M meets the McGuffin Boys
Highway 93 in southwest Idaho is a less travelled road that M was taking to visit her lover Gene in Boise. As the silver Audi TT sports car she was driving cruised over the blacktop with the top down M was at peace in her world as the spectacular desert scenery moved from tableau to tableau under the clear, cloudless blue sky.
She had removed her blouse and bra at a vacant roadside rest area and the cool breeze coming from the dash vents caused the pink nipples on her small firm breasts to harden and wrinkle as she pushed the accelerator down and set the cruise control to 60 miles per hour.
"Oh what a glorious day.....and tonight I will be in the strong arms of Gene." she murmured as she reached down with her left hand and pushed it past the waist band of her cotton shorts and nylon panties. Reaching further as she adjusted her ass on the leather seat and spread her legs the fingers played in the thick bush of pubic hair over her mound and then down to gently caress her sex.
"Oh you naughty girl!" she laughed aloud as she became aroused at the thought of having the 7 inch black hard cock buried deep within her pussy.
"OH FUCK! now I've done it." she shouted aloud as she felt the oily love fluid begin to drip from her slit onto her fingers as they fondled the engorged worm like clitoris that had emerged from its hood.
M saw that a narrow dirt road ahead that would be a convenient place to turn off the highway to finish her masturbation and reach an orgasm.
Rolling slowly off the highway and onto the dusty narrow road she proceeded down into a slight depression where the Audi would be invisible to anyone on the highway she stopped the car and shut off the engine.
Pushing the seat adjustment buttons M adjusted the seat to full back position and lifting her ass from the leather seat bottom she wriggled and pulled her shorts and panties down until theyrested over her long lithe shapely thighs fully exposing the triangle bush, labia and slit.
She removed the head scarf that had held her shoulder length hair back behind her ears and let the tresses fall to either side of her head.
Only the gentle cooing of a far off mourning dove broke the silence of the dry desert air as M began to probe her fingers past the labia and into the oil coated slick slit.
"Oooooh Gene........fuck me Master.....fuck me hard with your cock..." she began to moan as the tingling began to rise up from deep in her loins and the ecstacy of the impending climax of an orgasm approached.
M began to gasp and groan and whimper as she closed her eyes to envision the massive naked black body of her lover lying atop her plunging his massive phallus deep into her sex canal.
Oily slime dripped onto the leather seat and onto her long slender fingers as they caressed the fully engorged clitoris and probed in and out of the gaping sex.
Lost in the imaginary world of blissful lovemaking she screamed "AAAH.....AAAAH.....GENE I"M CUMMING.... GENE!"
A Tsumami of exquisite pleasure rolled through every cell of her womanly being as the orgasm exploded and the image of the hard black cock was replaced with a kaliedoscope of countless colors. Totally exhausted M collapsed down onto the seat cushion with her lungs heaving in an out with her heart pulse racing from the exquisite exertion.
"Who the fuck is Gene?" a deep bass voice broke through the mental afterglow and the silence of the desert. M's eyes opened and she turned her head languidly towards the sound and saw the thick brass oval shaped belt buckle with the word "Peterbilt" and the faded blue denim fabric of a pair of jeans.
Before raising her head further M instinctively tried to cover her sex by reaching down and jerking on the hem of her shorts to raise them above her thighs.
A massive hand reached down and gripped a handful of the grey hair covering her head and jerked her slender body like a sack of potatoes towards the open door of the car. She tumbled out onto the hard packed earth of the road and fell onto her left side with her left arm outstretched above her head.
Laying in the shadow of the man who pulled her from her car she looked up and saw that he was huge and bare chested standing well over 6 feet tall. He glared down at her with cold steel grey eyes as he moved his head to survey her near naked body .His head was bald and his face was covered in a thick black beard. M knew instantly that at 5'6" tall and 130 pounds she was no match to physically fight this muscular man.
"Please mister....I am sorry if I caused you any concern, I just want to be on my way Sir, if you would please allow me to leave." she pleaded.
The response was not what she had hoped it would be as the big man growled " You gotta be fucking kidding bitch..I got plans for you and if ya don't do what your told it ain't gonna be an easy time....now get on your knees and let me see how good ya are at sucking a cock."
