How to Have Sex With a Curvy Girl by – S0406
NOT by me not written by me not mine its shomething i wanted to share
cuz sum of yall jst DONT get it
How to Have Sex With a Curvy Girl
... or perhaps it should be titled, "How to be invited back to have sex with a curvy girl a second time".
Seems to me that there's some misinformation out there about what curvy girls want and need sexually, so I thought I'd throw in my two cents from my experiences. Hopefully, someone somewhere will find this useful.
Conventional wisdom says that curvy girls suffer from low self esteem, hence they're hard up for attention and ripe for taking advantage of, so it's easy to get sex from them. Ummmm....... nope. Self esteem issues cut across all boundaries, so it's no surprise to find models who hate themselves or curvy girls who are highly empowered and have great self image. You certainly may be able to find a curvy girl who's desperate and will stoop to having sex with you, but probably only once. Since this is all about getting invited back a SECOND time, you can stop reading here if that's all you want.
Getting that second invitation revolves around 3 things:
Being honest/sincere
Genuine attraction
Using your brain
So the most important thing you can do is be honest with her, as well as yourself. If you're (honestly) thinking "Well, you're fat, so I can fuck you without putting in too much effort", it's worth admitting that to yourself. And her too while you're at it. That probably won't win any points, but a lack of honesty will bring things crumbling down pretty quickly.
Being attracted to her is also very important, and sort of goes hand in hand with being honest. Of course, attraction takes many forms - physical as well as being attracted to who she is. If you can't stand talking to her, then fucking her isn't going to be so great either.
Which brings us to using your brain and thinking.
Understanding her sexuality
Curvy girls tend to be very sensual. This is good, but it's also important to realize what this means. Her sexuality starts way before you even get to bed. Smells, tastes, touches, and everything else are very important, so it's a good idea to get her warmed up well before you get to the bedroom.
On second thought, this probably applies to all women. But do it anyway.
Getting undressed
Agreeing to have sex with you does not mean that she's okay with you seeing her naked. If it's your first (or twentieth) time together, she might not like having her body judged by you. If that's not okay with you, then you need to do some more thinking. Go slowly, and allow her to do whatever is comfortable.
This could mean different things to different women. Maybe she wants to get undressed under the blanket. Or maybe it means that she wants to leave something on. Technically, you just need access to her vagina to do what you want, so if she leaves a shirt on, or drops it down to just cover her belly, be cool with that. An ex gf used to do it - drop the top to give access to her tits, but still cover the tummy to not show the stretch marks. If you're not cool with this, maybe it's time to reevaluate yourself.
We've all heard "You can look but you better not touch." Forget it. Actually she's thinking just the opposite: "Don't look, but you better touch". Women love to be touched. Not just their clitorises, but everywhere: their face, hair, arms, behind their knees, everywhere. So do it, and don't just take that to mean jamming some fingers up her snatch.
If she left some clothes on, you can still touch. Examine your hand and notice how it's been cleverly designed to effortlessly slip between clothing and bare skin. Yeah, that's why.
Give her 20 minutes of non-sexual touching. No really, non-sexual but very sensual. That means no naughty parts. And ......... you're welcome.
If she's big, then some positions are going to obviously be out, but you already knew that. That one where the guy stands and he holds the girl upside down so he can go down on her while she sucks his cock - out. Alright, big loss, non-porn stars can't do it anyway either.
But the one I'm a bit more careful of is doggie style. Girls like doggie style. But big girls may a few issues with it - ones that they don't necessarily want to admit to you, or even to themselves. Doggie style makes things hang down and shake. And the bigger the girl, the more things are going to shake. Bellies, tits, you get the picture. She may love that, or it may make her self-conscious and embarrassed to bring up. So have some pillows around to put underneath her to make her more comfortable. She may want them, she may not want them. If you're smart about it and do it in a good way, no one gets embarrassed or feels bad. That's what you want.
Her Vagina
Okay, I know I'm going to get crap for this, but my experience has been that big girls' vaginas feel really good. Well, all vaginas feel really good. But the extra padding is just wonderful.
So there it is. I hope that this helps someone out. Enjoy!
Appendix (Thoughts after a day)
Wow, I never thought that this would generate so much interest both good and bad. I actually wrote this after being encouraged by 2 friends who liked how I write and wanted a topic like this written about. I'm really kind of humbled by everyone's reactions, but I can really boil it down to 2 thoughts:
All of the dissenters are wrong
Let's look at the facts: this piece has received loads and loads of love. Many of you left very positive comments. And I've privately received so many messages that have have been terrific. I've even had several women tell me that they've even gone so far as to print this out and tack it to their bedroom door. It's sort of funny, but also sort of sad that they'd be in a position where they felt they had to do this.
In science, we call all of this empirical evidence. While some people may view this post as condescending and hateful, the facts would suggest that some people feel otherwise. If I've helped them in some way, that's terrific.
All of the dissenters are right
If you have a lover who resonates with your body and mind so well that you sing out and are in a state of perpetual bliss, that is absolutely wonderful. I can even see how you could be a bit upset by someone making suggestions for how to improve things when everything is really a-ok by you. If I've offended, I can assure you that that wasn't the point.
It is a bit weird why people don't just shake their head and go to the next thing though. I've actually read every word of every comment and am surprised and amused by many of them. I'm feeling that if someone were to set up a kiosk that provided unlimited free ice cream next to an area where you could hug puppies all day there'd be people that would have problems with this. NO ICE CREAM AND PUPPY HUGGING because ...... oh well, we'll think up a reason.
I do have to say that of all of the dissension that I've read, I was quite impressed by the lady who went to the trouble of parodying my entire post. I couldn't have imagined someone putting in that much work to make such a point, but am flattered that she did.
