What a Wonderful, Wintry Feeling!
When I'd asked him what he wanted for Christmas he had only one answer.
"You," he’d said.
So I decided that was what I'd do. I'd give him a part of me. As the snow fell outside
I had him get ready and when I entered the bedroom he was already prone on the bed,
laying on the drawn back sheets, his uncut erection already drawing my attention. I
went into the bathroom to get ready.
I looked at my reflection in the bathroom as I brushed my teeth. Not too bad
looking for an 83 year old man. I stood there, completely naked, looking at my body
as I brushed. I still tipped the scales at 135 pounds. Not a paunch anywhere to be seen.
While I can't claim a 'six-pack' I can truthfully tell you that I'm still slim. I stand just over
6 feet tall, with a head topped with short-cropped white hair and a full beard and
mustache, both salt-and-pepper in appearance. My blue eyes stare back at me from the
I'm also as nervous as hell.
I turn slightly towards the bathroom door, knowing what's waiting for me in the
other room. My best friend of over 50 years is in there. Lying naked on my bed, waiting
for me to get finished in here so we can get 'down to business'.
I took one last look as I rinsed my toothbrush and then replaced it in the holder on
top of the counter. I turned out the light before leaving to enter the other room. There is
no light on in the bedroom, either, as we both agreed.
Not a word will be spoken, upon mutual agreement. We want to enjoy the
moment without anything being said, if we're able to that is. I'm not certain that we can,
but we've both agreed to give it a try.
I go over to my bed and sit down, feeling the weight of the body waiting for me
there. I reach out and caress my hand up and down the legs, feeling them spread wide
for easier access of my hand. We both shift around on the mattress, trying to get into a
better position for both of us, so that we'll be able to get the full benefit of what's about
to happen.
I move onto the mattress fully, opening the legs further until I'm able to get into
place between them, on my knees. I place my hands on the mattress next to the hips and
lean forward, lowering my head until I feel my lips against the stomach, which tenses
with the contact. I begin by sticking out my tongue and running it upwards, stopping at
the belly button, probing it with my tongue, feeling the body beneath me squirm with
each swipe. I feel movement as arms are shifted around to get comfortable.
I gently nibble at the flesh of the stomach, and the belly button, gently pulling it
into my mouth and caressing it with my tongue. I move upwards, not stopping until I
reach the nipples, already stiff with anticipation of my oral ministrations, sucking on each
one and biting, without hurting, and feeling them get harder in my mouth.
My hand are still positioned on each side of the body beneath me, unmoving.
I'll be using them later though and the anticipation alone already has me rigid, much more
then I've been in ages. I can feel my pre cum already starting to drip from the end of my
cock and I know that if I were to turn on the light and look between those two legs, I'd
find a pool already collecting on the drawn-back sheets. I don't care though. It'll wash
out in the laundry when I do it tomorrow.
Again, movement on the bed beneath me, as an arm is raised and a hand swipes
up and down my right arm, not stopping until it reaches my shoulder and then moves up
towards my face, caressing my beard-covered chin, reaching fingers out to stick them
into my mouth, where I suck on them, covering them with my saliva. I suck my own
juices off them then, and the hand returns to the mattress, leaving a wet trail back down
my arm.
I return my attention the body and move upwards to the neck, licking that
area just below the chin, gently sucking on the nape and softly nibbling the side, moving
still upwards until I feel an earlobe in my mouth, on which I suck and lick, sticking the
tip of my tongue into the ear, probing and licking around the delicate shape, feeling the
body squirm beneath me. I know that it's hard not to moan out loud, but I have to
admire the way nothing is said, keeping to our agreement.
I pull back then. Once again resting on my knees, between the legs, still open
wide. I back up a bit and lean forward once more, this time dipping my head until I feel
the skin of the legs, and then I lick up the right one, stopping just short of the crotch. I'm
not ready to get to that part of the body just yet. I can feel the frustration as I move away
from that goal and trail my tongue down the leg, which I slightly turn to the right, giving me
access to the soft skin behind the knee, where I swipe my tongue against that area, feeling
muscles tense up with the first contact.
But again, no sound is made.
