431 – Revising With Katie
I made some fresh coffee and put some extra drops in just to keep things interesting and Darren came down ready to head off to school, he thanked me for a wonderful stay over and said he couldn’t wait to do it again and learn more and after he left I took Katie’s coffee into the lounge and walked over to the desk where she looked up at me seeing that my earlier erection had gone down but could still see my covered up penis swinging as I walked.. “Aww thank you sir, can I ask.. what’s the purpose of the shorts sir, they’re kinda nice but naughty” she said with a smile as she picked up her coffee taking a sip.. “Oooh this is so good, it makes me feel so tingly” she said as I prepared to answer her original question.. “I’m so glad to hear that Katie and the shorts are purely for comfort, at home I’m often in these or even naked, I love the freedom” I said which was a perfectly acceptable answer and she again focused her eyes on my shorts.. “Wow, I can see they would be comfortable sir, I likes them” she said smiling as I looked at her screen to see what she was doing..
I had to giggle to myself when I saw on the screen a diagram of a male and a female body with pointers showing the names of each part of the anatomy, Katie was quick to explain.. “We are studying anatomy sir and learning about the differences between a male and a female, that’s why I was curious yesterday when I saw you naked through the door, I’m really sorry about that sir, I hope you wasn’t mad at me” she said and I could see those puppy dog eyes again which looked so sexy even at her age.. “Of course I wasn’t mad Katie, I was just surprised that you were taking such an interest” I replied putting my hand on her shoulder for comfort, “I have a daughter of your age too and I help her with her homework and studies too, like you she’s very curious about the human body” I said as I glanced down at her lap which showed her little skirt and lots of thigh, “Would you help me too sir, I’d really love it if you do” she said an how could I refuse that sweet little face of hers.. “Of course I’d love to, oh but let me give you the money before I forget” I said opening the top drawer of my desk and pulling out two £20 notes, “Oh I don’t have any change sir” she said sadly and I just smiled at her.. “Oh don’t worry about that, buy yourself something nice” I said with a big smile as I looked down the top of her blouse which was open and could see her little bee stings in view.. “Oh wow.. really sir.. thank you so much” she said beaming at my generosity..
“So how far have you got with identifying the differences” I asked as she leant forward trying to focus her eyes on the screen which opened up her shirt a little more and now I could see right down to her belly which I don’t think she noticed or realised as I stood right next to her and because my penis was starting to respond pushing up the side flap of my shorts I could feel it just touching her arm, she didn’t even flinch as she concentrated on the picture on the screen.. “Well so far I can see that on the male he has a penis and testicles and the woman has a vagina and bigger breasts but I also see on you sir that you have more hair.. I likes hair and I’m starting to grow some, you got lots though” she said turning her head towards me and seeing the hair coming out of my shorts and up my belly.. ”Am I doing right sir” she added quickly and I thought she’d done pretty well with her assumptions, I was pleased.. “Yeah Katie, you done really well and you’re very observant too” I said as I turned myself more towards her.. “And yes I do have hair and to let you into a little secret my belly hair goes all the way down to my penis” I added seeing as though she was observant enough to mention it.. “Oh wow, that’s so cool.. I did kinda see it yesterday but it was all distorted because of that stupid glass door” she said looking a bit sad..
“I could let you have a better undistorted look then Katie seeing as it’s for educational purposes” I said softly and then gently eased the waistband of my shorts down to the base of my erection to show her how the pubic hair and belly hair mix together into one.. “Oh wow sir, that’s awesome how you got so much and OMG your penis is getting bigger too, why is that and why doesn’t the picture show it” she said looking confused and again looking at the screen trying to work it all out.. “I’m so confused now” she added quickly so I thought maybe an explanation is what was needed.. “These are only diagrams really and are nothing true to life, obviously the male penis comes in different shapes and sizes and some have more hair than others, tell you what.. if it helps you I don’t mind taking my shorts off so you can get a better idea.. it is for educational purposes, I’m just trying to help you” I said as she turned back to look at me seeing absolutely no comparison with what she was seeing on screen.. “Actually sir, I think it would be a really big help as I’d get to see a real penis and testicles so I’d have a far better idea, and a closer look at your hair too” she said excitedly as she swivelled her chair around to face me..
