My Haters Love Me: BFF edition

While the first two posts covered every stupid or nasty comment left on my profile, this time I'm cherry-picking my favorite comments left on my profile, from August through November of this year. Enjoy!

From fukthaworld88, 18 Aug 2012
"calm tha fuck down and smoke a joint or some shit. ur like tha third motherfucker i have offended 2day. stop acting like a lil crybaby bitch."
Happy now, FTW88? You finally made it into my blog-thingy! Give yourself a pat on the back for me---we're not done yet!

Fromsouthernandrose, 18 Aug 2012
"You are a pimple face teenaget that jack off to real peoples vids."
Yeah, I jack off to real people's videos. It's called WATCHING PORN.

From freebaser69, 21 Aug 2012
"You are an absolute dumbass! Do you see anything on my page that remotely resembles or advertises the use of cocaine??? Maybe you should read the profile before you go making dim-witted assumptions asshole!! Better yet, get a fuckin' life you worthless FUCKTARD!!!"
Fun fact: Richard Pryor, the comedian, once set himself on fire while freebasing cocaine. freebaser69 did not enjoy this fun fact.

From protein-mann, 21 Aug 2012
"Your profile Suck ass, Your mom suck my dick and lick my ass!"
This is a man who takes pride in never satisfying a woman sexually. I'm seriously.

From iluvbbwcr...[retired], 21 Aug 2012
"You're a dick. No videos of yourself, but you want make rude comments about the women who have shown me love? Show us the woman you're with"
I sent him a picture of my hand. Still much sexier than the Jabba the Hutt impersonator he made a sex tape with.

From EagleEye1, 21 Aug 2012
"Can you actually have or mantain a boner? Think about it ;)."
I did think about it. And I still don't know why he made a winking face at me.

From familyjeweler, 24 Aug 2012
"Hey Judge Judy if my stories of family members who have different values then yours, and make you write thecrap you do, then dont read them. Since your a a hater, I bet your Mom didn't breast feed you. Do yourself and the rest of us a favor, call her after Fox News tomorrow and ask her if she ever put a nipple in your mouth."
1) Let's not get into breast-feeding discussion on a porn site. 2) inc3st is wrong. 3) Fox News is so full of deliberate misinformation it's an insult to its own country.

From padonak, 25 Aug 2012
"so kill yourself, loser....Or suck for Obama...."
Joke's on him. I didn't kill myself and Obama is in office for four more years.

From HookerLover, 29 2012
"Everyone I have met on Xhamster is very cool, except for you!! Your a very uncool pathetic little dick... How old are you 12?"
lol I'm 12 and what is this?

From hitmeupladies, 31 Aug 2012
"so your a cock sucker who googles pics put them on your profile acting like you fucked those girls dam nigga a boss"
I don't know why, but this guy thought that the pics I'd favorited were women I claimed to have fucked. Like a boss. But they weren't, sadly.

From Tme28, 21 Sept 2012
"sorry about the god remake but it killed me seeing her like that AND FUCK YOU"
You gotta love bipolar XRMXX users.

From rreaves, 26 October 2012
"Hey Butwipe that's a hell of a thing to say about someone. You know what they say"careful what you wish for it could happen to you". I notice you hide behind a cartoon. Ashamed to show your face.
Like most intelligent people on a porn website, I hide my face for privacy reasons. But I'm thankful I don't have a pig-face like this guy does.

From Fukthaworld88, 7 Nov 2012
"do urself and ur moms a favor ya lil bitchboy. move out her basement and get ur own shit. ya cant just keep sucking on her titty and leeching off of her ur whole. dude get urself a job and move out of ur moms basement. ur like 23yr old and its time ya did more with ur life then troll xhamster profiles and videos. maybe if ya get a job and ur own place then ur limp dick bitchass might be able to get a GF and maybe ya wont die a virgin. i know ya already lost ur anal virginity to ur dad but maybe ya can learn to fuck some pussy intead of just bending over like tha lil bitch ya are and taking a dick up ur ass. go fuck urself ya sorry ass lil bitchboy."
Of all the silly mean things people on this site have said to me, this was the only one that hurt my feel. I do live with family, but it's not by choice or desire. It's always about the money. Or my lack thereof.

From smuttydude, 12 Nov 2012
"Hey candyass what you're doing on this site with your super duper alter ego isn't cute or funny & you know this yet you still do it. You're going to end up grating the nerves of the wrong person eventually. It's a small world boy & karma, like yourself, is a bitch. Wise up turd huffer."
lol I'm a candyass turd huffer! And besides, my XRMXX karma is good. I once trolled/scared an actual p3d0phi1e into deleting his profile and pictures. That was like +3000 karma.

From heelfucklover, 21 Nov 2012
"you are dumbest comment gay bitch i´ve ever seen"
I am the dumbest comment he's ever seen. Smart man, that guy.

From blowes, 22 Nov 2012
"Try not to break the fucking dick in my profile"
That was literally the gayest comment I've received so far.

Thanks for reading. More post to follow in the near future probably maybe we'll see about it!

发布者 Haseo89
12 年 前
fukthaworld88 12 年 前
lol i figured i was tha one who probably hurt ur feelings. tha truth is always tha most hurtful but maybe it will help motivate ya to get ur ass a job instead of trolling so much. mothafucka.