I swirl my tongue on the underside of the knee for a few minutes before I move
away once more. I continue to trail down the lower part of the leg, licking around the
ankle and moving on to the foot. I caress the instep of the foot and move to the toes,
gently biting each toe and probing my tongue between each one. I lick the ball of the
foot and feel it pulled back slightly. I know the person is ticklish and, while I'm trying
not to tickle, I know that it's unavoidable, but they're enjoying this attention I've giving,
and I know it.
My hardness is throbbing once again and as I impossibly seem to be getting
harder, I feel the lose foreskin slip back, slowly uncovering my cock head for the first
time tonight. I want to reach down and jack off, but control that urge as best I can. I
don't want self-gratification tonight, I want to feel the same thing I'm giving right now,
so I know I'll have to wait for my turn. It's hard to do, but if they can do it, then so
can I.
I turn the leg the other way and work on the outside of the foot, again paying
attention to the toes and the ankle, then move up the outside to the knee and then up
the outer side of the thigh. At this point I move to the other leg and repeat the same
process, down to knee, then to the ankle, the foot, the toes, and up the outside to the
thighs once more.
Again, I skip over the crotch, but this time I do brush the pubic hair ever so
slightly, causing a stir beneath me. I feel the stomach move in and out with each deep
breath, trying their best to remain calm and still, and quiet.
I move up the side, nibbling at the tender skin covering the ribs and don't stop
until I get to the underarm, where I push the arm up over their head and bury my fact
into the armpit, taking a long lick over that shallow part of the body, feeling them move
about, but not overly getting to busy doing it. I lick around and can taste the sweat
that's collected there. The room, while not stuffy, is warm. I pull the arm back down
and move up to the neck once more and on toward the other ear, where I repeat the
same process I did to the other one.
Once I'm through there I move over to the chin and suck on that slightly
pointed protuberance, licking the area between the chin and the bottom lip, then move
upward until I take both lips into my mouth. That mouth opens and I stick my tongue
inside, feeling around in the oral cavity, caressing the resting tongue there, stroking my
tongue along the teeth and between the teeth and lips, pulling each lip into my mouth
and gently sucking on them for a while. I move up to the nose and give it a soft kiss,
continuing to the eyes, which are closed, and gently probe the eyelids, the eyebrows
and continue to the forehead, licking that sweet sweat from the skin. After a very
passionate kiss I move back to the chest and those delicious nipples, just begging for
more attention, which I happily apply to each one.
I trail down the front of the body once more, stopping again at the belly
button to probe there before sitting back up on my knees. I scoot back towards the
foot of the bed then. I use my hands to turn the body over and then coax them to
their knees, with the butt sticking up in the air. I place my hands to those supple
butt cheeks and massage them slowly, gently kneading my hands into that flesh,
feeling it ripple with each movement of my hands. The feel of the skin is almost
like velvet. Very soft. Very loving. Very inviting.
I lean forward and kiss each cheek, licking and nibbling each one. I pull
those cheeks apart and slide my tongue between them, starting at the top of the
crack and work my way down, eventually reaching the rosebud, where I probe
into it with my stiff tongue. The sweat is dripping down that crack now and I eagerly
lick it up, too. The taste of the sweat is almost like a fine wine to me. It's intoxicating
and flavors my taste buds like nothing else can. I move slightly lower, but still I avoid
the vee of the legs, choosing to save that for last.
I push a finger slightly into the rosebud, not too far though. I know they
don't particularly like that, but I like it. I don't even get to my first knuckle though,
only trying to get them worked up to a level they've never been to before. I know it's
working for me, so I'm pretty sure it's also working for them as well. At least I hope
it is.
Once I finish licking the butt cheeks I move back once more and let them
turn back onto their back, again spreading their legs with my hands, getting them as
wide as I can. Now it's time to get to the 'meat' of my desire.
I push the legs backwards, not stopping until the knees are touching their
nipples, giving me full access to the desired areas of their body. The ass is looking
right at me, and I lean forward and lick and probe that rosebud one more time. I
then move up, licking all the way, until I get to that area just below the hanging ball
sac. That area just below the balls that is very tender to the touch, especially when
that touch is with the tongue. I lave around that area for a few minutes and then pay
attention to the balls themselves, sucking each one into my mouth and probing around
the with my tongue, feeling them move around in the sac with each lick.