M knew what was going to be expected but she had no choice but to push herself up onto her knees and wait as the brute opened the fly of the blue jeans and pulled out a thick, stubby semi flaccid cock.
"Just so you know what your gonna get if you do somethng stupid like bite me I'll give ya the beating of your life with this here belt." he snarled as he pulled the 2" wide leather belt from the waist loops and doubled in his right fist.
M shuffled obediently forward on her knees with the shorts still covering her calves and took the cock in her right hand guided the limp shaft between her lips. It smelled of urine and sweat and she tried not to gag as she bobbed her head forward and took its entire length into her mouth.
This was a dispassionate blow job and neither she nor the man showed any emotion as her lips moved back and forth over the phallus. M simply wanted it to be over and hopefully be set free once he came and she used skill she had learned when sucking Gene's cock to bring the brute to a climax.
M could feel the cock grow and harden and hear the heavy breathing as she caressed the underside rib with her tongue and began to taste the putrid precum. The shaft was short and very thick with a swollen bulbous head so she managed to accept it's length without using her throat. Th veins stood out against the taut skin and she ran her tongue over them which brought a curse from the man's lips "yea, that's it, suck me good you whore."
He swung the belt back over his right shoulder and then brought it down hard across M's bare back.
"AAAGGHH...please Sir...." M cried out as the pain spread across her shoulders.
M began to bob her head back and forth in an effort to finish her task before she felt the agony of the belt again but he pulled it back and brought it down across her shoulders and back again shouting "Don't stop sucking, you filthy slut."
Despite the firey pain M managed to keep the shaft firmly between her lips without biting the flesh and her effort was rewarded when the cock piss hole sprayed forth pungent semen that filled her mouth and dripped down her throat.
The left fist gripped her hair and forced her head against his groin as spurts of the oily fluid followed and she was forced to gulp it down with her nostrils pressed into his mat of black wirey pubic hair.
He held her head against his body as he expended the last drop of his semen into M's mouth and then pushed her back and she once again fell to one side and lay prone on the sandy soil.
"Can I go now Sir....please." M cooed in the hopes that her ordeal was over and she could dress and be once again on her way.
"No fucking way, bitch..you really know how ta suck cock so me and you are gonna take a little drive in this here fancy car of yours and your gonna get ta meet my pa and three brothers. Were gonna have lottsa fun with you before we let ya go."
She had removed her blouse and bra at a vacant roadside rest area and the cool breeze coming from the dash vents caused the pink nipples on her small firm breasts to harden and wrinkle as she pushed the accelerator down and set the cruise control to 60 miles per hour.
"Oh what a glorious day.....and tonight I will be in the strong arms of Gene." she murmured as she reached down with her left hand and pushed it past the waist band of her cotton shorts and nylon panties. Reaching further as she adjusted her ass on the leather seat and spread her legs the fingers played in the thick bush of pubic hair over her mound and then down to gently caress her sex.
"Oh you naughty girl!" she laughed aloud as she became aroused at the thought of having the 7 inch black hard cock buried deep within her pussy.
"OH FUCK! now I've done it." she shouted aloud as she felt the oily love fluid begin to drip from her slit onto her fingers as they fondled the engorged worm like clitoris that had emerged from its hood.
M saw that a narrow dirt road ahead that would be a convenient place to turn off the highway to finish her masturbation and reach an orgasm.
Rolling slowly off the highway and onto the dusty narrow road she proceeded down into a slight depression where the Audi would be invisible to anyone on the highway she stopped the car and shut off the engine.
Pushing the seat adjustment buttons M adjusted the seat to full back position and lifting her ass from the leather seat bottom she wriggled and pulled her shorts and panties down until theyrested over her long lithe shapely thighs fully exposing the triangle bush, labia and slit.
She removed the head scarf that had held her shoulder length hair back behind her ears and let the tresses fall to either side of her head.
Only the gentle cooing of a far off mourning dove broke the silence of the dry desert air as M began to probe her fingers past the labia and into the oil coated slick slit.
"Oooooh Gene........fuck me Master.....fuck me hard with your cock..." she began to moan as the tingling began to rise up from deep in her loins and the ecstacy of the impending climax of an orgasm approached.
M began to gasp and groan and whimper as she closed her eyes to envision the massive naked black body of her lover lying atop her plunging his massive phallus deep into her sex canal.
