HD Pictures & Videos

We have several HD Cameras and Wearable Camcorders. Help us put them to use by buying an HD photo or video of Maine & Star-Master individually or together in a pose or full action shot. All photos and videos will be shot upon request, not pulled from a stock pile on a hard drive like the rest do. That's right, we will make a picture or video for you, only you. You name the scene, outfit & dirty deed and we will do our best to accommodate your request within a week or less. Watermarks Optional. We are also both available for full length films. Contact us with your request for rates.


Wifeys Live Cam: http://xhamster.com/view_cam.php
Wifeys Profile: http://xhamster.com/user/ShowForStars
Wifeys Wishlist: http://maine.adultwishlist.com
Website: www.ShowForStars.com
发布者 ShowForStars
12 年 前