasts. She moved and squirmed but didn’t move from the spot. Instructing her to spread he again lashed her cunt which was becoming a redder by the moment. He once again reached down and rubbed her cunt. Fingering and delving deeper into her pleasure hole…… again she squirmed. But didn’t move her hands from behind her head. I was instructed to join them. Standing next to Jeanette I placed my hands in the same position. I was apprehensive. In a gentler motion Mark repeated the whipping but before whipping my tits he removed the pegs and rubbed my tits … unexpected pain! The flogger added to the pain but in a total different way. No cunt lash….I was almost disappointed.
Finally, Mark instructed my to adopted the settee position. Jeanette moved to one side and was allowed to put her hands down. I took up that position. I was told to spread my legs further apart and arch my back. The settee position allowed me to view myself in the mirror opposite. This is your last task, Muriel. Are you ready for it…..two strokes of the paddle. I nodded nervously , feeling a little embarrassed at the exposure my new position was providing. Before starting, Jeanette’s voice interrupted the proceedings. She whispered in my ear, do you trust me? Hesitating I nodded. A moment later her hand over my bottom before place something in my cunt. Pushing it deep inside me with a tail like part curling over my clit. It was tempting to look and feel but the circumstances didn’t allow. The device started to move and vibrate. I was already horny. Mark stepped into view in the mirror reflection. My face showed a different expression as I edged toward an explosive climax. Do not cum, he commanded. Christ, how could I I want to clinch my buttocks to try and contain the urge but that wouldn’t be allowed. Mark positioned himself with the paddle. He took a practice tap on my bottom before strike my bottom hard but lighter than I had witnessed earlier. It was painful enough but thankfully bearable. The vibration deep in my continued but started to increase and decrease in speed. The feeling combined with the pain from the spanking was exquisite. Deep emotions but having to continue to resist cumming. My eyes were closed as I fought the temptation when the second strike was delivered. Harder than before. My eyes were now wide open and tears streamed down my cheeks There was a moment before the command came to relax and cum. The vibration continued as I let loose of any inhibitions and I thrashed around uncontrollably. I rolled around the couch holding my crouch and rubbing my clit. Such joy!! Unbelievable feelings. Finally, the vibrations stopping and my throbbing clit slowly returning to her normal condition and emotions subsided . I open my eyes to find Mark and Jeanette smiling. I want to cover myself but realised I had nothing to hide.
The session was finished Mark announced. Jeanette had already left and returned in a dressing gown but still wearing her uniform. I retrieved the device which I later got to know was a Lovesens. And handed it back to Jeanette….Did you enjoy? I smiled . She handed me another dressing gown to cover my modesty. We have unfinished business she announced to Mark. I put the gown on. Mark return to his usual caring self and gave me a hug and whispered in my ear . Well done, you were great. Jeanette asked if they would see me again for a continuation in my journey. I move to the door before turning and answering that I would. With that I left them to it and went up stairs to return the uniform and get dressed. I left for home discretely .
发布者 jake0700
1 年 前
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