Oily slime dripped onto the leather seat and onto her long slender fingers as they caressed the fully engorged clitoris and probed in and out of the gaping sex.
Lost in the imaginary world of blissful lovemaking she screamed "AAAH.....AAAAH.....GENE I"M CUMMING.... GENE!"
A Tsumami of exquisite pleasure rolled through every cell of her womanly being as the orgasm exploded and the image of the hard black cock was replaced with a kaliedoscope of countless colors. Totally exhausted M collapsed down onto the seat cushion with her lungs heaving in an out with her heart pulse racing from the exquisite exertion.
"Who the fuck is Gene?" a deep bass voice broke through the mental afterglow and the silence of the desert. M's eyes opened and she turned her head languidly towards the sound and saw the thick brass oval shaped belt buckle with the word "Peterbilt" and the faded blue denim fabric of a pair of jeans.
Before raising her head further M instinctively tried to cover her sex by reaching down and jerking on the hem of her shorts to raise them above her thighs.
A massive hand reached down and gripped a handful of the grey hair covering her head and jerked her slender body like a sack of potatoes towards the open door of the car. She tumbled out onto the hard packed earth of the road and fell onto her left side with her left arm outstretched above her head.
Laying in the shadow of the man who pulled her from her car she looked up and saw that he was huge and bare chested standing well over 6 feet tall. He glared down at her with cold steel grey eyes as he moved his head to survey her near naked body .His head was bald and his face was covered in a thick black beard. M knew instantly that at 5'6" tall and 130 pounds she was no match to physically fight this muscular man.
"Please mister....I am sorry if I caused you any concern, I just want to be on my way Sir, if you would please allow me to leave." she pleaded.
The response was not what she had hoped it would be as the big man growled " You gotta be fucking kidding bitch..I got plans for you and if ya don't do what your told it ain't gonna be an easy time....now get on your knees and let me see how good ya are at sucking a cock."
M knew what was going to be expected but she had no choice but to push herself up onto her knees and wait as the brute opened the fly of the blue jeans and pulled out a thick, stubby semi flaccid cock.
"Just so you know what your gonna get if you do somethng stupid like bite me I'll give ya the beating of your life with this here belt." he snarled as he pulled the 2" wide leather belt from the waist loops and doubled in his right fist.
M shuffled obediently forward on her knees with the shorts still covering her calves and took the cock in her right hand guided the limp shaft between her lips. It smelled of urine and sweat and she tried not to gag as she bobbed her head forward and took its entire length into her mouth.
This was a dispassionate blow job and neither she nor the man showed any emotion as her lips moved back and forth over the phallus. M simply wanted it to be over and hopefully be set free once he came and she used skill she had learned when sucking Gene's cock to bring the brute to a climax.
M could feel the cock grow and harden and hear the heavy breathing as she caressed the underside rib with her tongue and began to taste the putrid precum. The shaft was short and very thick with a swollen bulbous head so she managed to accept it's length without using her throat. Th veins stood out against the taut skin and she ran her tongue over them which brought a curse from the man's lips "yea, that's it, suck me good you whore."
He swung the belt back over his right shoulder and then brought it down hard across M's bare back.
"AAAGGHH...please Sir...." M cried out as the pain spread across her shoulders.
M began to bob her head back and forth in an effort to finish her task before she felt the agony of the belt again but he pulled it back and brought it down across her shoulders and back again shouting "Don't stop sucking, you filthy slut."
Despite the firey pain M managed to keep the shaft firmly between her lips without biting the flesh and her effort was rewarded when the cock piss hole sprayed forth pungent semen that filled her mouth and dripped down her throat.
The left fist gripped her hair and forced her head against his groin as spurts of the oily fluid followed and she was forced to gulp it down with her nostrils pressed into his mat of black wirey pubic hair.
He held her head against his body as he expended the last drop of his semen into M's mouth and then pushed her back and she once again fell to one side and lay prone on the sandy soil.
"Can I go now Sir....please." M cooed in the hopes that her ordeal was over and she could dress and be once again on her way.
"No fucking way, bitch..you really know how ta suck cock so me and you are gonna take a little drive in this here fancy car of yours and your gonna get ta meet my pa and three brothers. Were gonna have lottsa fun with you before we let ya go."
8 月 前