I didn’t hesitate or tease her so I just grabbed the waistband of my shorts and carefully eased it over my erection and down my legs letting gravity do the rest and just stood there in front of her totally naked with my penis hard up against my belly, her eyes lit up and widened as she focused her eyes, “Wow sir, it has grown very big now, it looked even bigger than it did yesterday” she said excitedly as she fumbled her fingers nervously on her lap fiddling with the hemline of her skirt, she was biting her bottom lip as she moved her head around looking at my cock and balls from all different angles and I could see that she was dying to get a feel of them but seemed too nervous to ask, I helped her out with that.. “I think Katie that you might get a better understanding by touching, I don’t mind as it’s purely for educational purposes so don’t feel embarrassed, you’ll be top of your class I’m sure of it” I suggested and she looked up at me not quite believing my offer.. “Really sir, that’s so cool but like you say it is only for educational purposes right, I wanna be top of my class” she said still fumbling with her fingers but starting to feel a bit more relaxed..
She tentatively reached out and as I widened my stance she cupped my balls which were full and smooth, I’d recently shaved them, and she gave them a gentle squeeze, “Oooh they feel really smooth sir and big too, I do likes how they feel though” she said as she gently massaged them and her little shaking hand felt so nice against my skin that my cock started to pulse against my belly which she thought was a bit funny.. “How do you get them so smooth sir” she asked which was a valid question and I told her that I get assistance from my daughter, she was amazed by that.. “Have you ever touched a penis before Katie” I asked her and she did blush a little as she pulled her hand away from my balls sitting back in the chair sipping her coffee which was getting a bit cold now, she seemed a bit hesitant to tell me but eventually she did.. “Only my brothers sir, he’s not as big as you though sir but we do like to experiment, we only do stuff when mummy and daddy are out though.. it’s our secret” she said nervously asking me to promise to keep it a secret which obviously I said I would..
“Ok that’s cool Katie, why don’t you touch mine and maybe you can compare it with your brothers” I suggested as she finished her coffee and wheeled her chair closer to me, her eyes focused on the prize and she reached out tentatively wrapping her fingers around the veiny shaft causing me to sigh softly, “Oh that feels so hard sir.. Wow..” she sighed with a girlish giggle as she pulled the foreskin down exposing the swollen and shiny helmet.. “Why does it get big like this sir, my brothers did a couple of times and it was fun” she asked which again was a valid question and I reached down grabbing her wrist and started to move it up and down in a gentle motion and she thought my helmet popping in and out was quite funny.. “Oooh I do like that, do you like that sir” she asked as I let go of her wrist and she carried on doing it even pulling it downwards pointing at her head.. I was intrigued as to what she’d do now as she focused her eyes on my bellend..
“I know this is for educational purposes Katie and to be honest there’s a lot to learn about the male penis and how it functions and also about the female body and how that functions too.. can I ask you a personal question?” I said and she pulled her hand away a little bit confused.. “Am I doing it wrong sir” she asked giving me those sexy puppy dog eyes.. “Oh god no, you’re doing great honey but the question is like to ask and this is purely just to ascertain the level that you at right now is this.. is touching each other all that you’ve done with your brother and may I ask how old he is” I said sincerely and at least it brought a smile to her face.. she looked at me a little brighter, “You explain things so well sir, I wish you were my teacher and yes, all we done is touching, he’s my twin so we’re the same age” she said which gave me a good starting point..
