Author :- DreamRanger
Jennifer had left me a month ago now, and I did nothing but stay in bed all day with the shades drawn. My mother would bring trays of food to my bed and return and pick them up uneaten. I don't know how much weight I had lost. I didn't even care.
When Mom would try to talk to me about it, I would just roll over and face the wall. So I guess she felt like she had no other choice, if I were ever going to snap out of it. She did what she did and she brought me back to life.
A morning like any other, a single knock on the door and she opened it. I peeked out of the pillows with one eye, expecting to see her with a tray of breakfast, just toast and yogurt maybe, since she had long given up on me eating a big meal. But it was just her. She was wearing a bathrobe, which was unusual, but not that strange. She sat on the side of the bed, which was typical, and she reached out to stroke my hair as she always did.
But this time, before I knew it, her hand slipped behind my head and lifted it up, as her other hand pulled apart her robe and exposed one of her breasts. She didn't say a word, and I was too shocked to fight it, as she placed my mouth on her nipple and then held me there with both hands.
My lips against her warm and soft nipple, my face pillowed into her breast, my lips opened just a little and I took her nipple into my mouth. She began to rock me, and I began to cry.
I sucked her as I cried. There was no milk of course, but something so deep and primal in me broke me down, in my complete helplessness, and I was undone.
I began moving my jaw and sucking from her as if she were feeding me. My tongue reached out and lapped at her nipple. I opened wider and took in her entire areola, sucking it into my mouth, salivating and swallowing. I lifted my hands from underneath the covers and placed them around her breast, lifting it and holding it out so I could suck her in more deeply.
Somewhere in the midst of it all, I don't know how many minutes later, I realized I wasn't crying any more.
She had not moved through all of this, except to soften her hold on my head once I had latched on, which allowed her to run her hands through my hair as I nursed on her.
I didn't want this to end. And I was grateful that she seemed willing to let me suck her as long as I found comfort in it. But I was as weak as a kitten. Just leaning forward and sitting up, just the energy I put into nursing, was tapping me out. I finally released her nipple and laid back, and she let me.
She pulled her breast back into her robe, leaned over and kissed me on my forehead, and stood up and left the room, keeping the door open. Moments later she brought in a tray. Toast and yogurt. And I ate it.
She left me alone the rest of the day. And I started to think about simple things I hadn't thought about in a while. When was the last time I brushed my teeth? I really need a shower. I should shave off this beard. It was all too much to do in my weakened condition, but just the thinking about it was me coming back to life.
She brought me another tray in the evening. A protein drink and a cookie. She was fully dressed, but she did lean over and kiss me on the forehead. I so wanted to nurse from her again, but I assumed it was a one time thing, and while I was a little disappointed, I was grateful for all she had done.
When she came into my room the next morning, she didn't knock. I had both eyes open. She was wearing her robe. I was so excited to see her my heart started racing. She walked over to the blinds and opened them, and late morning sun streamed into the room.
She came back to her place on my bed and opened her robe, exposing the other breast this time. I suppose the first one was rather sore after yesterday. And then she reached out and stroked my hair, but she didn't force my head up. She made me do it myself, and I did, eagerly.
I took her breast in both hands and greedily took her nipple into my mouth, sucking in the larger part of the end of her breast as well, like I did before. I did not cry this time, though I had plenty of grief still in me. I simply sighed. And I heard her sigh too.
I worked her breast more vigorously this time, kneading it with both hands. And then I caught myself doing a bit more than nursing, as I flicked her nipple with my tongue.
"Oh shit," I thought, as I had done it without thinking. I was afraid I had crossed a line and broken a spell. But she held perfectly still, and continued to give her breast to my hands and mouth.
So I flicked it again. On purpose this time. And in response, I sensed just the tiniest little noise from the back of her throat. A grunt almost. "ughh."
Then I went too far. I squeezed her breast more tightly and flicked my tongue back and forth over her nipple.
