424 – Rita’s Sleepover

I made myself some coffee and didn’t even worry about getting dressed, being naked around the house is not unusual for me and I love the freedom that it provides although I do respect other people’s viewpoint, we’re all skin and bone and I find the naked body whether it be male or female exciting to look at in any context.. I sat down in the kitchen and drank my coffee and have to say I was feeling rough after the session on the wine earlier but I’m pleased to say after the caffeine shot my brain started to wake up and function, I still wasn’t sure where the girls were but figured they couldn’t have gone far based on the fact their clothing was still downstairs and then suddenly I could hear some faint laughter coming from upstairs, I needed to investigate for no other reason but to make sure that they were alright, I liked Rita and for her and Emma to form a bond was perfectly acceptable for me..

Luckily for me I had no creaking floorboards or stairs so I was able to get upstairs undetected and noticed that Emma bedroom door wasn’t quite closed leaving about an inch gap so ever so slowly I crept up to the door to take a look at what they were doing.. I couldn’t believe my eyes as I peered through the gap in the door to see the girls both completely naked on Emma’s little single bed and while they weren’t involved in anything sexual it didn’t mean they hadn’t been or were about to indulge in something, they were sitting cross legged on the bed facing each other just chatting in a very low voice and with the faint chuckles I could tell that they were having a good time, I should’ve gone in but something told me to hold back and see how it plays out.. I’m certainly not adverse to a bit of voyeurism and was keen to see their bonding process.. they had no idea I was there..

It was Rita that had her back to me but Emma had no idea I was there as she seemed more interested in Rita’s body than looking up at the slightly open door and even if she had seen me she’d probably keep it to herself and put on a show for her daddy.. I heard Rita ask about me and how it all got started and when Emma told the exact same story as I did it seemed to make Rita happy as it totally confirmed my honesty about the situation, Emma had no reason to lie and from they way they were acting I could see they were forming a great bond together which was great to see and it was then that Emma asked her the million dollar question.. “You know daddy doesn’t have a girlfriend right and I’ve always wanted a big brother not to mention having a nice mummy again, why don’t you two get together” she said which made Rita stop in her tracks after hearing her kind words and I was quite excited to listen to her response and Rita didn’t answer straight away.. “I’m serious Miss, daddy needs someone like you, you’re fun and beautiful and you got a great body too” she added and while I didn’t need my daughter being a matchmaker for me I understood her need for a mother figure, maybe it was time to do something about that, I was still waiting for Rita’s response..

The wait was over.. “Aww that’s so sweet of you honey and if I’m honest I’ve always wanted a daughter and I’m sure Darren would love to have a little sister to play with but beautiful I’m not, I rarely wear make up and my body is small and scrawny, I love my work and that’s hardly the profession that makes good girlfriend material is it.. although I think your daddy is hot beyond words I don’t think he thinks the same way about me unfortunately, a good relationship is all about chemistry and mutual attraction” she said softly which kinda made my dick tingle as from my standpoint although everything she said made sense she really had no idea about how I felt about her, she’d got that part totally wrong, beauty is definitely in the eye of the beholder and although Rita was not an A list model I did find her very attractive, she was definitely my type if only she knew that but know I had that information I was excited to see how the day develops.. Emma looked confused at her answer but was sensible enough to understand that it was just her opinion, she knew me better than anyone and it seems that she was prepared to fight my corner.. “Oh I see but what if daddy was feeling the same, what if in his eyes you were beautiful, what if he had no problem with your work.. I could see chemistry when he inspected your boobs and I know he’s attracted to you.. what if you got this all wrong Miss” she said which again made perfect sense.. Rita listened to her and although I couldn’t see her face the fact that she was not rushing her answer showed sincerity.. “Wow there’s a lot of ‘what ifs’ there honey, do you really think that he’s feeling that” she asked as she reached out her arms for a cuddle..

It made me feel so different about Rita now and I was excited to work with the knowledge that had just been revealed, it’s always nice when you know the odds, “Maybe we should go back down and see how daddy is” Emma said as they broke from their cuddle.. “Yeah and thanks so much for the chat Emma.. let keep everything crossed eh” Rita answered and I decided to quickly and silently run downstairs and pretend I’d never heard the conversation.. I got down successfully and laid out on the sofa pretending to be fast asleep, I was curious as to how they’d react seeing me laying there naked.. I heard the excited footsteps coming down the stairs and closed my eyes waiting for the first comments but there weren’t any but I heard them shuffling around and it sounded like they were picking up their clothes.. “Shhhh” I heard someone say very quietly and then I’m guessing they went out to the kitchen, I was so hoping that Rita wasn’t about to leave which I would seriously advise against due to her alcohol levels.. the silence was going on too long but then I heard whispering and a few giggles, were they plotting something??…

