Consent 2
We met on Wednesday I had checked out Celeste's profile on a vanilla dating site. She had sent me a flirt I sent one back. A phone conversation resulted in a dinner date for Friday.
Celeste is 52 divorced and from her profile photo, a very attractive brunette. I'm a 63 yo widower in very good shape if I do say so myself.
At 6:30 I ring Celeste's doorbell.
"Please come in I am nearly ready." She is wearing a black mid-length skirt, flats and a tan blouse that is fit in all to right places to show off her curves.
"That's the best proposition anyone has made me all day." She lightly giggles in response as she walks into her bedroom(?). She comes back with a black sweater draped over her shoulder, she is talking to someone on the phone.
"…yes, even better than I thought. I should be fine dear, don't worry and don't wait up. Yes, I will, talk to you in the morning." She hangs up the phone.
"Sorry about that. That was a very good friend of mine, she worries when I date a new guy, which I haven't done in a while now. These days a girl can't be too careful."
"Celeste, I completely understand. It is good that you have a friend who is looking out for you."
I open the car door for her and then we have small talk while I drive to the small, mid-priced restaurant we had agreed to.
We have a very good dinner and the conversation is lively and nonstop. We have both travelled to many of the same places so we had lots to talk about.
I notice that they are starting to close the place and mention that we should continue somewhere else. She goes to "powder her nose." While I settle the bill and tip.
She had put on her sweater in the ladies room. I put my arm around her waist as we leave, she glances my way, then tilts her head against my shoulder. I open her car door again, and swing around to my side. I slide into my seat to find a pair of eager lips waiting to be kissed. I kiss cautiously at first, but then deepen the kiss as she moans softly. My arms pull her closer. Finally I break the kiss and she lays her head on my shoulder.
"So my dear where shall we continue this, my place? Your place? Or stay here in the parking lot?"
"Let's go back to my place if you don’t mind, that way Karen will see your car in my driveway and know that I am home."
"Is she a neighbor?"
"Next door, and a very good friend. She is really not as bad as I have made her sound, she is just being protective. She doesn't want me to get hurt."
I pat Celeste's knee lightly, "I can understand that, I don't want you to get hurt either." She giggles and puts her hand on mine holding me on her knee. I notice her breathing getting shorter, and so is mine.
All to soon we are at her door.
"Can I offer you a drink?"
"Yes I would like that very much." We walk in and take a few steps into the living room. I grab Celeste by her waist and pull her tight against me. She returns my hard kiss with one of her own, we pull ourselves together and just kiss, hard. Again I break the kiss, giving her an opportunity to object. She steps back, "How about a glass of white wine?" I hold her warm, soft, hand as she walks toward the kitchen. I follow behind her as she gets two wine glasses from the cabinet, then a bottle of wine from the fridge. I step behind her and lightly grasp her shoulder as I kiss the nape of her neck. I feel a shudder run through her as she gasps. Before she can pour the wine, I kiss my way up to her pierced ear lobe, kissing and sucking it lightly, she leans back against me.
"Ohhhh" she moans as her hips Back to meet mine. My throbbing erection pressing against the small of her back. She starts to turn, but my hands hold her facing the island, with me behind her. I press tighter against her pinning her against the island.
I kiss the other side of her neck and Celeste moans, "I hope I have enough food for you for breakfast!" "I am sure you do, really all I'll probably want in the morning is you anyway."
My hands slide slowly down from her shoulders and she gasps as the cup her breasts, her nipples already fully erect, I feel them through her clothes. She twists around to kiss me and I release her enough so she can turn half way, exposing her hips a bit more for me. As she slides her tongue deeply into my mouth, one hand gently caresses her tit as the other slides further down her body and finds a very hot delight waiting for me. Again she shudders and moans and nearly falls as I stroke her body and kiss her deeply. She unzips her shirt and my fingesr find a very soaked pair of panties. A short caress of her panties, then I move then to the side, sliding my finger along her other lips.
"Oh god! Your teasing has my pussy on FIRE! Please, please…" I part her pussy lips with my finger, releasing a gush of heat as I slide a finger into her pussy. "YES oh YES!" My other hand grabs her body, as her knees give way. I begin to slowly finger fuck her, my thumb finding a very hard clit hiding in the swollen lips of her pussy.
