Why, thank you, michaela. This was very instructive. I think I'll try out some of these this weekend. However, ny favorite implement is the tawse. Dependable and versatile.
Essential reading for caring Masters AND disobedient slaves. I hope you have carefully read and memorised the content michaela because you WILL soon experience ALL of the above. We will be discussing the details very soon. Another fabulous post michaela and it has gone into my favs file. Loved it but as always, LOVE YOU SO MUCH MORE. Whether the feeling will still be mutual when you have experienced the full range of disciplines remains to be seen. !!!
Another fabulous post michaela and it has gone into my favs file.
Loved it but as always, LOVE YOU SO MUCH MORE. Whether the feeling will still be mutual when you have experienced the full range of disciplines remains to be seen.
Keep up the good work!! ^^
Steph xXx
You can do a doctorate as Spanker in this field?