“That’s great Katie, tell you what then, let me send an email to my boss saying I’ll be late into work this morning and that’ll give us more time to go through things which will hopefully make your time with your brother a better experience.. how does that sound” I said again with sincerity in my voice and from the look on her face I could see she was happy.. “Really sir, I would love that and I’m so happy that you’re spending personal time with me, it’s nice” she said as she stood up to allow me to sit and send the email.. “I’m always happy to help with education of any kind Katie.. and you seem willing to learn which is always nice” I replied as I wrote a quick email to my boss with Katie standing next to me.. “Ok, that’s now done so we have plenty of time to go through things properly.. what I’d like to do first Katie is to check where you are with your body’s development” I said as I looked her up and down.. “What do you mean by that sir” she asked curiously so I felt it better to give her an explanation.. “Well Katie, as I explained my daughter Emma is the same age as you are and from a very early age I have checked her body’s development, it’s very important and I can tailor this private lesson to suit your development, it’s a very simple process and you will gain invaluable knowledge of where your body is at right now” I said which showed Katie that everything was for educational purposes.. “Oh wow sir, that sounds like a great idea and I’m so happy that you’re so thorough and thoughtful.. I likes these private lessons” she said still standing in front of me looking down at my lap seeing my erection standing firm…
I decided to be methodical with my examination.. “Ok Katie, I’ll do this exactly the same way I do it with Emma” I said as I swivelled my chair around to face her and she seemed pleased that I had a method and it wasn’t just random which of course it was but she didn’t know that and the fact I told her that I did it with my own daughter made her feel better.. “So let’s start at the top and work down shall we.. would you mind unbuttoning your shirt or would you like me to do it” I said softly so that she wouldn’t feel alarmed.. “Unbuttoning my shirt sir.. really?” she questioned which made me think she hadn’t quite grasped the concept of what I was trying to do.. “Yes, I’m happy to do it for you Katie but obviously for you to get the best out of this lesson I need to examine you to see where your development is at right now” I explained.. “This is purely for educational purposes only” I added and I could see she was feeling much more relaxed about it now.. “Oh of course sir, maybe it’s better if you do it as you know what to do and how to do it seeing as you do it with your daughter” she said as she raised her arms out to her side and moved closer towards me, her smile was infectious and it was obvious that she wanted to learn.. “Good girl” I said softly as I prepared to start my examination..
She widened her stance a little as I reached forward and gently eased her white short sleeved shirt out of her skirt so as to make the unbuttoning process a bit easier and she giggled a bit as I started at the bottom slowly undoing each button carefully moving upwards and revealing more of her soft white skin with each button and just as I got to the final button holding her shirt together she giggled again, “I don’t have much of a chest sir but mummy says it will grow” she said as I popped the final button to open up her shirt, “Oh wow Katie” I said as I pulled the shirt wider to reveal her puffy little bee stings with darkened areola and nice stiffening nipples that poked out.. “They look like they’re developing nicely Katie, very nice indeed, let’s slip this shirt right off and we’ll check them for sensitivity, sensitivity is very important in the development of breasts” I said as I helped her completely remove her shirt leaving her topless.. “Now if you can raise your arms up above your head this will stretch the adjoining muscles and allow me to get a true idea of the development and also test the sensitivity” I said and she happily obliged holding her arms high above her head with her chest puffed out just a foot away from me.. “That’s excellent Katie, now I’m going to start by gently massaging them and I need you to tell me how it feels before we go onto the next step” I said as she listened carefully.. “Ok sir” she responded as I slowly reached out my arms towards her…
I gently cupped her breasts with both hands and could immediately feel her nipples stiffening in the palms of my hand and gave them a gentle squeeze.. “Oooh that feels nice sir, it giving me tingles and you have such a nice touch” she said giving me the feedback that I’d asked for and then I eased my fingers down to her nipples gently running my fingertips around which caused her to gasp.. “Oooh yes , that feels really good sir, I likes that and the tingles are getting stronger..” she gasped as I gave them both a gentle squeeze between my finger and thumb.. “That’s really good Katie, you’re doing so well now I just need to do one final test on your breasts and we can move on” I said as I pulled my hands back.. I widened my legs a bit more, “For this test Katie I need you to come closer so I can test each one to ensure the sensitivity is equal” I said with a smile, she moved closer to me and her chest was almost in my face..
I wasn’t sure how sensitive her nipples were and I’ve known girls get weak at the knees before so decided to reach out my arms slipped them up the back of her skirt to steady her as I eased my head forward gently flicking her left nipple with my tongue which caused her to gasp and wobble, I wasn’t sure right, her nipple or at least this one was very sensitive and I was glad I had the foresight to hold her around the arse cheeks as her legs almost gave way.. “Holy mother of god” she cried out as I wrapped my lips around her nipple giving it a nice little suck with my hands clenching her arse wheels over her soft cotton panties.. “Wow sir.. that send real tingles through my body” she gasped keeping her arms raised in the air as I continued to suck on her stiffening little bullet..
