True Husband & Wife Encounter with Me

Interested Reader:

I have actually been with women whose husbands physically do not satisfy them in the past, and they have found that my change in physicality, quite desiring and enjoyable. A while ago I was approached by a male individual who wanted me to be an addition to, he and his wife in their sexual conduct. After approximately 10 minutes of stimulating his wife she orgasmed very strongly, then about seven minutes later with continued stimulation she orgasmed again, she orgasmed a third time approximately five minutes after that, then she said that she needed to stop for a few minutes as she had never climaxed that much in so short a time in the past.

I could see that her husband was far from satisfied with the situation. After the third orgasm in such a short time, he got up off the chair he was sitting in and yelled at her "You do not react that way when we are together." He approached me at that time and took a swing at my head with his fist. I backed off quickly and told him that he was misinterpreting the situation, and that sometimes females want something different than what they are normally used to. He attempted to take a second swing at me and I stopped everything, asking him to calm down. I told him that this is not what this type of arrangement is all about, and that he may wish to re-think the way he is treating his wife, particularly in an intimate manner.

To say the least I never was with that couple again, as the husband could not get over his jealousy of the way I could make his wife feel while we were together. Any questions?
发布者 Femcumsfirst
1 年 前