"Ughh, ughh, no, ughh, no, no..." she pulled away from me and looked frightened at what was happening. She wrapped her robe around herself and dashed out of the room.
I felt horrible, crushed, and embarrassed. But selfishly, all I could think about were those little grunts, and my desire to hear more of them.
Maybe no breakfast for me after that, but I had to do something. So I peeled myself out of bed and headed for the bathroom to take a long overdue shower.
The hot water felt amazing, and energizing. I soaped and scrubbed and stretched my back and arms. When I washed my groin my dick responded. I hadn't jacked off in over a month, and hadn't had sex for another couple of months before that. But I didn't want to think about that. I would not stand in the shower and cry. I was thinking about sucking on my mother's nipples. And I got hard.
I didn't want to jerk off in the shower, so I decided to wait until I was stronger. But I stayed under the stream of water for so long that I felt the hot water starting to run out. I got out and dried off, then got a glimpse of myself naked in the mirror. I was skin and bones. I was horrified at how closely I had come to wasting away. If my mom had not intervened, I might have let myself do just that.
But Mom had freaked out. I let it turn sexual and she had run. I needed to do something to make it right. And I knew the best thing I could do is stay out of that bed, and return to the land of the living.
I brushed my teeth, getting my mouth as fresh as my body. I would have shaved, but I would have to wait for more warm water. So I trimmed up my beard a bit, good enough for now. And I went back to my room and put on some sweat pants and a t-shirt and went downstairs.
She was putting a dish in the dishwasher and froze when she saw me up and dressed. She stood up straight and put her hand over her mouth and started to cry. I went to her, and she put her head on my shoulder, careful not to put too much of her weight on me.
"How do you feel?" she dared ask.
I shuffled over and sat down on a stool. "I'm hungry."
And she started crying again.
She had made some chicken soup, and put it in the microwave for me. That and some crackers was the best meal of my life. I felt energy flowing back into me with every spoonful. She just sat and watched me eat.
When I finished, I told her I had wanted to shave but used up all the hot water in the shower boiling the grime off myself. But I was too tired to go back upstairs and finish the job.
"Wait here," she smiled and said. She turned on the hot water in the sink and went upstairs.
She came back down with my razor and can of shaving cream and a towel.
"I need a mirror," I said.
She smiled again, "No you don't."
She sat across from me and began shaving me. It was the most intimate thing I can remember her ever doing for me. Well, except for feeding me her breast of course.
When she finished, she suggested I go watch some TV while she changed my sheets. Clean sheets sounded wonderful.
I hadn't looked at my phone in the last month, and didn't want to do it now. It was too risky at this point to see who was asking me what about the breakup and where I had disappeared to. So I put on a game show and fell into that until she came back into the room.
"Mom, I need to apolog..."
"No, you don't. There's nothing for us to talk about."
I thought maybe she was just too embarrassed.
"Mom, thank you. I mean, for everything."
"Don't make me cry again. I'm just glad to have you back. You mean the world to me."
The rest of the day was uneventful. I ate a little more and she hovered a bit. When I finally crawled into those fresh sheets that evening, I knew I would survive. And I slept through the night.
The next morning, I wasn't sure what to expect. I figured I would get up and get dressed and meet Mom in the kitchen for breakfast. I thought I might be able to hold down and egg or two. But while I was still planning my morning, Mom came into my room. She didn't knock. She sat on the bed. I couldn't believe it, but she was wearing her bathrobe.
This time she just sat there. She couldn't, or wouldn't make the first move. But she was there. And I knew that she would give me whatever I needed. I wanted to give her what she needed too.
I reached out and loosened the belt of her robe. I exposed both breasts. They were beautiful. I sat up in the bed. I cupped them both with my hands. I bent forward and kissed one nipple and then the other. I went back to the first one and took it in my mouth and I flicked it with my tongue, and I felt it stiffen. I switched to the other one and it stiffened too. And then I heard it, that little grunt in the back of her throat, "ughh".
