Dan(a) and His Four sisters
Dan(a) and His Four sisters
by Kresha Matay (1997)
With a little help from his sisters and a few other
females in his life, Danny ends up as Dana, the girl
he'd always wanted to be. (MF, FF, tg, cd)
My story is strange, unique, but also wonderful. I was
my parent's fifth and last c***d. I have four older
sisters, Mary, Carol, Barb and Judy. I guess my folks
wanted a boy and kept trying till they had me. They must
have been serious about trying to have a son, since my
sisters are no more than twelve to sixteen months apart
in age.
We lived on a small family farm in Ohio, between
Columbus and Circleville. Since I was the only boy and
the baby of the family, my sisters made a big fuss over
me. Mom and dad were obviously too busy, during most of
the daylight hours, with the running of the farm. This
left the responsibility of my care to my sisters. Not
only did they feed me, bath me, dress me, but they also
taught me all the things I needed to learn as I grew up.
This constant care brought us very close together,
especially myself and my two oldest sisters, but at the
same time it developed in me an identity problem. We
spent a lot of time together playing all kinds of games
like, jump-rope, jacks, tag and house. Throughout my
"formative" years, the older two, Mary and Carol,
treated me like they treated their other sisters, by
that I mean, just like one of the girls.
Since our farm wasn't very prosperous, there wasn't a
lot of extra money to be spent on non- necessary items,
especially non-essential clothes. This wasn't a problem
for the girls, because they wore each other's hand-me-
downs. For me, the only boy in the family, this was a
definite problem.
This was solved, in the beginning, by my wearing my
sister's shirts and jeans, even though they were
obviously "girl-clothes". Oh, I had "boy-clothes" after
I started going to school, but just enough to get by on.
As soon as I got home from school, I would change into
my sister's hand-me-downs for play and chores.
I also wore their underwear, after all, at that age it
wasn't all that much different. No-one at school ever
found out that under my clothes I wore cotton panties
instead of jockey shorts. In fact, I didn't realize the
difference myself, till I was much older and by then it
didn't bother me.
Once in a while, when my sisters fell behind in the
laundry, I would get to wear one of their dresses till
our jeans dried. These were special moments for me, I
felt more like my sisters every time I wore a dress. I
especially liked the way the dress hem would "float"
against my legs and how, as I walked, every cool breeze
would send delicious sensations up my legs and against
my panty covered crotch. My father, while not happy over
the situation, had been convinced, by my mother and
sisters, that it didn't really matter at my age, clothes
were clothes. In their minds, I was too young to be
At the same time that I started school, another problem
developed. Until now, I had slept on an old mattress in
my parent's bedroom (we only had three bedrooms). My
parents decided I was too old and too inquisitive to
remain in their room. The first solution, was to move me
into the room shared by my younger sisters, Barb and
Judy. They were eight and seven. Mom and dad felt this
wouldn't pose a problem, since I was only five. This
solution didn't work because my mattress wouldn't fit in
their room.
That's when Mary, the oldest, suggested that I be moved
into the room she shared with Carol since it was the
largest bedroom in the house. She argued, I was so young
that it wouldn't cause a problem for them, even though
they were ten and nine respectively. After all
possibilities had been discussed and rejected, Mary's
suggestion was deemed the only feasible solution, so
that's what happened.
I was pleased with this arrangement because I felt
closer to my two older sisters than anyone else, they
were the ones that had raised me to this point.
Initially, both girls were very careful in their dress
whenever I was present, but as time went on and the
problems of getting all of us ready for school (we had
only one bathroom) became a bigger problem, they became
more relaxed in my presence. This enabled me to observe
the differences in their bodies as they grew older. My
parents having already left for the fields never found
out about my seeing the girls in their underwear. It
became our secret.
This went on for eight years. During this time, my
sisters grew up and developed into beautiful young women
of eighteen and s*******n. However, at times, they still
treated me as their baby sister. I still wore some of
their hand-me-downs, but as they grew, the materials and
clothing changed. Now the panties were made of sheer
materials, more colorful and cut quite differently.
I made a special effort to wear my older sister's nylon
panties because they felt so much nicer. In addition,
their jeans fit me tighter in the crotch, baggier in the
ass and hips and forced me to move my small dick back
between my thighs and my balls up under my torso in
order to fit right.
One day, when Mary, Carol and I were home alone, I asked
them why their shirts fit me funny. Was it because they
had those "bumps" on their chests, and if so, when would
I get them (by now I was nine, almost ten and all four
sisters had developed breasts). Both my sister's looked
at each other and then began to laugh.
Mary, always the more sensitive, saw that I was ready to
cry. They had never treated any question I had asked in
this manner. I felt stupid and didn't like to be laughed
at. Reaching out her arms to me, Mary said.
"Honey, we're sorry, we shouldn't have laughed at you,
obviously you don't quite understand some things about
boys and girls. Come here, give me a hug and a kiss and
I'll explain some things that will answer all your
No longer feeling the hurt, I ran into her arms, where I
was hugged by both girls, received a series of loving
]kisses and had my tears wiped away. After we finished,
Mary began speaking.
"Danny, your right, the reason the blouse your wearing
doesn't fit right is because you don't have breasts and
you're a boy, so you never will have them. Women and
girls are the only ones who have breasts. As we grow
older, they develop for a very special reason. When we
have babies, our breasts produce milk and that's how we
feed the baby. Men don't feed babies, so they don't need
breasts. It's just like when Bessie our cow feeds her
new calf. Now do you understand?"
I was stunned, I had never suspected that I wouldn't
grow up to be just like my beautiful sisters. Oh, I knew
other boys grew up to be like my father, but I thought I
was different. If I wasn't different, then why did I
like the way their clothes felt against my skin and how
pretty they made me feel?
My sisters had never been so careless to actually expose
their naked bodies before my view, so I didn't know how
different girls and boys were. I thought of myself as
different from the boys I went to school with, that's
why I wore girl clothes, that's why I played girl games
and slept in my sister's room. Of course I had to be
different, I was more like my sisters than many of the
girls I knew.
Now I was even more confused. I knew that the boys from
school had their own rooms and played at different games
than I did. They made fun of girls and their clothes and
didn't like me because I was not as rough as they were.
This had always made me think I would grow up
differently from them, more like my sisters. My
daydreams were always about the day that my body would
change like theirs had and I could then go around in
public dressed like them.
I had come to enjoy dressing in their clothes, it made
me feel pretty. I liked feeling pretty. When we had
played "house" I war. never a boy, I was always a little
girl! When there was time, my sisters would dress me up
in panties, slips, dresses, ankle socks, mary-janes and
then tie pink ribbons in my hair.
I would gaze into the mirror, see how pretty I looked
and be truly happy. They even changed my name to Dana
when I was dressed this way and kept telling me what a
pretty girl I made. I was always their baby sister...
not their brother! When we played, I always had my own
dolls that I mothered! I would feed them, change them,
dress them, cuddle them and sing them to sleep just as I
saw my sister's do to their dolls.
How could they now tell me I wouldn't grow up to be like
them? I didn't want to be a boy! It was no fun being a
boy. Girl's were softer, smoother and sweeter than the
ugly boys at school and that's what I wanted to be... a
girl! As I grasped the fact that all my dreams of girl
hood were dissolving I began to cry again.
After Mary and Carol got me to stop my crying, Mary
pulled me up on her lap, hugging me close to her cheek
and asked. "Honey, what's wrong? What did I say to make
you cry? Please tell me, If I can fix whatever made you
cry, I promise I will!!"
Looking up into her loving eyes and seeing the sincerity
of her statement, I told her everything. How I didn't
want to be a boy, how I wanted to grow up like my
sisters, how I liked wearing dresses and how I was
confused as to why I couldn't be like them... a girl.
"Danny, You don't have the body of a girl, you probably
don't realize this but it's more than just breasts. It's
a lot of other things! Look, it might help if Carol and
I show you how different we are from you", she said as
she glanced to her sister for her acceptance. Carol
hesitated, then realizing how important this was to me,
agreed by nodding her head.
"Why don't you take off all your clothes, including your
panties and we'll do the same, that way we can show you
why you can't be a girl. You must promise to never tell
anyone about this, especially mom and dad. They would be
real upset with us if they ever found out about it. Is
it a deal, will you keep secret what we show you?"
I was only too happy to see my sisters naked, but really
didn't know why. With the promise that by getting
undressed, I would understand, I agreed to their terms.
Quickly undressing, I stood there completely naked and
unashamed. Why would I be, after all, I expected to see
a mirror image of myself... only with breasts.
As each sister removed one article of their clothing,
the other followed suit. When both stood before me,
wearing only their panties and bras, they again asked
for my promise, which I again gave. Thereupon, they
removed their bras.
"Oh!" I blurted out, 'They're so beautiful! I wish I was
your baby so you could feed me milk like you said. I
would be the fastest growing baby there ever was!"
This pleased both girls as they smiled at me and to each
other. A silent agreement passed between them.
Whereupon, they asked me if I wanted to touch them.
Nothing would have made me happier, so I told them...
Mary, picked me up again and placed me in her lap. With
one arm around my back, she raised my right hand to her
breast, forming my fingers into a cup. I was in ecstasy,
her breast was so warm and soft, yet firm and jiggled
with the movement of my hand. Mary circled the nipple
with my palm as I watched in amazement as the tip
extended and grew before my eyes. My caresses must have
aroused her because she sighed, grabbed my hands and
pulled them away.
