425 - Rita’s Sleepover Part 2

Before we headed to bed Rita tried calling Darren but without success so she sent him a text message to come over in the morning which I thought was a great idea as he could then meet Emma and see how they got along before deciding on how to proceed, sometimes you don’t need to verbally ask someone out you just drift into it, that is what seemed to be happening with me and Rita and with the way that we all gelled together today it felt so comfortable..

We went to bed quite early as Emma was dead on her feet and even Rita and myself were tired, “Who gets to sleep on the middle then Bill” Rita asked and my beaming smile answered her question as we all got undressed.. “Goodnight mummy, goodnight daddy.. sweet dreams” Emma said yawning and it had been a few years since she said that which we both took in the right context, even Rita smiled and could see the excitement on her face as we all got under the thin sheet, I think Emma’s excitement was more about meeting Darren having seen his wonderful cock in the video and I remember how her face lit up, we all snuggled together even though there was plenty of room in my big bed…

I had my arms around each of them and they had their heads on my chest and as I lay there I was running the events of the day through my mind as the girls drifted off to sleep, it was a wonderful feeling of security and I drifted off happy, tomorrow was going to be equally exciting and I wondered if Rita had a plan for a role play although with all four of us together just acting like a normal family would be a good role play anyway however there was nothing normal about any of us.. ..

The morning was quite normal by our standards and as I slowly woke up Emma was still asleep but Rita was awake, “May I go have a shower babe and then I’ll make some coffee.. I don’t suppose I could borrow some of Emma’s clothes could I?” she asked seeing as I was waking up, I knew that Emma wouldn’t mind and because Rita wasn’t planning to sleep over she didn’t have a change of clothes.. “That sounds good honey by all means get something nice to wear, Emma won’t mind at all, it’s just a casual Sunday” I replied as Rita got out of bed not worried in the slightest that she was naked and headed off to the bathroom leaving me to wake myself up, Emma was starting to stir and not knowing what time Darren was coming I figured we shouldn’t linger in bed for too long.. “Morning daddy” she mumbled opening her eyes, “Morning sweetheart” I replied and then explained that Rita was in the shower and then wanted to borrow some clothes, Emma was overjoyed that Rita could do that as there wasn’t too much difference in their sizes but it made Emma feel important…

Rita soon returned after her shower with a tray of freshly brewed coffee and was wearing a pair of Emma’s white sports shorts which fitted her really well, not too tight and certainly not too loose and a small pink coloured crop top which just about covered her little chest, even Emma said how nice she looked and it soon became obvious due to the lack of panty lines that she didn’t have any panties on, this was pleasing on the eye and just how we like our Sunday attire to be when chilling at home.. “You look great mummy, I’m gonna shower and I’ll wear the same” Emma said as she took a sip of her hot coffee and slid out the bed pulling the cover right down to my hips which just about covered my morning wood and I had to look at Rita to see how she would respond to Emma calling mummy.. she just smiled and said, “Ok darling, I’m sure you’ll look a million dollars whatever you wear” which again was pleasing and we both watched Emma’s cute naked arse as she left the room.. “You have such a wonderful daughter Bill and I love how she’s calling me mummy, I hope you don’t mind her saying that Bill, it feels so good to me” she said excitedly as she sat down on the side of the bed sipping her brew..

“Not at all Rita if it’s alright with you” I replied as I reached out my arm and started to rub Rita’s back and in the sober light of day I felt it the right time to have that conversation however it was Rita that broached the subject first.. “So Bill, may I ask you a serious question” she said turning her body around putting one leg on the bed and I had a pretty good idea what the question was.. “Of course you can babes, what’s on your mind?” I replied as we made eye contact and even though my morning wood was nearly poking out of the covers she only glanced at it briefly as there seemed something more important on her mind.. “We get on pretty well together don’t we but can I ask.. do you see me as girlfriend material” she said coming straight to the point and I apologise if I was supposed to look shocked but I didn’t and for her courage alone she deserved a straight and honest answer back.. “Yes” I said without hesitation but I think she was expecting a very different answer.. “I’m sure we can deal with our work situations together and.. what did you say?” she gasped as she tried to sell the idea but then realised what I’d said.. “I said yes baby and I think you are just my type of woman.. I’d be happy to see how this develops” I said as she put her cup down on the bedside table and spun around to give me a hug and a rather pleasant kiss.. “Yay.. that’s wonderful Bill..” she said as she lay on top of me almost spilling my coffee as our lips met in a very brief moment..