I then move up the sac until I reach the base of that wonderful, black, uncut
cock. The texture is quite unlike any cock I've ever felt before. I've handled many
white cocks, but this is the first time to have a black one laid out before me, and I've
looked forward to this for a long time. Velvet never felt so soft. I'm totally amazed.
How in this world can anything that feels so hard, feel so soft at the same time? The
plentiful foreskin is even softer. His foreskin is much longer than mine is, with an
overhang of at least two inches. Even when he's completely hard his cock head
remains hidden in all that wonderful overhang.
As I get to the base of his cock I begin to use my mouth and tongue, probing
around the base, tasting him for the first time. He keeps his public hair quite short
around the base of his cock, but his balls are completely shaved, which adds another
sensation to what I'm doing. While I've always considered shaving myself down there,
I never have. I may do it now. Only time will tell.
Using one of my hands I grip the cock for the first time and slowly pull down,
pulling all that skin off the cock head for the first time. While it's too dark to actually
see his cock head for the first time, I can sense it's presence. The heat radiating from
his organ is very warm in my hand. His skin is loose enough that it doesn't drag across
his cock head as I pull it down, unlike mine which is slightly tighter when I pull it back
over my cock head.
I finally release his legs and let them drop to the mattress. I move closer to
his crotch now and lean forward, intent on taking his cock into my mouth for the first
time. The aroma surrounding his meat in unlike anything I've had the pleasure to know.
His skin is so soft, so supple, so.........................
................inviting! That's the only word that does it justice.
Here is a cock just begging to be sucked on. To be licked up and down. To
have in a mouth and to enjoy the full pleasure of a fine piece of man-meat. And the
fact that it's uncut is also intoxicating to me. I love an uncut cock. Always have.
Always will. The mystique of an uncut cock is something that's always gotten my
attention. I've been fascinated with my own uncut cock for all my life. I've had cut
cocks before but they just don't compare with an uncut one. The feel of the foreskin
against my tongue, as I suck it into my mouth for the first time, can almost get me off
without using my hands.
Leaning forward again I finally take that wonderful cock head into my mouth
for the first time. The rigid ness of that cock head and the suppleness at the same time
is truly amazing. I lock my lips beneath the head and swirl my tongue around the head
and probe into the piss hole for the first time. I can finally taste his pre cum and I feel
the texture on my tongue and I know I'm going to love feeling him shooting his load
into my mouth and down my throat for the first time. I'm looking forward to it.
I move my hand upwards, taking the skin I'd pushed to the base of his cock
back up until it once again covers that wonderful cock head. As it covers the head I
suck it into my mouth and push my tongue into the warmth it provides. I rotate my
tongue around the inside of that skin, tasting the tartness of the gathered juices within,
savoring that taste on my taste buds, feeling them run down the back of my throat as
I swallow them. I extend my tongue a bit further into the warmth and locate the
piss hole, probing inside that as well, pulling out the pre cum and coat the inside of
my mouth with it, feeling it cover the inside of my cheeks, along with the rest of my
tongue. The taste is simply amazing, making me want more, so I decide to use his
foreskin as a straw, sucking the fluids from deep within his balls and forcing them
to surface so I can greedily get them in my mouth and swallow them hungrily.
All the while I'm doing this my friend continues to lie there, not moving, but
his pulse is beating rapidly now. I can feel each beat in the throbbing, bulging
veins running up and down his hard cock. With each beat they throb, sending more
and more blood into the organ, keeping it hard while I manipulate it with both my
mouth and tongue. It always amazes me that something that can appear to be so
small when flaccid, can be so big and hard once the blood starts pumping into it.
The only sound to be heard is me, as I'm slurping around this hard cock,
sucking on it, milking it of it's precious juices, moving my hand up and down, as I
watch the foreskin cover and uncover the cock head, glistening a very hot pink from
my saliva coating it. It's dripping down the hard rod, pooling at my fingers which
are still wrapped around the base.