"That's enough of that, you obviously noticed how my
nipples got bigger and how my tits became more sensitive
to their being touched. That's why I made that funny
noise. Now we'll play with your nipples and show you the
difference between boy tits and girl tits."
She called Mary over and they now teased my little
nipples. To their surprise... mine also grew larger and
became sensitive to their touches. In my mind this was
proof that I was just like them and told them so. Now
THEY were confused. They continued playing with my
nipples until Carol noticed my dick had extended and was
Pointing this out to Mary brought giggles to their
throats. They asked me about it, whereupon I answered
that I was as confused as they. This was my first
erection! They explained what it was and stated that
this explained why I couldn't be a girl. All this did
was confuse me further, so I asked?
"I understand that because I got excited when you played
with my nipples my pee-pee got bigger and harder, but
what does that have to do with being a girl? Doesn't
your pee-pee get hard when you get excited?"
"I guess we'll have to show him everything!" Carol
giggled. "It's obvious it's the only way he'll
With that, my sisters removed their panties. I couldn't
believe my eyes, where were their dicks and balls?
Instead they had a tangled mass of light brown hair
covering what looked like a cut had been slashed in
their crotches. The first thought that came to mind
was... how do they pee? Raising my questioning eyes to
theirs I recognized the glint of "we told you so" as
Mary began to explain.
"Danny, now you know why you can't be a girl. Girls
don't have dicks. We have what are called pussies. When
we have babies, that's where they come out from. I think
it's time we explain why you have a dick and balls and
why we have pussies. After all we've gone this far with
your education, we better explain the rest. Before we
get into the subject of sex, do you have any questions?"
My mind was reeling! Of course I had questions, but I
didn't want to sound stupid. Now I knew why my sisters
had laughed and giggled at my previous questions.
Therefore I only asked the one question I didn't think
they would laugh at.
"How do you pee?"
Carol explained how girls had to sit down to pee, that's
why, they never left the toilet seat up and complained
when I did. I was afraid to ask any other questions, so
Mary continued to explain the many reasons why girls had
to be different than boys. Mary explained the "birds and
the bees", giving details of the sex act that few, if
any, nine year old ever got told. With each new concept
explained, I became more and more depressed, till
finally, with tears in my eyes and in a cracked voice, I
"Not only is it not fair that I can't dress like a girl,
but I'm going to be cheated by not having breasts, a
pretty pussy and the chance to have a baby. I've dreamed
of having a tiny baby in my arms just like Suzy, my
dolly. It's not fair and I hate being a boy. I want to
cut this ugly dick right off."
Mary was quick to jump in, "Honey, we'll still let you
dress like a girl as long as you want. We'll even dress
you up in a bra, nylons and heels, just like us. I'll
buy you a wig and make-up. We can teach you to act like
a girl and coach your voice. You'll still be able to
play like a girl as long as you want. But you must
promise to never ever think of cutting off your dick, it
would kill you! Will you promise?"
Dejectedly I answered, "I promise, but that still only
helps a little bit, I still can't have a pussy, nor a
baby of my own!"
A light bulb went on in Carol's head. "Danny, I read an
magazine article about a man very much like you. He had
always felt he was born inside the wrong body.
Everything he felt about himself indicated he should
have been a girl instead of a boy. After he grew up to
adulthood, he went to a special doctor and had a sex-
change operation.
"You could do that if you still wanted to become a
female after you grow up. Then you would have breasts, a
pussy and be a 'real' woman in almost every way. You
still couldn't have your own baby, but you could
probably adopt one. Then, as far as everyone else was
concerned you would be the baby's mother. How about that
for a solution to your needs?"
"Oh Mary, is Carol telling me the truth?" I asked.
Mary assured me that Carol had the facts correct, a
number of men were having gender change operations. She
said that if I still felt, after I had become an adult,
that I wanted to become a 'real' woman, she and Carol
would help me with the necessary medical costs.
I couldn't believe how wonderful my sisters were to me.
Rushing over to Mary I threw my arms around her, hugging
and kissing her. Mary pulled me tighter to her breast
where without thinking, I kissed, licked and nibbled at
her nipple. Mary offered no resistance. With her eyes
closed, gentle "mewings' issued from her slightly parted
lips. Obviously she was in the early stages of passion,
losing herself in the wonderful sensations. Without
thinking she mistakenly exclaimed.
"Carol, don't stop! That feels soooo good! Do me like
last night!"
A startled scream instantly emerged from Carol. "Mary!
Are you crazy? Do you what you've just said? It's not me
sucking your tits... it's Danny!"
"Oh! My God, what have I done!" she yelled, pulling the
nipple from my moist and demanding lips. "Danny, I
didn't mean what I said. It was a mistake! I just got
too excited. It doesn't mean anything, ignore what I
said, it was just a mistake. Forget I said it."
I had recently begun to wonder why my sisters made such
funny noises when they came to bed. A couple of times,
when I wasn't yet asleep, I had heard their giggles,
moans and groans as they trashed in their bed. After the
graphic explanation they had just provided me about the
act of sex, I now knew Mary was lying. They had been
playing with each other, causing each other to get
excited and probably reaching orgasm, that new word I
had just learned ten minutes before. The look on my face
must've given my thoughts away. Both sisters knew, that
I now knew their secret.
Carol spoke, "Well from the look on your face you know
about us. I guess it's only fair, if we know your secret
that you know ours. Danny, we don't like boys, both of
us have had very bad experiences with boys. They are too
rough and selfish and only think of their own
satisfaction. We read a book about Lesbians, that's the
term for two or more women who make love without a male
being involved.
"We decided to try it and found it was much more
enjoyable. We are really BI-sexual, which means we go
both ways, but right now we have no desire for men.
Maybe later, if we find the right ones, it'll be
different, but for now we have each other."
Boy what a day this was, I found out I wasn't a girl,
had the "birds and bees" explained to me, had seen and
played with my naked sisters, had been promised I could
get a sex-change operation when I got older and now
found out they were gay, or at least Bi-sexual. Being
more brave than I had a right to be, I asked.
"I love you both! I don't care if you never make love to
a man, that's your business. But I'm curious, how do two
women make love? After what you explained, I don't
understand how it's possible. When we go to bed tonight,
will you let me watch? It won't change my mind about
you, I'll always love you and no matter what your
decision, I'll keep your secret, but I sure would like
to know how two women make love and how a woman orgasms.
It might help me when it comes to the decision as to
which gender I late choose. You've been so understanding
about everything else, a little more can't hurt,
This time Mary spoke for both sisters. "Why not, if your
going to be a girl you should know what it's like and if
you stay a male, you'll at least understand how to make
love to a woman. Besides, since you'll still be sleeping
in our room, I don't see how we can hide what we do for
each other and I know we certainly aren't going to stop
doing it. Carol, I'm sure we can trust him to keep our
secret and it might be fun to have him there! OK?" she
"It' all right with me, I was thinking the same thing
you were", she winked back to Mary.
I didn't know what all the winks were about, but I was
sure I would enjoy whatever they had planned. Realizing
that our other sisters would soon return we quickly
dressed and began preparing dinner. All evening long, I
would catch a secret smile or wink between the girls and
myself or between the two of them.
Time seemed to move very slowly, till I could stand it
no longer. I explained I was tired and went to bed a
half hour early. Mom and Dad also said they were tired
and went to their room at the same time. I knew I would
have to wait for awhile till all my sisters went to bed
and the house settled down, but I didn't mind. I lay
there remembering Mary and Carol's naked bodies and
thinking about what was going to happen that night.
Let me tell you about that night. They came into the
room. Carol walked over to the closet and turned on the
light, while Mary closed and locked the bedroom door.
This left just enough light to see whatever happened
near their bed but kept the rest of the room in deep
shadow. Mary moved into the light to where Carol stood,
took her into her arms and kissed her.
The kiss lasted a long time and Carol took advantage of
the moment by dropping her hands to her sister's ass.
She raised Mary's dress and slid her hands inside Mary's
panties. Since they had not spoken to me, I assumed I
was to watch... but not speak.
Moving close, I crawled to the foot of their bed,
peering around the post. Mary saw me, broke her lips
from Carol's, smiled at me and motioned me even closer.
I positioned myself at their sides, sitting at the edge
of their bed.
Now the fun began. Both girls ran their hands up and
over each other's frame, pausing to tease, feeling and
squeezing their tits, asses, arms and legs. Mary paused
a moment, then began undressing her sister. It was a
sight to behold! Even though I had seen them both naked
this afternoon, it was still a thrill all over again. It
took a while for them to remove all of the other's
clothes, they spent so much time playing with each
exposed square inch of bouncing, jiggling and swaying
Mary took charge. She guided Carol to the edge of the
bed, then eased her onto it, directing Carol into a
spread-eagle type position. Then in a surprise move she
turned to me and lifted my nighty over my head. I was
now as naked as they were. Mary took my hand and
silently moved me to the opposite side of the bed, then
returned to her side. Reaching across Carol's lush body,
she again took my hands in hers and guided them over my
sister's totally exposed frame. The beaming smile on
Carol lips was beautiful to behold in the muted light.
