
I have a problem that I really must shake
Nightmares still haunt me, even when I'm awake

Hiding in shadows, they whisper my name
Waiting as I doze off, so they can play their game

An evil I've created, hacking at my head
For every time I fall asleep, I always wake up dead

Silly it may sound, but it's not my turn to die
I take a look around my room and begin to wonder why

I have nothing to fear in my luxurious suite
Arms crossed on my chest, dressed snazzy, head to feet

Copyright 2012
Sienna Grace
发布者 TSSienna
12 年 前
chris0908 11 年 前
What is a nightmare?
The dictionary tells us it is a terrifying dream, a nightmare.

... I remember it clearly, even today - something came crawling up from below
Something that made Godzilla look like a plane...

I'm not so sure I want to know from whence it came
But the white flesh creature's trail is easily followed
There, before that shimmering veil of light, the ivory skin slug thing
harry1P 11 年 前
I know how you feel. What screws us up most in life is the picture in our head of how it is supposed to be.
dgiau 11 年 前
­­Sad... if I cant make you life much happy, I will try
1johnj 12 年 前
good work