Strip Clubs, whats that all about
For anyone who has been to a strip club, which seems to be a lot of people, or has worked in none, not so many I guess. You often see comments or stories about them and I find them humorous, let me elaborate.
Its funny I guess, but I knew a strip club when I was but a wee lass around the time I started out on SC, so thats A LONG time ago :-( but I digress, the club where I worked was probably the place in town the least likely to be anything of a sexual action between two people, only naughtiness was on stage and we had these large Eastern European Gorillas and an ex boxer from Sheffield all in suits who made sure no patron do so much as grabbed a bum. Ah happy days.
I find it funny people connect strip clubs with hanky panky, my own experience is of a nice place with dimmed relaxing lighting where men of all kinds went to quietly contemplate the female form. A bit like a Temple to visual pleasure I guess. The men would enjoy, leave a hefty donation depending on how well they thought the lady/ladies did and had diddle diddle topped their hats, pulled up their collar and went home into the rainy Northern night, splashing through the puddles to their drab home full of contented feelings and braced for their day at work on the morrow.
I wonder, have strip clubs changed much? or today are they places of grinding naughty time and spilling of liquid other than beverage? Notes in the comment section please.
Afterthought: One of my routines I Danced to Enigma in a costume made of tape, which unravelled as I moved, given the music had Gregorian chanting so my illusion to a place of worship has some Creedence.
Its funny I guess, but I knew a strip club when I was but a wee lass around the time I started out on SC, so thats A LONG time ago :-( but I digress, the club where I worked was probably the place in town the least likely to be anything of a sexual action between two people, only naughtiness was on stage and we had these large Eastern European Gorillas and an ex boxer from Sheffield all in suits who made sure no patron do so much as grabbed a bum. Ah happy days.
I find it funny people connect strip clubs with hanky panky, my own experience is of a nice place with dimmed relaxing lighting where men of all kinds went to quietly contemplate the female form. A bit like a Temple to visual pleasure I guess. The men would enjoy, leave a hefty donation depending on how well they thought the lady/ladies did and had diddle diddle topped their hats, pulled up their collar and went home into the rainy Northern night, splashing through the puddles to their drab home full of contented feelings and braced for their day at work on the morrow.
I wonder, have strip clubs changed much? or today are they places of grinding naughty time and spilling of liquid other than beverage? Notes in the comment section please.
Afterthought: One of my routines I Danced to Enigma in a costume made of tape, which unravelled as I moved, given the music had Gregorian chanting so my illusion to a place of worship has some Creedence.

1 年 前