When Mary let my hands go and began to use hers on
Carol, I did the same. All this had been in total
silence, but no longer, Carol allowed small moans,
groans and squeaks to escape her lips. When Mary parted
Carol's outer pussy lips with a moistened finger I
stopped my teasing to watch. Using her other hand to
motion me over, Mary directed my fingers against my
sister's clit. Forgetting myself I spoke.
"Oh, it's beautiful! So smooth and soft and wet."
Letting me play for awhile, Mary moved her pussy
directly above Carol's face. Out snaked Carol's tongue.
Not wishing to miss anything, I positioned my head on
Carol's breasts and watched as Carol licked, lapped,
sucked, nibbled and ate her sister's tunnel of lust. All
of a sudden, not being able to take anymore, Mary began
to shudder, shake and thrust her pussy against Carol's
tongue, lips and chin.
With a muted scream, her palm covering her mouth, Mary
came, drenching Carol's face with the sweet, wet, juices
of lust! Carol didn't let up and a second series of
vibrations coursed through Mary, as she continued to rub
her sister's face, milking every last sensation
available to her demanding passion.
"Now you know how two women make love to each other!"
Mary exclaimed.
"Usually it lasts longer, but we wanted to be quick for
your sake."
I spent the next half hour telling them how much I
enjoyed what had happened and hugged and kissed them for
loving me enough to let me join them. I hadn't expected
to be allowed to participate, but was truly glad they
had let me. During this resting time we continued to
play with each other's bodies, not to excite, just to
express our love for one another. That night I slept
between the two of them. The three of us snuggled up
against each other like spoons, totally without a care
and dreamt of only them.
We continued my secret cross-dressing. All this without
the knowledge of the rest of the family. I, under their
expert guidance became quite adept in my masquerade.
They spent hours teaching me how to walk, talk and the
mannerisms of womanhood. I learned how to apply my own
make-up, style my hair and paint my nails. So well did I
play the part, that one weekend when Mom and Dad took
Barb and Judy to visit the state fair (free to fair
exhibitors), Mary and Carol took me, dressed as their
sister, to the mall.
This was fantasy-land to a f******n year old cross-
dresser. I went from store to store, trying on dresses,
lingerie, high heels and even flirted, as I had been
coached, with a shoe salesman. As he lifted my ankle to
insert my foot into a pump, I parted my knees just
enough for him to see the naked flesh of my exposed
thigh above the welts of my tan colored nylons. I had no
trouble passing to our great satisfaction. This was a
wonderful experience... but darker days were soon to
When Carol graduated from high school and was offered a
scholarship to Ohio State she made plans to leave home.
Mary, decided it was time for her to move out also. She
had been offered a job in Columbus and the two sisters
planned to room together.
My parent's, while sorry to see the girl's leave, were
also relieved that there would be two less mouths to
feed. I now had the room to myself and missed them
dearly. Before they left, they informed our parents they
planned to frequently return on weekends. This easily
explained why they left some clothes in the closet and
one drawer of what was now my dresser. Secretly, these
were really for me.
Things on the farm were getting worse. Each year we
received less and less income and crop supports from
farming. The only good thing about the situation was the
value of the land was steadily increasing. I had
overheard my parents talking about actually selling the
farm and moving to the city. I don't know if this would
have ever happened because before they could decide,
they were involved in a car accident and killed.
Mary and Carol, of course, came home for the funeral
services. We buried our parents and returned to the farm
to plan our futures. Mary and Carol, who had been named
the co-executors of the will and our legal guardians,
decided to sell the farm and set up trust funds for
Barb, Judy and myself and move us to Columbus. They
would buy a house where we would all live together.
Barb was now eighteen (I was sixteen), a senior and
would soon move out to attend the University of
California. Judy, s*******n and also a senior (she had
skipped a grade), had also been accepted at the same
school as Barb. Carol would continue her education at
Ohio State. Mary would quit her job and take on the
total responsibilities of raising us until the girls
left and then it would be just Mary, Carol and I.
The proceeds of the farm would be great enough that we
could live nicely without Mary having to go to work
outside the home. In addition to the proceeds from the
sale of the farm there was the life insurance dad had on
himself and mom and later there would be the settlement
we would receive from the estate of the drunk who had
caused the accident. With-in three weeks, with the help
of a lawyer, we left the farm never to return.
Needing a place to live, we rented a house just outside
Columbus in a suburb called Powell. Parts of Powell were
very rustic, the homes not much different than our farm
and other places were sub-divisions with homes that cost
half a million dollars or more. The nice thing about the
town was all the homes were on large wooded lots as was
the one we rented. It stood in the center of a five acre
field shielded from our closest neighbors and the road
by trees. Later, because we liked it so much, we bought
The second night after we moved in Mary and Carol called
for a family meeting. Knowing about it in advance, I was
prepared to be the topic of discussion. Mary ran the
meeting. She started by telling Barb and Judy that she
and Carol enjoyed lesbian sex with each other and that
they were aware of the games that Barb and Judy played
in their rooms late at night.
After my two younger sisters sheepishly admitted Mary
was right, they became upset that their girl-girl
playing had been discussed in front of their brother.
That was the opening Mary had expected. Excusing me from
the room, she said.
"So it bothers you two that I talked about how you play
with each other only because he's your brother. You've
forgotten that we admitted what we do in front of him
also, he's our brother too. Don't you think it'll be
more fun for both of you now that you won't have to hide
your kisses and your touches behind closed doors."
Barb spoke, "We still won't be able to kiss or touch
except behind closed doors, but now because you said it
in front of Danny, he'll know exactly what we're doing
whenever we do close our door. In addition, he'll now be
so curious he'll try to peek at the keyhole or windows.
I'll know it's going to make me uncomfortable and might
ruin the fun we have together."
While all this discussion was going on, I was upstairs
changing into Dana. Everything I needed was ready for
me, either on the bed or in the bathroom in Mary's room.
I had a head start since I had worn my panties, my
unfilled bra, my garter belt and my nylons under my
jeans and flannel shirt. Mary and Carol had planned this
to be my "coming out party" and had even bought me false
breasts and a wig.
I quickly slipped on my dress, added make-up, put on the
wig, slipped into a pair of high heels and quietly went
downstairs. Mary had seated herself so she would know
when I was ready. She had continued the argument always
going back to the point that if I was their sister Barb
and Judy wouldn't have been upset with her and Carol.
Each time she used this argument, they agreed she was
right, but each time they brought up the fact that I
wasn't their sister. Again eliciting that response, she
"Let's settle this right now, if I had a magic wand and
could change our brother Dan into a girl named Dana, not
only would you not be upset with her knowing about the
two of you, but you would like it better if you had
another sister instead of a brother, right?"
Judy looked at Barb, then spoke. "We love our brother
Danny, but we think we would have been better off if he
had been born a girl. Both of us have discussed it. We
liked it better when he wore our clothes and we also
think he would have made a prettier girl than a boy.
Haven't you noticed that he has many feminine mannerism
and isn't accepted by the other boys his age. We think
he's going to have a very difficult time as a man and
even though we now play lesbian games, we know we'll
eventually go "straight" and get married. We think he
may be turning permanently gay!"
Barb jumped in, "It's too bad you don't have that magic
wand you talked about, but since you don't, how do you
figure wishing you had one will solve this argument?"
"Oh, but I do have one! Carol, bring me my magic wand!"
Mary requested.
At this point Carol handed Mary a wooden kitchen spoon.
Taking it from the outstretched hand, Mary waved it over
their heads, mumbling gibberish, then stating.
"Oh great, wise and all-powerful "Pooh-bah" please grant
us our wish. We want our brother Dan to become our
sister Dana. We promise that if you grant us our wish we
will do whatever it takes to help him be our sister. We
also promise to teach him all he needs to learn so that
no one will ever suspect he wasn't born a girl. We ask
this on the condition that you grant our wish only if he
wants this change as much as we do!"
This was my cue. Stepping out from behind the doorway, I
strode into the room, my heels clicking on the brick
tiled floor, to the stunned silence of my younger
sisters. Not waiting for them to speak, I stated in my
best Dana voice.
"Oh, thank you my sisters for asking the Great Pooh-bah
to magically transform me into a girl. It makes me so
happy to be your sister instead of your brother. It's
what I've always wanted!" Pausing for effect, I
continued. "Now do you two feel better about my knowing
your secrets, this confession on my part should assured
you that I'd be the last person to cause you any
problems over it."
Mary stated, "Well, aren't you two going to kiss their
new sister?"
Barb was the first to speak, "Your beautiful! If I
didn't know you were my brother I'd never guess you
weren't a girl." Then a sly twinkle appeared in the
comers of her eyes and she said.
"Judy, we've had a trick pulled on us. I don't mean this
Great Pooh-bah nonsense. How long have you two "bitches"
been keeping this a secret. How long has Dana been
dressing this way and what has she been doing in your
bedroom at night. It's obvious she didn't just learn how
to put make-up on by herself or how to speak in that
voice. Well, let's hear the truth."
We spent the next hour explaining everything. The
obvious question came up, that is, "Was I fucking my two
older sisters." We explained that the answer was, "No"
they had never permitted me to fuck them.
"Do you want to fuck us?" Mary questioned.
"I'm not sure," I responded. "Sometimes I feel an urge
to try, yet at the same time I think I would feel
strange having my dick inside you instead of my tongue."
