Porn and experiencing my schoolgirl fantasy

I have been watching porn for most of my adult life, starting at an early age of around ten. Has it influenced me by making me into a slut or cock hungry cougar? The short answer is an emphatic, "No", but it has made me aware of my sexuality and the sheer pleasure I get from sex, planned or otherwise.
My career as a stewardess saw me living in hotels all around the world and after checking-in, go to my room and watch porn for my nightly masturbation. I masturbate to relieve the stress and produce the endorphins that make sleep easier, I believe most females do, but are too scared to admit it, just like males do, even after sex with boyfriends and husbands, who just happen to find it easier to climax and finish first. Thank God for sex toys and casual sexual encounters.
I liked porn from the seventies but even here there are drawbacks, loud awful music and ridiculous clothes, but the sex was more natural and with plenty of bushes on the girls. Swedish porn before then was black and white and relatable, even showing younger girls running naked and spying on their parents having sex, their approach was to normalise sexual attitudes to everyday occurrences.
The Swedish approach is my kind of Porn, the "fly on the wall", approach, where you see two people having sex just as you would, open and natural, enjoying the sights and sounds of natural lovemaking. Different people do it their way and that's what is exciting, but as a voyeur you're being titillated by the vibes.
I was sixteen when we went to Majorca on holiday, we both were allowed to go as our parents were liberal and packed condoms into our baggage, "Go express yourselves and enjoy, but make sure you take your pill and make the men wear a condom".
Neither myself or Äsa, my friend from school were thinking about sex, but more about the Sun and Sand and the excitement of waking up and making our own decisions. It just happened the hotel we chose had internal movies, so we started watching porn and drinking wine and thought seriously about entertaining men back to our room and having sex as a threesome or a foursome, and swapping so we could have two cocks in one night. Our imaginations were fired up with the sense of freedom we had, and more so lying on those beaches, topless and skimpy bikini bottoms, that drew the dirty old men to us, some openly masturbating in our faces, as we giggled and teased them.
On the third night we went to the bar in another hotel looking way older than out years, with makeup, not that it mattered we were beautiful with nice athletic bodies and long blond hair, and we drank Run and Coke, 90% Run to 10% Coke. Äsa was seduced by a man old enough to be her father, she loved the idea and left with him to go back to our hotel rom and have sex. I was to wait for thirty minutes and walk in on them and join in.
By the time I get back to the room door my hand was shaking with nervous anticipation, I felt sick in my stomach as I slid the plastic key into the metal door slot, it was as if I was sliding his dick into Äsa's pussy, what was I going to see when I barged in on them?
I stood at the open door my mouth hanging open, this was not the TV showing porn, it was my beautiful young friend being humped by an older men, neither of then aware of me standing there, the noise of her wet pussy being pounded and the scent that fucking produces, I honestly felt my own wetness run down my inner thigh, as I closed the room door and started undressing to join in.
Needless to say neither of us thought twice about what we brought to the party, we both were up for it and found ourselves not only doing incredibly naughty things to this older man, but we found ourselves performing sexually on each other and having mind blowing orgasms. I at one point found myself sucking his cock straight from her ass and never baulked at what was in my mouth being spin washed with my saliva and tongue.
We performed a sixty-nine and her tongue rimmed me to the point of penetration, making it easy for him to bugger me and enter all he way to his balls.
For me this was what real and very good sex is about and why porn cannot portray it effectively, even more so, today's incarnation by men who think because they can command a girl to anything, they get carried away and make the whole thing ridiculous and plain fancible. I like my porn to be as realistic and natural, even watching an overweight, not so dolly looking girl, massaging a complete stranger and seeing the tension build as they both start to gel, he getting an erection and she eyeing it with desire until they both just let go and do it. The fly on the wall stuff is so erotic it makes women wet and men hard.
Today's porn starts with ridiculous headlines and goes down hill very quickly as they veer from the supposed amateurishness to the ridiculous and unbelievable.
How many times do we see young girls do the delivery guy, or the working guy, the Pizza guy answering the door naked or dressed scantily, to clearly their boyfriend or husband, wearing a crash helmet, shade and mask, clearly frightened to show their faces. I'm sorry but this is not porn or sex that gets your juices going, but these people are what is replacing the good stuff from real amateurs, that is being dumped in favour for this sanitised crap. Its like going back to the seventies porn with its loud garish music and ridiculous Abbaesque clothing. As if to prove my point that people are rejecting this, ask yourself why todays porn is becoming more demeaning to women, more hurtful and dangerous not to point out totally degrading with rises in sex with other species ,(they don't allow the proper word to be used), throat fucking, vagina stretching and triple penetration, and convincing themselves that it's the women themselves that do it because it turns them on. What a crock of shit to be honest. If you get off on that stuff, it's not porn, it's sickness and depravity and definitely not sex.