– S040606
cuz sum of yall jst DONT get it
How to Have Sex With a Curvy Girl
... or perhaps it should be titled, "How to be invited back to have sex with a curvy girl a second time".
Seems to me that there's some misinformation out there about what curvy girls want and need sexually, so I thought I'd throw in my two cents from my experiences. Hopefully, someone somewhere will find this useful.
Conventional wisdom says that curvy girls suffer from low self esteem, hence they're hard up for attention and ripe for taking advantage of, so it's easy to get sex from them. Ummmm....... nope. Self esteem issues cut across all boundaries, so it's no surprise to find models who hate themselves or curvy girls who are highly empowered and have great self image. You certainly may be able to find a curvy girl who's desperate and will stoop to having sex with you, but probably only once. Since this is all about getting invited back a SECOND time, you can stop reading here if that's all you want.
Getting that second invitation revolves around 3 things:
Being honest/sincere
Genuine attraction
Using your brain
So the most important thing you can do is be honest with her, as well as yourself. If you're (honestly) thinking "Well, you're fat, so I can fuck you without putting in too much effort", it's worth admitting that to yourself. And her too while you're at it. That probably won't win any points, but a lack of honesty will bring things crumbling down pretty quickly.
Being attracted to her is also very important, and sort of goes hand in hand with being honest. Of course, attraction takes many forms - physical as well as being attracted to who she is. If you can't stand talking to her, then fucking her isn't going to be so great either.
Which brings us to using your brain and thinking.
Understanding her sexuality
Curvy girls tend to be very sensual. This is good, but it's also important to realize what this means. Her sexuality starts way before you even get to bed. Smells, tastes, touches, and everything else are very important, so it's a good idea to get her warmed up well before you get to the bedroom.
On second thought, this probably applies to all women. But do it anyway.
Getting undressed
Agreeing to have sex with you does not mean that she's okay with you seeing her naked. If it's your first (or twentieth) time together, she might not like having her body judged by you. If that's not okay with you, then you need to do some more thinking. Go slowly, and allow her to do whatever is comfortable.
This could mean different things to different women. Maybe she wants to get undressed under the blanket. Or maybe it means that she wants to leave something on. Technically, you just need access to her vagina to do what you want, so if she leaves a shirt on, or drops it down to just cover her belly, be cool with that. An ex gf used to do it - drop the top to give access to her tits, but still cover the tummy to not show the stretch marks. If you're not cool with this, maybe it's time to reevaluate yourself.
We've all heard "You can look but you better not touch." Forget it. Actually she's thinking just the opposite: "Don't look, but you better touch". Women love to be touched. Not just their clitorises, but everywhere: their face, hair, arms, behind their knees, everywhere. So do it, and don't just take that to mean jamming some fingers up her snatch.
If she left some clothes on, you can still touch. Examine your hand and notice how it's been cleverly designed to effortlessly slip between clothing and bare skin. Yeah, that's why.
Give her 20 minutes of non-sexual touching. No really, non-sexual but very sensual. That means no naughty parts. And ......... you're welcome.
If she's big, then some positions are going to obviously be out, but you already knew that. That one where the guy stands and he holds the girl upside down so he can go down on her while she sucks his cock - out. Alright, big loss, non-porn stars can't do it anyway either.
But the one I'm a bit more careful of is doggie style. Girls like doggie style. But big girls may a few issues with it - ones that they don't necessarily want to admit to you, or even to themselves. Doggie style makes things hang down and shake. And the bigger the girl, the more things are going to shake. Bellies, tits, you get the picture. She may love that, or it may make her self-conscious and embarrassed to bring up. So have some pillows around to put underneath her to make her more comfortable. She may want them, she may not want them. If you're smart about it and do it in a good way, no one gets embarrassed or feels bad. That's what you want.
Her Vagina
Okay, I know I'm going to get crap for this, but my experience has been that big girls' vaginas feel really good. Well, all vaginas feel really good. But the extra padding is just wonderful.
So there it is. I hope that this helps someone out. Enjoy!
Appendix (Thoughts after a day)
Wow, I never thought that this would generate so much interest both good and bad. I actually wrote this after being encouraged by 2 friends who liked how I write and wanted a topic like this written about. I'm really kind of humbled by everyone's reactions, but I can really boil it down to 2 thoughts:
All of the dissenters are wrong
Let's look at the facts: this piece has received loads and loads of love. Many of you left very positive comments. And I've privately received so many messages that have have been terrific. I've even had several women tell me that they've even gone so far as to print this out and tack it to their bedroom door. It's sort of funny, but also sort of sad that they'd be in a position where they felt they had to do this.
In science, we call all of this empirical evidence. While some people may view this post as condescending and hateful, the facts would suggest that some people feel otherwise. If I've helped them in some way, that's terrific.
All of the dissenters are right
If you have a lover who resonates with your body and mind so well that you sing out and are in a state of perpetual bliss, that is absolutely wonderful. I can even see how you could be a bit upset by someone making suggestions for how to improve things when everything is really a-ok by you. If I've offended, I can assure you that that wasn't the point.
It is a bit weird why people don't just shake their head and go to the next thing though. I've actually read every word of every comment and am surprised and amused by many of them. I'm feeling that if someone were to set up a kiosk that provided unlimited free ice cream next to an area where you could hug puppies all day there'd be people that would have problems with this. NO ICE CREAM AND PUPPY HUGGING because ...... oh well, we'll think up a reason.
I do have to say that of all of the dissension that I've read, I was quite impressed by the lady who went to the trouble of parodying my entire post. I couldn't have imagined someone putting in that much work to make such a point, but am flattered that she did.
– S040606
12 年 前
The thing you're definitely right about is the vagina of larger women. God DAMN the extra padding feels amazing!! As a lover of big women, this I can admit is one of the reasons why
Thanks again!