I watched as all four girls, using that silent method of
communication that all women have, decided to further my
education. Later that night I found out how it felt to
be inside a woman. We never did sleep much that night,
only short naps to regain our strength. By the time the
sun rose, we were totally spent and fell into a deep
We didn't get up until noon, then lounged around the
house till about 2:00 finally deciding to go shopping
for feminine clothes that would fit me better. As we no
longer needed to concern ourselves about money, the
girls decided to buy me an entire new wardrobe and along
the way if they saw anything they liked, we would buy
that also. I could wear a mix of my sister's clothes,
they were just different enough, in sizes, that
something from each sister fit me perfectly.
This enable me to go with them dressed as their sister
and it gave us the sizes I needed. Since I would be
trying on skirts and dresses we decided to wear heels
and hose. It also made my passing easier. Each sister
wanted to help me in my transformation as if I was their
doll, even so far as a small argument breaking out as to
who's skirt fit me better between two of them.
We piled into the car and drove to the nearest mall, on
the way we decided that it would be better if we stuck
together thereby giving the saleswomen less chance to
concentrate on me in case I made a mistake or someone
became suspicious. As it turned out, we needn't have
concerned ourselves, I passed with flying colors.
It was one of the greatest days of my life. I went from
store to store trying on and buying, skirts blouses,
tops, pants, shorts, lingerie, shoes, belts and jewelry.
We made sure we didn't buy too much from any one store
so as not to raise suspicions as to why I needed so many
new items for my wardrobe. The most fun was the lingerie
departments. The colors and textures were simply
wonderful and some of the exotic items brought a
marvelous blush to my cheeks, which, of course, wasn't
missed by my sisters.
By this time, we were so pleased with ourselves
concerning my ability to fool the various saleswomen
that when we saw a free cosmetics seminar the girls
suggested I take advantage of it. I was scared, but the
girls goaded me into it and the young company
representative also pressured me by offering to seat me
in a partitioned area where only I, my sisters and she
would see... so I reluctantly agreed.
After taking my place on the tall stool, crossing one
leg over the other and adjusting my skirt, as any proper
young lady would do, the woman went to work. First,
removing my make-up, she applied a new base, eye shadow,
mascara, blusher and lipstick. Having Sandra, that was
the cosmetician's name, work on my features as she
explained how and why she had selected the various
products and shades felt wonderfully sensuous.
I was putty in her hands. She even took the time to
pluck out some hair from my eyebrows giving them an
arched look, definitely more feminine. All the while my
sisters listened attentively, agreeing with Sandra's
suggestions and advice. During this process, I wasn't
able to see myself as she worked, but finally, when she
was finished, I was handed a mirror.
The results were fantastic! Sandra obviously knew her
art. Where before I looked good enough to pass, now I
was actually stunning. My sisters agreed that the
products Sandra used were perfect for me and we
purchased the lot, including additional items she
suggested would also work. Then in a moment of total
surprise, she softly said.
"Dana, here is my card, if you need additional help,
I'll be very happy to come to your house for a private
consultation. You needn't worry, your secret is safe
with me. You're not the first male I've helped. I can
also suggest a doctor who will prescribe hormone shots
and pills which you'll need shortly, your facial hair is
starting to grow and shaving is definitely the wrong way
to go. In addition, the prescription will do wonders for
your skin tone and might even help you develop real
breasts. Call me at my home number if you want my help."
Then bending she kissed my cheek and winked.
I hadn't fooled her at all! However, what she was
offering made me glad I hadn't. I thanked her for her
kindness and promised she would definitely hear from me.
Then, with a squeeze of my hand, we parted. My sisters
had heard and when we were alone that's all we could
talk about.
Deciding that this was the high point of the day and our
arms loaded with packages (we had already dropped some
of our purchases off in the car), we headed for home.
The shopping had been a complete success. My wardrobe
almost matched the size of my sister's. Upon returning
home we boxed up all my male clothing and placed all my
new clothes into my dresser drawers and closet.
The few neighbors we had were easily convinced that we
were five sisters living together as a family. We went
and did things together, sometimes as a group and
sometimes in two's and three's. Being a girl on an
everyday basis enhanced my ability to pass and
eventually all male tendencies and mannerism
disappeared, I felt totally comfortable in my new
The summer went quickly, I enjoyed all the experiences
of being female that now opened up to me. I went to the
beach in a lovely, slightly conservative two piece suit
and even developed tan lines, these were a big help when
I returned to high school.
I called Sandra. She came over and took me to the doctor
she had mentioned at our first meeting. Mary went with
us. To my surprise, the doctor was a gynecologist and
female. After a most thorough examination, the doctor,
who was also a psychologist (specializing in **** and
victim therapy), met first with me and then with both of
us. Afterwards, she stated.
"Dana, is definitely gender confused. I could either
institute a program of weekly visits to a psychiatrist,
which would probably continue long into his adult life
if in fact they ever ended. Even if he adjusted to his
male gender, he would most likely never be "well" enough
to enter into a satisfying relationship with a woman,
get married or father c***dren in the normal sense of
the masculine role.
"Dana, if you did change back into the male role, it
would certainly cause both your wife and any male
c***dren, future role identity problems in their lives.
Instead and my recommended treatment, is you continue as
a female and later have a gender changing operation."
The doctor continued, "In order for you to become well
adjusted in adult society, Mary, as your guardian,
should officially change your name to Dana, destroy all
male gender clothing, dress you in only feminine attire
and raise you as her sister! The reason that I recommend
this option is that it will please you and thereby, even
though you wouldn't really be a female, enhance your
self-worth, self-image and your ability to survive in
society as an adult."
We quickly agreed with the doctor, whereupon I received
a starter shot of hormones and a prescription for pills.
The doctor explained that since I was still in the early
stages of puberty I could initially expect a conflict
with-in my system until the new female hormones overcame
the ones produced by my own glands. This would take
about thirty days. After that my glands would no longer
actively produce male hormones and in some cases
actually begin to produce female hormones.
This would cause my skin to become softer, my hips to
flair out, my facial and body hair to become softer and
less noticeable and my voice to become naturally
feminine. Other effects would be a stoppage in the
production of sperm and a less sensitive penis.
The doctor assured me that while it would be harder for
me to get an erection and longer between erections, I
would still be physically able to perform insertion and
I would still enjoy an orgasm, but without sperm cells
in my fluid. A benefit of this was I wouldn't expose my
true gender by getting an erection under my feminine
apparel and I would last longer before I climaxed. She
said it was a compromise I must live with. I assured her
it was a small price to pay to be female. Getting
dressed, we left the doctor's office and returned home.
The next six months were a whirlwind of activity. For
the readers benefit, I'll highlight only those events
which I remember as special.
Soon it was time to say good-bye to Judy and Barb. It
was both a joyous and sad time for all of us. After they
left, the house seemed empty. I still had my remaining
sisters, but it wasn't the same. By now my hair had
grown and was styled in a cute flip with bangs. I had
developed 34B sized breasts, my skin had a softness like
theirs, my hips had widened and my ass had taken-on a
feminine roundness. In addition my body hair had
lightened and the vestiges of facial hair I had, became
a light "peach fuzz".
School wasn't but around the corner and I had
apprehensions. The doctor had written a letter stating
that I suffered from a heart valve problem and therefore
shouldn't participate in Phys Ed., this solved the
problem of my taking showers with the other girls. In
lieu of this class I took a course in Home Economics,
which I thoroughly mastered and enjoyed. The girls at
school were no problem, they just accepted me. Since I
was the new girl in class, it was easy for me to stay an
arm's length away in my social contacts with them,
feigning shyness. I was very surprised at how casual
their attitude was about semi-nudity. It certainly was
an eyeful, whenever I visited the restroom.
I admit I became a part-time voyeur. The girls would
stand by the mirrors, adjusting their underwear, their
skirts lifted as they pulled up their pantyhose or their
blouses unbuttoned fixing the straps of their bras. I
earned a reputation of being somewhat of a prude because
I always adjusted my clothes in the stalls. This was an
image I encouraged. Also, I never allowed myself to go
out on a date, claiming my sisters disapproved until I
was eighteen.
All in all, my new life was wonderful. I was able to do
and be all the things I had always desired. I still
enjoyed getting dressed each morning. Selecting my
outfits not only for their appearance, but also for the
way they felt against my new body. My relationship with
my sister Mary was even closer.
She spent uncountable hours teaching me all the little
nuances of being female. We spent a lot of time at the
malls, not buying, just shopping. It was a great place
to practice my training. Mary and I enjoyed just being
feminine together. I now also enjoyed being noticed.
Women and girls never "saw" me as a boy, now the
opposite was true. Both men and women "checked" me over.
The women for my appearance and the men for my body.
It was amazing to learn the power a woman has over men
just by crossing her legs or just adjusting her
clothing. I soon learned the effect a casual smile or
raised hem had on a male. There were of course, men too
strong willed and teasing them was dangerous. Mary
taught me how to recognize those individuals and to act
offended by their advances. In our trips, I polished my
teasing techniques (under Mary's guidance), till they
became almost second nature.
We went and did all kinds of things, which as a boy, had
been closed to me.
By Thanksgiving, I had totally mastered being feminine.