With every flick now, I heard it, "ughh". I was summoning it on demand. "ughh, ughh, ughh, ughh..."
I switched nipples again, and when I did, I pinched the other one, still warm and moist from my mouth. As soon as I pinched it, I held it and I pulled it, and the noise came out of her throat and into her mouth, "Ohh, ohh, ohh."
I took my mouth off her breast and took both nipples in my hands so I could look in her eyes when I said, "Say 'ohh', Mom. And say 'yes'.
Her mouth was open and she looked me in my eyes. "ohh, ohh, yess, yess, yeah, ohh, ohh" as I pulled and squeezed her nipples.
I didn't know how much farther I could go, but I wanted this for her. I wanted her to feel pleasure. So I risked telling her, "It would be okay if you touch yourself while I do this."
Then the apologies, "I'm really sorry...I understand...I was really shitty to you..."
Then the worry, "Please text me back, or better yet, call me. I came by your apartment and your neighbor said he hadn't seen you. I called Gary and Tim and they're worried too. Please let me know you're ok."
Then two weeks passed before the last one, which was just yesterday. "Tim said he thought maybe you had moved back home. I tried to get him to call your mom, but if he did, he wouldn't tell me. I don't know if you will even get this, but in case you do, I just need to say that leaving you was the biggest mistake of my life. And I would take it back if you let me."
Mom cleared her throat behind me. I looked at her and she had clearly been reading over my shoulder.
"What will you do?" she asked, and her voice sounded nervous.
I didn't answer immediately. Instead I swiped over to my voicemail and played the one message. I somehow knew it wasn't just a telemarketer.
"Hi, it's Jenn. Please listen. I called from my mom's phone so maybe you would at least listen." Hearing her voice had a much stronger effect on me than reading her texts. I didn't realize I was doing it, but my legs had drawn up under me like I was going fetal, then I felt my mom gently stroking my shoulder."
"...I know what I did was wrong. I know how I hurt you. I know the things I said were not true, and were not fair. And I know I can't take it back." She was crying now, and it was killing me.
"...but if you will forgive me, if you will give me another chance, I promise I will do better, so much better. I promise I will make it up to you. Please call me. I still love you. Please call me."
My finger hovered over the replay button, before moving over to the trash can. I deleted the message.
"I need to say something to her," I said.
"Yes, I think you do."
"But, what about, you know. What about us?"
My mother walked around the couch to me and sat beside me. You don't have to choose between us. I will always be here for you. I will always give you whatever you need, whatever you want. But if you need her too, then I'll help you get her back."
"That doesn't seem fair to you," I said.
She smiled and stroked my hair, "It's not about me. It never was."
"You made me stronger," I said. "You saved my life."
"So do what you want with it!"
I opened the chat with Jenn, and texted, "I had to get away. Thanks for understanding. I got all your messages. I'm sorry too. I'm sorry it didn't work out. I truly wish you all the best. But I just can't trust you to be a part of my life again. And you know how painful this is for me. So please let me move on."
I hit "Send" and my mom swept me into her arms to comfort me. I didn't cry. I was finally done with that. All I could think about was the woman who was holding me, whose love I would never have to doubt, who promised me everything I needed and wanted, knowing I would do the same for her.
Mom leaned back and held my shoulders, looked me in the eyes and gave me a gentle smile. "You deserve a treat. I have to ask, was there ever anything you wanted from her that she wouldn't give you?"
I smiled too. "Well, she wouldn't do anal."
Mom laughed out loud. Then she tilted her head to one side with a "sure, why not" look on her face.
"I think we should start sleeping in MY bed. Meet me upstairs in half an hour. I have a few things to take care of."
And she giggled with excitement as she stood up and virtually ran up the stairs.
Her mouth still open, her eyes still on mine, she nodded, and she reached down into her robe which parted further. She wasn't wearing any panties. She slipped her hand down between her legs, into her dainty bush, and found what she was looking for. She didn't use any more vocabulary, but she got louder, "Ohh, Ohh, Yes, Yeah, Ohh, Yeah," as she worked her hand in and out and around.