“Come and meet my daddy Rita” I heard Emma saying as they approached the living room door and straight away I knew that they had plotted something so keeping my eyes closed pretending to be asleep I waited for the reaction.. “OMG DADDY!!” Emma gasped as they both entered the room and the volume of her gasp was just too loud for anyone to sleep through.. “What the hell daddy.. I bring a friend home and find you like this” she continued as my eyes slowly opened and I saw them both fully dressed standing by the side of the sofa, my immediate reaction was to reach down and cover myself with my hands in a feeble attempt to contain my dignity.. “Oh what? Wait.. who’s this, I thought you were away for the weekend” I said in an embarrassed tone as I looked at them, Rita was standing there with her jaw hitting the floor trying to contain her laughter.. “Oh my word Mr Dickens.. it’s kinda nice to meet you, I’m Emma’s friend Rita” she said as she held out her hand but I knew that to shake her hand meant exposing myself further but it was the gentleman thing to do and as I shook her hand Emma gasped.. “Daddy.. for gods sake, why are you naked.. have you been drinking already” she gasped as they both played their part.. I quickly returned my hand to my groin but feared it was way too late as the sight of my naked body cannot be unseen.. I had no idea where this new game was leading but felt confident that it was going to be fun, I just needed to improvise and let them lead the way…

“Don’t be so hard on him Ems, we did surprise him and it’s ok, I seen my daddy nudie many times” Rita said playing a part much younger than her real age which was kinda nice especially as she was wearing her little denim skirt and to be honest she had the body of a developing teenage anyway.. “Oh ok, maybe I was a little hard but it’s just the shock of seeing my daddy like this, sorry daddy” she said apologetically but they still both found the situation funny.. “I know this is a stupid question daddy but as we’re in this situation I do t suppose we can like see it.. I know it’s probably wrong but we’d like to see it wouldn’t we Rita” said Emma rather coyly and Rita was quick to agree, “Yeah, we won’t say anything to anyone Mr Dickens.. we promise, just a Quick Look maybe” she said excitedly and who was I to begrudge them a sneaky peek.. “Really Emma” I said surprised at their request.. “I guess it’ll be ok but you have to swear to keep it secret, just a quick look though” I said reluctantly as I slowly moved my hands away from my groin to show my growing penis.. “OMG Wow! Is it getting bigger.. I love your hairy belly sir” Rita said as they both giggled at the sight of my bits, I quickly returned my hands covering myself back up and could see the disappointment on their little faces..

“Oh that was quick wasn’t it Ems.. maybe too quick, we didn’t really see it did we.. why is it growing though.. that’s really weird” Rita said excitedly, “Please can we see it again.. please Mr Dickens, we won’t tell anyone” she added as she crouched down with her legs apart showing me a great view up her skirt at her lovely little white panties pretending that it was a normal position but I knew very well why she was doing it.. my head was right there between her knees and it left absolutely nothing to the imagination as she balanced herself on her haunches and Emma who was seeing what was going on eased herself next to Rita and adopted the same position, I didn’t know where to look as both were showing me their underwear, how could I refuse them another longer peek.. “Ok girls, I guess it’ll won’t do any harm will it” I said as I slowly moved my hands to my sides letting them see my penis growing.. “OMG.. it’s getting really big now daddy.. why does it do that.. it’s good isn’t it Rita” said Emma as they both focused their eyes on the prize and they both knew I was looking up their skirts, or dress in Emma’s case…

“Oh yes Ems, I kinda like it.. like how it sits tight to your belly sir, wow.. don’t cover it up sir” she said excitedly as I stretched myself out on the sofa with Rita up by my head and Emma crouching down at my waist but with her open legs facing me.. “Are you sure it’s ok girls, I don’t mind showing you and as you can both see it’s getting really hard now.. do you like it hard” I said directing my questions at both of them who seemed excited at my nakedness.. “Oh yes daddy.. we do like it hard like that, it’s kinda cute looking” Emma said as I saw them both fidgeting with their hands which to me was a sign that they wanted to go further.. I decided to up the ante a bit.. “I’m so glad you like it, it’s nothing to be scared about and if you want I’ll let both of you touch it if you want” I said smiling as I noticed Rita inching closer to my head.. they both looked amazed at my offer.. “What Really daddy.. wow.. can we really touch it” said Emma as she looked at Rita, “That’s awesome, I’d like to touch it sir, I think I can reach from here” she said as she put her hand on my chest and as she started to push it downwards her legs widened further and my head eased between them to the point that the inside of her thigh was brushing against the side of my head, Emma was happy to let Rita go first..
Rita reached down and briefly touched the tip of my penis but pulled away quickly with a giggle.. “Oooh it feels funny and I can’t quite reach” she said as she tried to reach down again but again only reached as far as the tip, if only there was a way she could get the distance and as her leg pressed against my head I can up with an idea however her skirt might be an obstacle..

