Does Your Wishlist Pay You? Adult Wish List does!
We have one that does and would like to introduce all my cam girlfriends to it today!!! You read it right!
We don't only give you access to over 100,000 adult products that you can get guys to buy you for free, we pay you to get them! No PO box? No Problem! We anonymize your address and never reveal it to the buyer!
*Only at
*Fact* Most guys get turned off by AMAZON wishlists because they have been known for fraudulent guys running cam scams in order to get stuff like power tools. Adult Wish List is the internets Premier site for wishlists with nothing but sex products on it! Whether you like dvd's, lingerie or sex toys & furniture. We have it all for you and will pay you to get it too! Read more to find out how to get paid from your wishlist! to see the Details.
The Adult Wish List Affiliate Program Pays 5-20% on a sliding scale and everyone who makes a wishlist and gets a gift purchased is eligible to receive a payment. Payments will be made via paypal or alertpay only. You must have an account at either one to accept payments. Here are the details of our Adult Affiliate Program:
Signup for a wishlist.
Share your wishlist URL. (EX.
Join our Facebook or Twitter & ask to get your own shortened URL. (EX.
Once someone buys you a gift from your Adult Wish List, We will email you further payment details.
The Payment Scale is as follows:
2-5 Adult Wish List Sales Per Month Pays 5% of sale total minus any coupons used during checkout.
6-10 Adult Wish List Sales Per Month Pays 10% of sale total minus any coupons used during checkout.
11-20 Adult Wish List Sales Per Month Pays 15% of sale total minus any coupons used during checkout.
Over 20 Adult Wish List Sales Per Month Pays 20% of sale total minus any coupons used during checkout.
Payments are sent out Mid Month for the following month sales. (Checks for March will arrive in Mid April.)
Nowhere else can give you a $100 Sex Toy and Pay you $20 just to receive it. Only at
Adult Model Agents & Agencies can also earn money with the Adult Wish List Affiliate Program. Let your Adult Video Porn Star Models or other Online Performers get free Sex Toys & Lingerie from the leader in Adult Wish Lists instead of a generic, bland and non-adult related Amazon Wish List page. Those are so not hot in the wish list scene in 2012! Once you sign up your performers to the Adult Wish List Affiliate Program, they will make 5-20% of all sales and you will make 5% on all your performers gift sales just by getting them to make a wish list on Basically speaking, when they get free adult stuff off their wish list, you both get paid! Contact us on Twitter to Join our Revolutionary Wish List Affiliate Program before your competitor does!
Keep in mind that all of our Adult Wish Lists come with a free short URL with the performers name in it. Why get a wish list that looks like this, "amazon.wl/97hlafya7fih" when you can have ""? Amazon is not specifically for Adults, doesn't give you your own unique memorable name and doesnt exactly scream sexy girl wants adult gifts. We do! Tell all your girlfriends to switch their wish list to the official source!
We don't only give you access to over 100,000 adult products that you can get guys to buy you for free, we pay you to get them! No PO box? No Problem! We anonymize your address and never reveal it to the buyer!
*Only at
*Fact* Most guys get turned off by AMAZON wishlists because they have been known for fraudulent guys running cam scams in order to get stuff like power tools. Adult Wish List is the internets Premier site for wishlists with nothing but sex products on it! Whether you like dvd's, lingerie or sex toys & furniture. We have it all for you and will pay you to get it too! Read more to find out how to get paid from your wishlist! to see the Details.
The Adult Wish List Affiliate Program Pays 5-20% on a sliding scale and everyone who makes a wishlist and gets a gift purchased is eligible to receive a payment. Payments will be made via paypal or alertpay only. You must have an account at either one to accept payments. Here are the details of our Adult Affiliate Program:
Signup for a wishlist.
Share your wishlist URL. (EX.
Join our Facebook or Twitter & ask to get your own shortened URL. (EX.
Once someone buys you a gift from your Adult Wish List, We will email you further payment details.
The Payment Scale is as follows:
2-5 Adult Wish List Sales Per Month Pays 5% of sale total minus any coupons used during checkout.
6-10 Adult Wish List Sales Per Month Pays 10% of sale total minus any coupons used during checkout.
11-20 Adult Wish List Sales Per Month Pays 15% of sale total minus any coupons used during checkout.
Over 20 Adult Wish List Sales Per Month Pays 20% of sale total minus any coupons used during checkout.
Payments are sent out Mid Month for the following month sales. (Checks for March will arrive in Mid April.)
Nowhere else can give you a $100 Sex Toy and Pay you $20 just to receive it. Only at
Adult Model Agents & Agencies can also earn money with the Adult Wish List Affiliate Program. Let your Adult Video Porn Star Models or other Online Performers get free Sex Toys & Lingerie from the leader in Adult Wish Lists instead of a generic, bland and non-adult related Amazon Wish List page. Those are so not hot in the wish list scene in 2012! Once you sign up your performers to the Adult Wish List Affiliate Program, they will make 5-20% of all sales and you will make 5% on all your performers gift sales just by getting them to make a wish list on Basically speaking, when they get free adult stuff off their wish list, you both get paid! Contact us on Twitter to Join our Revolutionary Wish List Affiliate Program before your competitor does!
Keep in mind that all of our Adult Wish Lists come with a free short URL with the performers name in it. Why get a wish list that looks like this, "amazon.wl/97hlafya7fih" when you can have ""? Amazon is not specifically for Adults, doesn't give you your own unique memorable name and doesnt exactly scream sexy girl wants adult gifts. We do! Tell all your girlfriends to switch their wish list to the official source!
12 年 前