My honeymoon was in Paris and the day after arriving we drank Champagne on The Avenue des Champs-Élysées, leaving me slightly inebriated and horny. I suggested we go back to the hotel for a fuck and started walking back down some side alleys until we happened by a sex shop, with all the accoutrements displayed in their small window.
It immediately struck a chord with me, from my school girlish fantasies and the local video shop where I hung out, at fourteen wondering what videos were behind that curtain door, where older men went, on occasions when I managed to grasp a quick look as men came and went. I always wanted to be in there with them looking at those graphic covers and see me in my uniform and attack me. That fantasy never failed in giving me my orgasm before sleep.
"I want to go inside", I told my new husband, to which he smiled, and asked me, "Why?" "Buy a vibrator and have a look around with all the horny men", I replied, my heart a flutter with rising sexual excitement, I think he caught on at the moment, that his young bride had something she was hiding, so we went inside.
The ground floor was just full of rows upon rows of porn, all the graphic detail displayed for all to see. I was finding it hard to keep my wetness from running freely down my inner thighs, I was on a sexual high as some men came into view, staring at me, a young female with long hair and long legs, smiling and acknowledging them as we looked at the graphic sex images, they must have thought I was a nympho looking for sex.
We went up one flight of stairs, and I found myself encouraging my husband to tease the men by touching me and showing me off, "It will make sex back at the hotel more exciting just thinking about it", I said breathlessly. There were more sex tapes on display as we walked through into the hot room, almost sauna like, but more excitedly there were more older men who looked dirty and hungrily at me, cause me to whisper to my husband, "I think they want to fuck me", and he nodded in agreement as I walked off in their direction, my hormones had completely taken over, I knew I wanted these men to have me.
The far end of the room housed lingerie and sex toys for women and that was where I headed, noting there were four younger men in a group, they looked Moroccan and Egyptian, men who think white women are sex mad. I laughed in my head, "Of course I am", I thought as I started going through the rack of underwear on display.
My husband joined me noting that all the men in the rom were now hovering around sniffing the air like a dogs around a bitch in heat. I pulled out a coat hanger holding a pair of see through bra and panties, open to expose the nipples and pussy, "I want t try these on", I said quietly to my husband, my throat tight and heart beating at 150 beats per minute. My husband saw I was ready to fuck anything, right there and now, and that got him going, so he went back down and got permission for me to try the undergarments on, which was just a blanket thrown over an improvised square, in the corner of the room.
"Are you sure you want t do this", he whispered, the blanket left my head and shoulders exposed to the men gathering around, suddenly realising what i was about to do, "Fuck yes I do", I confessed, this was one schoolgirl fantasy about to be realised for me, one tick on my bucket list before age took it away.
I ducked under the blanket and started to remove my outer clothing, b now all the men, which amounted to seven has stopped what they were doing and al faced me as I undressed, seeing my beautiful upturned face, my blond hair and naked shoulders and my movements behind that blanket, wondering and visualising my naked body so close and near. I deliberately hung my brassiere over the top of the blanket and then my panties so they knew I was naked, as I bent down to put on the sexy revealing lingerie for their pleasure.
My husband was so turned on by my brazenness, he reached in and stroked my breasts and nipples, now almost an inch long and stiff like rubber, as they poked through the slit openings of the lacy cups. The see through panties were also slit open at the crotch so my pussy could be seen, and that was the plan, I anted to see myself and what these men wanted to see, so I asked my husband to turn the free standing mirror to face the opening where the blanket parted, but at an angle so the men around could see me in all my glory.
He did as I asked and I almost experienced my first orgasm as I pulled the blanket open and saw my image in the mirror, I looked so fucking sexy, my white alabaster skin framed in the lacy black of the skimpy see through material, showing my breasts and pussy in the most tantalising way to these horny men.
I could hear them muttering amongst themselves as they jostled for a view, and that just made me more bold as I stepped out from behind the blanket and pirouetted in from of the mirror much to the pleasure of all them men now agog at my brazenness.
