I'll never get caught up in the senseless game
I've done nothing wrong, and will not admit shame
Religion is just, a fight over power
We all shrivel and die, just like that of a flower
There is no better place, it's all a big lie
No praise to his name, for he's the bad guy
Offering false love, from the bottom of his heart
But I know the truth, and I'm not even smart
Bow to the crook and call him your king
Give him your soul, throw your hands up and sing
Let him inside and be enslaved forever
Do I have faith?, the answer is never
Take my words, and look them over
Heaven is like a four leaf clover
You'll never find it, no matter how hard you look
Give up on God, and close the book
Crucify Christ just once more
Drive in the nails, and let the blood pour
Let's give some false hopes to the world's biggest liar
We'll act like we're done, then' we'll set him on fire
(I was 17 when I wrote these poems, please forgive my ignorance. My views have changed)
Let me torture the one that has tortured me
He'll see my hate for his lies, and I'll cut his head free
blood stains created, as he twitches in pain
Immortal man, brutally slain
Live your life to the fullest, and never ask why
Tear away from God, he only wants you to die
Copyright 2012
Sienna Grace
I've done nothing wrong, and will not admit shame
Religion is just, a fight over power
We all shrivel and die, just like that of a flower
There is no better place, it's all a big lie
No praise to his name, for he's the bad guy
Offering false love, from the bottom of his heart
But I know the truth, and I'm not even smart
Bow to the crook and call him your king
Give him your soul, throw your hands up and sing
Let him inside and be enslaved forever
Do I have faith?, the answer is never
Take my words, and look them over
Heaven is like a four leaf clover
You'll never find it, no matter how hard you look
Give up on God, and close the book
Crucify Christ just once more
Drive in the nails, and let the blood pour
Let's give some false hopes to the world's biggest liar
We'll act like we're done, then' we'll set him on fire
(I was 17 when I wrote these poems, please forgive my ignorance. My views have changed)
Let me torture the one that has tortured me
He'll see my hate for his lies, and I'll cut his head free
blood stains created, as he twitches in pain
Immortal man, brutally slain
Live your life to the fullest, and never ask why
Tear away from God, he only wants you to die
Copyright 2012
Sienna Grace
12 年 前
Most people don't realize the window of opportunity closes faster than it opens. Man who waits for roast duck to fly into mouth must wait very, very long time. The most needed prayers are the ones that go unrequested...
God is always inside us. As long as you keep your view in God, your circumstances can't shake you.