I was so glad to get that out of the way and there was much to discuss but right now wasn’t the time but we were both pleased that some kind of commitment was made and it would make today a more family oriented day.. our cuddle was short lived as Emma returned from her shower and she kept her word by dressing in a nice pair of pale yellow sports shorts which fitted nicely with a matching crop top which like her new mummy just covered her chest area and with these two dressed casual but damn sexy I figured I’d better wear something teasing too.. “Wow you look awesome babygirl, so hot and sexy, Darren will love you, I just know it” Rita said as she rolled off of me to look at her new daughter who pranced around the bedroom showing off her outfit.. “What time is Darren coming mummy” she said excitedly as she stopped and sat on the other edge of the bed and sipped her coffee, Rita looked at her phone and saw a thumbs up message from her text last night but decided to give him a quick call.. “I’m getting in a taxi now mummy, be about 10 minutes” he said which raised the mood in the bedroom and I knew I had to get up and have a quick shower so that we’re all fresh for the day ahead..

The girls decided to go down and cook some eggs and bacon for breakfast while I sorted out my life and as I got out the shower the smell of their cooking was rising up the stairs, I couldn’t wait to tuck in and as I was walking back to my room I heard Darren arrive just in time to eat, I was excited as it would give me an opportunity to bond with him and also bond as a family and as I slipped on my tatty old house shorts which were split up both sides I thought it would set the scene for a fun day and putting on my tea shirt that came down to the waistband of the shorts I was ready to go down and start the day.. Darren stood up as I entered the kitchen and looked down at my old shorts, “Wow Mr Dickens, I’m loving those shorts, so good to see you again sir” he said as he gave me a warm hug but Rita was quick to pick up on how he addressed me.. “I think it’ll now be appropriate for you to call him daddy now Daz, it’s how we would like it” she said as our hug seemed to linger a little longer than it should and with Darren also wearing shorts it didn’t take me long to work out he had gone commando too as I felt his penis pressing against me.. “Oh right, sorry Mr Dickens then daddy it is then” he said cheerfully as he pulled away and sat down next to Emma at the table and I couldn’t wait see by the way they looked at each other that they’d get along just fine…

Rita put the breakfast on the table and we all sat together to eat but Emma and Darren’s conversation was just flowing as they talked about school and sports and everything in between, it was like they’d known each other for years rather than just half an hour, Rita and I looked at each other and smiled, we were so pleased.. and then the conversation turned to more of a personal nature, “So how long have you been helping your mummy with her work.. I seen the movie you did with daddy and you must be so proud, you’re a natural” she said right out of the blue but it didn’t seem to faze the young lad at all, he looked at it as a part time job to earn his pocket money.. he showed no embarrassment as he gave his answer.. “Oh I been doing it for about a year now, it’s fun and I’m learning her trade, she’s a very good teacher and videographer but not so hot at the technical editing side which is what I do, maybe they’d let us do one together or even all four of us, mummy is good at story lines” he said enthusiastically which surprised me that he was so open about it but that’s a good sign I think, Rita even looked proud of her son that he wanted to make something of his life.. “Oh I’d love to make one with you Darren.. I think I’d like that” Emma replied looking over at me and Rita like she was waiting for a comment and Rita knew from yesterday that Emma was great at thinking outside the box, she looked across at me and I could see the mischief in her eyes.. “Well I do have my equipment with me, what do you think babe” she said softly and it was nice that she was asking for my advice.. “Yeah, we could start up our own private collection” I said excitedly as I didn’t dismiss the idea.. Rita seemed happy.. “That’s a great plan babes, nice that we’re on the same page” she said and I could see that Emma and Darren seemed exited too..