After a minute or so I decided to run my tongue across to her right breast and as I flicked my tongue circling her nipple I got the same reaction, her knees wobbled and I had to grip her arse cheeks hard to ensure she didn’t fall down and could feel my cock pulsing with hardness as I again started to suck on that bad boy, “OMG sir, don’t stop” she gasped as her whole body started to shake and it was my guess that the right nipple was just if not more sensitive than the left as she wiggled and shook in front of me and for a moment I lost my grip on her arse but quickly recovered but this time slipping my fingers inside her panties as I continued to suck, this proved the right move as I had a better grip on her bare fleshy arse cheeks.. I don’t know if her arms were getting tired being above her head but she dropped them down finding a good resting place on top of my head which I didn’t mind but the pressure of her grip forced my head tight up against her chest and with almost her whole tit in my mouth I flicked around her nipple some more which I have to say did send her into a bit of a frenzy, good job my hands were trapped inside her panties keeping a tight grip or she would’ve surely collapsed..
I finally eased myself back pulling my hands out of her panties as she caught her breath and composed herself, I saw absolutely nothing wrong with the sensitivity in her breasts and if anything it was probably more advanced than her true age, “There is absolutely nothing wrong with your breast development Katie I’m pleased to say so let’s move on, what I’d like to do now is check your spinal functions so if you could turn around for me please” I instructed and I could see she was more bubbly having been told that and turned around staying close between my outstretched legs..
She had a small button fastening her elasticated waistband of her skirt and a zipper that went to about halfway down the length, her spine looked straight and the small of her back went in while her arse cheeks pushed out but I would have a better assessment of that curvature once her skirt was removed which was the next step..
I reached up and ran my fingertip softly down her back until I got to the button on the skirt and she didn’t say anything because I think she knew exactly what was about to happen and as I flicked the button it quickly popped putting extra strain on the zipper which immediately came down half way exposing the top of her white cotton panties and being quite tiny showed the top of her arse crack.. “I’m guessing my skirt is coming off now, right sir” she said with a giggle and I could see she was still a little bit trembly because of the breast examination so as I pulled the zipper fully down gravity took hold and her skirt hit the deck in one swift move, “Yes you are totally correct Katie.. are you alright?” I asked as I could see her balance wavering and it was clear that she wasn’t, maybe it was the effect of the potion that had suddenly kicked in, I mean.. she did have three cups of coffee but now I was a little concerned.. “I don’t know sir, I feel a bit tingly and dizzy sir, maybe I should sit down and then I’ll be alright in a minute” she said softly so I reached out my hands grabbing her hips and closing my legs slowly eased her down onto my lap with her legs either side of mine, problem was that my penis was at half mast and she sat right on it forcing it hard between her legs, I wrapped my arms around her waist and held her tight with my fingers right on the waistband of her panties at the front, she laid back against me and took some deep breaths which was a good thing and I could feel my penis pressing hard against the gusset of her skimpy little knickers.. “Oooh that does feel better sir, can we have a quick break” she asked and I had absolutely no problem with that as it felt quite nice having her on my lap.. “Of course Katie, take as long as you need” I replied as I rubbed her belly gently…
“Thank you sir, I think I got a bellyache a bit sir” she said softly as she laid her head back against my shoulder.. “You rubbing my belly helps though” she added as I continued to softly run my fingertips across her belly sneakily pushing inside the front of her panties.. “Too much pizza for breakfast I expect” I said with a giggle as I felt her developing pubic hair inside her knickers.. “Does that feel better honey” I asked softly as I kissed the top of her head for comfort, I remembered many a day where Emma felt unwell but always managed to use my father instincts to make her better.. “It feels nice sir, you’re so kind” she mumbled as I wiggled my fingers around her growing bush and as I pushed them further down I could feel my penis pushing against her from the outside and her breathing started to quicken.. “Sometimes when Emma has an upset stomach I found that kissing it