My name is Maury (People aren't always what y

Good morning Sir, my name is Maury!
My classy appearance tells a false story
I tip my hat, and wave my cane
But in my mind, I'm going insane

The attitude I present, is only a disguise
Hear what I have to say, and look deep into my eyes
Searching for acceptance, I just want some attention
I've been lonely my whole life, I really must mention

The possessions I own are not that of necessity
Life itself, is a major complexity
Like a 10,000 piece puzzle, life is confusing
But if you're not in my shoes, you might find it amusing

I'm told to bow at the feet of the almighty ruler
The sinner of sinners, no man could be crueler
Toying with emotions, the innocent, his game
Read his book of deception, let him put you to shame

Nobody sees me, all I'm asking for is love
And I don't find comfort in a liar from above
You're just like the others, you don't understand
It would mean so much to have a ring on my hand

I just want to be normal, that's all I ask
When I get home, I'll take off my mask
My mind races as I put the gun to my head
The note I left to the world reads, "Love Is Red"

Copyright 2006
Sienna Grace
发布者 TSSienna
12 年 前
ensi_genxyde 11 年 前
wow! you have some very good poetry writing skills. I'm horrible at poetry.
chris0908 11 年 前
Very profound theme, great work my Sweetheart :kissing_heart:
divedog1960 11 年 前
it is true.. if I did not hide behind my mask I would get arrested for all the naughty things I have and still want to do..mmmm.. luv your work
slutboy49 11 年 前
Nicely written Sienna but some sad thoughts at the same time xxx
harry1P 11 年 前
You know you have my love baby girl!
harry1P 11 年 前
excellent!! It all lines up with what you said in your video but this way sounds better.
misshighheels 11 年 前
slideron1 12 年 前
wow just read some things you wrote ,in the text I hear the words you spoke,no I dont know you ,im just looking in but hey give it a chance you mite find a freind.hears a doodle i wrote ...ive broken laws that put me in jail,and ive broken bones that never mended wll ,ive brken ties that will never mend, but what I wont break is a promise...lame huh.
1johnj 12 年 前
Great work. I like it.
bfw_138 12 年 前
yup. the mask you see is staind by tears on the inside. i hate wearing my mask, but its the only way t cope with the world
soumis 12 年 前
Great text, really!
tommyboy24 12 年 前
I love this too,,