I can send now that he's getting close to shooting his hot cum and I'm
ready to get it. I bend over one final time and open my mouth, without touching
his cock this time. I open wide and pump his cock.
One stroke.
Two strokes.
Three strokes.
On the fourth stroke I can feel his balls tensing, getting ready to unleash
the eruption I've been waiting for. On the next down-stroke he lifts his ass off
the mattress and on the final up-stroke the first explosion of his cum splashes
into my mouth, coating my tongue with it's tartness; it's saltiness filling my mouth.
The second eruption hits me on my upper lip, causing it to drip to my chin and
from there onto the sheets. I leave it. The third shot again strikes me fully in my
mouth and I greedily swallow it. I'm determined to get it all in my mouth and not
to waste another drop. On the fourth shot I lower my mouth and take him all
the way into my throat on the first lunge. The last three shots enter directly into
my throat and are promptly swallowed.
I keep his hard rod in my mouth and use my throat muscles to manipulate
him, keeping him hard for as long as I can.
For a few minutes the erection remains but I can already tell that it's
beginning to deflate. His rigid ness is being reduced with each beat of his heart,
and before long the length and subsided enough to pull out of my throat, but
not completely out of my mouth. I suck that ever shrinking rod, feeling the
foreskin covering the cock head once more. With a final suck and then a few
final licks I pull off his organ and use my hand to jack it a few times. When the
skin is pulled back the final time I see a few drops of his cum lingering, so I
lean forward and lick them off, swallowing the last of his seed.
I move up on the mattress and lay next to him, feeling the warmth of
his body against mine. I reach out and gently pinch one of his nipples and he
shudders from the sensation. Propping up on an elbow I lean over and give
him a full, passionate kiss.
Only then did I utter the first word of the evening, "I hope you enjoyed
that as much as I did!"
But he didn't hear me. He'd already fallen asleep, with a huge smile
on his face.
As I lay there I watched him sleeping, remembering that not only was this
his birthday present, but also a Christmas present as well.
Merry Christmas, I said to myself, as I cuddled up next to him and drifted
off into dreamland myself.
Damn I'm good!
"You," he’d said.
So I decided that was what I'd do. I'd give him a part of me. As the snow fell outside
I had him get ready and when I entered the bedroom he was already prone on the bed,
laying on the drawn back sheets, his uncut erection already drawing my attention. I
went into the bathroom to get ready.
I looked at my reflection in the bathroom as I brushed my teeth. Not too bad
looking for an 83 year old man. I stood there, completely naked, looking at my body
as I brushed. I still tipped the scales at 135 pounds. Not a paunch anywhere to be seen.
While I can't claim a 'six-pack' I can truthfully tell you that I'm still slim. I stand just over
6 feet tall, with a head topped with short-cropped white hair and a full beard and
mustache, both salt-and-pepper in appearance. My blue eyes stare back at me from the
I'm also as nervous as hell.
I turn slightly towards the bathroom door, knowing what's waiting for me in the
other room. My best friend of over 50 years is in there. Lying naked on my bed, waiting
for me to get finished in here so we can get 'down to business'.
I took one last look as I rinsed my toothbrush and then replaced it in the holder on
top of the counter. I turned out the light before leaving to enter the other room. There is
no light on in the bedroom, either, as we both agreed.
Not a word will be spoken, upon mutual agreement. We want to enjoy the
moment without anything being said, if we're able to that is. I'm not certain that we can,
but we've both agreed to give it a try.
I go over to my bed and sit down, feeling the weight of the body waiting for me
there. I reach out and caress my hand up and down the legs, feeling them spread wide
for easier access of my hand. We both shift around on the mattress, trying to get into a
better position for both of us, so that we'll be able to get the full benefit of what's about
to happen.
I move onto the mattress fully, opening the legs further until I'm able to get into
place between them, on my knees. I place my hands on the mattress next to the hips and
lean forward, lowering my head until I feel my lips against the stomach, which tenses
with the contact. I begin by sticking out my tongue and running it upwards, stopping at
the belly button, probing it with my tongue, feeling the body beneath me squirm with
each swipe. I feel movement as arms are shifted around to get comfortable.