makes it better Katie, shall I try that with you?” I asked with a giggle just in case she didn’t like that idea as then I could say it was just a joke but after a few seconds deliberation she decided that anything is worth a try.. “I guess it’s worth a try sir, thank you” she mumbled and I thought that maybe a more comfortable setting would work best.. “Ok honey, how about we go over there and you sit back in a comfortable chair and I’ll kiss it all better for you” I said softly but with some excitement in my voice.. “I just want to make you feel better Katie” I added as I helped her get to her feet noticing that my rubbing of her belly had pushed her panties down an inch and not only was the crack of her arse showing but so was the top of her little pubic bush…
To Be Continued…
I had to giggle to myself when I saw on the screen a diagram of a male and a female body with pointers showing the names of each part of the anatomy, Katie was quick to explain.. “We are studying anatomy sir and learning about the differences between a male and a female, that’s why I was curious yesterday when I saw you naked through the door, I’m really sorry about that sir, I hope you wasn’t mad at me” she said and I could see those puppy dog eyes again which looked so sexy even at her age.. “Of course I wasn’t mad Katie, I was just surprised that you were taking such an interest” I replied putting my hand on her shoulder for comfort, “I have a daughter of your age too and I help her with her homework and studies too, like you she’s very curious about the human body” I said as I glanced down at her lap which showed her little skirt and lots of thigh, “Would you help me too sir, I’d really love it if you do” she said an how could I refuse that sweet little face of hers.. “Of course I’d love to, oh but let me give you the money before I forget” I said opening the top drawer of my desk and pulling out two £20 notes, “Oh I don’t have any change sir” she said sadly and I just smiled at her.. “Oh don’t worry about that, buy yourself something nice” I said with a big smile as I looked down the top of her blouse which was open and could see her little bee stings in view.. “Oh wow.. really sir.. thank you so much” she said beaming at my generosity..
“So how far have you got with identifying the differences” I asked as she leant forward trying to focus her eyes on the screen which opened up her shirt a little more and now I could see right down to her belly which I don’t think she noticed or realised as I stood right next to her and because my penis was starting to respond pushing up the side flap of my shorts I could feel it just touching her arm, she didn’t even flinch as she concentrated on the picture on the screen.. “Well so far I can see that on the male he has a penis and testicles and the woman has a vagina and bigger breasts but I also see on you sir that you have more hair.. I likes hair and I’m starting to grow some, you got lots though” she said turning her head towards me and seeing the hair coming out of my shorts and up my belly.. ”Am I doing right sir” she added quickly and I thought she’d done pretty well with her assumptions, I was pleased.. “Yeah Katie, you done really well and you’re very observant too” I said as I turned myself more towards her.. “And yes I do have hair and to let you into a little secret my belly hair goes all the way down to my penis” I added seeing as though she was observant enough to mention it.. “Oh wow, that’s so cool.. I did kinda see it yesterday but it was all distorted because of that stupid glass door” she said looking a bit sad..
“I could let you have a better undistorted look then Katie seeing as it’s for educational purposes” I said softly and then gently eased the waistband of my shorts down to the base of my erection to show her how the pubic hair and belly hair mix together into one.. “Oh wow sir, that’s awesome how you got so much and OMG your penis is getting bigger too, why is that and why doesn’t the picture show it” she said looking confused and again looking at the screen trying to work it all out.. “I’m so confused now” she added quickly so I thought maybe an explanation is what was needed.. “These are only diagrams really and are nothing true to life, obviously the male penis comes in different shapes and sizes and some have more hair than others, tell you what.. if it helps you I don’t mind taking my shorts off so you can get a better idea.. it is for educational purposes, I’m just trying to help you” I said as she turned back to look at me seeing absolutely no comparison with what she was seeing on screen.. “Actually sir, I think it would be a really big help as I’d get to see a real penis and testicles so I’d have a far better idea, and a closer look at your hair too” she said excitedly as she swivelled her chair around to face me..
