Project Bratzilla.
Project Bratzilla.
Bratzillas,will turn out to be,a source for the cheapest kind of interactible sexual entertainment since trashy heroine junk-whores....and they ''look'' the part too!
Ofcourse,they won't have the health problem and stay in pretty good shape! (but,it will be fun to really make them look ''roughed'' up by continous play!!)
Too be honest,i do believe any k**-girl playing with them,will sense a sensual/sexual kind of vibe or message....wich isn't much of a surprise actually,if you look at the exterior of these dolls!
If my prediction will be on point.....these ''ladies'' with heavy make-up,will lose interest from the k**dies (despite,their ''bad girl'' sensuality!)....and can go two ways:
#1 they end up as extreem collectables in the near future. #2 they lose (regular) fanbase interest for a longer period and end up being bought by us freaky men....who'll gross out any female/mom,who will stumble upon pic's or vid's of us being recreational with these whorishly looking artificial cuties!
Besides shooting cum allover the nasty things....i am eager to rub them with the head of my cock.....but in a extreme intense way.....regularly!!.....even,with a chance of my smell/stench
not being durable,i will prevail!!!.......if there is the slightest chance,that by accident,one of them end's up in the hands of a girly....the little one will discover,that ''it'' smells funny!
Even,ending run down/fucked up/punked out,will (in my opinion) only add to their funkyness!
The colours!....the noughty-ness!.....tiny but not too tiny! has it all!!!
In all fairness,i will do a quick study of the figures....not about their usual background,but my thoughts on what's appealing to me,personally.(their silly witch powers won't help them,anyway!)
It's not clear,if i will purchase every one of them.....but it's tempting!!!
Yes!....i will describe them as real female humanoid creatures!!
Yasmina Clairvoya.
Her purple hair!.....and PIGTAILS!....PIGTAILS!-PIGTAILS!-PIGTAILS!!! turns men (like me?) into cummers!...sssplllllrrrt!
She appears to me,as the eyes, (no silly hart-shaped pupil's) looks very determined.......even with her silly soap-bubble device. (wich will be broken and thrown away,in front of her face or be thrusted in my pee-canal/urethral canal and cummed on first......maybe turn it in a sperm-bubble device?)
Sure thing....if i get my hands on this needs to be (spirit-wise) broken first!
If she ''goes'' first.....the other's surely follow....and abandon hope....while there wasn't
any,in the first place!!
Sperm will land in an interesting variety of way's on hair....and i would love to find out,how it will cling onto the pigtails! If she's like putty in my hands.....the others undoubtly will swap sperm or kiss eachothers crotch at my command!
Cloetta Spelletta.
Like her fellow Bratzilla's,she seems to be determined,to be an eye-catcher,althought the split-personality look could be concoted from a fucked up psyche....if her schizophrenia is any indication of a lack of self esteem,then it's a given opportunity to let her experience hell.......
i certainly will rub and rub the smelly head of my cock,through her face and hair the most time of all the dolls!! (even postpone my shot's of sperm for a while)
Silliness will be rewarded with hardship....and Cloe fit's the bill!!!
Meygana Broomstix.
Stupid name?.....DAMN RIGHT!!.....but,again....silliness will be rewarded! (besides that....silliness makes my penis-head itch!!!)
This one is of the mature looking kind.....still.....not leader material like Yasmina.....but less colourfull if you ask me!
Nice bright blue eyes....but i left her at the store and got Jade J'adore instead.
It's almost certain,i will not get this one....sperm would look great in brownish red hair.....but i'll rather take a gamble,to find one of the others in another store....they look like more fun to me.
That doesn't mean,i would mind her ending up against a penis-knob of a irritating brother,who wants to harras his s*s....and violate her dolly's!!!
Jade J'adore.
Got this one!!!
The name alone should get cock's in a erect position!
Yeah.....she looks the part!!!.....trashy white hair....silly tatoo.....and the clothing.
She has things in common with two of the other figures:like Yasmina,she will be a tough cookie to crumble...a bit stubborn,i guess.....runner up to Yasmina.
if she starts to crumble a little,she wind's up like Cloetta....not good with hardship!
There is a poor build-up of smegma on the head of my penis....but as of lately....i detect more of the white-ish (would prefer yellow-ish) residue on the will work like a charme if it's rubbed in her hair!!
But none of the figures will be free of my sperm.
Sashabella Paws.
A darker skin tone.....but nonetheless very colourfull and bright!
Her darker skin,will give her face a more shiny look,when sperm-blasted a lot of feature aint it?
Not sure if i would get it....maybe it's the cat eyed look.
In the would get spurted on like all flashy figures.
The hairdo looks funky too! who know's?
This sums up the main figures,i think....others are different versions of the figures above.
In a short time,there will be (more) visit's to local toy stores....and to the contrary of believe:the increasing number of slave dolls,won't make them less desperate or lonely.......
12 年 前