I pulled harder. She put her other hand on my shoulder, not to push me away, but to brace herself as I stretched her nipples out towards me and lifted her breasts. Her hand between her legs got more vigorous. She added three more words, "Ohh, Yeah, Yeah, don't stop, please, please, Ohh, Ohh, Ohh, OHH,"
She was about to cum. I pulled her nipples and rubbed them against my chest. She pulled against me, stretching them farther than I would have dared. And she came. So hard. It must have been forever since she had that kind of release. She spread her legs wide and held her hand inside herself while she twitched and convulsed, and then finally her head fell back on my shoulder as she let out her final groan.
She pulled her hand out from between her legs as I let go of her nipples. I stroked her hair as she came gently down. She put her arm around me and I could feel her wet fingers on my back. I reached around and took her hand and kissed her fingers, then sucked them, tasting her delicious juices.
She giggled a little. "What is it?" I asked.
"I just changed the sheets!"
"Maybe you were just marking your territory," I replied.
She bit her lip as the thought about that. Then she held me tighter and said, "Maybe I am."
We both snuggled into the bed then, her head moving to my chest, and the conversation felt more like pillow talk. Though she didn't even say anything at first. She just ran her fingers through my chest hair. Her still bare breasts were against me, but her robe was still gathered around her waist, and her sweet pussy wasn't mine yet.
I couldn't even believe that I was thinking like that. That I wanted my mother's pussy to be mine. But I never wanted anything more than wanting that right now.

Finally my mother found a way to say what she wanted to say, "I know you were crushed when Jennifer left. I was afraid you were going to kill yourself. And you were trying, I think, starving yourself like that."
"Yeah, I guess I was."
"I don't ever want you to feel like that again. I don't ever want some girl to have so much power over you again. I feel like I failed you, letting you get that enmeshed with her."
"It's not your fault, Mom!"
"I won't let it happen again. You don't ever have to believe that you can't live without some girl. I mean, you don't ever have to wonder if your needs will be met by someone who loves you more than anything, and always will."
She looked up into my face then, like she really needed me to understand.
"Are you saying you'll meet all my needs, Mom?"
"I will. If you let me."
"I hope you know I'll do that for you too. That's really what I wanted, just now, is to make you feel better than you have for a long time. To thank you for all you did for me. For finding a way to comfort me like you did."
"You don't need to thank me for loving you. I would do anything for you. Just tell me what you need."
Here was my chance. But I didn't want to be crude about it. This was still my mom. "Well it's been a little while since I felt what you just felt. I could take care of it myself, but I'd rather do it with you."
She didn't waste any time. She slid her hand down my pajamas and found my dick, hard and waiting for her. She stroked it a couple of times, but then she said, "I don't want the sheets to get any messier."
At that, she pulled off the covers and pulled down my pajamas. She took her robe the rest of the way off, and tossed it on the floor. Then she bent over me, completely naked, and took my dick in her mouth.
It didn't seem like she was an expert cocksucker. She simply placed her lips over the head, flicked the tip with her tongue and sucked, while jacking my dick with her hand. It didn't take any more technique than that, for me to head straight for the edge. I would have liked to prolong it, but after this long, with all the excitement I had this morning, I was going to cum very quickly.
"I'm gonna cum, Mom."
She stroked harder, her mouth locked around my cock head. She tried to take me a little deeper. I couldn't help myself. I grabbed her head and forced it down on my dick as I came in her mouth. I wasn't all the way down her throat, but certainly on the back of her tongue as I squirted stream after stream. She swallowed all she could, and what slipped down on her hand, she licked off after. Then she put me back in her mouth, not moving at all, as I got softer and smaller, until she finally opened her mouth and let me slip out, kissing the tip before crawling back up to lay on top of me. She covered me, groin to groin, her legs outside mine, and I could feel the heat of her pussy on my wet and shrunken dick. I'm sure if I had been in better shape, I would have gotten hard again and fucked her right there, but it's probably better that we waited. She stayed on me until both our breathing slowed, then she scooted off.