All my actions, speech patterns and facial expressions
came naturally and were gender correct. I had "grown"
into the role so well, that I never even visualized my
old self, Danny no longer existed! Having a dick inside
my panties was the only aspect of being male I ever
The End
Oc1997 Kresha Matay
PS. For xhamster admins. This story isnt mine, but also doesnt violate its copytights.
by Kresha Matay (1997)
With a little help from his sisters and a few other
females in his life, Danny ends up as Dana, the girl
he'd always wanted to be. (MF, FF, tg, cd)
My story is strange, unique, but also wonderful. I was
my parent's fifth and last c***d. I have four older
sisters, Mary, Carol, Barb and Judy. I guess my folks
wanted a boy and kept trying till they had me. They must
have been serious about trying to have a son, since my
sisters are no more than twelve to sixteen months apart
in age.
We lived on a small family farm in Ohio, between
Columbus and Circleville. Since I was the only boy and
the baby of the family, my sisters made a big fuss over
me. Mom and dad were obviously too busy, during most of
the daylight hours, with the running of the farm. This
left the responsibility of my care to my sisters. Not
only did they feed me, bath me, dress me, but they also
taught me all the things I needed to learn as I grew up.
This constant care brought us very close together,
especially myself and my two oldest sisters, but at the
same time it developed in me an identity problem. We
spent a lot of time together playing all kinds of games
like, jump-rope, jacks, tag and house. Throughout my
"formative" years, the older two, Mary and Carol,
treated me like they treated their other sisters, by
that I mean, just like one of the girls.
Since our farm wasn't very prosperous, there wasn't a
lot of extra money to be spent on non- necessary items,
especially non-essential clothes. This wasn't a problem
for the girls, because they wore each other's hand-me-
downs. For me, the only boy in the family, this was a
definite problem.
This was solved, in the beginning, by my wearing my
sister's shirts and jeans, even though they were
obviously "girl-clothes". Oh, I had "boy-clothes" after
I started going to school, but just enough to get by on.
As soon as I got home from school, I would change into
my sister's hand-me-downs for play and chores.
I also wore their underwear, after all, at that age it
wasn't all that much different. No-one at school ever
found out that under my clothes I wore cotton panties
instead of jockey shorts. In fact, I didn't realize the
difference myself, till I was much older and by then it
didn't bother me.
Once in a while, when my sisters fell behind in the
laundry, I would get to wear one of their dresses till
our jeans dried. These were special moments for me, I
felt more like my sisters every time I wore a dress. I
especially liked the way the dress hem would "float"
against my legs and how, as I walked, every cool breeze
would send delicious sensations up my legs and against
my panty covered crotch. My father, while not happy over
the situation, had been convinced, by my mother and
sisters, that it didn't really matter at my age, clothes
were clothes. In their minds, I was too young to be
At the same time that I started school, another problem
developed. Until now, I had slept on an old mattress in
my parent's bedroom (we only had three bedrooms). My
parents decided I was too old and too inquisitive to
remain in their room. The first solution, was to move me
into the room shared by my younger sisters, Barb and
Judy. They were eight and seven. Mom and dad felt this
wouldn't pose a problem, since I was only five. This
solution didn't work because my mattress wouldn't fit in
their room.
That's when Mary, the oldest, suggested that I be moved
into the room she shared with Carol since it was the
largest bedroom in the house. She argued, I was so young
that it wouldn't cause a problem for them, even though
they were ten and nine respectively. After all
possibilities had been discussed and rejected, Mary's
suggestion was deemed the only feasible solution, so
that's what happened.
I was pleased with this arrangement because I felt
closer to my two older sisters than anyone else, they
were the ones that had raised me to this point.
Initially, both girls were very careful in their dress
whenever I was present, but as time went on and the
problems of getting all of us ready for school (we had
only one bathroom) became a bigger problem, they became
more relaxed in my presence. This enabled me to observe
the differences in their bodies as they grew older. My
parents having already left for the fields never found
out about my seeing the girls in their underwear. It
became our secret.
This went on for eight years. During this time, my
sisters grew up and developed into beautiful young women
of eighteen and s*******n. However, at times, they still
treated me as their baby sister. I still wore some of
their hand-me-downs, but as they grew, the materials and
clothing changed. Now the panties were made of sheer
materials, more colorful and cut quite differently.
I made a special effort to wear my older sister's nylon
panties because they felt so much nicer. In addition,
their jeans fit me tighter in the crotch, baggier in the
ass and hips and forced me to move my small dick back
between my thighs and my balls up under my torso in
order to fit right.
One day, when Mary, Carol and I were home alone, I asked
them why their shirts fit me funny. Was it because they
had those "bumps" on their chests, and if so, when would
I get them (by now I was nine, almost ten and all four
sisters had developed breasts). Both my sister's looked
at each other and then began to laugh.
Mary, always the more sensitive, saw that I was ready to
cry. They had never treated any question I had asked in
this manner. I felt stupid and didn't like to be laughed
at. Reaching out her arms to me, Mary said.
"Honey, we're sorry, we shouldn't have laughed at you,
obviously you don't quite understand some things about
boys and girls. Come here, give me a hug and a kiss and
I'll explain some things that will answer all your
No longer feeling the hurt, I ran into her arms, where I
was hugged by both girls, received a series of loving
]kisses and had my tears wiped away. After we finished,
Mary began speaking.
"Danny, your right, the reason the blouse your wearing
doesn't fit right is because you don't have breasts and
you're a boy, so you never will have them. Women and
girls are the only ones who have breasts. As we grow
older, they develop for a very special reason. When we
have babies, our breasts produce milk and that's how we
feed the baby. Men don't feed babies, so they don't need
breasts. It's just like when Bessie our cow feeds her
new calf. Now do you understand?"
I was stunned, I had never suspected that I wouldn't
grow up to be just like my beautiful sisters. Oh, I knew
other boys grew up to be like my father, but I thought I
was different. If I wasn't different, then why did I
like the way their clothes felt against my skin and how
pretty they made me feel?
My sisters had never been so careless to actually expose
their naked bodies before my view, so I didn't know how
different girls and boys were. I thought of myself as
different from the boys I went to school with, that's
why I wore girl clothes, that's why I played girl games
and slept in my sister's room. Of course I had to be
different, I was more like my sisters than many of the
girls I knew.
Now I was even more confused. I knew that the boys from
school had their own rooms and played at different games
than I did. They made fun of girls and their clothes and
didn't like me because I was not as rough as they were.
This had always made me think I would grow up
differently from them, more like my sisters. My
daydreams were always about the day that my body would
change like theirs had and I could then go around in
public dressed like them.
I had come to enjoy dressing in their clothes, it made
me feel pretty. I liked feeling pretty. When we had
played "house" I war. never a boy, I was always a little
girl! When there was time, my sisters would dress me up
in panties, slips, dresses, ankle socks, mary-janes and
then tie pink ribbons in my hair.
I would gaze into the mirror, see how pretty I looked
and be truly happy. They even changed my name to Dana
when I was dressed this way and kept telling me what a
pretty girl I made. I was always their baby sister...
not their brother! When we played, I always had my own
dolls that I mothered! I would feed them, change them,
dress them, cuddle them and sing them to sleep just as I
saw my sister's do to their dolls.
How could they now tell me I wouldn't grow up to be like
them? I didn't want to be a boy! It was no fun being a
boy. Girl's were softer, smoother and sweeter than the
ugly boys at school and that's what I wanted to be... a
girl! As I grasped the fact that all my dreams of girl
hood were dissolving I began to cry again.
After Mary and Carol got me to stop my crying, Mary
pulled me up on her lap, hugging me close to her cheek
and asked. "Honey, what's wrong? What did I say to make
you cry? Please tell me, If I can fix whatever made you
cry, I promise I will!!"
Looking up into her loving eyes and seeing the sincerity
of her statement, I told her everything. How I didn't
want to be a boy, how I wanted to grow up like my
sisters, how I liked wearing dresses and how I was
confused as to why I couldn't be like them... a girl.
"Danny, You don't have the body of a girl, you probably
don't realize this but it's more than just breasts. It's
a lot of other things! Look, it might help if Carol and
I show you how different we are from you", she said as
she glanced to her sister for her acceptance. Carol
hesitated, then realizing how important this was to me,
agreed by nodding her head.
"Why don't you take off all your clothes, including your
panties and we'll do the same, that way we can show you
why you can't be a girl. You must promise to never tell
anyone about this, especially mom and dad. They would be
real upset with us if they ever found out about it. Is
it a deal, will you keep secret what we show you?"
I was only too happy to see my sisters naked, but really
didn't know why. With the promise that by getting
undressed, I would understand, I agreed to their terms.
Quickly undressing, I stood there completely naked and
unashamed. Why would I be, after all, I expected to see
a mirror image of myself... only with breasts.
As each sister removed one article of their clothing,
the other followed suit. When both stood before me,
wearing only their panties and bras, they again asked
for my promise, which I again gave. Thereupon, they
removed their bras.
"Oh!" I blurted out, 'They're so beautiful! I wish I was
your baby so you could feed me milk like you said. I
would be the fastest growing baby there ever was!"
This pleased both girls as they smiled at me and to each
other. A silent agreement passed between them.
Whereupon, they asked me if I wanted to touch them.
Nothing would have made me happier, so I told them...
Mary, picked me up again and placed me in her lap. With
one arm around my back, she raised my right hand to her
breast, forming my fingers into a cup. I was in ecstasy,
her breast was so warm and soft, yet firm and jiggled
with the movement of my hand. Mary circled the nipple
with my palm as I watched in amazement as the tip
extended and grew before my eyes. My caresses must have
aroused her because she sighed, grabbed my hands and
pulled them away.