"Oh NOOOO" I feel her passion pulsing through her as her orgasm releases a hot tide on my fingers. I continue until her weight is getting to be too heavy for me to support with one arm. I take her in both my arms and pull her lips to mine. Our kiss, revives her to a degree, she wraps her arms around my shoulders and now supports herself again.
"Oh my god, oh my god, OHHHH" we hold each other, she is shaking as she comes back from her bliss.
"That's right Celeste my dear, take deep breaths, that’s right. Relax dear." She looks at me a big smile on her face.
"Hello, now what was I saying before I was so wonderfully interrupted by several orgasms? Oh yes, breakfast! I always enjoy sausage in the morning." She giggles as her hand grabs my erection through my slacks. "This one will satisfy my hunger quite fine I think! I have always wanted to be taken like that, in the kitchen, OH MY!" She steps from her skirt and takes my hand leading me into her bedroom.
The covers on the bed are already thrown back. Was she planning this?
"Lay on the bed Celeste, please." I take a pillow and place it in the small of her back. Without asking she slides her panties off for me. I spread her legs and view her dripping pussy. I feel her heat as my lips approach her hungry lips. She gasps as I begin to kiss and suck her pussy and clit. A moan from her as my finger enter her. She squirms as my finger work deep in her cunt stroking her "g" spot and sucking and lightly nipping at her clit. I look up her body and see her massaging her tits through her sweat stained blouse, her face shows her bliss as together we work her body to delivery her pleasure. I spread her legs wide, wider, she moans and I feel the quivers in her hips, soon dear, very soon.
"Oh God, Sir! Yes! My pussy!" She stiffens for a moment then the first wave of her pleasure hits. She gasps as her hips jerk towards me. The next spasm comes with a gush of hot fluid over my fingers and tongue. I lean back upward and unbutton her blouse as she lays there waiting for the next…..and next and next, will she ever stop? She does and I give us both a short break.
I go into the bathroom and get her a glass of water as she continues to moan. "Where are you dear?" "Here drink this." I lift her head and she drinks. As she drinks I remove her bra. When erect her nipples real stick out, maybe half an inch. I begin to suck one.
"Oh no! Let's get YOU undressed next! What surprises have you hidden under your clothes besides that big cock that I want deep in my cunt?!" Celeste sits up on the bed. She releases my belt and slacks, I step out of them as she unbuttons my shirt, rubbing and kissing my chest as she does, then her hot hand stokes my erection through my pre-cum stained shorts.
"Here is the real prize." She pulls down my shorts and quickly slides her lips over my cock.
"Hmmmm!" I sigh. Celeste opens her bedside table and brings out a foil packet. She takes the condom tip between her lips then slowly slides it onto my erection with a deep kiss.
"Ohh, very nicely done, dear. Now that I am fully undressed and properly prepared.." I push her back on the bed. My cock spreads her pussy lips as I plunge into her cunt.
"Guungh, Ohh baby, yes, fuck me! God you feel so good in my pussy!" I begin to fuck her as my lips capture a nipple and suck on her tit. She lifts my lips to hers and we kiss passionately as I thrust deep and hard into her hungry cunt. She rips away her lips as her orgasm pulses through her. Wave after wave as my hips pound her pussy hard, grinding her hips, my fingers pulling and twisting her tit to wrestle every drop of her orgasm from her. The waves keep rolling through her body but finally she relaxes spent. I release her, cock still embedded in her cunt. She looks sleeply at me as though in a daze. "I I I never, oh my, never knew" I kiss her lightly then she throws her arms around me and kisses my passionately. I release her again and lay her back on the bed. "Never, I" "Shhh" I begin to fuck her again as she moans "You never, oh god yes, fuck me again and again!" I begin to really pound her hips, her breasts bounce with each stroke into her body. Her ass is spanked as my hips meet her. I lift her legs around my neck and pull her hips off the bed to penetrate her pussy as deep as I can.
"Oh Baby you really like me fucking you like this!" "Oh god, so deep, so goood! FUCK!" She cums again. I bang her hard twisting her hips then lay her back on the bed. Fucking her non-stop through her orgasm and into the next. She kisses me and makes my slow down and as I slow she grabs my nipple and twists it, sending a hot rush of pain to the base of my cock, releasing the dam that has held bad my cum. "Uung, oh baby!" I fill the condom to overflowing with my load.
