My First Gay Crush.
My first gay crush.
I'm not sure you can call it a crush because I was a horny lad and I did kinda fancy my best mate Dave. However Tony was the opposite of us all. We were boys from the rough council estate. All worn-out clothes and battered faces. Tony was the rich middle class kid in the newest brands a very good looking. Blue eyes with curly blond hair. He just oozed middle-class.
I met him at Army Cadets. After he pranked me we hit it right off. Immediately we hung around all the time. Spent hrs riding I to the countryside or just playing football.
I liked his house a lot. He literally had everything. Computer with multi screen and ppl didn't have computers then. Subbutteo collection and everything. I loved going to his however we both kinda preferred mine.
Simply put we both got a lot of privacy to do silly stuff. My Older Sis was rarely about and Mum left us to it.
One night Tony is staying over and it was weird because I'd never had a mate over so we set up a mattress for him next to my bed and got on with our silly lad stuff.
As the day went on it was clear we were going to be alone tonight. Or at least till midnight when my mum gets home from the Pub.
So at first we set up a tent in the garden but soon get bored and tired so we put on our fav film for like the 100th time (TopGun)and watch most of that when we hear a car pull up.
Must be my mum so we scurry to my room as she's bound to be drunk and my mum is a flirt drunk. I'm not sure Tony would think. Unlike my other mates I'm not even sure Tony has hormones or fantasies. It just wasn't something between us.
Not long in my room and I hear a man and that's when I knew Tony was bound to hear or worse see something so I'm a little worried. We sit chatting and playing various games before Tony disappears to the bathroom to change for bed leaving me to do the same. Thing is I sleep naked. Everyone did here. So I'm digging out my PT shorts as they are clean and I jump into bed but sitting up waiting for Tony.
He takes ages then all of a sudden comes barging through my door looking worried. I asked him what's up he said it was nothing he just got confused but I tell you what he didn't realise. He had the biggest erection I'd ever seen and he was all heavy breathing.
Omg what has happened?
All curious I go check the hall pretending to go to the loo and knowing I'm all hard so I hide that.
I had masturbated over Tony a few times but again we never spoke but his erection instantly got me turned on.
In the hall I could hear my Mum getting fucked. So there you have it. Tony has been listening to the Fucking and I can't blame him I'm often listening to it myself. So I go back in my room pretending nothing happened.
Tony is on the mattress but under the covers and notices my Shorts. He points out they are our PT shorts and I tell him I don't wear anything in bed. He points out how relieved he was to hear that as neither does he. Infact he says his family are Nudists so when nobody is around everyone is Naked. He smiles and asks was that too much info and I laugh at him while dropping my shorts and climbing into my bed. No mate I tell him. We are similar in this house if it don't bother you I can chill a little because my mum or sis are bound to be wondering around half dressed. At best.
Tony laughs back saying he knew already as my mum bumped into him in the hall.
We both laughed and left it at that but I'm guessing his erection was thanks to my mum.
Tony jumps up to Turn the light out and in the dark I see him take of his top and trousers but couldn't see much more than shadows.
We are both laying there chatting and I'm sure Tony can here the faint Fucking noises too.
It's already quite late and we are both crashing when Tony hits something making a noise and I kicks him playfully telling him to shush.
He responded by leaning up and slapping my leg.
We have a weird wrestle with my leg hanging off my bed and Tony holding it as he first slaps then starts to tickle. Well I'm a lad and my Cock takes over. I'm letting his hand wonder further up my leg as I can feel his other hand slowly directing my foot up his inner thigh. I kinda know what's coming but can't believe it. I'm so hard and then I feel it. His big erect cock rubbing on my foot. Then his hand grasps my Cock and he starts wanking me Off. I roll over onto my side so I can reach his cock and start wanking him. Tony motions for me to get next to him and I just roll off my bed and land my Naked body right against his. Our Cocks rubbing together as we start to kiss. I reach down For Tony's Cock and the moment I touch it he cums everywhere. He pulls me in close and grabs my cock. Wanks me so hard I come in seconds and we just fell onto the mattress like a mess off seaman and sweat. We fell asleep like that too but in middle of the night I woke and moved back to my bed.
In the Morning Tony was already down stairs chatting to my Mum and one of her drunken conquests.
I must admit I had wanted Tony but never knew he was even aware of the body. I guess I'm learning to re-evaluate things here and I'm very curious how I can see this Nudist thing at work. Or at least another reason to get Naked with Tony and that certainly did happen. A lot.