"That's enough of that, you obviously noticed how my
nipples got bigger and how my tits became more sensitive
to their being touched. That's why I made that funny
noise. Now we'll play with your nipples and show you the
difference between boy tits and girl tits."
She called Mary over and they now teased my little
nipples. To their surprise... mine also grew larger and
became sensitive to their touches. In my mind this was
proof that I was just like them and told them so. Now
THEY were confused. They continued playing with my
nipples until Carol noticed my dick had extended and was
Pointing this out to Mary brought giggles to their
throats. They asked me about it, whereupon I answered
that I was as confused as they. This was my first
erection! They explained what it was and stated that
this explained why I couldn't be a girl. All this did
was confuse me further, so I asked?
"I understand that because I got excited when you played
with my nipples my pee-pee got bigger and harder, but
what does that have to do with being a girl? Doesn't
your pee-pee get hard when you get excited?"
"I guess we'll have to show him everything!" Carol
giggled. "It's obvious it's the only way he'll
With that, my sisters removed their panties. I couldn't
believe my eyes, where were their dicks and balls?
Instead they had a tangled mass of light brown hair
covering what looked like a cut had been slashed in
their crotches. The first thought that came to mind
was... how do they pee? Raising my questioning eyes to
theirs I recognized the glint of "we told you so" as
Mary began to explain.
"Danny, now you know why you can't be a girl. Girls
don't have dicks. We have what are called pussies. When
we have babies, that's where they come out from. I think
it's time we explain why you have a dick and balls and
why we have pussies. After all we've gone this far with
your education, we better explain the rest. Before we
get into the subject of sex, do you have any questions?"
My mind was reeling! Of course I had questions, but I
didn't want to sound stupid. Now I knew why my sisters
had laughed and giggled at my previous questions.
Therefore I only asked the one question I didn't think
they would laugh at.
"How do you pee?"
Carol explained how girls had to sit down to pee, that's
why, they never left the toilet seat up and complained
when I did. I was afraid to ask any other questions, so
Mary continued to explain the many reasons why girls had
to be different than boys. Mary explained the "birds and
the bees", giving details of the sex act that few, if
any, nine year old ever got told. With each new concept
explained, I became more and more depressed, till
finally, with tears in my eyes and in a cracked voice, I
"Not only is it not fair that I can't dress like a girl,
but I'm going to be cheated by not having breasts, a
pretty pussy and the chance to have a baby. I've dreamed
of having a tiny baby in my arms just like Suzy, my
dolly. It's not fair and I hate being a boy. I want to
cut this ugly dick right off."
Mary was quick to jump in, "Honey, we'll still let you
dress like a girl as long as you want. We'll even dress
you up in a bra, nylons and heels, just like us. I'll
buy you a wig and make-up. We can teach you to act like
a girl and coach your voice. You'll still be able to
play like a girl as long as you want. But you must
promise to never ever think of cutting off your dick, it
would kill you! Will you promise?"
Dejectedly I answered, "I promise, but that still only
helps a little bit, I still can't have a pussy, nor a
baby of my own!"
A light bulb went on in Carol's head. "Danny, I read an
magazine article about a man very much like you. He had
always felt he was born inside the wrong body.
Everything he felt about himself indicated he should
have been a girl instead of a boy. After he grew up to
adulthood, he went to a special doctor and had a sex-
change operation.
"You could do that if you still wanted to become a
female after you grow up. Then you would have breasts, a
pussy and be a 'real' woman in almost every way. You
still couldn't have your own baby, but you could
probably adopt one. Then, as far as everyone else was
concerned you would be the baby's mother. How about that
for a solution to your needs?"
"Oh Mary, is Carol telling me the truth?" I asked.
Mary assured me that Carol had the facts correct, a
number of men were having gender change operations. She
said that if I still felt, after I had become an adult,
that I wanted to become a 'real' woman, she and Carol
would help me with the necessary medical costs.
I couldn't believe how wonderful my sisters were to me.
Rushing over to Mary I threw my arms around her, hugging
and kissing her. Mary pulled me tighter to her breast
where without thinking, I kissed, licked and nibbled at
her nipple. Mary offered no resistance. With her eyes
closed, gentle "mewings' issued from her slightly parted
lips. Obviously she was in the early stages of passion,
losing herself in the wonderful sensations. Without
thinking she mistakenly exclaimed.
"Carol, don't stop! That feels soooo good! Do me like
last night!"
A startled scream instantly emerged from Carol. "Mary!
Are you crazy? Do you what you've just said? It's not me
sucking your tits... it's Danny!"
"Oh! My God, what have I done!" she yelled, pulling the
nipple from my moist and demanding lips. "Danny, I
didn't mean what I said. It was a mistake! I just got
too excited. It doesn't mean anything, ignore what I
said, it was just a mistake. Forget I said it."
I had recently begun to wonder why my sisters made such
funny noises when they came to bed. A couple of times,
when I wasn't yet asleep, I had heard their giggles,
moans and groans as they trashed in their bed. After the
graphic explanation they had just provided me about the
act of sex, I now knew Mary was lying. They had been
playing with each other, causing each other to get
excited and probably reaching orgasm, that new word I
had just learned ten minutes before. The look on my face
must've given my thoughts away. Both sisters knew, that
I now knew their secret.
Carol spoke, "Well from the look on your face you know
about us. I guess it's only fair, if we know your secret
that you know ours. Danny, we don't like boys, both of
us have had very bad experiences with boys. They are too
rough and selfish and only think of their own
satisfaction. We read a book about Lesbians, that's the
term for two or more women who make love without a male
being involved.
"We decided to try it and found it was much more
enjoyable. We are really BI-sexual, which means we go
both ways, but right now we have no desire for men.
Maybe later, if we find the right ones, it'll be
different, but for now we have each other."
Boy what a day this was, I found out I wasn't a girl,
had the "birds and bees" explained to me, had seen and
played with my naked sisters, had been promised I could
get a sex-change operation when I got older and now
found out they were gay, or at least Bi-sexual. Being
more brave than I had a right to be, I asked.
"I love you both! I don't care if you never make love to
a man, that's your business. But I'm curious, how do two
women make love? After what you explained, I don't
understand how it's possible. When we go to bed tonight,
will you let me watch? It won't change my mind about
you, I'll always love you and no matter what your
decision, I'll keep your secret, but I sure would like
to know how two women make love and how a woman orgasms.
It might help me when it comes to the decision as to
which gender I late choose. You've been so understanding
about everything else, a little more can't hurt,
This time Mary spoke for both sisters. "Why not, if your
going to be a girl you should know what it's like and if
you stay a male, you'll at least understand how to make
love to a woman. Besides, since you'll still be sleeping
in our room, I don't see how we can hide what we do for
each other and I know we certainly aren't going to stop
doing it. Carol, I'm sure we can trust him to keep our
secret and it might be fun to have him there! OK?" she
"It' all right with me, I was thinking the same thing
you were", she winked back to Mary.
I didn't know what all the winks were about, but I was
sure I would enjoy whatever they had planned. Realizing
that our other sisters would soon return we quickly
dressed and began preparing dinner. All evening long, I
would catch a secret smile or wink between the girls and
myself or between the two of them.
Time seemed to move very slowly, till I could stand it
no longer. I explained I was tired and went to bed a
half hour early. Mom and Dad also said they were tired
and went to their room at the same time. I knew I would
have to wait for awhile till all my sisters went to bed
and the house settled down, but I didn't mind. I lay
there remembering Mary and Carol's naked bodies and
thinking about what was going to happen that night.
Let me tell you about that night. They came into the
room. Carol walked over to the closet and turned on the
light, while Mary closed and locked the bedroom door.
This left just enough light to see whatever happened
near their bed but kept the rest of the room in deep
shadow. Mary moved into the light to where Carol stood,
took her into her arms and kissed her.
The kiss lasted a long time and Carol took advantage of
the moment by dropping her hands to her sister's ass.
She raised Mary's dress and slid her hands inside Mary's
panties. Since they had not spoken to me, I assumed I
was to watch... but not speak.
Moving close, I crawled to the foot of their bed,
peering around the post. Mary saw me, broke her lips
from Carol's, smiled at me and motioned me even closer.
I positioned myself at their sides, sitting at the edge
of their bed.
Now the fun began. Both girls ran their hands up and
over each other's frame, pausing to tease, feeling and
squeezing their tits, asses, arms and legs. Mary paused
a moment, then began undressing her sister. It was a
sight to behold! Even though I had seen them both naked
this afternoon, it was still a thrill all over again. It
took a while for them to remove all of the other's
clothes, they spent so much time playing with each
exposed square inch of bouncing, jiggling and swaying
Mary took charge. She guided Carol to the edge of the
bed, then eased her onto it, directing Carol into a
spread-eagle type position. Then in a surprise move she
turned to me and lifted my nighty over my head. I was
now as naked as they were. Mary took my hand and
silently moved me to the opposite side of the bed, then
returned to her side. Reaching across Carol's lush body,
she again took my hands in hers and guided them over my
sister's totally exposed frame. The beaming smile on
Carol lips was beautiful to behold in the muted light.
When Mary let my hands go and began to use hers on
Carol, I did the same. All this had been in total
silence, but no longer, Carol allowed small moans,
groans and squeaks to escape her lips. When Mary parted
Carol's outer pussy lips with a moistened finger I
stopped my teasing to watch. Using her other hand to
motion me over, Mary directed my fingers against my
sister's clit. Forgetting myself I spoke.