"What do you want for breakfast?" she asked, like nothing had happened. Though she was standing naked beside my bed.
"Ham and eggs," I said, and she smiled.
She gathered up her robe and wrapped it around herself as she told me, "Put some clothes on and meet me downstairs. Let's focus on one need at a time."
We saved sex for the mornings. The next day I told her I needed to taste her, and she let me. But not until I sucked and pulled her nipples first, so that she was so close to cumming even a klutz like me could get her off with my mouth. Her juices poured over me, and I lapped up all I could.
I insisted we not change the sheets again, because I loved the smell of her in my bed. And she insisted on taking me in her mouth again, using the excuse that my cum on the sheets would get crusty and messy, but I know that she loved swallowing my cum.
It was two more days before I took her completely. She came in my room completely naked, with no pretense of covering up. I sucked one breast, and then the other, more like the first time she gave them to me. When I finished, her nipples were hard. And her hands were roaming into her crotch.
"What do you need today?" she asked.
"I need to fuck you."
"If you fuck me, does that mean that you don't need some pretty girl to meet all your needs?"
"You are my pretty girl. You meet all my needs. Fuck me."
She climbed on top of me. I was hard, and she was wet. But with all the releases I'd been having, and the strength I was building back up, I found that I had some lasting power when I needed it most.
She faced me, her knees bent, and slid my dick slowly inside her, filling her nicely. Then she rotated around, like she just wanted to feel me in every corner of her pussy, and right up against her womb. She kept me all the way in, and slid forwards and backwards, and I could feel her pelvic bone pressing against mine.
She made all those lovely sounds, "Ohh, yeah, yeah baby, oh yeah baby, like that, like that," but she was the one doing all the moving. I was just on the other end of the pole, feeling every cell inside her pussy as she rotated around.
Finally she got more serious about the pressure on her pelvic bone, and I knew she was pressing her clit between the two hard surfaces. She leaned forward and straightened out her legs, putting all her weight on her clit.
"Pull my tits, baby," she said as she was getting closer. I grabbed both nipples and I pulled them down to my chest like I had done before, Rubbing her nipples against the hair on my chest as she pulled away from me, stretching her breasts out to the limit. And that's when she came.
And I came too. Shooting inside her, right against her womb, filling her up, both our juices flowing down my legs. She pounded me even harder, my ejaculation triggering another orgasm for her.
When we both were able to relax, she crawled back up to lay her head on my chest like before.
"Thank you, Mom. That's everything I needed."
"But is it everything you want?"
"For now, it is!"
Breakfast, lunch, dinner, my appetite was getting close to normal. She left me alone in the living room while she cleaned up the kitchen. And I saw my phone on the table where it had been charging for a month. I knew I had to face it sooner or later, and I felt like I was ready. I reached over and turned it on.
Once my phone restarted, my messages blew up. My phone was buzzing like a vibrator. I scrolled through the text list and there were new messages from five buddies. And from Jennifer. I checked my missed calls and the same, plus a single voice mail from a number I didn't recognize.
I looked through the texts from my buddies first. It was what I expected. Variations on "Dude, WTF, UOK?" and "Where the hell are you?"
I hesitated before I opened the chat with Jennifer. When I did, I had to scroll back a few pages to see them all.
It started with things like, "Hey, I'm really sorry how we ended things. I shouldn't have dropped a bomb on you like that."
Then she moved through a phase of being a little pissed off that I hadn't texted her back, finding a way to blame me, "Can you just at least let me know you are getting any of this? I can't handle you just ghosting me."
5 月 前
cuck1943 2 月 前
Hot, hot, hot story.
Naughtynev69 5 月 前
dmf399 5 月 前
Very, very erotic.  Kind of an odd ending, but it was the right decision.