I gently nibble at the flesh of the stomach, and the belly button, gently pulling it
into my mouth and caressing it with my tongue. I move upwards, not stopping until I
reach the nipples, already stiff with anticipation of my oral ministrations, sucking on each
one and biting, without hurting, and feeling them get harder in my mouth.
My hand are still positioned on each side of the body beneath me, unmoving.
I'll be using them later though and the anticipation alone already has me rigid, much more
then I've been in ages. I can feel my pre cum already starting to drip from the end of my
cock and I know that if I were to turn on the light and look between those two legs, I'd
find a pool already collecting on the drawn-back sheets. I don't care though. It'll wash
out in the laundry when I do it tomorrow.
Again, movement on the bed beneath me, as an arm is raised and a hand swipes
up and down my right arm, not stopping until it reaches my shoulder and then moves up
towards my face, caressing my beard-covered chin, reaching fingers out to stick them
into my mouth, where I suck on them, covering them with my saliva. I suck my own
juices off them then, and the hand returns to the mattress, leaving a wet trail back down
my arm.
I return my attention the body and move upwards to the neck, licking that
area just below the chin, gently sucking on the nape and softly nibbling the side, moving
still upwards until I feel an earlobe in my mouth, on which I suck and lick, sticking the
tip of my tongue into the ear, probing and licking around the delicate shape, feeling the
body squirm beneath me. I know that it's hard not to moan out loud, but I have to
admire the way nothing is said, keeping to our agreement.
I pull back then. Once again resting on my knees, between the legs, still open
wide. I back up a bit and lean forward once more, this time dipping my head until I feel
the skin of the legs, and then I lick up the right one, stopping just short of the crotch. I'm
not ready to get to that part of the body just yet. I can feel the frustration as I move away
from that goal and trail my tongue down the leg, which I slightly turn to the right, giving me
access to the soft skin behind the knee, where I swipe my tongue against that area, feeling
muscles tense up with the first contact.
But again, no sound is made.
I swirl my tongue on the underside of the knee for a few minutes before I move
away once more. I continue to trail down the lower part of the leg, licking around the
ankle and moving on to the foot. I caress the instep of the foot and move to the toes,
gently biting each toe and probing my tongue between each one. I lick the ball of the
foot and feel it pulled back slightly. I know the person is ticklish and, while I'm trying
not to tickle, I know that it's unavoidable, but they're enjoying this attention I've giving,
and I know it.
My hardness is throbbing once again and as I impossibly seem to be getting
harder, I feel the lose foreskin slip back, slowly uncovering my cock head for the first
time tonight. I want to reach down and jack off, but control that urge as best I can. I
don't want self-gratification tonight, I want to feel the same thing I'm giving right now,
so I know I'll have to wait for my turn. It's hard to do, but if they can do it, then so
can I.
I turn the leg the other way and work on the outside of the foot, again paying
attention to the toes and the ankle, then move up the outside to the knee and then up
the outer side of the thigh. At this point I move to the other leg and repeat the same
process, down to knee, then to the ankle, the foot, the toes, and up the outside to the
thighs once more.
Again, I skip over the crotch, but this time I do brush the pubic hair ever so
slightly, causing a stir beneath me. I feel the stomach move in and out with each deep
breath, trying their best to remain calm and still, and quiet.
I move up the side, nibbling at the tender skin covering the ribs and don't stop
until I get to the underarm, where I push the arm up over their head and bury my fact
into the armpit, taking a long lick over that shallow part of the body, feeling them move
about, but not overly getting to busy doing it. I lick around and can taste the sweat
that's collected there. The room, while not stuffy, is warm. I pull the arm back down
and move up to the neck once more and on toward the other ear, where I repeat the
same process I did to the other one.
Once I'm through there I move over to the chin and suck on that slightly
pointed protuberance, licking the area between the chin and the bottom lip, then move
upward until I take both lips into my mouth. That mouth opens and I stick my tongue
inside, feeling around in the oral cavity, caressing the resting tongue there, stroking my
tongue along the teeth and between the teeth and lips, pulling each lip into my mouth
and gently sucking on them for a while. I move up to the nose and give it a soft kiss,
continuing to the eyes, which are closed, and gently probe the eyelids, the eyebrows
and continue to the forehead, licking that sweet sweat from the skin. After a very
passionate kiss I move back to the chest and those delicious nipples, just begging for
more attention, which I happily apply to each one.