"Oh, it's beautiful! So smooth and soft and wet."
Letting me play for awhile, Mary moved her pussy
directly above Carol's face. Out snaked Carol's tongue.
Not wishing to miss anything, I positioned my head on
Carol's breasts and watched as Carol licked, lapped,
sucked, nibbled and ate her sister's tunnel of lust. All
of a sudden, not being able to take anymore, Mary began
to shudder, shake and thrust her pussy against Carol's
tongue, lips and chin.
With a muted scream, her palm covering her mouth, Mary
came, drenching Carol's face with the sweet, wet, juices
of lust! Carol didn't let up and a second series of
vibrations coursed through Mary, as she continued to rub
her sister's face, milking every last sensation
available to her demanding passion.
"Now you know how two women make love to each other!"
Mary exclaimed.
"Usually it lasts longer, but we wanted to be quick for
your sake."
I spent the next half hour telling them how much I
enjoyed what had happened and hugged and kissed them for
loving me enough to let me join them. I hadn't expected
to be allowed to participate, but was truly glad they
had let me. During this resting time we continued to
play with each other's bodies, not to excite, just to
express our love for one another. That night I slept
between the two of them. The three of us snuggled up
against each other like spoons, totally without a care
and dreamt of only them.
We continued my secret cross-dressing. All this without
the knowledge of the rest of the family. I, under their
expert guidance became quite adept in my masquerade.
They spent hours teaching me how to walk, talk and the
mannerisms of womanhood. I learned how to apply my own
make-up, style my hair and paint my nails. So well did I
play the part, that one weekend when Mom and Dad took
Barb and Judy to visit the state fair (free to fair
exhibitors), Mary and Carol took me, dressed as their
sister, to the mall.
This was fantasy-land to a f******n year old cross-
dresser. I went from store to store, trying on dresses,
lingerie, high heels and even flirted, as I had been
coached, with a shoe salesman. As he lifted my ankle to
insert my foot into a pump, I parted my knees just
enough for him to see the naked flesh of my exposed
thigh above the welts of my tan colored nylons. I had no
trouble passing to our great satisfaction. This was a
wonderful experience... but darker days were soon to
When Carol graduated from high school and was offered a
scholarship to Ohio State she made plans to leave home.
Mary, decided it was time for her to move out also. She
had been offered a job in Columbus and the two sisters
planned to room together.
My parent's, while sorry to see the girl's leave, were
also relieved that there would be two less mouths to
feed. I now had the room to myself and missed them
dearly. Before they left, they informed our parents they
planned to frequently return on weekends. This easily
explained why they left some clothes in the closet and
one drawer of what was now my dresser. Secretly, these
were really for me.
Things on the farm were getting worse. Each year we
received less and less income and crop supports from
farming. The only good thing about the situation was the
value of the land was steadily increasing. I had
overheard my parents talking about actually selling the
farm and moving to the city. I don't know if this would
have ever happened because before they could decide,
they were involved in a car accident and killed.
Mary and Carol, of course, came home for the funeral
services. We buried our parents and returned to the farm
to plan our futures. Mary and Carol, who had been named
the co-executors of the will and our legal guardians,
decided to sell the farm and set up trust funds for
Barb, Judy and myself and move us to Columbus. They
would buy a house where we would all live together.
Barb was now eighteen (I was sixteen), a senior and
would soon move out to attend the University of
California. Judy, s*******n and also a senior (she had
skipped a grade), had also been accepted at the same
school as Barb. Carol would continue her education at
Ohio State. Mary would quit her job and take on the
total responsibilities of raising us until the girls
left and then it would be just Mary, Carol and I.
The proceeds of the farm would be great enough that we
could live nicely without Mary having to go to work
outside the home. In addition to the proceeds from the
sale of the farm there was the life insurance dad had on
himself and mom and later there would be the settlement
we would receive from the estate of the drunk who had
caused the accident. With-in three weeks, with the help
of a lawyer, we left the farm never to return.
Needing a place to live, we rented a house just outside
Columbus in a suburb called Powell. Parts of Powell were
very rustic, the homes not much different than our farm
and other places were sub-divisions with homes that cost
half a million dollars or more. The nice thing about the
town was all the homes were on large wooded lots as was
the one we rented. It stood in the center of a five acre
field shielded from our closest neighbors and the road
by trees. Later, because we liked it so much, we bought
The second night after we moved in Mary and Carol called
for a family meeting. Knowing about it in advance, I was
prepared to be the topic of discussion. Mary ran the
meeting. She started by telling Barb and Judy that she
and Carol enjoyed lesbian sex with each other and that
they were aware of the games that Barb and Judy played
in their rooms late at night.
After my two younger sisters sheepishly admitted Mary
was right, they became upset that their girl-girl
playing had been discussed in front of their brother.
That was the opening Mary had expected. Excusing me from
the room, she said.
"So it bothers you two that I talked about how you play
with each other only because he's your brother. You've
forgotten that we admitted what we do in front of him
also, he's our brother too. Don't you think it'll be
more fun for both of you now that you won't have to hide
your kisses and your touches behind closed doors."
Barb spoke, "We still won't be able to kiss or touch
except behind closed doors, but now because you said it
in front of Danny, he'll know exactly what we're doing
whenever we do close our door. In addition, he'll now be
so curious he'll try to peek at the keyhole or windows.
I'll know it's going to make me uncomfortable and might
ruin the fun we have together."
While all this discussion was going on, I was upstairs
changing into Dana. Everything I needed was ready for
me, either on the bed or in the bathroom in Mary's room.
I had a head start since I had worn my panties, my
unfilled bra, my garter belt and my nylons under my
jeans and flannel shirt. Mary and Carol had planned this
to be my "coming out party" and had even bought me false
breasts and a wig.
I quickly slipped on my dress, added make-up, put on the
wig, slipped into a pair of high heels and quietly went
downstairs. Mary had seated herself so she would know
when I was ready. She had continued the argument always
going back to the point that if I was their sister Barb
and Judy wouldn't have been upset with her and Carol.
Each time she used this argument, they agreed she was
right, but each time they brought up the fact that I
wasn't their sister. Again eliciting that response, she
"Let's settle this right now, if I had a magic wand and
could change our brother Dan into a girl named Dana, not
only would you not be upset with her knowing about the
two of you, but you would like it better if you had
another sister instead of a brother, right?"
Judy looked at Barb, then spoke. "We love our brother
Danny, but we think we would have been better off if he
had been born a girl. Both of us have discussed it. We
liked it better when he wore our clothes and we also
think he would have made a prettier girl than a boy.
Haven't you noticed that he has many feminine mannerism
and isn't accepted by the other boys his age. We think
he's going to have a very difficult time as a man and
even though we now play lesbian games, we know we'll
eventually go "straight" and get married. We think he
may be turning permanently gay!"
Barb jumped in, "It's too bad you don't have that magic
wand you talked about, but since you don't, how do you
figure wishing you had one will solve this argument?"
"Oh, but I do have one! Carol, bring me my magic wand!"
Mary requested.
At this point Carol handed Mary a wooden kitchen spoon.
Taking it from the outstretched hand, Mary waved it over
their heads, mumbling gibberish, then stating.
"Oh great, wise and all-powerful "Pooh-bah" please grant
us our wish. We want our brother Dan to become our
sister Dana. We promise that if you grant us our wish we
will do whatever it takes to help him be our sister. We
also promise to teach him all he needs to learn so that
no one will ever suspect he wasn't born a girl. We ask
this on the condition that you grant our wish only if he
wants this change as much as we do!"
This was my cue. Stepping out from behind the doorway, I
strode into the room, my heels clicking on the brick
tiled floor, to the stunned silence of my younger
sisters. Not waiting for them to speak, I stated in my
best Dana voice.
"Oh, thank you my sisters for asking the Great Pooh-bah
to magically transform me into a girl. It makes me so
happy to be your sister instead of your brother. It's
what I've always wanted!" Pausing for effect, I
continued. "Now do you two feel better about my knowing
your secrets, this confession on my part should assured
you that I'd be the last person to cause you any
problems over it."
Mary stated, "Well, aren't you two going to kiss their
new sister?"
Barb was the first to speak, "Your beautiful! If I
didn't know you were my brother I'd never guess you
weren't a girl." Then a sly twinkle appeared in the
comers of her eyes and she said.
"Judy, we've had a trick pulled on us. I don't mean this
Great Pooh-bah nonsense. How long have you two "bitches"
been keeping this a secret. How long has Dana been
dressing this way and what has she been doing in your
bedroom at night. It's obvious she didn't just learn how
to put make-up on by herself or how to speak in that
voice. Well, let's hear the truth."
We spent the next hour explaining everything. The
obvious question came up, that is, "Was I fucking my two
older sisters." We explained that the answer was, "No"
they had never permitted me to fuck them.
"Do you want to fuck us?" Mary questioned.
"I'm not sure," I responded. "Sometimes I feel an urge
to try, yet at the same time I think I would feel
strange having my dick inside you instead of my tongue."