“So what’s with the shorts then daddy, I do love them” Darren said as I stood up taking the empty plates over to the sink and while Emma had seen them many times it was Darren and Rita that were intrigued.. “Yeah, how did that happen babes, novel idea I must say” Rita added and they deserved an explanation.. “My lovely daughter here loves these shorts and one day we were having a play fight and she got a little too enthusiastic and with them being old anyway one side ripped so just for fun she ripped the other side saying that they looked so much better but we’re tatty so bless her heart she got her sewing kit out and sewed up the sides so they wouldn’t fray and here we are.. that’s the story and they’re great for knocking about the house” I said excitedly and both Rita and Darren looked closely seeing that they didn’t leave much to the imagination as even with a flaccid penis like now the shorts struggled to hide my dignity.. “Oooh they are great, a definite must around the house babe, don’t you agree Daz” Rita said as she focused her eyes on my revealing house wares.. “Oh that’s for sure, maybe I should have a pair like that too.. I got lots of old worn out shorts at home” he said as he also focused his eyes on them, I was thinking that this lad had an exhibitionist streak just like me..

So with breakfast done it was now time to clear up which we all chipped in with and Rita and I were trying to think of a good scenario that we could all enjoy and as the dishes got done a few suggestions bandied around but nothing stood out giving us all a warm and fuzzy feeling.. “How about we figure out the characters first and then the scenario and let the storyline take care of itself.. we’re all good at improvising and being dressed like we are maybe some kind of sports theme would work” I said as we all made our way into the lounge where Rita had her filming kit.. “That sounds a great idea Bill, let us discuss it while we set up the cameras” she said as she got her case out and put it on the chair while Emma and Darren sat on the sofa excited at what the day was going to bring.. I was going to help but Darren stood up to take the chore off of me as he knew all the best places to put the sub cameras in order to get all the angles.. “Are there any limits to this Rita” I asked just to be clear as I had a few ideas swimming around in my head.. Rita looked over at me and gave me a big grin.. “Absolutely not babes, whatever happens in vegas stays in vegas right” she said and everyone nodded their heads in agreement..

“Ok Bill, I have a solution which you mentioning about the play fighting earlier has given me an idea, we all play ourselves as that’s easier and the scenario is that you as homeowner run a private wrestling class, it’s the first class and it’s unisex and being the first class the turnout isn’t very good, you are the teacher for the boys and I’m the teacher for the girls but only Emma and Darren turn up.. how does that sound.. I’m sure we can all improvise it..” Rita came up with and to me it sounded really good and from the look on Emma and Darren’s faces they thought it was good too.. “But it’s only play fighting right, not too rough” Emma said as she looked at Darren who had smiling eyes, “Absolutely not, we can be training you and then it’s suggested that you two fight with our supervision” Rita explained as we agreed on the rules.. “Yeah, let’s do it” Darren said enthusiastically thinking that fighting a girl would be easy, I think he was in for a shock..

Rita told them both to go outside in the hallway and give it 5 minutes before knocking, that would give us time to set the scene, they both jumped up excitedly and left the room and with Rita sitting opposite me on the sofa we set the cameras rolling.. “So Bill, this idea of yours starting a wrestling club, do you think it’ll take off?” she asked as she did a few neck exercises to loosen up her muscles, I looked across excitedly.. “Yes I hope so, I advertised it on Facebook and had a few messages but let’s see how today pans out.. hopefully it’ll be worth your time coming out on a Sunday Rita” I answered as there was knock on the door, “See, it’s still early and people are arriving already” I said enthusiastically as I got up and went to the door opening it.. “Hello sir, is this the wrestling class” the boy said as he stood there with a younger girl.. “Yes it is and you’re the first to arrive, please come in” I said excitedly as I walked back to the lounge area, “I’m Darren and this is my little sister Emma” he said nervously as they were the only ones there, “Nice to meet you both, I’m Rita and I train the girls and this is Bill and he will train the boys depending on how many turn up, we may have to change the roles slightly but welcome” Rita said with equal excitement as they nervously sat down waiting for others to arrive..

“So guys, have either of you had any experience of wrestling?” I asked and it seemed that Darren was going to be the spokesman, he looked across at his sister, Not as such sir, we play fight sometimes but there’s no rules or discipline to that so when we saw the class advertised we thought we’d give it a try” he said excitedly and it was a good answer as we knew where to start with them, “Most people get into wrestling after play fighting so your story is far from unusual and as total beginners we can start with knowing the rules and basic pin moves, a pin move is where you hold your opponent’s shoulders flat on the floor for 3 seconds” I said explaining the basic rules, “There are very few rules to wrestling so you basically grapple each other trying to get the pin down in any way you can using any part of your body.. it’s quite easy when you get used to it and it takes play fighting to a whole different level” I added and they both seemed very interested and enthusiastic.. “We’ll give it a few more minutes and if nobody else turns up we’ll work with just you two as you’ve turned up, it’ll be wrong to cancel the class” Rita said getting herself involved..