“I can’t quite reach from here Mr Dickens..” she cried softly as Emma reached out her arm and cupped my balls in her hand.. I gasped as I felt her soft touch but still needed to sort out Rita’s problem.. “Don’t worry Rita, I have an idea.. if you could undo your skirt a bit maybe you could get on top of me and then that way you’d be able to reach down further, it’s just an idea” I suggested and could see that with her arm still stretched down my body she was giving my suggestion some thought.. “That’s not a bad call actually Mr Dickens, that sounds very sensible” she replied excitedly as she started to tug at her buttons to get herself some leg room and with just the one button holding her skirt at the waist she raised her leg around twisting her body to get into position, I reached up my arms slipping them under her skirt and grabbing to soft flesh of her arse cheeks I guided her down into position however the space on the sofa was limited and as I squeezed her arse cheeks my face was lined up smack in the middle of her thighs with her white cotton gusset pressed hard against my mouth with my nose pressed right into her arse crack and realising she’d probably gone to far she was quickly concerned about my safety.. “OMG sir, are you alright.. I can reach much better now” she said excitedly as she bent her body forward finding she had much better access to my penis.. “Yes I’m fine” I mumbled as I felt her fingers running around my penis in a much more experienced fashion than the age of the girl she was playing…

With Emma continuing to rub and squeeze my balls Rita was exploring my penis with her fingers and seemed to enjoy sharing her duties with Emma while at the other end she slowly gyrated her hips on my face as I ga e her arse cheeks a gentle squeeze, “Oooh that’s so good Mr Dickens, I likes that.. Mmm” she gasped in a much more innocent moan and I could now feel many fingers tugging away in a good fashion, fingers were all over me and one of them raised my penis upright pulling the foreskin right back and very quickly I felt a warm tongue circling around the head, I didn’t know who’s it was just that it felt really good and spurred me on as I felt Rita’s escaping hairs tickling my own tongue, she tasted so good and I’d already made up my mind that I’d willing I’d like to make her my girlfriend, I loved the way she acted and adapted to scenarios like it was a second nature and I think her openness with Emma was extraordinarily good.. “How does it taste Ems.. let me have a go” Rita said as I felt lips pushing down my shaft and then as requested she pulled up allowing Rita to have a go and as I felt Rita’s lips encasing my shaft Emma was busy at the base of my shaft flicking and licking my balls.. this was like heaven on earth with both of them using their mouths to please me and with my nose pressed hard into Rita’s arsehole I used my fingers to skilfully manoeuvre her panties to the side exposing her wet and warm and very hairy pussy and my tongue just dived straight in causing Rita to moan loudly as she pressed her body weight down on my face..

“Take your knickers off Ems, you need to sit on him” Rita groaned breathlessly as she wanted her to have her fun too and without question Emma did as she was asked while Rita continued to suck on me while Emma got herself ready.. “Do you think I should” was Emma’s response as I felt her moving around and with no verbal answer from Rita I felt Emma climbing on top of me while Rita held my cock upright and in position, there was audible excitement as I felt my cock rubbing against Emma’s lips as Rita found its position and then a loud gasp as she slowly pushed herself down on me.. “OMG that’s so damn good, oh yes.. fuck me daddy” she moaned as her body weight pushed her further inside me with Rita still holding on to the base of my shaft.. I’ve fucked Emma many times in this position but rarely have I had another girl sitting on my face at the same time and if this is what the future holds then I want to be part of it, my tongue was working overtime on Rita as Emma started to bounce and gyrate on me and with all the heavy breathing going on we were all getting ourselves into a bit of a sexual frenzy..

I wasn’t too sure what the girls were doing but with Rita sitting on my face my hearing was a bit impaired but from the slopping and slurping going on I was pretty sure they were kissing which was telling me that they’d formed a pretty good bond between them and with all three of us on the brink of a very intense orgasm to round the day off I was so hoping were could all get the timing right and cum together, sometimes you just know when that’s gonna happen and with them seemingly locked together playing tonsil tennis it just made it all perfect, the moans and groans rang out around the room as we managed our goal and with Rita almost collapsing on my face I was able to control her flow of juices right down my throat and feeling the wetness of Emma pushing me to the point of no return I could feel my cum shooting hard and fast into her mixing with her orgasm which was leaving a sticky mess on my pubic hairs, who cares really but as we all came to a shuddering halt with all of us gasping for breath it was a moment to cherish for a long time to come…

It had been a pretty intense day and I didn’t feel comfortable allowing Rita to drive home nor did I want to talk about relationships with alcohol in our systems but all the signs were good and when I suggested she stayed the night she was thrilled to bits with the offer, “I’m sure there’s room in my bed for the three of us” I said with a giggle and I think the girls felt better knowing that we’d all be sleeping together.. it was the perfect end to a perfect day…

To Be Continued...
发布者 britguy
14 天 前
dmf399 14 天 前