White Girls Run Up On Stage and Give Rapper Blow J

There is a story that is all over the media now. On April 26th, Rapper Danny Brown was performing in Minneapolis at some place called Triple Rock Social Club. A white girl ran up on stage, unasked, and knelt down, pulled his cock out of hos pants and started sucking, just like that. Brown, who I have never heard of, just kept rapping the whole time.

It's been controversial, but not necessarily the way you think. It seems like the controversy isn't about the fact that a white woman performed a sex act on a black man, in public no less.

The controversy seems to be whether, it was sexual assault or whether Brown is a misogynist. Some female rapper, Kitty Pryde, who was also performing that night said it was sexual assault, because the white chick just did it without consent. She said, if that had happened to a female, it would be considered bad, and that it left Brown in a bad position, because he wouldn't know what to do. Plus, if he tried to stop her, other rappers would call him gay. Other people are calling Brown a misogynist, and blaming him, I guess.

Another thing, they said this Danny Brown, was going up to the crowd and having random touch his crotch, through his pants.

This raises a lot of questions, so please leave you comments.

I would say, first off, it's an indicator of how acceptable and powerful sex between black men and white women is today. It wasn't that long ago someone could get killed for far less.

Was Brown doing the equivalent of waving a red flag in front of a bull, by inviting white women to touch his crotch? Is he a victim or a stud?

Are there a lot of white women who think they should have black men sexually any time they want? And some black men think they should have white women sexually any time they want?

11 年 前
blakstik 11 年 前
...I've never been in this situation, but c'mon, that is a dream for most men regardless of the race of the parties included. would I stop a women that wanted to do this to me? strong chance, probably not, but if I'm in a committed relationship and this happens, well, THAT could be a problem...

...the above being said, it most definitely is a double standard when it comes to men over women. it's just the difference between men and women. most women probably see this as an attack, or sexual assault, and most women would not go out and do such a thing in a public place. I'm of the belief that this is a publicity stunt...
TheDegrader34 11 年 前
I've heard Danny Brown before bc I fux w/ Black MIlk, a Detroit rapper who's made songs with him. This is the first I'm reading about this though... lol craziness. I don't really get how this is controversial unless he forced the woman down to her knees, pried her mouth open, and forced his dick down her throat while she muffled out cries of "No!"--it's not sexual assault.
sekou 11 年 前
I have never heard of this rapper but now there is a buzz about him. Some of you mention "where was the security?" Well this leads me to believe that this is probably some type of publicity stunt but I could be wrong. One thing I am sure of is that hoes will be hoes and just because a man turns down a BJ absolutely does not make him gay. I am definitely not inclined to stick my cock in random hooker's mouth but that's just me.
VaQue05 11 年 前
You don't have free reign over anyone unless it is consented. But accept the BJ in public was the only choice. The question of security is one I would like to see answered as well. But hey, the young man hot a BJ out of it. Good for him.
CeeJ2012 11 年 前
Aside from the controversy, I'm a fan of his music & recently went to 1 of his concerts. He puts on a great show and is a unique artist. But honestly, he was probably too fucked up to care about what that girl was doing.
milkchocolate 11 年 前
Wow im wondering where security was where they happen. When I go to concerts security won't even let you touch most artist.It's a tough call either way you look at it. It looks like he enjoyed it because he didn' try to stop it. I think it was hot sex in a public place in front of a big crowd.
blackdamage28 11 年 前
I heard about this the other day,here is the thing Im a black man and a white girl giving me head in public is NOT something I'd turn down. What respectable man wouldn't not unless he was gay,but also realize this the music scene,lots of crazy stuff happens like this happens all the time(behind the stage mostly) hell it happens at in the parking lot or maybe in the crowd. Sex,drugs,and rock and roll,its been happening for a long time and will continue. Hell that girl will probably even brag about it," I gave a black man blow job on stage in public." People do stuff like that. One more thing I totally believe I should be getting in them guts anytime I want especially if its a white girl. I'm a man that loves women,white women,(them Latin chicks are sexy as hell too).