Keeping my secret

It was a typical Saturday morning, at first light I was out the door. Getting on my bike I headed to my friend Mike's house. We rode around the neighborhood for a while and decided to explore the back of the shopping center.
Seeing a stack of boxes, we checked them out hoping to find something good.

After looking through several boxes, Mike found a stash of magazines. Celebrating, we thought we discovered the mother load of nudie magazines.
Riding back to his house we hid them in the garage. I stuck one under my shirt and went home. Not wanting to get caught with it, I ducked behind the garage. Looking around, I pulled it out and started looking at the pictures.

Getting excited, my pants started getting tight. Looking around again and seeing no one, I unbuttoned them and pulled them down a little. Pulling down my underwear, my dick sprang to full attention.

Leaning against a crate kept in back, I began stroking my dick. Slow at first, I flipped the pages looking at each picture. It felt good stroking my dick, stopping to add some spit as lube. As the urge to cum built up, I moved my hand quicker. I was about to cum when I heard Jim Smith, the neighbor behind us.

Pulling my pants up, he said don't be shy now. I was so embarrassed. Please don't tell my mom, I begged. Smiling he said, maybe we can work something out. I'll do anything, just don't tell.

Taking the magazine, he said I should be more careful where I pleasure myself, and went inside his house.

Disappointed I lost the magazine, I was happy knowing where more were.
Going inside the house, I ate lunch and watched some television.
The phone rang and my heart nearly stopped.

My mom came a said, Mr Smith wanted me to remind you that you promised to help him with something after dinner. Panicked, I could feel myself turning red.

After dinner, I told mom I'll be back later and headed to Jim's house.
Knocking on the door, I was so nervous I was shaking. Opening the door, he said to sit on the couch. I was surprised to see he had a large screen tv and different electronics for someone his age. Sitting beside me, he handed me the magazine back to me.
Jim said I should be careful about where I played with myself.
Turning on the television, he started a movie and said he'll be right back.

It was nothing like I ever seen before. Started off on the beach. A group of people were goofing around, when a guy I'm guessing accidentally touched a woman's chest. She looked shocked at first, then motioned for him to follow her. They went to the beach house where she turned and grabbed his crotch.

I was so engrossed with the movie I never noticed Jim coming back in a robe and carrying a bottle of hand lotion.
Sitting beside me, he put his arm around me.
Watching the couple fucking, my breathing quickened. My dick was straining against my pants when Jim said to go ahead and take my pants off.

The urge to cum over powered my thinking and I unbuttoned them. He asked if he could help take them off, I was so horny I didn't care. As he pulled them down, I stepped out of them. I was frightened as he slid my underwear down. Jim said, don't worry about it, go ahead and jack off. Paying attention to the movie, I was soon hard again. He watched as I moved my hand up and down. Picking up the bottle of lotion, he asked if I use it. I said I never tried it.
Putting his hands on my hips, Jim positioned me in front of him. Pulling me back, I ended up sitting between his legs. Picking up the bottle of lotion, he brushed my hand away. The cream was cold as he squeezed it out of the bottle.

Using his fingers, Jim smeared it all over my dick. Softly he took it in his hand and began to move up and down slowly. I tried to protest, but he said to relax and enjoy it.
It was the most wonderful feeling I ever had. Leaning forward, he said to take off my shirt. Nervously I pulled it off.

Pulling me back, I laid against him. As he began to massage my balls, the scene ended and another movie started.
I felt like I was in heaven as he rubbed my chest.
I could feel I was about to cum. Jim must of felt it too. Applying more lotion, he moved his hand quicker.

I jumped when he pinched my nipple and moved his hand faster. Whispering in my ear, he said cum for me.
The orgasm felt so good I couldn't help but moan loudly.

Jim wiped my dick clean and asked if I liked it. It was amazing, I exclaimed.

While I was putting my clothes back on, he said he wanted me to come back tomorrow.
发布者 Ilikestroking
1 年 前
candyking74 1 年 前
Fuck yes mmm perfect start
mountainman1011 1 年 前
can't wait for more.....