“Can I ask you both to stand up so I can check your clothing, some styles of clothes don’t work at all as they can impede the fight plus I need to check you over to make sure there’s nothing sharp hidden anywhere that could cause injury” she added as the two students stood up, Emma was the first to go and stand in front of Rita; “Arms up and legs spread” she instructed as Emma stood there widening her stance and holding her arms out wide Rita then proceeded to run her hands along her shoulders and down towards her little bee stings inside her top.. “This is a bit flimsy Emma but for dignity sake obviously we’ll keep it on” she said as she gave her little breasts a gentle squeeze, Emma didn’t flinch and Darren was waiting behind watching ready for his turn, maybe I should be checking him but first I wanted to see what Rita did.. “I’m glad you’re not wearing a bra Emma, bra wires can be deadly” she added with a smile as her hands wandered down towards her shorts that were sitting snugly on her hips and a watched intently as her hands went around her arse cheeks giving them a a quick squeeze on top of her shorts and then she moved her hands down the back of her legs before moving them to the front and slowly moved up the inside of her thighs and inside the legs of her shorts, I wasn’t sure what safety issues she would find inside her shorts and even Emma giggled as Rita’s fingers briefly fiddled around inside.. “I think you’re good to go Emma” she said with a smile.. Now Darren, if you would kindly let Bill check you we can get started” she said as her son walked towards me adopting the same position..

I looked him up and down first and I did notice a bit of a bulge forming inside his shorts which were longer than ours and more baggy and my first instinct was that he could lose the tee shirt, this would not only make it more comfortable when the class begins but will save me having to check him above the waist.. “I think the shirt can come off Darren, it does get a bit hot and sweaty when we start” I said straight faced although I was excited as he pulled his tee shirt up and over his head and although he was a skinny lad he had a totally hairless chest, even Rita and Emma looked over and smiled as I was now confronted with the lad in just his shorts.. my concern was that his movement may be restricted with the extra length but only time would tell if that was to become a problem.. I reached out putting my fingers just inside the waistband and ran them slowly around his body to the back which instinctively pushed my head closer to his groin almost to the point of contact and it became obvious that the lad was starting to get a bit of a chubby, “I’m thinking that we can maybe roll these shorts over a few times Darren as this will give you more mobility in your legs” I said as I started to turn his waistband at the back moving my hands back around the front to ensure it was a neat fold, he didn’t question my decision but when I looked up at him I could see he was a bit nervous as this had invariably pushed his now semi hard penis out like a flagpole, “Don’t worry about erections son, it’s a natural thing that occurs during wrestling” I said trying to make him feel more settled and he looked down at me with a more comfortable look on his face seemingly pleased that we’d addressed this issue, “Oh ok sir” he said as I started to roll his waistband for a second time and as my fingers went around him I saw his penis inside his shorts lifting further up and out and I already knew that he had a big one and it was impossible to avoid contact with my face at this point but credit to Darren as he didn’t flinch at all..

After two rolls of his waistband I pulled back and apart from the flagpole sticking out the front he looked ready to go however I did have to check his shorts for safety reasons, I reached out my hands and wrapped my fingers around his right thigh and slowly moved them up pushing inside his shorts and as I did so I saw his penis start to pulse in front of my eyes and because of the bagginess of his shorts the tip had raised higher than his waistband, he let out a soft sigh as my fingers cupped his balls and I could feel the hard base of his cock and after lingering for a few seconds I pulled out asking him to turn around and because of his erection I could see he was a bit reluctant, “I just need to check the back Darren, can’t be too careful when safety is concerned” I said to appease him and when he finally turned around I could see both Emma’s and Rita’s jaws dropping at the sight of his erection hidden inside his shorts.. I ran my fingers over his buttocks giving them a gentle squeeze before running my finger down his crack.. “All good Darren, let’s crack on” I said looking over at the girls and I could see the excitement on Emma’s face as she focused her eyes on her brother’s bulge…