I trail down the front of the body once more, stopping again at the belly
button to probe there before sitting back up on my knees. I scoot back towards the
foot of the bed then. I use my hands to turn the body over and then coax them to
their knees, with the butt sticking up in the air. I place my hands to those supple
butt cheeks and massage them slowly, gently kneading my hands into that flesh,
feeling it ripple with each movement of my hands. The feel of the skin is almost
like velvet. Very soft. Very loving. Very inviting.
I lean forward and kiss each cheek, licking and nibbling each one. I pull
those cheeks apart and slide my tongue between them, starting at the top of the
crack and work my way down, eventually reaching the rosebud, where I probe
into it with my stiff tongue. The sweat is dripping down that crack now and I eagerly
lick it up, too. The taste of the sweat is almost like a fine wine to me. It's intoxicating
and flavors my taste buds like nothing else can. I move slightly lower, but still I avoid
the vee of the legs, choosing to save that for last.
I push a finger slightly into the rosebud, not too far though. I know they
don't particularly like that, but I like it. I don't even get to my first knuckle though,
only trying to get them worked up to a level they've never been to before. I know it's
working for me, so I'm pretty sure it's also working for them as well. At least I hope
it is.
Once I finish licking the butt cheeks I move back once more and let them
turn back onto their back, again spreading their legs with my hands, getting them as
wide as I can. Now it's time to get to the 'meat' of my desire.
I push the legs backwards, not stopping until the knees are touching their
nipples, giving me full access to the desired areas of their body. The ass is looking
right at me, and I lean forward and lick and probe that rosebud one more time. I
then move up, licking all the way, until I get to that area just below the hanging ball
sac. That area just below the balls that is very tender to the touch, especially when
that touch is with the tongue. I lave around that area for a few minutes and then pay
attention to the balls themselves, sucking each one into my mouth and probing around
the with my tongue, feeling them move around in the sac with each lick.
I then move up the sac until I reach the base of that wonderful, black, uncut
cock. The texture is quite unlike any cock I've ever felt before. I've handled many
white cocks, but this is the first time to have a black one laid out before me, and I've
looked forward to this for a long time. Velvet never felt so soft. I'm totally amazed.
How in this world can anything that feels so hard, feel so soft at the same time? The
plentiful foreskin is even softer. His foreskin is much longer than mine is, with an
overhang of at least two inches. Even when he's completely hard his cock head
remains hidden in all that wonderful overhang.
As I get to the base of his cock I begin to use my mouth and tongue, probing
around the base, tasting him for the first time. He keeps his public hair quite short
around the base of his cock, but his balls are completely shaved, which adds another
sensation to what I'm doing. While I've always considered shaving myself down there,
I never have. I may do it now. Only time will tell.
Using one of my hands I grip the cock for the first time and slowly pull down,
pulling all that skin off the cock head for the first time. While it's too dark to actually
see his cock head for the first time, I can sense it's presence. The heat radiating from
his organ is very warm in my hand. His skin is loose enough that it doesn't drag across
his cock head as I pull it down, unlike mine which is slightly tighter when I pull it back
over my cock head.
I finally release his legs and let them drop to the mattress. I move closer to
his crotch now and lean forward, intent on taking his cock into my mouth for the first
time. The aroma surrounding his meat in unlike anything I've had the pleasure to know.
His skin is so soft, so supple, so.........................
................inviting! That's the only word that does it justice.
Here is a cock just begging to be sucked on. To be licked up and down. To
have in a mouth and to enjoy the full pleasure of a fine piece of man-meat. And the
fact that it's uncut is also intoxicating to me. I love an uncut cock. Always have.
Always will. The mystique of an uncut cock is something that's always gotten my
attention. I've been fascinated with my own uncut cock for all my life. I've had cut
cocks before but they just don't compare with an uncut one. The feel of the foreskin
against my tongue, as I suck it into my mouth for the first time, can almost get me off
without using my hands.