"Get me a white set", I asked my husband, I was getting into the act and when he turned and walked back down to the rack I removed the underwear and just stood in stockings and hands on my hips, inviting the men around to come and fuck me.
I tell you this as factual and why we women are just as sexual as you men are, in a lot of cases we initiate sex, because we want it and not as you are led to believe you seduce us, that's rarely the case, and the other beautiful part about the sexes, is that we women can satisfy large groups of men at will, because a lot of men shoot very quickly inside us, so in a one hour romp which most women can do with ease, she can take up to twenty men, with pleasure.
I do apologise for any discontinuity in my wording as they now AI all stories and don't allow free speech, they are so fucked up with their interpretation of sanitised porn its so frustrating.
发布者 Fridagirl
1 月 前
Angus55 7 天 前
In A nut shell, [no pun intended] I agree with you, that amatuer porn is the best, I love the homemade stuff, alas not much found on here anymore, although they haven't deleted mine yet!  Great story btw. Have fun!
tamina44 18 天 前
Ich bewundere Frida, wie offen und ehrlich sie über ihre Sexualität berichtet und offen zugibt, dass sie gerne gefickt wird. Ich habe die Erfahrung gemacht, dass Freuen, die in einem sehr frühen Alter mit masturbieren beginnen, sich in der Folge täglich mehrmals selbst befriedigen und es auch mit andern Mädchen und Frauen tun, normalerweise eine völlig offene und unkomplizierte Einstellung zur Sexualität haben. Sie geben ehrlich zu, dass sie sich gerne ficken lassen - genau wie Männer gerne ficken, wie Frida richtig schreibt.
edintx99 20 天 前
Frida, excellent story! I wish all of mine hadn't been erased by Xhamster while I was gone. 
xr0gu3r 1 月 前
Every story you write gets me hard without fail
tvslut69 1 月 前
I agree with you Frida that today's pornography is much different from the one that was filmed 30-40 years ago. I entered that world with a friend from the neighborhood. I was the same age as you when you started watching porn. He was a few years older than me. I remember him saying that he would do the same thing as men. Unlike him, I saw myself in female roles. ... I can ask myself the same thing as you. Has it influenced me by making me into a slut or cock hungry cougar? My answer is "Yes." In those days I had no passions that would lead me to have sex, nor any love that I would feel for someone, but I wanted to do what women do. That's why I had sex with this neighbor. After a while I started wearing women's clothes. I wasn't interested in the clothes that ordinary women wore, but the clothes that porn actresses wore. ... When porn films became available to me, I watched everything I could. I liked French films the most. They always had a mystique and something unexpected. They had a plot, not just action. ... The new pornography brought a change that I really like. Smooth bodies. I don't like hair and I really like films in which all the actors are smooth.
fionaglassfield 1 月 前
Mmmm wonderful story. My imagination is running wild, ur a fabulous writer xx
yoda6060 1 月 前
Great story , thank you Frida.
Another extremely erotic tale from the princess of sex. Thanks for sharing.
So much I agree with you Frida. I started watching porn at away too early age and going thru porn makes as well. One of my friends father's had "stag films" black and white super 8mm film , no sound. But it was realistic..natural bushes natural scenes. I guess this was the start to my porn addition.I believe these days girls do an equal amount of sex initiation as guys..if not more. Times have change a lot compared to my time. Btw with me you would never be able to pleasure 20 guys in that time period with me...I always ensure my partner is fully satisfied once or many times more..great writing
tam55 1 月 前
Fridagirl : I am sure a lot of us do not mind you repeating yourself Friday :smile: I am sure some of the guys in sex shop were repeaters too x
回答 原始评论
Fridagirl 出版商 1 月 前
tam55 : They did Tam, but I recalled it a long time back so thought twice about repeating myself. We all had a ball downstairs in the video room, six of us. 
回答 原始评论
dmf399 1 月 前
Exciting story.
curiousman266 1 月 前
Hot honeymoon story!   Wish my ex was like you.   And I agree 100%, amateur porn is by far the best.  Real amateurs, not fake actors…real people real sex!
ukusaok 1 月 前
what a great recall of the seventies  I lived and worked in London at that time and worked for a major Travel company and had a great time in the Med islands, Spain too -- xxxx  Miss those times
tam55 1 月 前
Good to see you posting again Frida x Thought it was going to end with guys in sex shop getting a wee bit more :smile: