Private Profiles: I dont get it

People make their profiles private to prevent people from stealing any pictures or vids they may have. I think that's a great idea.

But I start to take issue with those who make their profiles private and expect to get added.
1) Why would I add someone before reading their "About me" section? You could be some jackass for all I know.

2)Why would I add someone without knowing if their profiles are empty? I would have to go back and delete you from my list, ergo making me go thru avoidable trouble.

3) How am I supposed to know if we have common interests? You may have nothing but porn vids with loud music in the back ground or feet (i dont like foot fetish vids)!!!

4) Why the heck are your favorite videos even set to private?!?! I have come across many that didnt even know their vids were private. That is excusable. They didnt know. Now those other people...just....why are u here?


1) People not allowing others to message AND not see their profiles, but wonder why everyone bores them. Wellll, if u took down that firewall-like profile of yours, you would get more interesting ppl!!!

Have a blank profile? Dont have any vids I like? Your profile is private? Are you an obvious asshole in your "about me"? In the end, it's really no big deal to me; you just wont get added.

发布者 kazm1718
12 年 前
kazm1718 出版商 9 年 前
jukaicot : Thanks for your comment! At this point, I can see why ppl make their profiles private. Ive grown tired of the harassment and men who think they r bringing joy to my "depressing" life by talking to me. Other people who have no content on their page, i still dont see why they make theirs private, but i dont fault them anymore.
回答 原始评论
jukaicot 10 年 前
Some users including me set their profile to private due to various reason.My profile used to public but then some users would start to spam my profiles with various links to other site and then there's some users who insist that i add them eventhough they have no content.To me it's ok for them to spam the comment section on the video but not my profile.Not sure why maybe because i hate seeing spam on my profile.However most of my videos and galleries are public and some are locked for friends because it will be deleted everytime i change it to public view
philinsb 10 年 前
Yeah those private Profile's are a buzz kill, think your going to see something new and you end up with diddle squat.
kazm1718 出版商 11 年 前
v889ey : Lmao, you sooo right about everything!!! I didnt think those downloader programs existed for porn sites. I need to go find one, lol (for personal uses, of course). Not only do they get mad when i dont respond right away, but they call me nasty names because I dont want to cam/text or whatever. Im not obligated to do anything with you!! I dont accept language as a reason for not being able to read my profile (for some ppl). Referring to those who ask to "watch me cum", "i want to lick your ___", "my dick is hard" or "i want f^ck u so bad". They can say those words clearly in english, but cant read my profile? Nope, unacceptable, lol.

You're right; its very funny when they block me. Since I am an observable, curious person at heart, i enjoy coming across those types of people b/c I try to imagine what their real life is like, using their tone of voice, actions and choice of words when they message me. Its fun to do sometimes
回答 原始评论
kazm1718 : well, I think that mostly ppl afraid of stealing pics.I am active user of this site and really notice fake profiles.some pervs stole pics and use em as their, for their fun...
on the second - about vids-there are "tube" downloaders-programs you may download vids from such sites.I don't remember if I tried it here, but on others porn sites like this it works.I have to add that I don't see a point of downloading someone's private vid, but its just me.we can't know and understand others motivation...
on the third, I realised that people can by shy at least. they may make private material to give it only to the checked people, after they established contact...there are other few ideas why making private material, not usual, but sometimes I made private materials coz ppl asked me too.
After having some talks here, I know that mostly girls have a tons of pms, and react actually calm if I don't get a response (40% are never wright back).also, users speak about slow answer in their profile, but not all can read.there are different reasons for it, BTW.and after they send you something they r just waiting, thinking you are gonna run to them:)and when it doesn't happen they can insult you. you mentioned one more funny thing-the blocking.imagine, they are thinking that after doing that you will care and regret:)that's one of the funniest things here ever, I think.
回答 原始评论
kazm1718 出版商 11 年 前
v889ey : I also think its to protect their pics and vids. Although I really dont understand how people are stealing vids. You cant even download them!! How are they doing this?!??!
But I didnt think about the cowards blocking ppl. You are right about some of the men. Ive received nasty replies in my inbox just because I didnt want to do something and they block me from their profile (as if I care). Others get mad at me for taking too long to reply and they block me (again, as if i care).
回答 原始评论
hey, agree on mentioned.I was asking myself too, why ppl maKe their profile private.I aLso thought, that its a way for them to keep their pics and vids not stolen, but it doesn't work, lol.after second time of looking at that I just reaLised, that mostly users here are man, and I'm sure pretty lot of em are unsatisfied and give rude or unpleasant commentaries, its a way to protect feelings
SilkySmooth26 11 年 前
i used to have my shit private as fuck but people can still look at and steal your pics/vids as long as theyre up on the site. and seriously, even if you take them down, they still exist in the server and theres not shit u can do about it, which sucks.

Personally, I joined just to save my faves, and it was public. But crazy assholes would try to deduce "facts" about me from what kind of porn I like, sending me messages about how they'd like to fuck me like so n so in such n such video or if i watch a blowjob video, some nut would be like "OH YEAH IM GONNA MAKE U DRINK MY CUM LIKE X VIDEO". Yeah, enough of that, private, please and thank you.

Too many psychos out there.