Sexual Obsession with Transgender Girls like me

Many men have strong sexual fantasies about being with a transgender girl. They often feel bad about these, so they repress them. The science of psychology tells us that repression is the magic ingredient needed to make something like this become an obsession.

I show off my body on a sex site so I am a good choice for men who are taking a cautious first step in the direction of permitting themselves to finally give in to their obsession and interact with a girl like me, in person, in a sexually-themed way. As a result, I can observe the first-timer’s psychological enthusiasm curve. There’s a clear pattern. In the beginning, it’s wild enthusiasm. Typically, I don't like to meet someone until I’ve had some time to get to know them via email. And, by that time, a few days into it, they’ve given themselves the okay as to the idea of actually meeting me …. and the “forbidden fruit” aspect is gone, and often what remains of their enthusiasm is … not even enough to want to meet me any more.

Could be that it’s just me and something about me turned them off, but I don’t have any specific cause to think so. I’ve seen this pattern happen again and again with, specifically, first-timers.

I would say the Fantasy for some and the "Forbidden Fruit" aspect is the big draw mainly due to Transexual porn being so readily available.

If I was a genetically integrated girl who found out that her boyfriend or husband is sexually obsessed with transgender girls like me, I’d encourage him to simply go make an appointment and see what it’s like. My guess is that the permission will greatly reduce the obsession.
发布者 harlequin1974
12 年 前
So here's my analysis based only on my own observations and projections of my own trajectory... First, there's society and peer pressure that tells men we are supposed to be attracted to women/girls. Any label like sissy, faggot, pussy, queer, cocksucker, homo, etc., is considered the worse thing you can be labeled and come under the category "fightin' words."

So even though we may find ourselves with some attraction to men or penises, we fight those feelings and instead seek the company of women. We learn to find women attractive and men repulsive. Any idea of sex with men is to be repressed and the worse thing that could happen to a man is to be anally raped or forced to suck a cock. And so the stage (in our minds) has been set.

Unfortunately the mind wants what the mind wants. Our relationships with women are OK at first, sex feels good (hey, to a guy anything rubbing his cock short of sandpaper or barbed wire feels good!) and so we think we're on the right track.

But in the back of our subconscious we still have that "other" desire lurking and popping up more and more often. Mostly when we're masturbating. When we see transwomen or crossdressers that "can pass," we have conflicting feelings. Any pretty girl is a pretty girl even when we know the pretty girl has a penis. This is the entryway in for our desires. We have an attraction and desire for cock, but that's gay and we're not gay, but she's a pretty girl and even though she has a penis, she's a girl, right? So we find ourselves more and more attracted to transwomen because we can kid ourselves that it's not gay if she's hot.

As for showing up to meet someone, most guys will find themselves at a point where mere fantasy is not enough and they want to go to the next level and actually have sex with a trans girl. They chat, flirt, make promises of what they'll do, but once the date is set they will inevitably jerk off, cum, and change their minds or feel guilty or disgusted. This pattern will repeat over and over sometimes forever. Some men will never get up the courage to take that next step. Others finally will and either admit their true nature to themselves and embark on a new journey of self-discovery, or regress and have to keep repeating the same cycle over and over until they either can admit it themselves what and who they really are. They may get caught by a loved one or friend and either admit they have feelings that go contrary to what society wants them to be, or maybe claim that they just like variety to jerk off to.

It's not you. It's them.

Kisses and best wishes to you. xxxooo
elexis69 6 年 前
You make some good points. Have you known any first timers who didn't turn out that way? I hope you do find someone special and who is more than just looking to experiment. I also hope you've at least gotten some fun out of a first timer or two. Anyway, you're lovely and thanks for sharing yourself with all of us. :heart:
clarcks4 12 年 前
First if all you are so cute....
This following copy from my profile summarize my opinion about Tg-topic:
"I enjoy well-maintained spice of Beauty.
My Luv~Affair goes to Beauty, Feminine Beauty:
Go for fem or femme and for gurl or girl....
By the way I hate denominations, tooo classifing, somehow degrading. Good for stats only.
What attracts and arises me is the FEMINITY.
Simple. Natural. Sophisticated. Pepperish.Elegant.
To me:
Beauty is erotic, magnetic, sensual, sexual, Artistic. Powerful.
I am attracted by twisted beauty, body and soul with some genuine flavorful contrasts.... "
Man4Sissy 12 年 前
As a "straight" man, I have been with so many ggs. The fact of the matter is that I am attracted to the female form which is why I like a sexy and fem cd.
I understand how most guys want to try and then cower away when it comes down to it... you have to understand that Krissy. It is not you. So many men would love to be with you if they could just let their inhibitions go. I know, I've been through it.
I find tgurls to be much more passionate and feminine in so many ways.
I think you are right that some men would be one and done, and the wife letting them explore that desire would only strengthen their relationship.
youshouldtry 12 年 前
Personally, I don't like to use labels. If I see a "transgendered" woman I find attractive, to me I just see an attractive woman. Labels are used by society to discriminate.
bivirgin 12 年 前
Interesting thoughts, I think though for lots of men the fantasy side of having sex with a transgender girl is 'safe' because they can keep this secret from wives, families, friends etc. If they actually go through with it and meet then they run the risk of being caught and their wives, families, friends etc wouldn't understand at all...society would generally accept or at least understand why a man would sleep with another woman but that same society would be less forgiving if a man has sex with a transgender girl...ignorance really but we all know that people are strange creatures!