I didn’t hesitate or tease her so I just grabbed the waistband of my shorts and carefully eased it over my erection and down my legs letting gravity do the rest and just stood there in front of her totally naked with my penis hard up against my belly, her eyes lit up and widened as she focused her eyes, “Wow sir, it has grown very big now, it looked even bigger than it did yesterday” she said excitedly as she fumbled her fingers nervously on her lap fiddling with the hemline of her skirt, she was biting her bottom lip as she moved her head around looking at my cock and balls from all different angles and I could see that she was dying to get a feel of them but seemed too nervous to ask, I helped her out with that.. “I think Katie that you might get a better understanding by touching, I don’t mind as it’s purely for educational purposes so don’t feel embarrassed, you’ll be top of your class I’m sure of it” I suggested and she looked up at me not quite believing my offer.. “Really sir, that’s so cool but like you say it is only for educational purposes right, I wanna be top of my class” she said still fumbling with her fingers but starting to feel a bit more relaxed..
She tentatively reached out and as I widened my stance she cupped my balls which were full and smooth, I’d recently shaved them, and she gave them a gentle squeeze, “Oooh they feel really smooth sir and big too, I do likes how they feel though” she said as she gently massaged them and her little shaking hand felt so nice against my skin that my cock started to pulse against my belly which she thought was a bit funny.. “How do you get them so smooth sir” she asked which was a valid question and I told her that I get assistance from my daughter, she was amazed by that.. “Have you ever touched a penis before Katie” I asked her and she did blush a little as she pulled her hand away from my balls sitting back in the chair sipping her coffee which was getting a bit cold now, she seemed a bit hesitant to tell me but eventually she did.. “Only my brothers sir, he’s not as big as you though sir but we do like to experiment, we only do stuff when mummy and daddy are out though.. it’s our secret” she said nervously asking me to promise to keep it a secret which obviously I said I would..
“Ok that’s cool Katie, why don’t you touch mine and maybe you can compare it with your brothers” I suggested as she finished her coffee and wheeled her chair closer to me, her eyes focused on the prize and she reached out tentatively wrapping her fingers around the veiny shaft causing me to sigh softly, “Oh that feels so hard sir.. Wow..” she sighed with a girlish giggle as she pulled the foreskin down exposing the swollen and shiny helmet.. “Why does it get big like this sir, my brothers did a couple of times and it was fun” she asked which again was a valid question and I reached down grabbing her wrist and started to move it up and down in a gentle motion and she thought my helmet popping in and out was quite funny.. “Oooh I do like that, do you like that sir” she asked as I let go of her wrist and she carried on doing it even pulling it downwards pointing at her head.. I was intrigued as to what she’d do now as she focused her eyes on my bellend..
“I know this is for educational purposes Katie and to be honest there’s a lot to learn about the male penis and how it functions and also about the female body and how that functions too.. can I ask you a personal question?” I said and she pulled her hand away a little bit confused.. “Am I doing it wrong sir” she asked giving me those sexy puppy dog eyes.. “Oh god no, you’re doing great honey but the question is like to ask and this is purely just to ascertain the level that you at right now is this.. is touching each other all that you’ve done with your brother and may I ask how old he is” I said sincerely and at least it brought a smile to her face.. she looked at me a little brighter, “You explain things so well sir, I wish you were my teacher and yes, all we done is touching, he’s my twin so we’re the same age” she said which gave me a good starting point..
“That’s great Katie, tell you what then, let me send an email to my boss saying I’ll be late into work this morning and that’ll give us more time to go through things which will hopefully make your time with your brother a better experience.. how does that sound” I said again with sincerity in my voice and from the look on her face I could see she was happy.. “Really sir, I would love that and I’m so happy that you’re spending personal time with me, it’s nice” she said as she stood up to allow me to sit and send the email.. “I’m always happy to help with education of any kind Katie.. and you seem willing to learn which is always nice” I replied as I wrote a quick email to my boss with Katie standing next to me.. “Ok, that’s now done so we have plenty of time to go through things properly.. what I’d like to do first Katie is to check where you are with your body’s development” I said as I looked her up and down.. “What do you mean by that sir” she asked curiously so I felt it better to give her an explanation.. “Well Katie, as I explained my daughter Emma is the same age as you are and from a very early age I have checked her body’s development, it’s very important and I can tailor this private lesson to suit your development, it’s a very simple process and you will gain invaluable knowledge of where your body is at right now” I said which showed Katie that everything was for educational purposes.. “Oh wow sir, that sounds like a great idea and I’m so happy that you’re so thorough and thoughtful.. I likes these private lessons” she said still standing in front of me looking down at my lap seeing my erection standing firm…
I decided to be methodical with my examination.. “Ok Katie, I’ll do this exactly the same way I do it with Emma” I said as I swivelled my chair around to face her and she seemed pleased that I had a method and it wasn’t just random which of course it was but she didn’t know that and the fact I told her that I did it with my own daughter made her feel better.. “So let’s start at the top and work down shall we.. would you mind unbuttoning your shirt or would you like me to do it” I said softly so that she wouldn’t feel alarmed.. “Unbuttoning my shirt sir.. really?” she questioned which made me think she hadn’t quite grasped the concept of what I was trying to do.. “Yes, I’m happy to do it for you Katie but obviously for you to get the best out of this lesson I need to examine you to see where your development is at right now” I explained.. “This is purely for educational purposes only” I added and I could see she was feeling much more relaxed about it now.. “Oh of course sir, maybe it’s better if you do it as you know what to do and how to do it seeing as you do it with your daughter” she said as she raised her arms out to her side and moved closer towards me, her smile was infectious and it was obvious that she wanted to learn.. “Good girl” I said softly as I prepared to start my examination..