“Now guys, like I said before the object of wrestling is to win pins or submission, we won’t go too much into submissions for now as we intend to start off nice and friendly so today we’re going to concentrate on pins, can anyone remember what a pin is?” I said as I started off the lesson and Emma was first to raise her hand.. “Is it when you hold your opponent’s shoulders down for three seconds sir” she said proudly remembering what I’d said earlier.. “Yes indeed, well done Emma, now in wrestling three pins or a submission wins the bout so it’s important to never give up, I’ve seen people two pins down go on to win so always remember that..” I said and they all listened intently including Rita.. “Now then, there are numerous methods of getting a pin down but the most common are the missionary method and the squat method and given that you two will be practicing today and the difference in weight and height it’s important to master both methods” I continued but Emma soon raised her hand with a question.. I hadn’t realised this but both of the students did but only Emma was brave enough to ask but it appeared that with my shorts cut on each side my penis and balls were exposed, “Yes Emma, you have a question” I asked as I saw her eyes drifting down towards my lap.. “Yes sir, excuse me for asking but do you wrestle in those shorts?” she asked rather timidly and I saw the look on her brothers face was one of excitement.. “Oh yes Emma, the design of these shorts allow for extreme movement in my legs which is why I rolled over Darren’s shorts to give him more movement, movement is important in wrestling” I said sincerely and from the look on her face I think I answered her question well.. “Oh ok sir, that’s pretty cool” she replied allowing me to carry on with my explanation of the two most common pin methods..

“Rita and myself will demonstrate how these pins are achieved and then maybe you two can try them, Rita.. if you could step out into the ring” I said as the students sat back on the sofa eager to see how it all worked, Rita stepped forward eagerly as we both flexed our muscles, “Well start with the squat method as this one will clearly show how someone of slight stature can overcome someone who is much bigger.. feel free to walk around and note how she holds me down.. for this I will lay down flat on my back” I said getting down onto my back with Rita standing up above my head and with her shorts being loose I could see right up the legs clearly seeing her hairy muff.. perfect. “Now then Rita, if you could get into position for me” I said and she first crouched down and then with her toes touching my shoulders she leant forward with her knees either side of my body in the kneeling position with me looking directly at her arse.. “Now then guys, it’s important to notice the positioning of her ankles which are hard against my shoulders and you’re probably thinking that it’s easy for me to lift my shoulders which it is.. (I demonstrated how easy it was).. but in order to gain advantage the competitor needs to add weight to the hold like so” I said as Rita lowered herself down onto my face…

Rita then took over the instructions as she took a deep inhale.. “By positioning yourself like this makes it hard for your opponent to move and you have to be wary of their breathing which if you come closer you will see how Bill deals with it.. you’ll also see that his hands will grab you anywhere he can in order to avoid the pin down so this position requires concentration and patience” she said as I felt her weight on my face and from what I could hear the students had got up and were crouching down either side of us to get a better view being careful not to obstruct the main camera.. As I brought my hands up grabbing Rita’s arse cheeks she started to gyrate on my face and in the struggle her shorts slipped down exposing the top of her arse crack which increased the gap in the legs of her shorts giving me almost full access to her hairy muff..

Of course we played on it a bit and the more I grappled with her shorts at the back the more her shorts came down and I was lifting my shoulders which showed the student how endeavour wins the day, Rita was grunting and groaning but I don’t think it was purely down to the exertion of the wrestling as my tongue was getting busy on her so much so that my penis was rising quickly lifting up the front of my shorts, something that didn’t go amiss with the onlooking students.. “Wow sir, you getting a boner already, that’s awesome sir” Darren commented drawing attention from Emma who not only saw mine developing but also her brothers, “Sir did say that it was normal Daz and look, you got one already too” she said excitedly as she glanced down at her brothers bulging shorts..

Finally I had to give in and let Rita win the point which was mainly down to the fact that she was getting very wet between her legs and also I wanted to see if my new students had learnt anything, “1 - 2 -3 pin down” Rita called out jubilantly as she slowly lifted herself up allowing me to finally breath but it was a good demonstration and as we looked at each other I saw her take a deep breath of contentment.. “Good job Rita, right guys.. I hope you were watching because now it’s your turn” I said and could see the excitement on their faces as they both flexed their muscles in preparation for their turn…

To Be Continued…
发布者 britguy
13 天 前
dmf399 12 天 前
More please.
nikkistn787 13 天 前
Looking forward for the next episode 