I'm not sure you can call it a crush because I was a horny lad and I did kinda fancy my best mate Dave. However Tony was the opposite of us all. We were boys from the rough council estate. All worn-out clothes and battered faces. Tony was the rich middle class kid in the newest brands a very good looking. Blue eyes with curly blond hair. He just oozed middle-class.
I met him at Army Cadets. After he pranked me we hit it right off. Immediately we hung around all the time. Spent hrs riding I to the countryside or just playing football.
I liked his house a lot. He literally had everything. Computer with multi screen and ppl didn't have computers then. Subbutteo collection and everything. I loved going to his however we both kinda preferred mine.
Simply put we both got a lot of privacy to do silly stuff. My Older Sis was rarely about and Mum left us to it.
One night Tony is staying over and it was weird because I'd never had a mate over so we set up a mattress for him next to my bed and got on with our silly lad stuff.
As the day went on it was clear we were going to be alone tonight. Or at least till midnight when my mum gets home from the Pub.
So at first we set up a tent in the garden but soon get bored and tired so we put on our fav film for like the 100th time (TopGun)and watch most of that when we hear a car pull up.
Must be my mum so we scurry to my room as she's bound to be drunk and my mum is a flirt drunk. I'm not sure Tony would think. Unlike my other mates I'm not even sure Tony has hormones or fantasies. It just wasn't something between us.
Not long in my room and I hear a man and that's when I knew Tony was bound to hear or worse see something so I'm a little worried. We sit chatting and playing various games before Tony disappears to the bathroom to change for bed leaving me to do the same. Thing is I sleep naked. Everyone did here. So I'm digging out my PT shorts as they are clean and I jump into bed but sitting up waiting for Tony.
He takes ages then all of a sudden comes barging through my door looking worried. I asked him what's up he said it was nothing he just got confused but I tell you what he didn't realise. He had the biggest erection I'd ever seen and he was all heavy breathing.
Omg what has happened?
All curious I go check the hall pretending to go to the loo and knowing I'm all hard so I hide that.
I had masturbated over Tony a few times but again we never spoke but his erection instantly got me turned on.
In the hall I could hear my Mum getting fucked. So there you have it. Tony has been listening to the Fucking and I can't blame him I'm often listening to it myself. So I go back in my room pretending nothing happened.
Tony is on the mattress but under the covers and notices my Shorts. He points out they are our PT shorts and I tell him I don't wear anything in bed. He points out how relieved he was to hear that as neither does he. Infact he says his family are Nudists so when nobody is around everyone is Naked. He smiles and asks was that too much info and I laugh at him while dropping my shorts and climbing into my bed. No mate I tell him. We are similar in this house if it don't bother you I can chill a little because my mum or sis are bound to be wondering around half dressed. At best.
Tony laughs back saying he knew already as my mum bumped into him in the hall.
We both laughed and left it at that but I'm guessing his erection was thanks to my mum.
Tony jumps up to Turn the light out and in the dark I see him take of his top and trousers but couldn't see much more than shadows.
We are both laying there chatting and I'm sure Tony can here the faint Fucking noises too.
It's already quite late and we are both crashing when Tony hits something making a noise and I kicks him playfully telling him to shush.
He responded by leaning up and slapping my leg.
We have a weird wrestle with my leg hanging off my bed and Tony holding it as he first slaps then starts to tickle. Well I'm a lad and my Cock takes over. I'm letting his hand wonder further up my leg as I can feel his other hand slowly directing my foot up his inner thigh. I kinda know what's coming but can't believe it. I'm so hard and then I feel it. His big erect cock rubbing on my foot. Then his hand grasps my Cock and he starts wanking me Off. I roll over onto my side so I can reach his cock and start wanking him. Tony motions for me to get next to him and I just roll off my bed and land my Naked body right against his. Our Cocks rubbing together as we start to kiss. I reach down For Tony's Cock and the moment I touch it he cums everywhere. He pulls me in close and grabs my cock. Wanks me so hard I come in seconds and we just fell onto the mattress like a mess off seaman and sweat. We fell asleep like that too but in middle of the night I woke and moved back to my bed.
In the Morning Tony was already down stairs chatting to my Mum and one of her drunken conquests.
I must admit I had wanted Tony but never knew he was even aware of the body. I guess I'm learning to re-evaluate things here and I'm very curious how I can see this Nudist thing at work. Or at least another reason to get Naked with Tony and that certainly did happen. A lot.
11 月 前