Leaning forward again I finally take that wonderful cock head into my mouth
for the first time. The rigid ness of that cock head and the suppleness at the same time
is truly amazing. I lock my lips beneath the head and swirl my tongue around the head
and probe into the piss hole for the first time. I can finally taste his pre cum and I feel
the texture on my tongue and I know I'm going to love feeling him shooting his load
into my mouth and down my throat for the first time. I'm looking forward to it.
I move my hand upwards, taking the skin I'd pushed to the base of his cock
back up until it once again covers that wonderful cock head. As it covers the head I
suck it into my mouth and push my tongue into the warmth it provides. I rotate my
tongue around the inside of that skin, tasting the tartness of the gathered juices within,
savoring that taste on my taste buds, feeling them run down the back of my throat as
I swallow them. I extend my tongue a bit further into the warmth and locate the
piss hole, probing inside that as well, pulling out the pre cum and coat the inside of
my mouth with it, feeling it cover the inside of my cheeks, along with the rest of my
tongue. The taste is simply amazing, making me want more, so I decide to use his
foreskin as a straw, sucking the fluids from deep within his balls and forcing them
to surface so I can greedily get them in my mouth and swallow them hungrily.
All the while I'm doing this my friend continues to lie there, not moving, but
his pulse is beating rapidly now. I can feel each beat in the throbbing, bulging
veins running up and down his hard cock. With each beat they throb, sending more
and more blood into the organ, keeping it hard while I manipulate it with both my
mouth and tongue. It always amazes me that something that can appear to be so
small when flaccid, can be so big and hard once the blood starts pumping into it.
The only sound to be heard is me, as I'm slurping around this hard cock,
sucking on it, milking it of it's precious juices, moving my hand up and down, as I
watch the foreskin cover and uncover the cock head, glistening a very hot pink from
my saliva coating it. It's dripping down the hard rod, pooling at my fingers which
are still wrapped around the base.
I can send now that he's getting close to shooting his hot cum and I'm
ready to get it. I bend over one final time and open my mouth, without touching
his cock this time. I open wide and pump his cock.
One stroke.
Two strokes.
Three strokes.
On the fourth stroke I can feel his balls tensing, getting ready to unleash
the eruption I've been waiting for. On the next down-stroke he lifts his ass off
the mattress and on the final up-stroke the first explosion of his cum splashes
into my mouth, coating my tongue with it's tartness; it's saltiness filling my mouth.
The second eruption hits me on my upper lip, causing it to drip to my chin and
from there onto the sheets. I leave it. The third shot again strikes me fully in my
mouth and I greedily swallow it. I'm determined to get it all in my mouth and not
to waste another drop. On the fourth shot I lower my mouth and take him all
the way into my throat on the first lunge. The last three shots enter directly into
my throat and are promptly swallowed.
I keep his hard rod in my mouth and use my throat muscles to manipulate
him, keeping him hard for as long as I can.
For a few minutes the erection remains but I can already tell that it's
beginning to deflate. His rigid ness is being reduced with each beat of his heart,
and before long the length and subsided enough to pull out of my throat, but
not completely out of my mouth. I suck that ever shrinking rod, feeling the
foreskin covering the cock head once more. With a final suck and then a few
final licks I pull off his organ and use my hand to jack it a few times. When the
skin is pulled back the final time I see a few drops of his cum lingering, so I
lean forward and lick them off, swallowing the last of his seed.
I move up on the mattress and lay next to him, feeling the warmth of
his body against mine. I reach out and gently pinch one of his nipples and he
shudders from the sensation. Propping up on an elbow I lean over and give
him a full, passionate kiss.
Only then did I utter the first word of the evening, "I hope you enjoyed
that as much as I did!"
But he didn't hear me. He'd already fallen asleep, with a huge smile
on his face.
As I lay there I watched him sleeping, remembering that not only was this
his birthday present, but also a Christmas present as well.
Merry Christmas, I said to myself, as I cuddled up next to him and drifted
off into dreamland myself.
Damn I'm good!
12 年 前