She widened her stance a little as I reached forward and gently eased her white short sleeved shirt out of her skirt so as to make the unbuttoning process a bit easier and she giggled a bit as I started at the bottom slowly undoing each button carefully moving upwards and revealing more of her soft white skin with each button and just as I got to the final button holding her shirt together she giggled again, “I don’t have much of a chest sir but mummy says it will grow” she said as I popped the final button to open up her shirt, “Oh wow Katie” I said as I pulled the shirt wider to reveal her puffy little bee stings with darkened areola and nice stiffening nipples that poked out.. “They look like they’re developing nicely Katie, very nice indeed, let’s slip this shirt right off and we’ll check them for sensitivity, sensitivity is very important in the development of breasts” I said as I helped her completely remove her shirt leaving her topless.. “Now if you can raise your arms up above your head this will stretch the adjoining muscles and allow me to get a true idea of the development and also test the sensitivity” I said and she happily obliged holding her arms high above her head with her chest puffed out just a foot away from me.. “That’s excellent Katie, now I’m going to start by gently massaging them and I need you to tell me how it feels before we go onto the next step” I said as she listened carefully.. “Ok sir” she responded as I slowly reached out my arms towards her…
I gently cupped her breasts with both hands and could immediately feel her nipples stiffening in the palms of my hand and gave them a gentle squeeze.. “Oooh that feels nice sir, it giving me tingles and you have such a nice touch” she said giving me the feedback that I’d asked for and then I eased my fingers down to her nipples gently running my fingertips around which caused her to gasp.. “Oooh yes , that feels really good sir, I likes that and the tingles are getting stronger..” she gasped as I gave them both a gentle squeeze between my finger and thumb.. “That’s really good Katie, you’re doing so well now I just need to do one final test on your breasts and we can move on” I said as I pulled my hands back.. I widened my legs a bit more, “For this test Katie I need you to come closer so I can test each one to ensure the sensitivity is equal” I said with a smile, she moved closer to me and her chest was almost in my face..
I wasn’t sure how sensitive her nipples were and I’ve known girls get weak at the knees before so decided to reach out my arms slipped them up the back of her skirt to steady her as I eased my head forward gently flicking her left nipple with my tongue which caused her to gasp and wobble, I wasn’t sure right, her nipple or at least this one was very sensitive and I was glad I had the foresight to hold her around the arse cheeks as her legs almost gave way.. “Holy mother of god” she cried out as I wrapped my lips around her nipple giving it a nice little suck with my hands clenching her arse wheels over her soft cotton panties.. “Wow sir.. that send real tingles through my body” she gasped keeping her arms raised in the air as I continued to suck on her stiffening little bullet..
