Discovering sensuality

He knew that i was not very muscular and had rounder features then the boys in my class, so he discovered that my testicles hadn't sunk into my scrotum. This made him bring 'the Pill' into my life, after we discussed what i wanted in this life. Before this discussion, he'd already brought in some bias in my perception, by also bringing the suitcase full of lingerie that he had 'found' near a second hand store (i guess that another cross dresser wanted to purge his/her collection) and basically, giving it all to me, but only if I agreed to try the stuff on my body.
Then he saw how tiny my cock and scrotum where. He held his own dick next to mine. The difference was huge. I really felt like i was more of a girl than a boy. So that made me decide to indeed take his offer and put myself in the hormone regimen that this Pill would give me, would force me in to. He knew that the results would be visible for my parents, and basically everyone, so he found a place for both of us to stay, an appartment in a suburb near my high school, and since my parents liked to enjoy their home for themselves, it was fine with them, and for me it was great that I didn't need to do the daily bikeride of over 30 miles, there and back. It made me have a good physical condition, but who wants to ride a bicycle for over an hour when it rains? Sitting with wet clothes in a classroom is no fun - a couple of times it made me sick.
The girls in my class were the first to notice my budding boobs. I'd told them that I was actually a girl, born with some male features, that actually the doctor and my parents made a mistake - there was no 'gender' yet in our vocabulary.
I was invited to come to the home of the nicest girl in my class. She was sweet and tried to understand the things I was experiencing. Then, she asked if I would be happier if I could dress like a girl. l answered 'yes' and blushed like a fool, but she smiled, and gave me some of her clothes 'here, you can keep those, I've got enough clothes, more then enough, since my elder sisters gave me theirs. She has three elder sisters, is the youngest herself. When i undressed, she noticed how small my penis is. She held her small hand under it, and it really was a bit pathetic, a tiny little sausage that tried to hide between her little fingers. 'No, this is never going to make a girl happy' the little sweet wise nose told me. 'You are a girl, a woman, look at the rest of your body. You'll have a great figure!'

I had to cry as this was what I dreamt about each and every night. Also since I began taking the pill, my emotions were more present, and it just felt better to let them free, give them space. I was so happy, that i was so lucky, to have this person, this cute girl. as my friend. She promised not to gossip over our meetings; 'i think gossip is bad and you should stay away from people doing that'. With tearful eyes, I nodded, then I asked if we could be 'heart friends'. It is what young teenage girls do - they write in each other's year books, make bead chains, dance in their bedroom and jump on their bed - stuff like that. And of course, they have their strip of The Pill in their bathrooms.
发布者 JayR53
9 月 前