"Oh god, yes! Next time I want you to shoot your load deep into my cunt, my womb! I wish I hadn't put the condom on you."
"I am glad you did. I think it helped me last longer."
I finally roll off Celeste and onto the bed next to her. She lays her head on my chest. We lay there catching our breath.
"Dear, I never knew I could cum like that, that hard that long. Oh baby!" "So you had some fun, eh?" "oh YOU!" She kisses me playfully. "And you, twisting my nipple just sent me over the top you know! Made me cum."
The sheets are soaked with our sweat and cum, both hers and mine, but we fall deeply asleep. After a few hours nature wakes me and I carefully slide from Celeste's bed and sneak into the bathroom. I pull off the spent condom and take care of business, as quietly as I can. Then I stop and look. Celeste is laying asleep on her back in the bed. A shaft of moonlight across her hips. I come up to her as my erection starts, and begin to explore her breasts with my lips. I suck on her nipple as she stirs, a hand to the back of my head encouraging me on. My hand caresses her other breast as she moans softly, dreamily. I kiss her lips one at a time and then her cheeks. Her eyes open and I kiss her deeply. She wraps her arms around me and caress her, to get her thoroughly aroused.
"Do you want more dear?"
"Yes please, please fuck me again and again!" she gasps as I move my hips between her slim legs. She shuts her eyes as she lifts her hips to meet mine, my cock sliding into her now wet pussy. I move my hips to thrust into her again, She arches her back a comes very quickly!
"Oh god, yes, don't stop, never ***************! God your cock feels so wonderful in my pussy!"
I continue to thrust, deeper harder. Her second orgasm is building as is mine. The pulsing of her cunt on my cock is too much this time and my cum shoots into her. We both grunt and groan as our bodies are spent again.
"What is that?" "Someone pounding on the door I think. What time is it?" I glance at her alarm clock, "10" "Oh god, Karen I'll be there in a minute!" She yells and the pounding stops. Celeste giggles, "Sir you will have to come out of me and get off so I can get up." I had fallen asleep on top of Celeste with my cock still in her pussy. "Do I have to?" I joke. She runs into the bathroom, grabs a robe and runs to the door.
"Karen, god dear I am so very sorry, we ah we were still asleep."
"So I see. I am just glad you are OK. You were supposed to txt me an hour ago."
"I am so sorry, we were just so tired after last night."
"So you did decide to fuck him on your first date." "Yes, Mistress you were so right and he is so wonderful in bed."
"Did you cum?" "Yes, multiple times, multiple times!" Celeste giggles.
"So you fucked more than once. Good you needed a good cock fuck. You deserved it."
"Thank you Mistress." "I see he still here?" "Yes, he fell asleep on top of me, his cock was still inside me." "In the bedroom?" I hear them walking towards me and pull up the sheet.
"Sir, this is Karen, my Mistress." "Mistress?" Karen replies, "Yes, I have been Celeste's mistress and lover for three years now."
Karen is in her mid-thirties, thin which makes her breasts seem large. And she is black or interracial. "Celeste has been a very good lover and obeys me very well. I saw your profile and suggested you to Celeste, although I was interested too. Celeste and I even debated whether she should fuck you on your first date. I can tell now that she made the right choice, although she had never had sex on the first date before. She has that happy, sleepy, it was a wonderful night look of a woman who has been very satisfied sexually. For that I thank you."
"Well I think she is just a wonderful woman at dinner and ever since, please sit here, both of you."
Karen sits and Celeste seems uncertain.
"It's ok Celeste, sit or lay her next to your new lover and feel free to touch or kiss him."
She lays next to me and kisses me lightly on the lips. I find the whole situation very arousing and the sheet begins to rise over my cock.
"So you would like to see and fuck Celeste again?" "Yes"
"Good, Celeste if you wish too, I consent to you having a relationship with him. However, you both will be free to take other partners too. I say that because I wish to join you both, together and separately. I know Celeste has never had a threesome that included a man, have you?" "No Karen, I have never had a threesome and all my partners have been white."
Karen chuckles a little as Celeste kisses my check, "That will soon change." She leans over and pulls my lips to hers. I put my arm around her and pull her closer. Karen's hands explore my body both above and beneath the sheets, then she stops.
"No we should do this later, when you have both rested. I few more details, Celeste unlike our normal arrangement, whenever you are with him, you will control your orgasms including when I am involved. And in our threesome situation you can both feel free to touch and do anything to me."
"Yes Mistress!"
Celeste is 52 divorced and from her profile photo, a very attractive brunette. I'm a 63 yo widower in very good shape if I do say so myself.
At 6:30 I ring Celeste's doorbell.
"Please come in I am nearly ready." She is wearing a black mid-length skirt, flats and a tan blouse that is fit in all to right places to show off her curves.
"That's the best proposition anyone has made me all day." She lightly giggles in response as she walks into her bedroom(?). She comes back with a black sweater draped over her shoulder, she is talking to someone on the phone.
"…yes, even better than I thought. I should be fine dear, don't worry and don't wait up. Yes, I will, talk to you in the morning." She hangs up the phone.
"Sorry about that. That was a very good friend of mine, she worries when I date a new guy, which I haven't done in a while now. These days a girl can't be too careful."
"Celeste, I completely understand. It is good that you have a friend who is looking out for you."
I open the car door for her and then we have small talk while I drive to the small, mid-priced restaurant we had agreed to.
We have a very good dinner and the conversation is lively and nonstop. We have both travelled to many of the same places so we had lots to talk about.
I notice that they are starting to close the place and mention that we should continue somewhere else. She goes to "powder her nose." While I settle the bill and tip.
She had put on her sweater in the ladies room. I put my arm around her waist as we leave, she glances my way, then tilts her head against my shoulder. I open her car door again, and swing around to my side. I slide into my seat to find a pair of eager lips waiting to be kissed. I kiss cautiously at first, but then deepen the kiss as she moans softly. My arms pull her closer. Finally I break the kiss and she lays her head on my shoulder.
"So my dear where shall we continue this, my place? Your place? Or stay here in the parking lot?"
"Let's go back to my place if you don’t mind, that way Karen will see your car in my driveway and know that I am home."
"Is she a neighbor?"
"Next door, and a very good friend. She is really not as bad as I have made her sound, she is just being protective. She doesn't want me to get hurt."
I pat Celeste's knee lightly, "I can understand that, I don't want you to get hurt either." She giggles and puts her hand on mine holding me on her knee. I notice her breathing getting shorter, and so is mine.
All to soon we are at her door.
"Can I offer you a drink?"
"Yes I would like that very much." We walk in and take a few steps into the living room. I grab Celeste by her waist and pull her tight against me. She returns my hard kiss with one of her own, we pull ourselves together and just kiss, hard. Again I break the kiss, giving her an opportunity to object. She steps back, "How about a glass of white wine?" I hold her warm, soft, hand as she walks toward the kitchen. I follow behind her as she gets two wine glasses from the cabinet, then a bottle of wine from the fridge. I step behind her and lightly grasp her shoulder as I kiss the nape of her neck. I feel a shudder run through her as she gasps. Before she can pour the wine, I kiss my way up to her pierced ear lobe, kissing and sucking it lightly, she leans back against me.
"Ohhhh" she moans as her hips Back to meet mine. My throbbing erection pressing against the small of her back. She starts to turn, but my hands hold her facing the island, with me behind her. I press tighter against her pinning her against the island.
I kiss the other side of her neck and Celeste moans, "I hope I have enough food for you for breakfast!" "I am sure you do, really all I'll probably want in the morning is you anyway."
My hands slide slowly down from her shoulders and she gasps as the cup her breasts, her nipples already fully erect, I feel them through her clothes. She twists around to kiss me and I release her enough so she can turn half way, exposing her hips a bit more for me. As she slides her tongue deeply into my mouth, one hand gently caresses her tit as the other slides further down her body and finds a very hot delight waiting for me. Again she shudders and moans and nearly falls as I stroke her body and kiss her deeply. She unzips her shirt and my fingesr find a very soaked pair of panties. A short caress of her panties, then I move then to the side, sliding my finger along her other lips.
"Oh god! Your teasing has my pussy on FIRE! Please, please…" I part her pussy lips with my finger, releasing a gush of heat as I slide a finger into her pussy. "YES oh YES!" My other hand grabs her body, as her knees give way. I begin to slowly finger fuck her, my thumb finding a very hard clit hiding in the swollen lips of her pussy.
"Oh NOOOO" I feel her passion pulsing through her as her orgasm releases a hot tide on my fingers. I continue until her weight is getting to be too heavy for me to support with one arm. I take her in both my arms and pull her lips to mine. Our kiss, revives her to a degree, she wraps her arms around my shoulders and now supports herself again.
"Oh my god, oh my god, OHHHH" we hold each other, she is shaking as she comes back from her bliss.
"That's right Celeste my dear, take deep breaths, that’s right. Relax dear." She looks at me a big smile on her face.
"Hello, now what was I saying before I was so wonderfully interrupted by several orgasms? Oh yes, breakfast! I always enjoy sausage in the morning." She giggles as her hand grabs my erection through my slacks. "This one will satisfy my hunger quite fine I think! I have always wanted to be taken like that, in the kitchen, OH MY!" She steps from her skirt and takes my hand leading me into her bedroom.
The covers on the bed are already thrown back. Was she planning this?
"Lay on the bed Celeste, please." I take a pillow and place it in the small of her back. Without asking she slides her panties off for me. I spread her legs and view her dripping pussy. I feel her heat as my lips approach her hungry lips. She gasps as I begin to kiss and suck her pussy and clit. A moan from her as my finger enter her. She squirms as my finger work deep in her cunt stroking her "g" spot and sucking and lightly nipping at her clit. I look up her body and see her massaging her tits through her sweat stained blouse, her face shows her bliss as together we work her body to delivery her pleasure. I spread her legs wide, wider, she moans and I feel the quivers in her hips, soon dear, very soon.
"Oh God, Sir! Yes! My pussy!" She stiffens for a moment then the first wave of her pleasure hits. She gasps as her hips jerk towards me. The next spasm comes with a gush of hot fluid over my fingers and tongue. I lean back upward and unbutton her blouse as she lays there waiting for the next…..and next and next, will she ever stop? She does and I give us both a short break.
I go into the bathroom and get her a glass of water as she continues to moan. "Where are you dear?" "Here drink this." I lift her head and she drinks. As she drinks I remove her bra. When erect her nipples real stick out, maybe half an inch. I begin to suck one.
"Oh no! Let's get YOU undressed next! What surprises have you hidden under your clothes besides that big cock that I want deep in my cunt?!" Celeste sits up on the bed. She releases my belt and slacks, I step out of them as she unbuttons my shirt, rubbing and kissing my chest as she does, then her hot hand stokes my erection through my pre-cum stained shorts.
"Here is the real prize." She pulls down my shorts and quickly slides her lips over my cock.
"Hmmmm!" I sigh. Celeste opens her bedside table and brings out a foil packet. She takes the condom tip between her lips then slowly slides it onto my erection with a deep kiss.
"Ohh, very nicely done, dear. Now that I am fully undressed and properly prepared.." I push her back on the bed. My cock spreads her pussy lips as I plunge into her cunt.
"Guungh, Ohh baby, yes, fuck me! God you feel so good in my pussy!" I begin to fuck her as my lips capture a nipple and suck on her tit. She lifts my lips to hers and we kiss passionately as I thrust deep and hard into her hungry cunt. She rips away her lips as her orgasm pulses through her. Wave after wave as my hips pound her pussy hard, grinding her hips, my fingers pulling and twisting her tit to wrestle every drop of her orgasm from her. The waves keep rolling through her body but finally she relaxes spent. I release her, cock still embedded in her cunt. She looks sleeply at me as though in a daze. "I I I never, oh my, never knew" I kiss her lightly then she throws her arms around me and kisses my passionately. I release her again and lay her back on the bed. "Never, I" "Shhh" I begin to fuck her again as she moans "You never, oh god yes, fuck me again and again!" I begin to really pound her hips, her breasts bounce with each stroke into her body. Her ass is spanked as my hips meet her. I lift her legs around my neck and pull her hips off the bed to penetrate her pussy as deep as I can.
"Oh Baby you really like me fucking you like this!" "Oh god, so deep, so goood! FUCK!" She cums again. I bang her hard twisting her hips then lay her back on the bed. Fucking her non-stop through her orgasm and into the next. She kisses me and makes my slow down and as I slow she grabs my nipple and twists it, sending a hot rush of pain to the base of my cock, releasing the dam that has held bad my cum. "Uung, oh baby!" I fill the condom to overflowing with my load.
"Oh god, yes! Next time I want you to shoot your load deep into my cunt, my womb! I wish I hadn't put the condom on you."