After a minute or so I decided to run my tongue across to her right breast and as I flicked my tongue circling her nipple I got the same reaction, her knees wobbled and I had to grip her arse cheeks hard to ensure she didn’t fall down and could feel my cock pulsing with hardness as I again started to suck on that bad boy, “OMG sir, don’t stop” she gasped as her whole body started to shake and it was my guess that the right nipple was just if not more sensitive than the left as she wiggled and shook in front of me and for a moment I lost my grip on her arse but quickly recovered but this time slipping my fingers inside her panties as I continued to suck, this proved the right move as I had a better grip on her bare fleshy arse cheeks.. I don’t know if her arms were getting tired being above her head but she dropped them down finding a good resting place on top of my head which I didn’t mind but the pressure of her grip forced my head tight up against her chest and with almost her whole tit in my mouth I flicked around her nipple some more which I have to say did send her into a bit of a frenzy, good job my hands were trapped inside her panties keeping a tight grip or she would’ve surely collapsed..
I finally eased myself back pulling my hands out of her panties as she caught her breath and composed herself, I saw absolutely nothing wrong with the sensitivity in her breasts and if anything it was probably more advanced than her true age, “There is absolutely nothing wrong with your breast development Katie I’m pleased to say so let’s move on, what I’d like to do now is check your spinal functions so if you could turn around for me please” I instructed and I could see she was more bubbly having been told that and turned around staying close between my outstretched legs..
She had a small button fastening her elasticated waistband of her skirt and a zipper that went to about halfway down the length, her spine looked straight and the small of her back went in while her arse cheeks pushed out but I would have a better assessment of that curvature once her skirt was removed which was the next step..
I reached up and ran my fingertip softly down her back until I got to the button on the skirt and she didn’t say anything because I think she knew exactly what was about to happen and as I flicked the button it quickly popped putting extra strain on the zipper which immediately came down half way exposing the top of her white cotton panties and being quite tiny showed the top of her arse crack.. “I’m guessing my skirt is coming off now, right sir” she said with a giggle and I could see she was still a little bit trembly because of the breast examination so as I pulled the zipper fully down gravity took hold and her skirt hit the deck in one swift move, “Yes you are totally correct Katie.. are you alright?” I asked as I could see her balance wavering and it was clear that she wasn’t, maybe it was the effect of the potion that had suddenly kicked in, I mean.. she did have three cups of coffee but now I was a little concerned.. “I don’t know sir, I feel a bit tingly and dizzy sir, maybe I should sit down and then I’ll be alright in a minute” she said softly so I reached out my hands grabbing her hips and closing my legs slowly eased her down onto my lap with her legs either side of mine, problem was that my penis was at half mast and she sat right on it forcing it hard between her legs, I wrapped my arms around her waist and held her tight with my fingers right on the waistband of her panties at the front, she laid back against me and took some deep breaths which was a good thing and I could feel my penis pressing hard against the gusset of her skimpy little knickers.. “Oooh that does feel better sir, can we have a quick break” she asked and I had absolutely no problem with that as it felt quite nice having her on my lap.. “Of course Katie, take as long as you need” I replied as I rubbed her belly gently…
“Thank you sir, I think I got a bellyache a bit sir” she said softly as she laid her head back against my shoulder.. “You rubbing my belly helps though” she added as I continued to softly run my fingertips across her belly sneakily pushing inside the front of her panties.. “Too much pizza for breakfast I expect” I said with a giggle as I felt her developing pubic hair inside her knickers.. “Does that feel better honey” I asked softly as I kissed the top of her head for comfort, I remembered many a day where Emma felt unwell but always managed to use my father instincts to make her better.. “It feels nice sir, you’re so kind” she mumbled as I wiggled my fingers around her growing bush and as I pushed them further down I could feel my penis pushing against her from the outside and her breathing started to quicken.. “Sometimes when Emma has an upset stomach I found that kissing it makes it better Katie, shall I try that with you?” I asked with a giggle just in case she didn’t like that idea as then I could say it was just a joke but after a few seconds deliberation she decided that anything is worth a try.. “I guess it’s worth a try sir, thank you” she mumbled and I thought that maybe a more comfortable setting would work best.. “Ok honey, how about we go over there and you sit back in a comfortable chair and I’ll kiss it all better for you” I said softly but with some excitement in my voice.. “I just want to make you feel better Katie” I added as I helped her get to her feet noticing that my rubbing of her belly had pushed her panties down an inch and not only was the crack of her arse showing but so was the top of her little pubic bush…
To Be Continued…
2 天 前