I watched as all four girls, using that silent method of
communication that all women have, decided to further my
education. Later that night I found out how it felt to
be inside a woman. We never did sleep much that night,
only short naps to regain our strength. By the time the
sun rose, we were totally spent and fell into a deep
We didn't get up until noon, then lounged around the
house till about 2:00 finally deciding to go shopping
for feminine clothes that would fit me better. As we no
longer needed to concern ourselves about money, the
girls decided to buy me an entire new wardrobe and along
the way if they saw anything they liked, we would buy
that also. I could wear a mix of my sister's clothes,
they were just different enough, in sizes, that
something from each sister fit me perfectly.
This enable me to go with them dressed as their sister
and it gave us the sizes I needed. Since I would be
trying on skirts and dresses we decided to wear heels
and hose. It also made my passing easier. Each sister
wanted to help me in my transformation as if I was their
doll, even so far as a small argument breaking out as to
who's skirt fit me better between two of them.
We piled into the car and drove to the nearest mall, on
the way we decided that it would be better if we stuck
together thereby giving the saleswomen less chance to
concentrate on me in case I made a mistake or someone
became suspicious. As it turned out, we needn't have
concerned ourselves, I passed with flying colors.
It was one of the greatest days of my life. I went from
store to store trying on and buying, skirts blouses,
tops, pants, shorts, lingerie, shoes, belts and jewelry.
We made sure we didn't buy too much from any one store
so as not to raise suspicions as to why I needed so many
new items for my wardrobe. The most fun was the lingerie
departments. The colors and textures were simply
wonderful and some of the exotic items brought a
marvelous blush to my cheeks, which, of course, wasn't
missed by my sisters.
By this time, we were so pleased with ourselves
concerning my ability to fool the various saleswomen
that when we saw a free cosmetics seminar the girls
suggested I take advantage of it. I was scared, but the
girls goaded me into it and the young company
representative also pressured me by offering to seat me
in a partitioned area where only I, my sisters and she
would see... so I reluctantly agreed.
After taking my place on the tall stool, crossing one
leg over the other and adjusting my skirt, as any proper
young lady would do, the woman went to work. First,
removing my make-up, she applied a new base, eye shadow,
mascara, blusher and lipstick. Having Sandra, that was
the cosmetician's name, work on my features as she
explained how and why she had selected the various
products and shades felt wonderfully sensuous.
I was putty in her hands. She even took the time to
pluck out some hair from my eyebrows giving them an
arched look, definitely more feminine. All the while my
sisters listened attentively, agreeing with Sandra's
suggestions and advice. During this process, I wasn't
able to see myself as she worked, but finally, when she
was finished, I was handed a mirror.
The results were fantastic! Sandra obviously knew her
art. Where before I looked good enough to pass, now I
was actually stunning. My sisters agreed that the
products Sandra used were perfect for me and we
purchased the lot, including additional items she
suggested would also work. Then in a moment of total
surprise, she softly said.
"Dana, here is my card, if you need additional help,
I'll be very happy to come to your house for a private
consultation. You needn't worry, your secret is safe
with me. You're not the first male I've helped. I can
also suggest a doctor who will prescribe hormone shots
and pills which you'll need shortly, your facial hair is
starting to grow and shaving is definitely the wrong way
to go. In addition, the prescription will do wonders for
your skin tone and might even help you develop real
breasts. Call me at my home number if you want my help."
Then bending she kissed my cheek and winked.
I hadn't fooled her at all! However, what she was
offering made me glad I hadn't. I thanked her for her
kindness and promised she would definitely hear from me.
Then, with a squeeze of my hand, we parted. My sisters
had heard and when we were alone that's all we could
talk about.
Deciding that this was the high point of the day and our
arms loaded with packages (we had already dropped some
of our purchases off in the car), we headed for home.
The shopping had been a complete success. My wardrobe
almost matched the size of my sister's. Upon returning
home we boxed up all my male clothing and placed all my
new clothes into my dresser drawers and closet.
The few neighbors we had were easily convinced that we
were five sisters living together as a family. We went
and did things together, sometimes as a group and
sometimes in two's and three's. Being a girl on an
everyday basis enhanced my ability to pass and
eventually all male tendencies and mannerism
disappeared, I felt totally comfortable in my new
The summer went quickly, I enjoyed all the experiences
of being female that now opened up to me. I went to the
beach in a lovely, slightly conservative two piece suit
and even developed tan lines, these were a big help when
I returned to high school.
I called Sandra. She came over and took me to the doctor
she had mentioned at our first meeting. Mary went with
us. To my surprise, the doctor was a gynecologist and
female. After a most thorough examination, the doctor,
who was also a psychologist (specializing in **** and
victim therapy), met first with me and then with both of
us. Afterwards, she stated.
"Dana, is definitely gender confused. I could either
institute a program of weekly visits to a psychiatrist,
which would probably continue long into his adult life
if in fact they ever ended. Even if he adjusted to his
male gender, he would most likely never be "well" enough
to enter into a satisfying relationship with a woman,
get married or father c***dren in the normal sense of
the masculine role.
"Dana, if you did change back into the male role, it
would certainly cause both your wife and any male
c***dren, future role identity problems in their lives.
Instead and my recommended treatment, is you continue as
a female and later have a gender changing operation."
The doctor continued, "In order for you to become well
adjusted in adult society, Mary, as your guardian,
should officially change your name to Dana, destroy all
male gender clothing, dress you in only feminine attire
and raise you as her sister! The reason that I recommend
this option is that it will please you and thereby, even
though you wouldn't really be a female, enhance your
self-worth, self-image and your ability to survive in
society as an adult."
We quickly agreed with the doctor, whereupon I received
a starter shot of hormones and a prescription for pills.
The doctor explained that since I was still in the early
stages of puberty I could initially expect a conflict
with-in my system until the new female hormones overcame
the ones produced by my own glands. This would take
about thirty days. After that my glands would no longer
actively produce male hormones and in some cases
actually begin to produce female hormones.
This would cause my skin to become softer, my hips to
flair out, my facial and body hair to become softer and
less noticeable and my voice to become naturally
feminine. Other effects would be a stoppage in the
production of sperm and a less sensitive penis.
The doctor assured me that while it would be harder for
me to get an erection and longer between erections, I
would still be physically able to perform insertion and
I would still enjoy an orgasm, but without sperm cells
in my fluid. A benefit of this was I wouldn't expose my
true gender by getting an erection under my feminine
apparel and I would last longer before I climaxed. She
said it was a compromise I must live with. I assured her
it was a small price to pay to be female. Getting
dressed, we left the doctor's office and returned home.
The next six months were a whirlwind of activity. For
the readers benefit, I'll highlight only those events
which I remember as special.
Soon it was time to say good-bye to Judy and Barb. It
was both a joyous and sad time for all of us. After they
left, the house seemed empty. I still had my remaining
sisters, but it wasn't the same. By now my hair had
grown and was styled in a cute flip with bangs. I had
developed 34B sized breasts, my skin had a softness like
theirs, my hips had widened and my ass had taken-on a
feminine roundness. In addition my body hair had
lightened and the vestiges of facial hair I had, became
a light "peach fuzz".
School wasn't but around the corner and I had
apprehensions. The doctor had written a letter stating
that I suffered from a heart valve problem and therefore
shouldn't participate in Phys Ed., this solved the
problem of my taking showers with the other girls. In
lieu of this class I took a course in Home Economics,
which I thoroughly mastered and enjoyed. The girls at
school were no problem, they just accepted me. Since I
was the new girl in class, it was easy for me to stay an
arm's length away in my social contacts with them,
feigning shyness. I was very surprised at how casual
their attitude was about semi-nudity. It certainly was
an eyeful, whenever I visited the restroom.
I admit I became a part-time voyeur. The girls would
stand by the mirrors, adjusting their underwear, their
skirts lifted as they pulled up their pantyhose or their
blouses unbuttoned fixing the straps of their bras. I
earned a reputation of being somewhat of a prude because
I always adjusted my clothes in the stalls. This was an
image I encouraged. Also, I never allowed myself to go
out on a date, claiming my sisters disapproved until I
was eighteen.
All in all, my new life was wonderful. I was able to do
and be all the things I had always desired. I still
enjoyed getting dressed each morning. Selecting my
outfits not only for their appearance, but also for the
way they felt against my new body. My relationship with
my sister Mary was even closer.
She spent uncountable hours teaching me all the little
nuances of being female. We spent a lot of time at the
malls, not buying, just shopping. It was a great place
to practice my training. Mary and I enjoyed just being
feminine together. I now also enjoyed being noticed.
Women and girls never "saw" me as a boy, now the
opposite was true. Both men and women "checked" me over.
The women for my appearance and the men for my body.
It was amazing to learn the power a woman has over men
just by crossing her legs or just adjusting her
clothing. I soon learned the effect a casual smile or
raised hem had on a male. There were of course, men too
strong willed and teasing them was dangerous. Mary
taught me how to recognize those individuals and to act
offended by their advances. In our trips, I polished my
teasing techniques (under Mary's guidance), till they
became almost second nature.
We went and did all kinds of things, which as a boy, had
been closed to me.
By Thanksgiving, I had totally mastered being feminine.
All my actions, speech patterns and facial expressions
came naturally and were gender correct. I had "grown"
into the role so well, that I never even visualized my
old self, Danny no longer existed! Having a dick inside
my panties was the only aspect of being male I ever
The End
Oc1997 Kresha Matay
PS. For xhamster admins. This story isnt mine, but also doesnt violate its copytights.
14 年 前