Jackie Chan: Shanghai women should marry foreign
Jackie Chan: Shanghai women should marry foreign
Kung fu mega star Jackie Chan says a good way to promote Chinese culture worldwide would be to have more Shanghai women marry foreigners, a Hong Kong newspaper said Tuesday.
"We can encourage more foreigners to marry Shanghai ladies so their ******** will be able to speak Chinese," Chan said at the Shanghai International Film Festival, the South China Morning Post reported on its front page.
"It will help spread Chinese culture far and wide," he reportedly said.
The paper reported that Chan didn't say why his proposal singled out Shanghai women, and he offered no suggestions about how to implement his plan.
Chan also said he wanted to see more teahouses next to Starbucks coffee shops and more Chinese-style sesame seed cake shops next to McDonald's restaurants, the Post said.
One of many satisfactions of being sexually colonized (China), is all the native local (Chinese) women become sexual subjects of the "White devil". It is not in Chinese fashion to discriminate which race of men could become intimate with their women. It is a very old known fact that Chinese ladies are highly sought after by Non-Chinese ,especially the Western man.. During the Han dynasty (China's 1st Golden Age), the Chinese Silk Road 絲綢之路, connected the heart of China to all parts of the known world. Foreigners from every corner, all the way from from Portugal, Spain, Iran, India, etc all came through the Silk Road to trade with the Chinese. They wanted silk, porcelain, paintings, teas, and another thing they especially wanted.. It was around this time when many Chinese tea house brothels originated in the Silk Road to serve mainly foreigners. An Italian merchant could travel along the Silk Road, when it gets dark he can come into one of many Chinese beddings, which is like a hostel but provided foreigners with dozens of Chinese women to keep them "company". Some Chinese men will even allow you in his house and sleep with his wife, just because you are a white foreigner.
As White men and Chinese women are becoming more and more intimate and romantic, the two difference races will be more at peace. Even in ancient time, China knew its women would be easily lusted and sexually desirable due to their submissive, beauty, very soft feminine features. There are many accounts of ancient Chinese emperors bartering off their own Imperial Chinese Princess, even Imperial Concubines to the enemies as a gesture or tribute. Fighting is a waste of recourses, "here are 100,000 of our very finest women, let's be friends". Chinese ladies have been solving China's problem since ancient time.
When the first White people (Spaniards/Spain people) come to China when Chinese Ming Dynasty was still in power, the Spanish soldiers raided a fishing town and took all the Chinese women and girls with them. The Spaniards boasted about they could take over China with their few thousand men and make the China women their sex slaves. NEVER HAPPEN!
Not too long later, more and more Western imperialist powers arrived in China and ushering the White man's Golden Age of China's Colonization. If Chinese is a woman, then every single one of Western powers are men and they each took turn rxping / gangrxping China for centuries! We will always remember as 百年國恥 Century of humiliation~ but from the darkness comes light~ The sun didn't even go down yet and Chinese women were already fawning over the Western troops. After defeating and chasing off the Qinq dynasty's national army, the local Chinese ladies had already begun to disrobe.
Shanghai and the greater surrounding area was the British sphere of influence, meaning Chinese laws do not apply....only British laws apply on these Chinese soil.
(to be continued..)
"We can encourage more foreigners to marry Shanghai ladies so their ******** will be able to speak Chinese," Chan said at the Shanghai International Film Festival, the South China Morning Post reported on its front page.
"It will help spread Chinese culture far and wide," he reportedly said.
The paper reported that Chan didn't say why his proposal singled out Shanghai women, and he offered no suggestions about how to implement his plan.
Chan also said he wanted to see more teahouses next to Starbucks coffee shops and more Chinese-style sesame seed cake shops next to McDonald's restaurants, the Post said.
One of many satisfactions of being sexually colonized (China), is all the native local (Chinese) women become sexual subjects of the "White devil". It is not in Chinese fashion to discriminate which race of men could become intimate with their women. It is a very old known fact that Chinese ladies are highly sought after by Non-Chinese ,
As White men and Chinese women are becoming more and more intimate and romantic, the two difference races will be more at peace. Even in ancient time, China knew its women would be easily lusted and sexually desirable due to their submissive, beauty, very soft feminine features. There are many accounts of ancient Chinese emperors bartering off their own Imperial Chinese Princess, even Imperial Concubines to the enemies as a gesture or tribute. Fighting is a waste of recourses, "here are 100,000 of our very finest women, let's be friends". Chinese ladies have been solving China's problem since ancient time.
When the first White people (Spaniards/Spain people) come to China when Chinese Ming Dynasty was still in power, the Spanish soldiers raided a fishing town and took all the Chinese women and girls with them. The Spaniards boasted about they could take over China with their few thousand men and make the China women their sex slaves. NEVER HAPPEN!
Not too long later, more and more Western imperialist powers arrived in China and ushering the White man's Golden Age of China's Colonization. If Chinese is a woman, then every single one of Western powers are men and they each took turn rxping / gangrxping China for centuries! We will always remember as 百年國恥 Century of humiliation~ but from the darkness comes light~ The sun didn't even go down yet and Chinese women were already fawning over the Western troops. After defeating and chasing off the Qinq dynasty's national army, the local Chinese ladies had already begun to disrobe.
Shanghai and the greater surrounding area was the British sphere of influence, meaning Chinese laws do not apply....only British laws apply on these Chinese soil.
(to be continued..)
1 年 前