"I am glad you did. I think it helped me last longer."
I finally roll off Celeste and onto the bed next to her. She lays her head on my chest. We lay there catching our breath.
"Dear, I never knew I could cum like that, that hard that long. Oh baby!" "So you had some fun, eh?" "oh YOU!" She kisses me playfully. "And you, twisting my nipple just sent me over the top you know! Made me cum."
The sheets are soaked with our sweat and cum, both hers and mine, but we fall deeply asleep. After a few hours nature wakes me and I carefully slide from Celeste's bed and sneak into the bathroom. I pull off the spent condom and take care of business, as quietly as I can. Then I stop and look. Celeste is laying asleep on her back in the bed. A shaft of moonlight across her hips. I come up to her as my erection starts, and begin to explore her breasts with my lips. I suck on her nipple as she stirs, a hand to the back of my head encouraging me on. My hand caresses her other breast as she moans softly, dreamily. I kiss her lips one at a time and then her cheeks. Her eyes open and I kiss her deeply. She wraps her arms around me and caress her, to get her thoroughly aroused.
"Do you want more dear?"
"Yes please, please fuck me again and again!" she gasps as I move my hips between her slim legs. She shuts her eyes as she lifts her hips to meet mine, my cock sliding into her now wet pussy. I move my hips to thrust into her again, She arches her back a comes very quickly!
"Oh god, yes, don't stop, never ***************! God your cock feels so wonderful in my pussy!"
I continue to thrust, deeper harder. Her second orgasm is building as is mine. The pulsing of her cunt on my cock is too much this time and my cum shoots into her. We both grunt and groan as our bodies are spent again.
"What is that?" "Someone pounding on the door I think. What time is it?" I glance at her alarm clock, "10" "Oh god, Karen I'll be there in a minute!" She yells and the pounding stops. Celeste giggles, "Sir you will have to come out of me and get off so I can get up." I had fallen asleep on top of Celeste with my cock still in her pussy. "Do I have to?" I joke. She runs into the bathroom, grabs a robe and runs to the door.
"Karen, god dear I am so very sorry, we ah we were still asleep."
"So I see. I am just glad you are OK. You were supposed to txt me an hour ago."
"I am so sorry, we were just so tired after last night."
"So you did decide to fuck him on your first date." "Yes, Mistress you were so right and he is so wonderful in bed."
"Did you cum?" "Yes, multiple times, multiple times!" Celeste giggles.
"So you fucked more than once. Good you needed a good cock fuck. You deserved it."
"Thank you Mistress." "I see he still here?" "Yes, he fell asleep on top of me, his cock was still inside me." "In the bedroom?" I hear them walking towards me and pull up the sheet.
"Sir, this is Karen, my Mistress." "Mistress?" Karen replies, "Yes, I have been Celeste's mistress and lover for three years now."
Karen is in her mid-thirties, thin which makes her breasts seem large. And she is black or interracial. "Celeste has been a very good lover and obeys me very well. I saw your profile and suggested you to Celeste, although I was interested too. Celeste and I even debated whether she should fuck you on your first date. I can tell now that she made the right choice, although she had never had sex on the first date before. She has that happy, sleepy, it was a wonderful night look of a woman who has been very satisfied sexually. For that I thank you."
"Well I think she is just a wonderful woman at dinner and ever since, please sit here, both of you."
Karen sits and Celeste seems uncertain.
"It's ok Celeste, sit or lay her next to your new lover and feel free to touch or kiss him."
She lays next to me and kisses me lightly on the lips. I find the whole situation very arousing and the sheet begins to rise over my cock.
"So you would like to see and fuck Celeste again?" "Yes"
"Good, Celeste if you wish too, I consent to you having a relationship with him. However, you both will be free to take other partners too. I say that because I wish to join you both, together and separately. I know Celeste has never had a threesome that included a man, have you?" "No Karen, I have never had a threesome and all my partners have been white."
Karen chuckles a little as Celeste kisses my check, "That will soon change." She leans over and pulls my lips to hers. I put my arm around her and pull her closer. Karen's hands explore my body both above and beneath the sheets, then she stops.
"No we should do this later, when you have both rested. I few more details, Celeste unlike our normal arrangement, whenever you are with him, you will control your orgasms including when I am involved. And in our threesome situation you can both feel free to touch and do anything to me."
"Yes Mistress!"
1 年 前